Saturday, January 19, 2013

Video baby monitor with ip capabilities?

Q. Twin baby girls on the way and my wife and I are looking for a video baby monitor. I would happily throw down some more dough if they made a video baby monitor with ip capabilities so I can watch them at work. I would buy just a good ip camera but I cant find anything that can link a wireless handset to it. If there are any solutions without having both a monitor and then a separate camera please let me know. Thanks.
The ip setup isnt the big deal. The problem is that we'd like to set up a portable monitor (as seen with regular vid baby monitors) to use around the house. The home portable monitor would be the primary use, while the ip settings will be my selfish way to still be with all three of my girls =)~... Let me know if theres means to accomplish =) thanks.

A. I have heard of a friend-of-friend who uses the following setup as a dog monitor (to watch the dog from home via webcam) which might work for you:

1. wireless IP camera setup to view whatever you're after,
2. create a skype account to run at home,
3. set the skype account to use the IP camera for video calls and
4. set the skype account to auto-answer incoming video calls.

he can then video-call from his own skype account at work to the dog's account and see what's going on throughout the day. and the camera can be moved to a new location without moving the computer.

the catch is, you can't operate the panning of the IP camera via skype. if you need this, perhaps something like Team Viewer might be better - it's a remote desktop app free for non-commercial use, that will let you remote in to your home computer and access the IP camera controls that way (Team Viewer is REAL easy to use).

for your case, I suppose you'd want sound as well, so seek out an IP camera with mic (if you want to hear them) or with both mic and speakers (if you want them to hear you too).

**Edit** Oh, I see what you mean - you want a portable receiver unit with a screen to relay the video to. I had a poke around and came up with not alot.

I can find wireless cameras with receivers (usually 4 cams + 1 receiver) - ie. glorified baby monitors,
and I can find a couple of iPhone apps to receive a signal from an IP Camera (see links below), but no IP Camera portable receiver.

Which food give my 2year old baby boy?

A. Bless his little tummy :) Serve foods that are packed with the nutrients he needs to grow healthy and strong, and limit the sweets as much as possible.

I continue to introduce new flavors and textures to my 2 year old daughter to help her develop a taste for healthy foods. She loves all types of fruits and most vegetables.

Here are some of the things she loves:

*Breakfast: Cup of a healthy Whole Grain Cereals mixed with sliced strawberries, blueberries or bananas.
*Lunch: Vegetable soup with a piece of whole-wheat bread (she specially loves broccoli cheddar soup), baked chicken with a side of cooked carrots & mashed potatoes, or brown rice with a medley of green vegetables are a few of her favorites.
*Dinner: Whole-wheat pasta with mozzarella cheese and zucchini.

Remember, as you continue to introduce various types of nuts to your son, it is important to watch closely for any potential allergies. I would also suggest you download our free app, as food recalls are unfortunate common events that can have serious consequences on your child.

Features of the Recalls Plus App include:
�Proactively delivers timely recall alerts for the items on your Personal Watch List (a personalized list of the brands and products that you wish to monitor)
�Hand curates every product and food recall directly from government agencies (CPSC, NHTSA, FDA, USDA) for relevance to children and consolidates them in one place
�Provides parents a simple, easy-to-use solution to track recall information and instantly share it with family and friends.

The Recalls Plus App is available for free from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at and can be accessed on Facebook:

Why is our Wi-Fi going so slowly???
Q. This has been going on for about two weeks...
It just all-of-a-sudden slowed down.
It's going slow on all of our computers, even my brothers PSP and my iPhone.

It's not our ISP speed, it use to go way faster than this.
We have an "Wireless N Router" if that helps.


A. Here are a few ideas.

1. You may be getting outside interference from another router or instrument using the 2.4GHz band width. Go into your router set-up and change the channel. The default for most routers is Channel 6, so change it to Channel 1.

2. Elevate the router to the highest point that is practical. That will help distribute signal.

3. There may be new interference: Flouresant light, microwave, baby monitor, 2.4 GHz telephone system ... some new obstruction, something running that wasn't running before.

Good luck.

ideas for the iphone, opinions?
Q. hi what do you think of these 2 ideas for apps on the iphone. one is a thing where it monitors a baby crying and then you input what that cry was about. for instance, your baby is crying one day and you figure out he wants food. you record the cry and say that is a food cry. then in the future you just show your iphone near a baby crying and it will tell you what they are crying for by measuring his or hers pitch and tone. another one is a shock thing, like in the arcade. you hold the iphone and get shock waves through your hand for however long, and send your high scores online and the person who gets the longest time holding it gets a prize or something. what do you think? also do you have any cool app ideas?

A. Awesome, in-fact I can also record sounds on my Nokia, or Motorola, or Samsung, or Sony Ericsson and also make them vibrate.
Wow I think I got a cool phone! Not?


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Is it ok to never feed a Savannah Monitor rodents or live prey?

Q. At the pet store, the manager said that they would become aggressive if they eat a diet of rodents and other animals. He said for it to be more tame as an adult we would have to feed it monitor food, dog food, and eggs. But never live animals, because then they become blood-thirsty and are more likely to bite.

Is this true? And do pre-killed mice have the same effects?

A. You should definitely feed him rodents. He needs the vitamins and minerals that rodents offer. Be careful about the dog food, it is high in fat and Savs have a tendency toward obesity. Feeding live won't affect their temperament. but the live rodent can harm them by biting clawing, etc. Pre-killed or frozen/thawed is definitely better in my opinion. If, by "bloodthirsty" you mean aggressive, yes they can become aggressive. I'm, dealing with one now that I am trying to tame. BUT that has more to do with not interacting with them than what you feed them.
Hope this helps!
p.s. I;ve Had had mine about a month and a half, and the guy that had him before didn't handle him as often as he should have. So, I now have an aggressive baby! lol he is making progress though! just takes patience!

How many women give up there child because the baby was born with a birth defect?
Q. Has anyone on here given up there child because they did not want to deal with all the stress that come with having a child with a disability? This is not to be mean I am a mother of a disabled child and I could never give him up so I am wondering how many women give them up for this reason?

A. I had to throw an adoption worker out of my hospital room after my son was born. He was born at 32 weeks with severe breathing problems. There was NO chance I was leaving him despite the social worker being so err... pushy that I sign over my rights (I'd never even thought of adoption during my pregnancy). Sick people need their family, more than at any other point. When you are on death's door you NEED warmth and comfort, the kind that comes from the people you love. I was all my son knew and there was no way I would have taken that reassurance from him. Even when he was older and the breathing monitors were going off four or five times a night I didn't care. He had made it, he was alive and thriving so what was a little sleep deprivation to me? He came home with numerous medical devices and medications that I had to manage and I won't lie, it sucked and it was hard for me but he was mostly healthy and that was what counted.

My youngest daughter has a rather nasty sensory disorder and I wouldn't give her up for the world. My friends have said that raising her seems to be like raising quints, she is so intense it is hard to imagine she is really only one little person. We deal, we cope and we learn.

That is what being a parent is all about, being there with unconditional love and support.

Based on your actual experience, what is the best baby video monitor for sale?
Q. I've heard so many different, mixed reviews. I'm mostly concerned about them not working with our wireless network (which I don't know how to tweak). If anyone has a good one that works well with a wireless network that doesn't cost TONS of money, please pass on the info. Thanks!

A. What do you mean working with wireless network? Most baby monitors are wireless, but they don�t connect to a modem. Do you just mean without a cord or actually hooked up to a computer? I have been using Summer Infant Hand Held Video baby monitor for 6 month now and can�t complain. It sees at night and has color. The monitor is hand held so you can carry it with you where you want to. At first the battery would last 3-4 days now it lasts 2 days, then you have to recharge, but it can be on when charging. I got mine on eBay at half the cost. If you still don�t have your baby and don�t need one ASAP. Start looking for deals. I got ours 2 month before the baby was born but it took me 4 weeks to get the deal I wanted.
I�m also using a wireless connection on my laptop and there is no interference with the monitor, it�s working perfectly fine. Also it does NOT pick up cell phones, radios or other babies.

What is the best and worst aspect of being a labor and delivery nurse?
Q. I am a nursing student, and I am most interested in working in labor and delivery. I was just wondering what what the best and worst part of that unit is and if the burnout rate is high. I imagine the hardest part would be letting a baby go home with obviously unfit parents, and stillbirths. How often does this happen? How are you typically treated by patients? Do you HAVE to assist in circumcisions? In general could you just tell me anything you think would be helpful

A. I'm an LDRP nurse and I love it. I feel like I have the best job in the world. The best part of my job is being a part of the most important event in people lives. We get alot of feedback from our patients through patient call backs and surveys, and nothing makes my day like seeing a patient or patient family say that I made a difference. Just knowing that I made that family's birth experience a little more special is an awesome feeling.
I don't think the burnout rate is high, most nurses who work in this area are here because this is where they truly want to be and love what they do.
The hardest parts are the obvious, when we don't get a good baby, drug addicted moms, poor home situations etc., but also, dealing with some of the doctors can be difficult. This can be a very intense unit and the docs tend to be very intense and can be very difficult to deal with at times. As a nurse you need to know your stuff and be able to handle doctors when things aren't going as planned. Remember that every pregnant woman that comes through the door is 2 patients, the fact that we cannot see one of them makes it all the more important that we are experts at reading monitors and knowing signs and symptoms of something going wrong.
And, yes, if you work in a postpartum unit you will have to assist with circumcisions. It's not that bad, you just have to remove your personal feelings from the situation. I work midnights, so I don't have to do it often, docs do circs when they make rounds on day shift.
Labor/Delivery is not the kind of place you work because you think it might be fun to care for babies and be part of the birth experience. It's the kind of place either you "love it" or you "hate it". It takes a long time, alot of dedication and learning experiences before you can be good at it. Be sure it's what you want before you make that kind of decision.

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Do you think prostitution should be legalised?

Q. A prosperous sex industry could become 3% of the GDP. Honestly I don't see how it's sexist. Women getting naked does not relate to a morbidly obese baby boomer talking about equality.

A. It's an interesting debate. For one, it'd have to be something monitored harshly to prevent sex trafficking and other issues. It'd also have to be radically different from the prostitution we see on the streets, as there will be companies and businesses forming around prostitution, treating it as more of an industry. Measures would have to be taken to prevent pregnancies and STDs, some of which can be difficult to monitor or detect right away.

The issue becomes complicated when you consider the fact that sex for money is always going to be around and is still done legally in the pornography industry which will probably remain constant and thriving.

After all, what a person chooses to do with his or her body is not the business of the law, as long as it doesn't endanger themselves or society as a whole. Perhaps having sex as an industry would make prostitution cleaner and safer as well as profitable. Something similar to Germany, where prostitution is legal granted that the prostitute has a license to have sex for money.

The issue, though, comes from the stripper stereotype. A woman down on her luck makes a few buck by becoming a sex object. That's pretty blatantly taking advantage of people living in poverty. And given the fact that people will do what they need to make money, a lot of women are going to be taken advantage of regardless of how prostitution is handled. Not to mention, sex as an industry is going to lead to a lot of open sexuality in what is already a pretty oversexualized society, which has its own downsides.

Frankly, I don't plan on becoming or buying a prostitute. I'm a little indifferent, I suppose.

Is it possible to listen to a live police scanner and then change the frequency to match your city?
Q. I can't find a live scanner with my home town. thanks.

A. No, you can only hear what the feed provides you can not change the channels/frequencies programmed for the feed.

Some one some where has a scanner and is feeding the audio in to a program on a PC to broadcast this to you. That scanner has to be located where the signal you want to receive is. Thus an online scanner in Los Angles can not be reprogrammed to hear San Francisco or Las Vegas or New York or Lincoln, IL.

If there is no feed for you area then you will have to purchase a scanner to use yourself locally.

If the following doesn't have one listed for your area, then you will need to purchase you own scanner:

Now on to some other responses:

At this time time in the US, scanning of unencrypted frequencies be it police, fire, EMS, military, aviation or business is 100% PERFECTLY LEGAL. Monitoring any channel which is encrypted via a scrambling mode such as voice inversion, rolling code voice inversion, DES, AES, and several others is not legal to decode if you had and/or could use equipment to decode it. The UK, Germany and some other countires it is not legal to monitor any thing other amateur and broadcast channels. In the US that right has been available since 1934, and has not changed except in 1984 to include baby monitors, cell phones, cordless phones, pagers and encrypted communications.

Next some digital signals which make up nearly 80-90% of all digital systems in use by public safety use APCO Project or P25 digital which is 100% MONITORABLE by digital scanners. This can be encrypted as well, and same rules apply. The remaining systems those using OpenSky, ProVoice, TETRA( NON US), MotorBRO, iDEN are NOT MONITORABLE. There are very few of these systems in the US. Motorola the TETRA licensee has signed agreements to not market TETRA in the US anyway.

For a digital capable scanner look at the Uniden BC396XT, BC996 or GRE PSR500, PSR 600, or the Radio Shack Pro 107.

Some agencies make use of their MDT's/computers to do silent dispatch, but in all cases 90-99% of all calls still go out with audio in the clear unless there are other issues, such as repeat calls to the same location with known monitoring.

If liberals think it is so easy to find Osama, why do they give a pass to Obama for not finding him yet?
Q. All we hear from liberals is that President Bush failed to get Osama and that it should not be so hard to do. And now that Osama's brother Barry is in the Big House, why do liberals give him a pass for not going and bringing in his Muslim brother to justice?

A. Here`s facts from the liberal L.A. Times that points the finger at the guilty one for letting Bin Laden loose in the world ~ L.A. Times : December 5, 2001
Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize
Sudan offered up the terrorist and data on his network. The then-president Bill Clinton and his advisors didn't respond. By MANSOOR IJAZ
President Clinton and his national security team ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and his terrorist associates, including one as late as last year.
I know because I negotiated more than one of the opportunities.

From 1996 to 1998, I opened unofficial channels between Sudan and the Clinton administration. I met with officials in both countries, including Clinton, U.S. National Security Advisor Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger and Sudan's president and intelligence chief. President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, who wanted terrorism sanctions against Sudan lifted, offered the arrest and extradition of Bin Laden and detailed intelligence data about the global networks constructed by Egypt's Islamic Jihad, Iran's Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas.

Among those in the networks were the two hijackers who piloted commercial airliners into the World Trade Center.
The silence of the Clinton administration in responding to these offers was deafening.
As an American Muslim and a political supporter of Clinton, I feel now, as I argued with Clinton and Berger then, that their counter-terrorism policies fueled the rise of Bin Laden from an ordinary man to a Hydra-like monster.
Realizing the growing problem with Bin Laden, Bashir sent key intelligence officials to the U.S. in February 1996.

The Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden and extradite him to Saudi Arabia or, barring that, to "baby-sit" him--monitoring all his activities and associates.
But Saudi officials didn't want their home-grown terrorist back where he might plot to overthrow them.
In May 1996, the Sudanese capitulated to U.S. pressure and asked Bin Laden to leave, despite their feeling that he could be monitored better in Sudan than elsewhere.

Bin Laden left for Afghanistan, taking with him Ayman Zawahiri, considered by the U.S. to be the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks; Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, who traveled frequently to Germany to obtain electronic equipment for Al Qaeda; Wadih El-Hage, Bin Laden's personal secretary and roving emissary, now serving a life sentence in the U.S. for his role in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya; and Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Saif Adel, also accused of carrying out the embassy attacks.

Some of these men are now among the FBI's 22 most-wanted terrorists.
The two men who allegedly piloted the planes into the twin towers, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, prayed in the same Hamburg mosque as did Salim and Mamoun Darkazanli, a Syrian trader who managed Salim's bank accounts and whose assets are frozen.

Important data on each had been compiled by the Sudanese.
But U.S. authorities repeatedly turned the data away, first in February 1996; then again that August, when at my suggestion Sudan's religious ideologue, Hassan Turabi, wrote directly to Clinton; then again in April 1997, when I persuaded Bashir to invite the FBI to come to Sudan and view the data; and finally in February 1998, when Sudan's intelligence chief, Gutbi al-Mahdi, wrote directly to the FBI.

Gutbi had shown me some of Sudan's data during a three-hour meeting in Khartoum in October 1996. When I returned to Washington, I told Berger and his specialist for East Africa, Susan Rice, about the data available. They said they'd get back to me. They never did. Neither did they respond when Bashir made the offer directly. I believe they never had any intention to engage Muslim countries--ally or not. Radical Islam, for the administration, was a convenient national security threat.

And that was not the end of it. In July 2000--three months before the deadly attack on the destroyer Cole in Yemen--I brought the White House another plausible offer to deal with Bin Laden, by then known to be involved in the embassy bombings. A senior counter-terrorism official from one of the United States' closest Arab allies--an ally whose name I am not free to divulge--approached me with the proposal after telling me he was fed up with the antics and arrogance of U.S. counter-terrorism officials.

The offer, which would have brought Bin Laden to the Arab country as the first step of an extradition process that would eventually deliver him to the U.S., required only that Clinton make a state visit there to personally request Bin Laden's extradition. But senior Clinton officials sabotaged the offer, letting it get caught up in internal politics within the ruling family--Clintonian diplomacy at its best.

Mercardo Libre and Ebay are sister sites both participating in human trade. They say that it can't be?
Q. controlled but isn't the technology available to monitor this virulent BS? (For example the original wording for THIS question would not clear the primary data screen on Y! answers);_ylt=Avr9FfMkkDnMpAAlNcuZp.5vaA8F
What does the territorial FBI in the Virgin Islands know about this?

A. You can bid for people on Ebay?

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What is your Ghost Stories?

Q. I'm the kind of person that if I dont see it, I wont believe it. To convience myself can you tell me your real ghost story?

A. My stepsister was with her ex-husband sitting in a room with a baby monitor when they heard a male's voice taking on the monitor. It was saying something like, "Your gonna be a bad baby, aint you. You're gonna cry." And then her ex ran across the house into the room but no one was there. This was the same house where I saw something walk across the window as a small child. I was also waken up twice when something violently shook me. Needless to say, I won't go in that house anymore. I know it's not very Christian of me to be so superstitious, but I mean come on. That place just freaks me out.

Poll: What is your favorite TRUE ghost story?
Q. plz tell it :)

A. l Iived in a house in NJ 20 years ago. We knew when we bought the house that the people had a baby who died of crib death - in fact I didn't use the same room for my son when he was born- I used that room as an office.
Just about everyone had some sort of experience in there- especially anyone who came to babysit at night- strange noises, cabinets opened etc.. We had a few with electronics too- TV /VCR things. But the wildest stuff came from my son who was 18 mos to 3 yrs. at the time this was happening. He would sit up at night and laugh and talk- you'd hear him playing over the monitor. and he would always say in his baby voice he wanted to play with Dee Dee- we took it to mean his blanket- and started calling his blanket DeeDee.

A few years later- after moving out of the house I ran into the guy we bought the house from at a football game. In our talk - I asked the guy if the child they had was a boy or girl. He said it was a girl - named Denise.

That still freaks me out ( and my son too) to this day...

do you have a ghost story that you want to share? 10pts!?
Q. share your scariest ghost story!

the best one gets a easy 10pts!

A. lived in a house in NJ 20 years ago. We knew when we bought the house that the people had a baby who died of crib death - in fact I didn't use the same room for my son when he was born- I used that room as an office.
Just about everyone had some sort of experience in there- especially anyone who came to babysit at night- strange noises, cabinets opened etc.. We had a few with electronics too- TV /VCR things. But the wildest stuff came from my son who was 18 mos to 3 yrs. at the time this was happening. He would sit up at night and laugh and talk- you'd hear him playing over the monitor. and he would always say in his baby voice he wanted to play with Dee Dee- we took it to mean his blanket- and started calling his blanket DeeDee.

A few years later- after moving out of the house I ran into the guy we bought the house from at a football game. In our talk - I asked the guy if the child they had was a boy or girl. He said it was a girl - named Denise.

That still freaks me out ( and my son too) to this day...

Have you seen a Ghost or Spirit?
Q. While our car was travelling through a remote place at night, suddenly there on the road a women was seen, she was standing on the middle of the road, with hands on her sides. Horn was Blowed but she did not move, my family members thought her to be mad, so car was moved forward. When my family members turned back and seen her, she was wearing a white saree, was white in color, with expressionless face and staring, she did not respond to the horn! Many were out of their wits...It was night and a remote place!!!

Share your stories if you have seen ghosts...

A. Ok, when I was younger--My sister moved back into our house with her newborn daughter. My father had died a few months before. We had a 1 1/2 story house where the staircase enters the upstairs bedroom then you went into the other bedroom from the first one...
My mother had gone out for the evening and my sister and I were asleep in the first bedroom upstairs and the baby was in the second bedroom. My sister got up to check the baby and walked by the door to the staircase, she pushed the door to the stairs closed as she walked by, but something pushed back...violently...I heard the commotion and my sister was yelling for me to call my grandfather who lived down the road. She thought someone was in the house because she kept pushing the door and it kept throwing her backwards as if someone strong was pushing the other side. I could see the staircase perfectly from where I was and I only saw my sister being thrown backwards by a door with no one on the other side. When the police got there, the door stopped but the cops couldnt' get in because all of the doors were locked. They searched the house but no one was grandfather said my mom and dad got the house so cheep because years ago, a man killed his family there by chasing them up the stairs and busting through the door....freaky...
Another time, when I had a child, I had that baby monitor on and I heard a man's voice saying "well she is a pretty little thing, isn't she" over the baby monitor....I know you can pick up other peoples conversations ect...over a baby monitor but it was just so freaky and I threw the monitor away...

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How would you specifically describe a girl with a good personality?

Q. I'm not going to change myself completely to come to people's liking, but I mean, I can't observe or monitor myself as well as others see me. Maybe I have bad flaws in my personality that should be changed for the better, so I'm taking these traits as a guide to be a better person. Change for the better.

Anyways, how would you describe a girl with a good personality? Someone you'd love, or someone you'd admire, or someone you wouldn't find a burden to be present around.

A. A girl with a good personality would be someone who loves animals/people/babies, very forgiving, likes helping people, funny, can talk about anything, easy going/ out going, puts people before herself/ not selfish, wants love, always nice, good attitude, very grateful for what she has, likes people for who they are not what they look like and that's it. :)
Answer mine?;_ylt=AsnULkPLHTNrQFYIiYcOahUM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20121215161106AAZFwdQ

what is the probability of twins in the same sac being born healthy?
Q. My doctor is really freaking me out about the fact that my twins are in the same sac and sharing the same placenta. I am 18 weeks now and he is telling me they have a 50% chance of making it if I let the pregnancy go pass 32 weeks. Now I am terrified of the umbilical cord rapping around there necks. Anybody have and experience this and have healthy babies?

A. Your are having "MoMo" babies (monochorionic, monoamniotic or one sac and one placenta)

Fortunately, modern technology allows doctors to observe babies in the womb, and monitor the situation. High resolution ultrasounds, doppler imaging and non-stress tests help to assess symptoms and identify potential cord problems. Cord entanglement and compression are generally a slow process, so parents and medical caregivers have time to make decisions. Some situations will require such close monitoring that the expectant mother must remain hospitalized.

There is no approved treatment or procedure to fix the situation. The only resolution is delivery of the babies. Virtually all MoMo babies are born prematurely. Doctors have to balance the risks of the babies' condition in the womb versus the consequences of prematurity. If cord compression occurs early in the pregnancy, the babies may not be able to survive. Some doctors elect to schedule delivery of MoMo babies at 32, 34 or 36 weeks, believing that the womb environment is simply too dangerous past that point in time. Sometimes steroids may be administered to boost the babies' lung development and improve their chances of surviving outside the womb.

A cesarean section is mandated for MoMo babies to avoid cord prolapse, a situation that occurs when the second babies cord is expelled as the first baby is delivered.

You are having a very rare type of twins as I'm sure you are already aware. Hang in there and let your doctor guide you through. You should have a lot more ultrasounds than normal to keep an eye on the cords and you should be seeing a high risk doctor and not just your regular ob. I am not in your shoes but I feel for you and I hope it all works out. Best of luck to you and your babies.

I have hypothyroidism and pregnant. How does this effect the baby?
Q. I have been on thyroid meds since I was about 6 wks pregnant. Taking 25 mcg. Now at 16 weeks taking 50 mcg. The endocronologist believes I will need to increase to 75 mcg in 2 wks. If they don't get this leveled out what effects does it do to my unborn baby? Now they think I am also Vitamin B12 dificient. What does that do?

A. The baby could be affected probably if you were not seeking treatment. You are being treated and monitored, which is good. A raise of meds is usually necessary while pregnant, too. I've also heard that people with Hashi's (the autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid gland) are often deficient in B-12 as well. You might try either taking an extra supplement based on your levels or just getting a really good prenatal vitamin.

Thyroid Guide to fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding:

Vitamin B-12:

can shoulders get stuck before the head is out?
Q. I've always heard of shoulder dystocia happening once baby's head is all the way out, but can a baby's shoulders get stuck when the baby's head is only, say, halfway out? If so, what would they do in that case?

A. Newborns are pretty flexible, the doctor will first try to rotate and slowly try guiding the baby through. They cannot perform a c section if the babies head is out that I'm aware of. This would make no sense and cause too much stress on the woman. Doctors are knowledgeable, well prepared and certainly experienced knowing how to handle all possibilities that could go wrong. When you're in labor, they are monitoring you and the baby, checking dilation and already know the estimated size of the baby before born. They would preform a c section ahead of time if they thought something just might go wrong. Technology now is beyond our understanding, if you are pregnant please don't worry, its a normal reaction when in your third trimester :)

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Can you think of anything I will need to add to my Baby Registry?

Q. I'm doing it at both Babies "R" Us and Target. I've added most of the basics, i.e. crib, stroller & car seat, high chair, changing table for room, dresser for room, etc. What else can you think of, as far as the smaller things go, that I should add to the registries?

A. A lot of great tips so far.

The rule of thumb is 4 items on your registry for each shower guest. Sounds like a lot, but when you start adding in the smaller/lower cost items it adds up quick. Another tip is to register for what you want, not what you would buy yourself. For example, you really want the $200 video monitor but it is out of your price range. Put it on your registry, if you get it great, if not, then buy the one you can afford.

Stores want you to register, so take advantage of the benefits they offer. I'm most familiar with BabiesRus, so I'll use them for an example. Anything on your registry is a "no hassle" return, so even if you've registered for something at Target, also add it to your registry at BabiesRus. This way if you need to return something, and don't have a gift reciept, it's no problem. Babies also has a registry completion coupon. This gives you 10% off anything left on your registry when your due date is near. If there is something you need to buy, go online and add it to your registry, then save 10% when you buy it.

Coupons are another great way to save. I know BabiesRus always give away 20% off coupons to get customers to come back. If you ask they will give you a bunch which you can give to your friends to save them money.

Some overlooked items:

Mittens, they come out with fingernails and always seem scratch themselves whenever you want to take a picture.

Sassy diaper sack dispenser and refills.

Diapers. If you are using disposable diapers expect to spend $1600 - $2000 before potty training.

Chicco caddy clip on high chair. Great for use in restaurants and friends homes.

Tiny Diner Mat. A suction cup mat for the table, great for restaurants.

Bath tub. The First Year's sure comfort tub is an great choice. it fits in a kitchen sink or tub, comes with a sling for newborns, a temperature sensitive drain, and has 2 seating positions for 6 months +. It's also only $20.

Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Funny name, but it's the best for diaper rash.

Thermometer. Your pediatrician is going to want rectal, so go with one like Safety 1st Hospital's Choice Exchangeable Tip 3-in-1 Therm Set($20). It has interchangable tips, and reads in only five seconds.

A play mat for tummy time. Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun Jungle has a mat for tummy time, then you use it as an exersaucer, and when the child stand, it turns into a s-shaped activity table. It retails for $120.

Again, don't forget to put the small items on your registry; bottles and all the nipples (3month, 6 month...), pacifiers in the different sizes, wipes teethers and the like.

Hope this helps,


Where can I find the ULTIMATE packing list for Disney?
Q. I am going to disney world for senior trip from march 17th through march 21st. What is the best packing list for disney online.

A. There is an amazing list online. Im going to disney in two weeks and this is the list i am using to pack... but here it is
Disney World Vacation Ultimate Packing List

Clothing & Accessories

��Suit/evening outfits
��Panty Hose
��Comfortable walking shoes (2 pair)
��Dress shoes
��Pool shoes
��Flip flops
��Hair bands/clips
��Sunglasses w/strap

Travel with Babies, Toddlers & Kids

��Baby food
��Sippy cups
��Plastic pool cups w/top & straw
��Portable high chair
��Swim diapers
��Baby wipes
��Diaper bag
��Portable crib
��Car safety seat
��Room intercom/baby monitor
���Special� blanket/toy
��Board games
��Handheld games ��Car window shades
��Kids ID tags

��Soap/bath gel
��Hair conditioner
��Contact lens solution
��Lip balm w/sunscreen
��Face wash
��Face lotion
��Body lotion
��Make-up remover
��Nail polish
��Foot spray
��Foot powder
��Cornstarch or talcum powder
��Shaving cream
��Nail clippers
��Nail file
��Hair brush/comb
��Hair gel/mousse
��Hair spray
��Blow dryer
��Kids shampoo
��Kids toothbrushes
��Kids soap/ bath gel
��Kids hairbrush/comb

Other Items

��Camera batteries, charger, data cable
��Camera bag
��Disposable cameras for kids
��Camcorder w/charger
��Camcorder batteries & tapes
��Cell phone w/charger
��Cell car charger
��Palm/PDA & charger
��iPod &wall charger & headphones
��Laptop computer, charger, carrying case
��Walkie talkies
��Waist bag/day pack
��Neck lanyard for room key/tickets
��Beach bag
��Collapsible cooler
��Large zip top bags
��Sewing kit
��First Aid kit
��Safety pins
��Insect repellent
��Antibacterial hand gel
��Wet wipes
��Stain wipes/stick
��Workout stuff
��Water sports bottle
��Waterproof case
��Night light
��Pen flash lights
��Pennies for pressing
��Pins for trading
��Playing cards

Travel Paperwork

��Plane tickets (make copies)
��Hotel confirmation
��Rental car confirmation
��Cash/credit cards
��Dollar bills for tips & tolls
��Travelers checks (make copies)
��Passports/birth certificates (for cruise)
��Drivers license/IDs
��Health insurance card
��Discount coupons
��Membership cards (such as AAA, DVC)
��Theme park tickets (make copies)
��Address book
��Address labels
��Envelopes for maid tips

First Aid

��Prescription medications
��Antibiotic ointment
��Anti-itch gel/spray
��Aloe vera gel
��Antacids/stomach remedies
��Pain medicine
��Kids pain medicine
��Motion sickness remedies
��Sinus/allergy medicine
��Cough drops
Car Trip Stuff

��Proof of auto insurance
��Coupons for road meals & hotels
��Paper towels
��Wet wipes
��Bags for trash
��Portable VCR/DVD player
��Drawing boards
��Travel games
��New small toys

Laundry Items

��Laundry soap
��Dryer sheets
��Stain remover
��Laundry bags

Kitchen Items

��Bottled water
��Tea bags
��Nondairy creamer
��Instant soup mix
��Cocoa packets
��Juice boxes ��Powdered drink mix
��Microwave popcorn
��Granola bars
��Fruit snacks
��Small cereal boxes
��Pop Tarts
��Peanut butter
��Tuna pouches/kits
��Pre-measured seasonings
��Travel salt & pepper
��Dish soap
��Dish scrubber/sponge
��Dish towel
��Paper plates
��Plastic utensils
��Disposable cups
��Zip top bags
��Trash bags
��Paper Towels
�� Water filtering pitcher
��Coffee maker
��Coffee filters
��Wine stopper
��Electric skillet
��Non-stick fry pan
��Citronella candles

Day Bag for Theme Parks

��Theme park tickets (make copies)
��Drivers license/ID for each adult
��Cash/credit card
��Membership cards (such as AAA, DVC)
��Meal confirmation #s
��Park maps
��Camera, film & batteries
��Camcorder, tapes & extra battery
��Disposable camera for kids
��Cell phones
��Walkie talkies
��Neck lanyard for room key/tickets
��Sunglasses w/straps
��Water bottle w/strap
��Collapsible cooler
��Autograph book
��Fat pen for character autographs
��Rain poncho or umbrella
��Mister fan & extra batteries
��Pain medicine
��Lip balm w/sunscreen
��Insect repellant
��Antibacterial hand gel
��Wet wipes
��Plastic trash bags or rain ponchos for wet rides
��Large zip-top bags for wet clothes
��Dry change of clothes for kids
��Glow sticks & necklaces
��Pennies for pressing
��Pins for trading
��Playing cards or handheld games to keep kids occupied in line
��Kids ID tags

Day Bag for Water Parks

��Water park tickets
��Drivers license/ID for each adult
��Cash/credit card
��Waterproof camera
��Cell phones
��Walkie talkies
��Neck lanyard for room key/tickets
��Sunglasses w/straps
��Water bottle w/strap
��Collapsible cooler
��Bathing suits
��Beach towels
��Plastic pool cups w/top & straw
��Beach bag
��Floatation toys
��Water toys
��Mister fan & extra batteries
��Pain medicine
��Lip balm w/sunscreen
��Insect repellant
��Antibacterial hand gel
��Wet wipes
��Swim diapers
��Waterproof watch
��Waterproof case
��Water shoes/flip flops
��Large zip-top bags for wet clothes
��Dry change of clothes for kids
��Kids ID tags

what to expect in your first visit to doctor?
Q. I am 5wks preg.and I found it out by doing HPT. I have my first appointment with gynac on Monday. What type of tests they do?
Any internal/physical test other than urine test?

A. Well!
The doctor will take urine and blood. He will most likely do a pelvic exam an take some samples to make sure you don't have any kind of infections. He may try to find the baby's heartbeat with this little monitor. He will ask how you are and answer you questions, and send you home with a big bag of mommy goodies (magazines and coupons and stuff) Then he will have you set up a 4 week follow up appointment and most likely give you a scrip for prenatal vitamins.

Congratulations mommy!

How do you get things for FREE??
Q. I'd like to turn this question into a forum of sorts, where people could respond with their own personal stories or experiences getting things for free.

I just got heavily into the free sample lifestlye and I want to take this shiite to the next level.
Have people had any luck simply writing to companies asking to try their products free of charge?

A. If a person is in need of a furniture, sometimes people that just bought new furniture will leave their old furniture near the road for the trash pick-up to pick-up. So you can walk around and see if anybody is throwing any furniture away and if you see something that you may need, go get your truck and pick it up and take it home.

One time, we sat out a microwave that was fried. We were cooking something and the microwave started sparking like too much electricity was going through it. You know when you have a 10V device and you try to run 20V into it. What happens? You are right, too much electricity goes through it and burns it up. We sat that out near the trash, along with a 19 inch computer monitor that did not work, and someone came by and picked them up. I'm glad that person could use those things. I don't know what that person will use them for. Maybe he knew somebody that recycled electronics and would give him like $5 for all that stuff.

You could also look in garbage cans, and garbage dumpsters. Sometimes people throw good stuff away. I once knew a person that found a baby doll missing one eye. I'm sure that could be easily fixed.

If you are a smoker, instead of buying your own cigarettes, you could try bumming. How bumming a cigarette works is, you go up to someone smoking and say, (look really desperate and tired) could I bum a cigarette off you? Act like you are using your last bit of oxygen talking to the person. If you don't like to bum, then you could look in ashtrays for cigarettes. Most people won't finish a cigarette. They take a some puffs and put it out, leaving a pretty good length to smoke.

My ideas of getting stuff for free.

Gillette sent me a brand new razor about 6 years ago. I still use it to this day. So you might try writing to Gillette and asking them if they would send you a free razor. Make the letter sound like you really want to support them.

Trojan gives away free condoms to young people to show that they care about preventing youth pregnancies. So you might want to write them and ask them for some condoms.

If you drink a lot of sodas, say Pepsi, save up your receipts and send a letter along with the receipts asking if they would send you some coupons or give you a free case of soda since you support them so heavily.

I think baseball stadiums gives tickets away. These tickets won't give you good seats. You might need binoculars to enjoy the game. I don't think the free seats will provide view of the big screen because you will be way up in the air right underneath the roof, so that roof might block your view a little bit. Oh, and I don't think the food vendor person is going to walk all the way up there just to give you a hotdog and drink. They serve only people closest to the field.

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Is it possible to watch baby monitor from your computer?

Q. From a standard baby monitor system (summer infant), not a webcam... Is there a way to pick up the frequency?

A. I don't see why not but the problem is that you cannot exactly 'tune things' in this way. The issue is not signal itself but FCC standards. They tell the companies to put certain devices on certain frequencies for operation. That being said it prevents overlap. However that doesn't prevent too much. Using some Linux software you may be able to hack your wireless router into transmitting that signal to your computer if you have one, theoretically. It is also plausible that the company that made the device may have thought about this already and could have a software program available for use.

All I'm saying is it could be done but whether or not this screws up the router later or not if done by a hack is something you will have to decide on dealing with.

My advice: Get a web cam that can link up via ethernet and yes they make such a beast as a security camera. These have similar sensitive microphones like what you would find in baby monitors. Most though start off around $79.99.

What do people mean when they say facebook messags cant be removed?
Q. I've heard people say when you post something it can never be deleted. So what happens when people remove messages?

I mean it can't be seen once its removed, so are what people referring to is the fact Facebook keeps it logged in some hidden file or something to be pulled out when they need it?

A. Yes, Anonymous hacking group informed the public of this and even some have threatened to shut facebook down - though it never got the go ahead.

Facebook was nicknamed "Project Dataminer" - with the purpose of gathering peoples personal details and information. This details can then be sold on and used by the government, etc. People post all sorts of information on there and no one reads the small print on the signup page, it's a quite smart way to get information.

You see it was considered unmoral for america to microchip babies and track/monitor them throughout their lifes - wasn't allowed. Facebook timeline is the next best thing to do this for them. Everything you post, like, etc, is recorded. If you delete something, it just hides it from you, but is still there years later. Pictures you upload and tagged are monitored and they use Photo DNA to scan them. Photo DNA can work out faces, etc, and match them with others to a mass database, then age them, etc. It doesn't matter if you have modified the image, resized or cropped it, or even changed the colours, etc.

They can use all this details for hopefully "good", such as they use it on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and to disrupt the proliferation of online child exploitation. The CIA owns part of facebook and has full access to it. They also do some of their recruitment, tracking and finding missing people, children, finding terrorists and criminals, etc. Suicude/Murder/Confession notes left on facebook are also considered strongely and sometimes helped. It's even been used to stop mass gate crasher plans. Employer can use it to check out the real personality of people before they employ them, etc.

It is also highly unmoral, privacy options are but a joke, but hey that's paranoid America for ya! You signed up to it willing and signed your life to them. Maybe next time be careful what you post or at least read the binding terms on the signup saying 'I Agree'. :)

Can someone please answer some questions i have on conflict or blood diamonds?
Q. i am doing a talk on blood diamonds and i would appreciate any help on them

1) when did De Beers stop buying conflict diamonds?

2) how has countries like Britain, germany or japan tried to stop conflict diamonds

3) any examples of slave camps mining diamonds being set free

4) and any views you have on conflcit diamonds.

A. What is a conflict diamond?
Conflict diamonds are diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the Security Council.

How can a conflict diamond be distinguished from a legitimate diamond?

A well-structured 'Certificate of Origin' regime can be an effective way of ensuring that only legitimate diamonds -- that is, those from government-controlled areas -- reach market. Additional controls by Member States and the diamond industry are needed to ensure that such a regime is effective. These measures might include the standardization of the certificate among diamond exporting countries, transparency, auditing and monitoring of the regime and new legislation against those who fail to comply.

Who needs to take action?
Governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, diamond traders, financial institutions, arms manufacturers, social and educational institutions and other civil society players need to combine their efforts, demand the strict enforcement of sanctions and encourage real peace. The horrific atrocities in Sierra Leone and the long suffering of the people of Angola have heightened the international community's awareness of the need to cut off sources of funding for the rebels in order to promote lasting peace in those countries; such an opportunity cannot be wasted.

Published on Monday, June 12, 2000 in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune
'Conflict Diamonds':
Americans Can Stop The Damage They Do

This is a story about diamonds -- "conflict diamonds." These stones come from war-ravaged Angola, Sierra Leone and Congo. Far from being anyone's best friend, they have proven a powerful enemy of the innocent thousands killed, wounded and maimed in those wars.
Why is this of concern to Americans? Because Americans buy 65 percent of all retail diamonds. Because if Americans begin to insist on proof that those diamonds are not washed with African blood, they can become a powerful force for bringing peace to these horribly brutalized peoples.

Rep. Tony Hall, D-Ohio, has introduced legislation that would require certificates on all diamonds, detailing their place of origin. The United Nations and the British government are pushing for tighter controls as well. Opinions differ on whether Hall's approach is practical, but his legislation sends a strong message to the diamond industry: Find ways to clean up your trade or we will.

"Diamonds are forever," says diamond cartel DeBeers. But human lives and human limbs aren't. Consider Maria, an 8-month-old baby girl in Sierra Leone. In an act of unfathomable cruelty, her arm was hacked off by the "rebel" terrorists of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). The RUF mob has sought to impose its will on Sierra Leone by chopping off thousands of civilian hands, feet and ears. Thousands more people have simply been slaughtered and left to rot in village streets. Men, women, children, civilian, soldier; it makes no difference to the RUF.

What's the diamond connection? The RUF has kept itself well supplied with arms, vehicles, food and other supplies by mining and smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars worth of illicit diamonds into a world market that is determined to see no evil.

It's the same in Angola, where illicit diamonds have funded the 25-year-old war waged by Jonas Savimbi and his UNITA forces. By one estimate, UNITA earned $4 billion from its illegal sales of diamonds between 1992 and 1998. It used that money to undermine the Angola peace process and to purchase new arms.

The international diamond industry has taken several steps to stop the trade in illicit diamonds, but they are puny steps. Much more could be done, beginning with an acknowledgment of responsibility.

Take the DeBeers cartel. It mines 50 percent of the world's diamonds and purchases about 80 percent of those offered for sale on open markets. More than $4 billion in diamonds are stockpiled in DeBeers offices; it buys and sells in quantities designed to keep diamond prices at an artificially high rate. All told, it controls 85 percent of the world trade. (Where is trust buster Joel Klein when we need him?)

DeBeers insists it is impossible to tell where uncut diamonds originate (others disagree) but simultaneously insists it buys no conflict diamonds. How can those statements both be true? Well, DeBeers says, it has closed its offices in the controversial areas of Angola, Sierra Leone and Congo

Another trouble spot and diamond-rich area is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Following the recent withdrawal of foreign troops, analysts fear a further fragmentation of the country, which is rich in diamonds and natural resources. The risk is that warlords will benefit from the rich interior and create fiefdoms controlled by

My 3 month old has the croup cough, had anyone experienced?
Q. this with a baby so small and what can I do to make him comfortable? He's really hoarse, I brought him to the doctor and the doctor said just to flush his nose with saline, but this doesn't make him feel any better.

A. Thought this was great advice, good luck!

"What is the treatment for croup?

Croup can be frightening for both children and parents. Therefore, comforting and reassuring the child is the first step. Breathing difficulties can develop and worsen rapidly. Close monitoring of the child is, therefore, important during the early phases of the illness.

To help the child breathe more comfortably, a cold or warm mist vaporizer or humidifier can be placed near the child. To avoid accidental burns, hot water vaporizers should be out of the reach of infants and toddlers. Also effective is having the child breathe in a bathroom steamed up with hot water from the tub or shower. When cough or stridor worsens at night, 10 or 15 minutes sitting or driving in the cool night air can also help the child breathe.

In infants and children, blockage in the nasal passages from mucus can further impair breathing. Careful instillation of saltwater nose drops (¼ teaspoon of table salt in one cup of water) into the nasal openings every few hours, followed by gentle suction using an ear bulb syringe, can be helpful in opening nasal passages.

Decongestants and cough suppressants can be helpful in relieving the congestion and hacking cough. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding most combination cough and cold medicines especially if they contain dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Several studies show that these medicines are ineffective in children. They can potentially cause side effects that could lead to more serious symptoms. Before giving any over-the-counter cold medicine to your child, it is best to consult your health-care professional. Acetaminophen (Liquiprin, Tylenol, Panadol) and ibuprofen (Liquid Motrin, Advil) are also helpful for pain relief and fever. Aspirin is avoided in the treatment of croup and other viral illnesses since aspirin is suspected as being related to the Reye's syndrome in children recovering from influenza virus infection. Reye's syndrome is a serious and mysterious illness, causing kidney, liver, and brain damage, which can lead to the rapid onset of coma. Occasionally, cortisone medications are prescribed for more severe cases of croup. Because croup is usually caused by a virus, antibiotics are reserved for those rare occasions when bacterial infections cause croup or become superimposed on the viral infection.

Even though plenty of fluids are encouraged to avoid dehydration, forcing fluids is generally unnecessary. Popsicles are a popular means of providing fluid. Activity should be restricted to quiet play during the first days of the illness.

Children with croup are most contagious during the first days of fever and illness. Infection spreads easily in a household. Other children in the family will often develop a sore throat or a cough, without necessarily developing the croupy cough and stridor seen in croup. Infants and children may return to school or day care when their temperature is normal and they feel better. A lingering cough can last another two weeks but should not be the reason to keep them at home. "

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How does induction work at 38 weeks?

Q. I'm currently 34w3d and yesterday at my appointment I was told that they may want to have me induced at 38 weeks due to me being diabetic.
We will be talking about it in more depth at my 36 week appointment but I was just wondering about the procedure if the baby hasn't engaged by that point. Is it something that would happen naturally as the labour went on?
Anyone else been in the same situation?

A. I was induced at 38 weeks with my first child due to PIH. The baby was still very high, I was not dilated or effaced when we started the induction. I was to report to the L & D unit at 7 AM so they could monitor the baby for an hour prior to starting the induction. After that was done my OB arrived and placed Cytoek, a small pill, on my cervix to help dilation. I had to lay flat for 3 hours. At 11 AM she came back and since I was dilated to 2 CM broke my water which started contractions about an hour after my water broke. Since the contractions were not as strong as they would have liked them at 3 PM they hooked me up to a Pitocin drip and it worked great. The contractions got very strong and very close together. By 6 PM I need an epidural, I finally received it at 8 PM. I was able to relax at that point. However, I feel it slowed my dilation process as I was stuck at 7-8 CM for hours. At 11 PM my OB tol dme that in 1 hour if I had not dilated fully to 10 CM I was going to have to have a c-section for lack of progression. When she came back at midnight I was fully dilated and stared to push. My epidural ran out around 1 AM and I pushed without any pain medication, which seemed to be more helpful and she was born at 2:38 AM, 6 lbs 13.5 oz. Recovery was almost instant, I had absolutely no problems. Best of luck to you!

How old was your child when you stopped using the monitor? If you had 2 young kids, did you...?
Q. ...use 2 monitors?
We'll be having baby #2 soon. and #1 will be 2 years old. Do we buy another monitor?

A. Once the older kids were in a bed and not a crib, we stopped using a monitor for them. At that time, if they needed our attention, they could climb out of bed and come get us. And although we had to train them with the sometimes-conflicting message "OK, now you have to stay in bed, but you can get out of bed if you need us", it has worked well for three of our children so far (#4 is still in the crib).

So if you are putting your 2-year-old in a big boy/girl bed, I think you can ditch the monitor. But if the two year old is staying in a crib, I say you buy another one. Otherwise, you have no way of knowing when they are in distress. Sometimes though it is hard to operate two monitors in the same house. Despite specifically purchasing one with different frequencies, we have had trouble getting two separate monitors to work.

They do sell a monitor that we now own made by First Years that we have now that has three different base units and three different channels on the receiver. The receiver can be set to either one channel exclusively or it can cycle through all three channels. We have owned probably three different monitors over the years and this one is definitely the best.

Good luck with the new baby and your new "big brother/sister"!!

Does a Rn have to specialize in piedatrics before specializing in neonatal?
Q. when i get out of college i would like to be a neonatal nurse. but i was told i would have to go thru and first become a piedatric rn then wait a year to specialize. but i was doing some research and i learned that if i was an ob nurse i would be somewhat working with the neonatal unit. can i just be an ob nurse then work my way up,skipping piedatrics????

A. I'm feeling kind of lazy today, so I'm going to cut and paste my answer from one I gave earlier today....but as far as needing to work in peds......No, I don't know why you would. A neonate (especially a micropreemie) is nothing like a toddler or a school-age child or adolescent. Here's my general take on NICU:
A Neonatal Nurse in an RN who generally works in the NICU (Neonatal/Newborn Intensive Care Unit) of a larger hospital. Neonatal nurses care for premature and ill newborns; that can entail starting an IV or other method of access, administering meds, watching and evaluating monitors, and resuscitation. They work with Neonatalogists, Pediatricians, Respiratory Therapists, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, and different kinds of developmental therapists.

You need to become an RN first. I would strongly encourage you to go straight into a BSN program and forget an Associate Degree program. For one thing, everyone and their cousin is vying for admission into an Associate Degree much so that the once "2.5 year program" is now more of a "3.5- 4 year program" due to waiting lists for the clinical phase. You can get a BSN from a state university in 4 years.

Next. DO NOT wait until you have graduated from college to start looking for a nursing job. Most hospitals have Student Nurse Externs (once you've completed a semester or two of clinicals) and they are nearly always offered new grad positions. If you start at a hospital that isn't a Children's Specialty hospital, you will likely need to work Mother/Baby or Postpartum for about a year. You will be taking care of healthy newborns (and their moms) during this period and it will help you to be familiar with caring for the childbearing family. After about a year, most places will let you transfer to the NICU since you already have experience with newborns (and you will have worked with a lot of the NICU staff during your year of Postpartum.

Now, if you are lucky enough to live near a Children's Hospital, most of them have new grad programs that will start you right into the NICU. Be forewarned, these new grad programs are often for BSN grads only. There is a BIG trend towards making the BSN the minimum for new grads at a lot of larger hospital networks. That means that should you earn an ASN instead, you'd need experience before being hired at one of those hospitals.

Need some consoling about the birthing process?
Q. I am 35 weeks and in a high risk pregnancy. I am starting to get really scared about the birthing process. Can anyone console me a little and tell me what it is like so I can know what to expect? Thanks!
Yes the father of the baby/my fiancee will be with me during labor and delivery!

A. I was on bed rest with a high risk pregnancy. My ob gyn told me "anything can happen to you, prepare yourself or any procedure".

I watched 3 video's provided to me by neo-natal home care nurses that really got me up to speed about every procedure that I could happen during delivery. I felt better after that as I was educated about the topic.

I was told "the only thing that is guaranteed NOT to happen is a C-Section" and I ended up having one.

Honestly, when you're high risk and everyone is buzzing and concerned and you're there, you start to not care what it is they are doing. You trust that the doctor knows more than you and would not recommend something unnecessary and you say "if that will allow myself and my child to come out OK, let's do that".

I had blood pressure cuff, finger blood oxygen monitor, oxygen mask, internal monitor on the baby's head (NOT COMFORTABLE), epi-dural, belly baby monitor, VI, medicated VI, catheter (gotta have one with epi-dural) and a catheter flushing baby with saline solution (to keep his stress down).

I was going into early labour on my own, they broke my water AND put me on the drip.

The worst part was having to lay in a soaking wet bed.

I ended up in emergency C-Section, my blood pressure was 188/119 and my son's heart was stopping during contractions. He was only 4 lbs 7 oz.

The worst part of the section was that once he was out he was whisked off to a table where I couldn't really see him. They showed him to me while he was on his way to that table and put him on my chest for a few seconds before he was taken to the neo-natal unit. I had to go to recovery. It was a very detacted feeling, I wasn't pregnant but I didn't really have a baby, that's how I felt.

My dream delivery would have been at home, in water and starting nursing him as soon as he was born.

Just know that if its not what you want to be happening it truly IS worth it in the end. Talk to your fiancee AND doctor about your worries and concerns before you go into labour. Apologize to your guy before you get there in case you get angry or emotional (it will help him get through it, if he does well, so will you.) Also, give yourself mini goals and smile when they come...

In one hour, I will not have any more contractions

In 2 hours I will NOT be pregnant anymore

Tomorrow I will be holding a beautiful, precious little baby.

15 minutes from now I'll be looking at brand new eyes

5 minutes from now I'll be touching tiny cute hands

1 year from now I'll look HOT in a bikini!

It is a LOT scarier before you get into it, good luck!

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Can a baby monitor be used to listen in on a conversation?

Q. I wanna use a baby monitor so I can be a witness to a "special" conversation. Will the monitor be detectable/make noises?
Can I get an intelligent answer please?!
Instead of someone who's trying to be a smart aleck but just sounds like a retard that didnt read the complete question!
James you are a dumb fuck!!!!!! I was asking if the monitor would make noises and you totally just made up something to be a smart ass dumb shit!

A. No, baby monitors will only pick up noises that babies make. it has space age computer components inside that block out the voices of anyone over the age of 2.

Baby monitor with web connection where the in home monitor will work even if my internet goes down?
Q. I am looking for a reliable video baby monitor that I can view on my computer at work, but that is independent in that it will continue to work as a monitor even if my internet connection goes down.
Brian ~ Which monitor did you choose?

A. This was a catch 22 for me. Obviously to see my baby, and check they are OK was a good one. But I decided wireless technology is still in its infant days. Who knows in the future, whether exposing a baby to radiation is good for them. That's why I went with a wired monitor. So any wired monitor is the one I would choose, but that's the problem, most are wireless. Babies are especially vulnerable because their bodies and nervous systems are still developing and because they will have more time to accumulate exposure to the radiation and for any delayed effects to develop. The jury is out, but I don't personally want to be a guineepig.

I looked at,
But in the end went with just a simple wired sound monitor. You can put them closer, due to a much smaller magnetic field and hear the baby breathing . It maybe that magnetic fields dont harm the baby, but there have been some concerns in some of the trustworthy papers here in UK such as the independant.

Is there any way to prevent my cell phone conversations from being picked up on the baby monitor?
Q. Sometimes people call me at night and my conversations get picked up by the baby monitor in my parents room. Is there any way to keep this from happening? I'd rather not them hear some of the stuff me and my friends talk about. They keep the monitor on all night and I can't turn it off.

A. Is it cell or just cordless. A baby monitor shouldn't pick up a cell phone. In either case you can get a digital cell phone or a digital cordless phone. The baby monitor may pick up the signal, but it won't be able to decode the digital signal and no one will be able to understand a word you say.

Where can I buy a baby monitor for 2 different room?
Q. I have 2 babies and would like to find a baby monitor for both rooms in one. Is there such a thing? Someone help please!

A. Target, Walmart, Babies R Us

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Is it true people with scanners can hear you on a cordless phone?

Q. Someone told me that cordless phones aren't good to talk on because people with scanners can hear your private conversations. Is this true? Are there any cordless phones that are safe? What about cell phones? Can a scanner hear you on your cell phone too?

A. I will expand on the answer given by "silence.." above.

Early cordless phones used analog signals on the 49mHz band and could easily be intercepted by most scanning receivers and by some "baby monitors" that shared the same frequencies.

A little later, cordless phones came out that were on the 900mHz band but still used analog signals. A more expensive type of scanning receiver was required to listen to this band, but it could still be done.

Most newer cordless phones use digital signals and operate on much higher freqency bands. The digital signal must be "decoded" in order to be listened to and this is beyond the capabilities of the average person. While it would be possible for a highly-skilled person to intercept your call, the chances of this happening are remote.

Early cellular phones were also analog and could also be listened to using a scanning receiver, but it was much more difficult as cell signals are constantly switching between towers. You could listen to pieces of different conversations, but it was difficult to stay with any one conversation, and trying to listen to a specific person was nearly impossible.

To prevent people from listening to cell phones, Congress passed a law saying that scanning receivers had to be "blocked" so that they couldn't listen to cell frequencies. The problem with this law was that thousands of "unblocked" receivers were already in use, and that most "blocked" receivers could easily be "unblocked" by simply changing some wiring.

The good news is that, all of the newer cell phones are now digital, and like digital cordless phones, can't be listened to by the average person. There are still some analog cell phones in use (mostly in very rural areas), but effective February of 2008, these will be discontinued.

So, in the case of both the cordless phone and the cell phone, unless you are using very old equipment, you can be fairly sure that it cannot be listened to by the average person with a scanner.

How easy is it to tap someones phone?
Q. I have a friend who recently broke up with a boyfriend. He is still trying to contact her, but she tells me he seems to know unusual details of her private phone conversations and brings them up to her. How can I help her, and how would I help her find out if her phone was tapped?

A. very easy to tap a POTS (landline phone) or a VoIP phone that has been connected to your existing wiring, and the wire still goes outside of your home to the NID box...

VoIP is not easy, if not impossible to tap (illegally)
cellular is not easy if not impossible to tap..

feds can tap anything... but it usually requires connections from the telephone company office, not something the average person has access to...

if you have any 900Mhz cordless phones, throw them out.. replace your cordless phones with any technology that has DSS or FHSS (2.4,5.8, DECT)..... DECT is the best choice...

if there are any baby monitors, or wireless intercoms, or any other device that transmits sound wirelessly, remove them or turn them off..

What is the best baby monitor and car seat for newborn?

A. Car Seats:

The ones I would recomend are Britax Companion, Graco Snugride, and Graco Safeseat.

The Britax Companion is Rated #1 on Consumer reports. It is made in London and thus adhears to European standerds (they're a little bit higher then American standerds). The Car Seat can hold a child up to 22lbs or 30 inches long (whichever comes 1st). The actual carrier itself weighs about 10 lbs. The car seat has a rebound bar on it to avoid the cacooning of the child in a car accident.

The Graco Snugride is a very basic design. The carrier weighs 8 lbs and can hold a child up to 22 lbs or 29 inches long.

The Graco Safeseat just came out this year. It weighs 10 lbs but it can hold a child up to 30 lbs or 32 inches long which should get you at least through the first year (the other two will on average get you to about 9 months).

Some people like Evenflo infant car seats but I don't because I feel like the erganomic handle makes it harder to carry as the child get's heavier.


Avoid Fisher Price. They break a lot. I would say the Sony 900mhz 27 channel monitor. You will avoid a lot of interfearance.

Hope this info helps :-)

Has anyone tried the Fisher Price - Long Distance 900MHz Nursery Monitor?
Q. I'm trying to find a good but not expensive baby monitor and I found this one at walmart online and I was wondering if anyone else has this or tried it so I know if I should try it or not.

A. No I haven't tried it

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Does a low signal strength make my connection worse in Modern Warfare 3 on PS3?

Q. I meant low signal strength from my router.

A. Yes. The lower the strength of the signal, the slower it will be.

To increase signal strength, you need to remove sources of EMI (electromagnetic interference) such as baby monitors, 2.4GHz phones, microwaves as well as possibly moving the router to a better spot to decrease dead zones in your coverage area. You can try moving the router closer to the PS3 if that's an option.

Other options include installing a bigger antenna, a directional antenna or adding a wireless access point.

And another way is to eliminate WiFi completely by using Powerline technology. You can use the electrical wires of your house to transmit data. You would need an adapter on each end, though.

My wifi is very slow at night, fast in morning?
Q. Recently my wifi started crawling at night, while connected speeds were normal, or above expected. Speedtest,net results used to top out at 9mbps, now connected is ~13, but wifi is ~1. Actually wifi starts at 2-3 mbps during the test but drops to around 1mbps by the end of the test.

I can try wifi in the morning and the speed is back to 13-14mbps.

I've reset the router, changed network names, but wifi is still slow in evenings while connected speeds are super fast.

This is a Cisco E1000 router. I disabled QOS which might prioritize certain items. The router shows only 2 connections, both of wich are mine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your responses so far. I will add that the network is password protected and i have confirmed via the router that there are only 2 connections, my desktop and iPad.

A. Assuming your wireless network is secured and you don't have leaches sucking up your bandwidth then I would suspect wireless interference.

By nature, interference in wireless systems causes problems with smooth, consistent speeds.

Many wireless connections experience interference from microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors and other wireless devices which interfere with the 2.4 GHz band.

Dual band routers have multiple wireless radios enabling broadcast on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands simultaneously.

Using the 5 GHz band cuts down on interference from cordless phones and microwave ovens..

Not all devices can use the 5 GHz frequency. Many laptops and other devices only operate at 2.4 GHz. Thus the need for dual band routers.

What all this jargon means is that you might be experiencing wireless interference which is slowing do your WiFi connections.

Because your problem is time based, are there any heavy electrical loads that come on when you experience problems? Things such as heaters, air conditioners, pumps, etc.

You can try to reposition the antennas on the router or your wireless adapter.

Moving one or the other away from dense walls or electrical interference would also help.

Wireless connections are never as fast or consistent as wired connections. If your interference is on the 2.4 GHz band and your devices support 5 GHz then a new dual band router might help.

There are also various ways to extend a Internet connection to areas with a weak wireless signal.

Devices such as wireless extenders can expand your wireless range if need be.

The wireless range extender receives weak wireless signals and repeats them to extend the signal range to greater distances. Some models include 4 Ethernet ports in addition to the wireless radio.

The best solution would be to use a wired (Ethernet) connection between your devices and the router.

If it is not feasible to run cables you have other options such as powerline network adapters You plug one in by the router and one in the room where you need access and connect them to the devices with standard Ethernet patch cables.

The network signals are transmitted over your existing home electrical wiring which will not be affected by wireless interference.

Good Luck...

What is up with this?!!?
Q. You know how certain electrical appliances will have static feedback when you move around them, or get close to them? Like radios for instance? For some reason, it is really, really bad with me. More than anyone I know. My baby monitor will fuzz in and out with my motions even when I am in a different room. I do have an extra electrical connection in my heart that causes an irregular beat. Do you think that has something to do with it?

A. Every living human on this planet has a small electrical current flowing through them.... but to generate the EM field to effect things to that degree is not only improbable but impossible if you are alive... some scientific tests may show slight interference from the human body but anyone with that level would burn out their nerves in a heart beat causing death... So there is most likely some outside factor effecting it... take for example a sweater that has alot of static cling....

Best of luck

Anyone have problems with cell phones turning the oven on?
Q. The story hit the New York Times. --- if true it's pretty dangerous.

August 23, 2009
Hello, Oven? It�s Phone. Now Let�s Get Cooking!
First the superintendent and the handyman checked the oven from top to bottom. Then they tested the electrical outlet that supplied ignition power for the oven. Everything worked. Finally, they gave their verdict to the tenant, Andrei Melnikov.
It was simply not possible, they said, that his oven, a Magic Chef made by Maytag, had turned itself on full blast, as Mr. Melnikov maintained.
�Maybe you imagined it,� the handyman said.
Mr. Melnikov picked up a warped meat thermometer, its plastic casing melted.
�How did I imagine this?� he asked.
�He told me, �Probably you don�t remember pushing the button,� � Mr. Melnikov said.
Actually, Mr. Melnikov and his wife, Lina, almost never cook in the oven, which was new when they moved into their apartment in Gravesend, Brooklyn, three years ago. Like many people who live with more stuff than space, they store kitchenware in it.
On the day it turned itself on, Mr. Melnikov recalled, his cellphone had rung in the kitchen. He talked for about 10 minutes. Then he smelled smoke. The oven was roaring. The thermometer was in flames.
�Maybe the ringing cellphone turned it on,� Mr. Melnikov suggested to the two men.
They scoffed.
He laid the phone next to the stove. They dialed it. Suddenly, the electronic control on the stovetop beeped. The digital display changed from a clock to the word �high.� As the phone was ringing, the broiler was heating up.
Three other apartments in the building are fitted with the same make and model oven: Maytag Model CGR1425ADW. �My phone turned on all of them,� Mr. Melnikov reported. �One apartment had a General Electric. It didn�t work on that one.�
On Thursday, Mr. Melnikov welcomed a skeptical visitor � me � into his kitchen.
�Will it happen now?� I asked.
�Sure,� he said.
He reconnected the oven, which he had unplugged from the wall for safety, and turned the gas valve on. I dialed his number. The electronic pad on the oven beeped, the word �high� appeared, and the phone rang. The flames were licking from the broiler jets.
�It goes right to the high setting on the broiler,� he said. �It prefers high.�
He disconnected the oven. I asked him to show me again, and he cheerfully started over. Once again, a call to his cellphone turned it on.
Maytag learned about the rogue oven from a report on WINS 1010, which broke the story last week. A company technician confirmed the problem.
�In our experience, this situation is highly unusual,� said Jill M. Saletta, a spokeswoman for Maytag. �We have offered to replace the unit with a brand-new one, at no cost, and will be taking the old unit to fully test in our lab.� Any other ovens with the same problem will also be replaced, she said.
City fire marshals came to the apartment Friday and saw a demonstration. The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission has written to Mr. Melnikov for information. Ms. Saletta said all Maytag�s appliances are tested and meet safety standards set by Underwriters Laboratory and the American National Standards Institute.
The landlord of the building, Arkadiy Eydlin, said he bought the Maytag ovens about four years ago. �Maybe around $500, $400 each,� he said. �It�s not the most expensive, and it�s not the cheapest one.�
Cellphones, which send signals at up to 3 watts, often create electromagnetic interference with baby monitors, computer speakers and car radios, so it�s not surprising that they might also affect an oven�s electronic controls. People with heart pacemakers are cautioned not to carry phones in pockets over the implant. Engineers for Consumer Reports say that it is possible that Mr. Melnikov�s cellphone induced voltages in the keypad of the oven.
Whatever the exact mechanism, the evidence is strong that these Maytag models are vulnerable to cellphones � and not just the one owned by Mr. Melnikov. The superintendent was able to turn on the oven in his own apartment by calling his own cellphone, which is a Samsung. Mr. Melnikov has a Sony Ericsson PDA.
�I couldn�t afford it, but it was a gift, like four years ago,� he said. �It was maybe $700 then. More than the oven.�
Mr. Melnikov, 35, who emigrated from Russia in 2000, runs a company that sets up computers, networks and security systems. His apartment is crowded with electronics gear. The oven fire unnerved him and his wife. �Not for the material things,� he said. �I have three chinchillas.�
The next big cooking holiday in their home will be Thanksgiving. �Actually, right now, cooking turkey, it�s easier than ever,� Mr. Melnikov said. �It takes just one phone call.�

A. No but something almost as crazy happens in my apartment.
My LG HD remote regulates my Haier air conditioner.Crazy!!

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