Saturday, December 21, 2013

How to save money when moving in a new house .?

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 on who can t sing lullabies lindam baby talk baby monitor
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I'm getting married in july and I need money saving tips badly.
For are 2 bed room home and we have a baby. Also I love things to look great. Lets just say I'm the kind of girl who can't go out of the house without looking like a Diva.

"Design on a Dime" is a great show to watch if you have champagne taste and a beer budget for your new house. Its on the Home and Garden channel :)

Also, consider NOT registering for a bunch of china you don't need for your wedding, and ask for donations that will go toward your down payment instead!

I agree with the other posts as well, the more you monitor exactly what you spend, the better you will be able to control it. Make sure your hubby's on board too, its impossible if only one of you are on board with the whole budget plan :)

Good luck & congrats - you can do it!

How can we reduce health care expenditures on baby boomer's medical needs next five years?

Rano S

I'm working on this topic, and would like to know exports', doctors' and individuals opinions? Please give me your opinions, thoughts, and possible solutions to reduce healthcare spending. Oldest Baby Boomers will retire next year, and this will be a big issue to national budget.

Thank you all for your help

My suggestion is to give them higher deductible plans. Usually they would be covered 100% or with a very little co-pay. If they are responsible for some of the bill they will limit their doctor visits. Don't make it too high or this may backfire.

Second, focus on preventative care. It costs more to fix a problem than prevent it. Give incentives to get checkups and eat healthy. This is hard to monitor, but let's hypothetically say that the government instead of paying ALL their premiums for medicare, they replace a small portion with vouchers for HEALTHY food. This can reduce a lot of medical problems by attacking obesity and heart problems.

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Do I really need a baby monitor even if my baby will be in a room down the hall while I'm sleeping?

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My husband and I are fighting nonstop about a baby monitor, there are several couples on our street who have babies and who will around the time we will have ours. I feel we need to spend more on a monitor so we don't pick up other babies crying on ours, and he doesn't want to spend any extra money. Can any parents tell me will I wake up if I don't have a monitor close by? Help!

I don't use a monitor at night for my 4 month old, she has been in her own room since 1 month and I hear her just fine when she wakes up. We also have a fan on in our room as well as a sound machine in hers. My husband does not wake up when she cries but I do, I think it is just a mother's instinct, we are so in tune with our little ones! I do reccomend a monitor for when you need to be doing something outside and won't hear him/her or for peace of mind when you have company or are watching tv and might not here cries over every day noise.

What is the best video/audio monitor to buy?


I am looking to buy a video baby monitor through walmart. I am looking at the Graco iMonitor Baby Video Monitor, the Summer Infant 900 MHz 2.5" Color Handheld Video Monitor, and the MobiCam Ultra Wireless Color Video Monitor System. I have read reviews on all of them and have compared all of the features but still do not know which one would be best. Can anyone give me any input please? Thanks!!!!!!

Hi! Well since no one else answered your question I just thought to give some input from my experience. Perhaps you haven't yet had your baby? I was the very same way. I went out and planned every last product to put into my nursery: $200 bassinette, expensive travel system, breast pump set, sounds n lights baby monitor (fisher-price) etc. He won't sleep in the bassinette, the travel system is nice but the stroller that went with it is so big and bulky and so inconvenient and heavy to unload that I never us it. I used the breast pump only a few times because my milk didn't come in properly. The monitor is rarely used because I carry the baby with me everywhere in the house (in his carrier) but sometimes when I have the right batteries for it, I use it when I am outside visiting neighbors. I guess my point in saying all of this is that I think you should wait until the baby comes and you know for sure what will work for you and also you won't waste a lot of time and money on stuff that you regret and never use.

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how can I use a webcam as a video baby monitor?

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I need to know how I go about setting up a webcam as a baby monitor and if so can i view it over my wireless network?
Man, That was alot of help :( "Just Set it"?? I need to know if I can view it over a wireless network.
I am actually a computer tech and i know about all of this, Not practical? what about tablet PC's, palm pilots, PSP and all of these things how can it not be practical.

Not convenient, you need PC and a web cam turn on in order for it to work.

Try exploring IP or internet camera, it include microphone and speaker for remote audio.

Has anyone use tenvis ip camera as baby monitor?


Has any one use tenvis ip cameras as baby monitor? I bought one from amazon, and it looks nice and works with my iPhone. Now my little baby is coming, I need a baby monitor, and the tenvis camera may be useful. Can you provide me some instructions? thanks

Answer for information, forum, customer support.
The beauty of the Internet and Google searches in particular is that you can find almost anything all by yourself.

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In Canada, is it illegal for someone to listen in on my baby monitor? And how likely is it to happen?

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 on ... baby monitors Avoid These 3 Mistakes While Choosing A Baby Monitor
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Just wondering what the laws are here, can't seem to find much information on it. The monitor transmits on 49MHz frequency. The other day I happened to catch something that sounded like a walkie talkie and it made me wonder if I'm hearing that on my monitor, could anyone be listening to our family? Hopefully no one is, but I have caught my snoopy neighbours sitting in the dark, looking into my window once. I'm now pretty weary of them.

If this monitor is easy to listen to, is there a baby monitor that anyone knows of that transmits on a frequency that would be more difficult to listen in on?

Thanks for any info!
That is correct, it's a baby monitor. It's not a magical device that stops transmitting sounds that don't originate directly from the baby or within the baby's room. It is capable of transmitting any sounds near the room. I'm well aware that my baby monitor is not secure in any way, that's why I'm here asking. My question is about it being legal or not to take advantage of this monitor and use it to eavesdrop on a family. I'm not interested in "probably" legal, I'd like to hear from someone who knows about these specific radio laws here in Canada.

It is perfectly legal in Canada to possess and use radio equipment which is able to receive broadcast provided that the information is not passed on or disclosed to another person or people. It is illegal to decrypt encrypted or scrambled communications. Laws are laid out in the Canadian Radiocommunications Act.

Police scanners are perfectly legal. So are cell phone scanners. Equipment such as baby monitors and cordless phones are notoriously cheap and only operate over a limited range of radio frequencies. It is often possible for two different sets of baby monitors to be on the same frequency and hear each other just by chance. Most operate on frequencies not easily picked up by standard two-way radios, but one with enough money one can purchase radio equipment able to pick up those frequencies. However, in most cases, someone would have to be extremely serious if they wanted to listen to your baby monitor -- or just extremely (un)lucky that their system picked it up.

In previous jobs I've had access to equipment able to pick up the darnedest things. You'd be installing some equipment on a remote mountain top and then listening to a crane operator on minute and a couple of arguing fishermen the next. People do have a habit of assuming that no one else is listening.

You can look for units which have scramblers built in. You can use wired units. You can locate it against an outside wall with a (silvered) mirror behind it. You can find one which you can lower its transmitting power -- or in which you can take off its transmitting antenna. Try walking around your house with the receiver and see how far away you can hear anything. Many units allow resetting of frequencies -- you can do this every day -- and some even to this each time it is turned on/off.

Where can I get a grant for my invention?

above the

It's a baby monitor type and I don't want a loan really. I heard the goverment gives out grants but none seem to be for inventions or child health. Help? Links?

You heard wrong. There are no grants for commercial development of anything. The grants go to non-profits that test safety. If you want to sell your product you have to invest your own money.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

How do I take kittens away from their feral mother?

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 on Top and affordable baby video monitor with 2 cameras for twins 2014
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Sophia Sim

Recently we've noticed a young looking tuxedo cat that goes underneath our shed a lot. My mom suggested that she was eating baby possums but I just told her to let the cat be. But lo and behold after about a month of this behavior two tabby kittens join the mother outside the shed. Our shed is in it's own separate location with fencing surrounding it so the kittens can't leave yet but the mother can. Anyway once we discovered that she had kittens underneath the shed we began to feed her and monitor them with a security camera, over the past few weeks we've been dedicated to the kittens. They are about 5-6 weeks old. Now on to the question. We really would like to take these kittens in but the mother is obviously too feral to domesticate but the kittens have potential. So what I'm asking is if it's okay to take the kittens without the mother? I would feel awful but then again I feel like the kittens would survive and thrive with us. The kittens are weaned because they eat the dry good we leave out for the mother. PLEASE ANSWER ASAP THEY ARE SOON OLD ENOUGH TO LEAVE THE ENCLOSURE. :(

Feral born kittens are not like kittens born to friendly house cats. The sooner you can get them away from mom, the better your chances of socializing them. By the time they are past 6 weeks or so, it becomes much harder as they are learning mom's wild ways. What you need to do though is borrow a humane trap from your local shelter, and trap mom, so that she can be spayed. Other wise she is going to present you with another litter in another couple of months, and one cat will soon turn into 20, then 40 - and then what?

Scared about transition from co sleep to crib?

Megan Reed

My son John is almost 3 months old and he sometimes will co sleep with my husband and me but we need our own space I'm just scared about putting him in his crib in his own room. Is this to early? We have a camera baby monitor so we see/hear him but I don't know if I'm ready. He does better at night and only gets up once. Should I just suck up my fear and try?

Not sure if by co sleeping you mean in your bed, or just in your room. If he's in your bed, he should not be in there. Then again my daughter slept in bed with me till she was a little over 1 year. If I tried putting her in her crib she would scream and cry bloody murder so it was easier to just let her back in the bed with me. After a year she one night decided she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed and she's been in her crib since (except when mommy wants snuggle time or feels lonely :) ) If he's just in your room, it's reccomended he's in there for AT LEAST 6 months. My daughter is 2 1/2 years and still sleeps in my room. It's just the two of us so I've found no need to separate.

To the negative commenter: Don't be afraid of normal parenting? Suck it up? He will be fine? I'm sure her situation is different form mine but some of us can't just "suck it up" when it comes to our kids health. My daughter is not allowed to have her own room due to the fact that her father wants us both dead.. so yeah, can't just suck that up. "Hey babe, lets put you in your own room so your father can kill you/steal you" Your a great parent. Lose the attitude, someone was asking for help, not negativity.

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What baby monitor(s) don't interfere with each other?

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 on Baby Video Monitor Two Cameras | Twins | 2 Children | 2 Rooms
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Megan Smit

I have 2 kids under the age of 2, each with their own room, at an opposite side of the house from my husband and I. We need to find a monitor(s) that doesn't interfere with the other so that we can hear both of them at night.

It's not the monitor, but the frequency it uses that interfere with another. TYou'll need to find two monitors that work on different frequencies or there are some that come with a switch allowing you to choose from two frequencies.

Does anyone know where I could find a double baby monitor?

Auntie M

I need to find a double baby monitor for my sisters new house. She has 2 babies (16 month and 3 month) and needs a double monitor. What I mean is 2 receivers and 2 speakers that all work together so she can put a receiver in each of the babies rooms and 1 speaker upstairs and one downstairs. If anyone knows where I could find one online or in a store that would be great thanks :)

As far as I have been able to find, there is no such thing. You can't have two transmitters because they use the same radio frequencies - the signals interfere with each other so you just get static on the receiver. Same thing applies if you try buying two different sets of monitors - one for each baby - because ALL baby monitors share the same narrow range of frequencies due to government regulation of the radio frequencies.

My solution is to have one conventional baby monitor with 2 receivers (for one kid) and one intercom set for the other kid. The intercoms I'm using are a 3-piece set I bought from radio shack. They plug into the wall and will work 2-ways. You set the one in the baby's room to "lock" and turn the other ones on and it works just like a baby monitor. Since the baby monitor is wireless and the intercoms send the signal through the electrical wires of the house, the signals don't interfere with each other.

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Is there a way that i can download an app to my droid to monitor my baby?

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Kerry K

I've found some apps but I'm not sure what kind of camera to use and how to configure it. If you know how I'd really appreciate some info. Thanks!
I've her icam is for iphone but is there one comparable to the droid?

you could do skype. if you have a laptop, point the camera at the baby and use your phone to make a video call

yes there is an app in the market called icam

what should I write about in my research paper?

Taylor C

I have chosen the question : are we too dependent on life simplifying devices? Im not looking for someone to write my paper just I want to know if anyone has any Idea about some things that I should touch on in my paper

thanks in advance.

Hi Taylor,

Yes, I believe we are (too) dependent on life simplifying devices. I've bracketed the word 'too' because I believe there are some devices that add to daily life stresses and yet have a place in our life style.

Take Communications:
I guess the ability to be able to communicate with and actually see the person you are communicating with (Skype) is really a marvelous experience. (My daughter lives in Dublin Ireland and I live in Perth Western Australia, so we connect frequently using Skype).

If we look at 'e-mail', it can be seen as a 'blessing or curse'. A blessing for the speed of sending messages and receiving replies'. A curse for people who work, because in today's business climate where time = profit, many senders expect a prompt reply and this increases the stress and work-load of the recipient.

Home Appliances:
Again, the speed of preparing meals, boiling water, cooking and cleaning all are made possible through the use of modern devices.

The drudgery of laundry compared to a time before the development of 'washing machines' is a boon to those who have to do the laundry.

Devices that help to monitor that a baby is sleeping safely, that help people with 'sleep apnea disorders' offer an early warning in the event of something going wrong.

Similarily, devices that provide an 'early warning' system for the elderly who live alone or who are impaired in some way, provide a measure of early warning and not least, comfort for their families.

In the home: Smoke detectors are essential safety protectors.

Hope this helps.

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Built new desktop, need wireless?

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Hi guys. I built a new desktop, and now I need internet. I can't use wired connection for reasons. Right now I'm using a TEW-645UB Trendnet adapter. It works but it only picks up a few bars, and it's laggy in game. I'm using my desktop for gaming.
Is there a better adapter out there?

That Trednet model is a decent High Power Wireless N Adapter with full backwards support for IEEE 802.11b/g, and support for latest IEEE 802.11n Draft standard. It is likely that the position of the router is causing thee problem.

I would certainly try and improve things by repositioning the router [I have suggested several things below] before rushing out to buy a new adapter that may or may not improve your signal.

It would obviously have helped if you had given details on the make and model of the router and whether it supports draft n wifi standard and if it has "Dual Band" support for broadcasting simultaneously on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands.

There are several things you can do do try and boost signal strength; To start with the basic rule is to position the router as high as possible and there are as few walls as possible between it and the PC.

Things you can do to improve signal strength

1] Try changing the broadcast channel from the wireless setup interface for your router/modem.You can normally access this by typing "" into your browsers search bar and then look for the wireless settings menu.
You don't say if your router can use the 5GHz frequency or just the 2.4GHz. The best channels in the 2.5GHz spectrum are 1,6, 11, or 13 as they have less overlap with the other channels.

There is a useful article here about how to get the best performance by selecting the best channel.:…

If you have an android smarthphone, or a friend does, then install the Wifi Analyzer app free from android market and use it to scan for the best channel and change your routers broadcast channel accordingly. This app will also show you all the wifi signals in range that your neighbours are using, so you can select a different channel to them, making a stronger signal for you.…

2] You can use a tool like Nirsofts totally free WirelessNet View to look at all the local wireless signals that are within range and may be competing with your own router and interfering with reception. from here:…

3] You can buy a Wi-Fi booster like D-Link 645 Smartbeam, here:…
Devices such as these can actually boost the wifi signal by using multiple beams that bounce of the walls and are intelligently directed toward whatever device [smarhphone, laptop, tablet] you are using on wifi.

4] If your using the 2.4GHz frequency and not the 5GHz then other devices that use this frequency band can also interfere with your reception [eg baby monitors and microwave ovens use 2.4GHz]. Try and make sure that none of these devices are situated between your router and your PC

How do I connect to a Modem that is in another room?

Mista J

I have a PC that did not come with any wireless abilities. I bought a wireless adapter so that i can connect to the internet but i feel as if its running out of days and that i would be much better off just having a cable running from the modem directly, but its in another room. Like on the other side of the house. I have a laptop that doesn't really get into as much problems with the connection as my PC does which makes me think its the adapter. Also I found out thtat the one PC that is connected directly to the modem gets great internet. How can i get better internet without having to change much. Is it my possible outdated adapter? How could I resolve this.
Some of these observations may be obvious and my issue might be minor to some but i could use some help and advice.
Thanks for your time :]

To answer your titled question first. Apart from wifi you can still connect via hard wired ethernet cable if the router/modem is an another room, if you don't mind the cable clutter. You can buy 25metre even 30metre plus ethernet cables on amazon for under £10.

As regards, problems with wifi reception and reduced network speeds there are several things you can do to try and improve performance. You don't give any details on your hardware or network configuration, so general advice will have to do:

To start with the basic rule is to position the router/modem as high and as centrally as possible in your house.

1] Try changing the broadcast channel from the wireless setup interface for your router/modem.You can normally access this by typing "" into your browsers search bar and then look for the wireless settings menu.
You don't say if your router can use the 5GHz frequency or just the 2.4GHz. The best channels in the 2.5GHz spectrum are 1,6, 11, or 13 as they have less overlap with the other channels.

There is a useful article here about how to get the best performance by selecting the best channel.:…

If you have an android smarthphone, or a friend does, then install the Wifi Analyzer app free from android market and use it to scan for the best channel and change your routers broadcast channel accordingly. This app will aslo show you all the wifi signals in range that your neighbours are using, so you can select a different channel to them, making a stronger signal for you.…

2] You can use a tool like Nirsofts totally free WirelessNet View to look at all the local wireless signals that are within range and may be competing with your own router and interfering with reception. from here:…

3] You can buy a Wi-Fi booster like D-Link 645 Smartbeam, here:…
Devices such as these can actually boost the wifi signal by using multiple beams that bounce of the walls and are intelligently directed toward whatever device [smarhphone, laptop, tablet] you are using on wifi.

4] If your using the 2.4GHz frequency and not the 5GHz then other devices that use this frequency band can alsso interfere with your reception [eg baby monitors and microwave ovens use 2.4GHz]. Try and make sure that none of these devices are situated between your router and your wifi receiver eg laptop, tablet, smarthphone etc

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At what age did you stop using the tick alarm on your angel care baby monitor?

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 on Baby Monitor BM02 NANNY (baby breathing monitor)
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<3 my baby

I have been using the angel care monitor with the tick alarm. Its a sensor to monitor the baby's breathing. My baby is now 6 months old and is starting to move all around her crib and when she gets in a corner the monitor doesn't pick up her movement and the alarm goes off. I am considering if i want to stop using it but I am scared of SIDS...

Most SIDS cases occur before the baby is 4 months old, after 6 months they're "out of the woods", then after 12 months they're okay. It's up to you, 6 months seems like the reasonable time to stop using it, but I can totally understand your concern - you're a mum and you worry like every other one of us.

Whenever you choose to stop using it, you'll wake up every 2 hours and listen to hear them breathing - like me! Lol.

Question about Movement and sound Baby Monitors?


Does anyone have the "breathing baby monitors" That will sound an alarm if the baby stops breathing? Im curious if they actually work, or if there are alot of false alarms. Ive been reading about one called angel care.. the under mattress pad is supposed to detect all the baby's movement including breathing.

ive got the angel care,,,,, THE BEST THING IVE EVER BROUGHT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

ive got 4 kids, and brought it when i had my 3rd,,, it really gives peace of mind,,, with my first 2 kids i used to check if they were breathing 24-7
with the angelcare, u hear every breath they make with the movement ticking sound,,, its fantastic

ive had probably 5 false alarms,,, but researched that, and found out a baby can occasionally pause their breathing for 20 seconds,,, my babies were ok
but as much as i stress, the false alarms are nothing compared to the peace of mind i get from this monitor

my freind is a nurse at the childrens hospital,,, and even she has this monitor,, so its definately good

go and buy one NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When is it the best time to buy a baby heart monitor?

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I am 5 in a half weeks a long and I have been told you can hear a baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks along. But some say it's very faint. When is the best time to buy one?

It can be very hard to hear so early. I am at 13 weeks and just a couple of wks ago (so like 11 wks along) I was at my midwives and we still couldnt hear the HB. But I had heard it back in mid dec when I had my first ultrasound. Next time I go in (end of this month) we should FINALLY be able to hear it with the doppler. So dont get to bummed or frustrated if you cant hear it yet with the use of a doppler (normal way to hear it) I wouldnt buy any monitor yet. And talk to your dr, they can offer some advice in that area. My midwife says that its best to get one of the home dopplers or use a stethoscope for listening but not anything that creates sound waves like an ultrasound because too much use can be harmful to the baby, which some of those monitors use. I have a stethoscope from work but I dont figure ill be able to hear with that for a few more weeks or even longer. But I will def be doing something about hearing the heartbeat at home so I can keep track of the baby daily...or HOURLY lol! ;)

How often can you listen to a babys heartbeat (while pregnant) without causing harm?


I bought one of those "baby heartbeat monitor"s (like the doctors have) and we asked the doctor if it would do any harm to the baby or my daughter and he said no. But we just got it today and already, we have listened to the heartbeat like 4 times for various family members. Is that too much?

nope, it shouldnt hurt the baby at all, so listen your little heart out ! it wont hurt you or baby. its awesome to hear the little heartbeat and know that theres a little one inside of you <3<3

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

where can i order a cheap baby monitor online and have it shipped to me?

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hello i want a baby monitor lizard and i havbe the requirmetns for one.. all i need now is where to order one online??? i want a smaller one thank you :)

If you go onto and go to the classifieds section and scroll down to the monitors link, there will be a complete list of all breeder selling them. they will tell you how much shipping is and everything.

Other than that look up monitor breeders online and see what you come up with.

How much does it cost the first year to raise a baby and other questions.?


I am not pregnant. This is a protect for school.

What is the annual cost the first year to raise a baby?

Second question. Im going to give you a list of newborn items. Tell me which items are TRULY NECESSARY.

diaper changing table
rocking chair
baby monitor
baby bathtub
bottle brush
bottle drying rack
baby swing
infant bouncer
swaddling blanket
play mat
play pen

Swaddling blanket
Play mat (can be used on floor as changing mat too)
These are the basic basic needs for me. You can get by without the others but not these.

The annual costs for a baby each year is different for every person. Some woman breast feed which is cheaper than formula. Others use cloth diapers which are cheaper than disposable etc.
I bought a pack of 15 reusable pea pod diapers for $70. These can be used from newborn right up to 3 years, so I only bought 1 pack of disposable diapers during the first year, to see what was better. Diapers are about $10 (new Zealand dollars) a pack. Babies go through about 5-10 nappies each day in the first few weeks, and then about 3-5 a day from around 4 months to a year. So do the math and it'll give you an approximate answer (get the price of diapers from your local supermarket).
If breast fed, it cost nothing. I breast fed, but I also bought a breast pump and baby bottles for $150 in case baby needed to be left with another person etc. if formula feeding, do some research online on the average formula used a month, and then times that by 12 (12 months in a year) get a price from your local supermarket.
Clothes- this depends on where you buy from etc, but I spent about $800 on all clothes up to 12 months. (including shoes, socks, togs, pyjamas etc)
I spent about $20 or so on baby shampoo, soap and powder every 6 or so weeks, so that's about $180 a year.
I bought baby towels and facecloths before my baby was born and they lasted right up until she was four. I spent $30 on 5 towels and a couple packs of facecloths.
Bibs- got given some at baby shower, but bought a few packs for $20 around about, these lasted the whole time needed.
Bassinet/Moses basket - needed for first 8 weeks, cost me $80
Crib- needed up until about 2- cost me $250
Stroller- needed up until about 3- cost me $150
Car seat- Bought a seat that was used from birth til 4 years. Cost $150
Blankets, sheets, duvets for crib- got given some at baby shower but probably costs about $100 for a couple pairs of sheets, blankets etc
Swaddling blankets- needed for first few weeks (I used them but not necessary) depending on brand etc but I got a few muslin wraps for $30.
Baby bath- optional, but I used one. $30
Medication such as baby Tylenol, gripe water, teething gel, teething powder etc about $50 all up the first year (depends)
Baby food- baby cereals, rusks, custards and other tinned foods probably about $90 a month (depends how much food baby eats. This price is based on my baby who at 7 months ate 2 tins a day, at $1.50 each) I also bought veggies and meat, and puréed these myself for baby. (this price will depend, as some babies don't start real food until a year old) my girl at 10-12 months was eating the same foods as I was.
Some people will put their children into childcare, this is another cost.
Where I live, medical attention for under 5's is free, but many people will have to pay for this as well.
Hope I haven't forgotten anything :)
Hope I helped!

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How can I use my video camera for a baby monitor?

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I have an older digital video camera that I really don't use very much. I am trying to find a way to hook it up in the baby's-to-be room and connect it to our TV in our bedroom.

Are there certain cords that I need? Is this possible? I'm hoping to fix it so that it is on, but not recording.

You can get a wireless transmitter, or buy some extra long Video Cable.. But you may have a problem with the camera's auto off feature. if its not recording it will go off after a certain amount of time.

Video baby monitors with two receivers?


My husband and I are expecting our first child in 2 weeks. We are trying to find a kind of digital/video baby monitor that has 1 camera we can point at his crib, but with two receivers/video monitors that way we can each have one? Or to put one in our bedroom and one downstairs. Does anyone know of something like this? Thanks.

Summer Infant makes a monitor with two receivers - it is called Complete Coverage and you can get it at Babies R Us, Target and buybuyBaby.

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How safe is my baby cam/monitor?

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 on Consumer Reports' top picks for baby monitors | Consumer News ...
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I have a baby monitor/camera and was wanting to know how safe it is. I have seen programs where people with back-up cams have picked up monitors in peoples homes. Is this true and if so, what can I do to protect my home or make it harder to pick it up outside of my home.

i have one and i love it mine runs on batteries so i can carry it with me all of the time i can hear and see him breathing which i love he is 4 weeks old now but the first few days i didn't want to leave his side even to go to the bathroom so it put my mind at ease a lot i have a mobi cam i love it i researched consumer reports it got the best rating. it even can hook up to ur computer with a password so u can watch from ur cell phone

What's the best free security software to download onto a PC?


I'm getting a new laptop, a Dell Inspiron 17, and I won't really be able to afford security software that you pay for. But I've heard that you can get good security software for free online. So what's the best legit security software that you can download for free?

Consumer Reports's top honors 2009 went to a free three-pack of Avira's AntiVir antivirus program, Microsoft's Windows Defender antispyware software and the Spamfighter antispam program.

Avira AntiVir
Its scans are flexible, allowing the user to fully scan both internal and external hard drives, run a preloaded scan--for rootkits, for example--or customize a scan. The latest version introduces antispyware protections, scanning tech that can crack open "locked" files, improved internal security to prevent AntiVir's files from being maliciously altered, and one-click threat removal--no more baby-sitting. AntiVir is still challenging to fully uninstall. Despite these hang-ups and the nag screen that follows definition file updates, AntiVir offers such effective protection and a well-rounded set of features that as long as the updates keep coming, it'll be our first line of defense.

Windows Defender is software that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software by detecting and removing known spyware from your computer. features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected, minimizes interruptions, and helps you stay productive.

SPAMfighter has partnered up with Microsoft to build the strongest, safest, and most effective anti spam filter on the market. If you use Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail or Thunderbird and you want to get rid of spam, just install SPAMfighter

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Has anyone used a video baby monitor?

best baby monitor two kids
 on Baby Video Monitor Two Cameras | Twins | 2 Children | 2 Rooms
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Pregnant w

How do they work?
What are the pros and cons?
I am thinking about buying one that you can have two monitors and see two rooms at once and was wondering how many people prefer it.

Congrats on baby #2!

I couldn't live with out my video monitor!! I have the Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor. The picture is so clear both at night and during the day. I love being able to check on my baby with out waking her. I don't even have to get out of bed unless she really needs me! I think if I only had the audio, I would have been getting up a lot more often to investigate every sound, especially during the first few months. The handheld part has a button on top so you can turn off the video screen if the light bothers you at night. Then if you hear something you feel you need to check on, simply click the button and the video comes back on. I read the reviews for this product. Many people say they could not get a signal. I never had a problem. I also read that they can interfere with wi-fi. My husband is a web developer... he never would have allowed wi-fi interference!

I highly recommend this monitor to all my friends. The only con I can think of is that I have had to change the channel due to static. Seriously, it's a flick of a button and I've had to do it maybe 3 times in 7 months. No biggie! I know you can get an extra camera for this monitor, but I don't need one yet. Here is what one person commented: "We bought a second camera to go with the monitor we already had. I love being able to switch back and forth between my two kids' rooms. Only issue is if the monitor is too close to one camera, you can have interference when trying to check on the other one."

Hope this helps.

How do my husband and I agree on handling nighttime waking of baby?

Chrystal M

My husband decided last night at 3:00 a.m. that he was "tired of this sh*t" and turned our 10-month-old daughter's baby monitor off. I was furious. To me, that's making nighttime wakings totally my responsibility.

I already work 60-65 hours per week and have her with me at my business (own my own business). He says "it's time she slept through the night". Fine. I wish she would.

Right now she's teething and miserable and up 2-3 times a night for all of 5-7 minutes a time. Big deal, right? Well it's not a big deal unless you're the one doing it every night. Add that to having her all day at work and usually being the one feeding her dinner & bathing her. My husband gets home from work and helps a lot around the house but well after baby's bedtime so he rarely sees her during the week.

What in the world can we do to agree on this situation? How do I get him to understand he's putting it ALL on me.
I don't think you understand my question or maybe I didn't explain well: How do we agree on this -- I think we still need to respond to her cries. He thinks she's old enough to "cry it out" even if she is teething. I can't let her just lay there and cry, and now he wants to turn the monitor off. We HAVE to come to an understanding.

He's a wonderful help around the house, so please don't call him a lazy jerk who doesn't help. He does. His work schedule makes it hard for him to do things during the week with the baby.

How can we agree on how to handle her nighttime wakings, especially right now -- while she's teething?

I guess what I'm asking is this: When is it appropriate to let her cry it out? I think never. He thinks now. Alternatively, how do we get her to sleep through the night?

So many of our friends with babies younger than ours already have them sleeping through the night -- or they're lying to us and telling us they are :(

When my wife and I were both working we alternated nights. Now I stay home with the kids and I get up with our 10 month old every night, every time he gets up. I'm a little sleepy during the day but she has a lot more concentrating to do at work, than me at home.

I'll tell ya, up until a month and half ago, the 10 month old was miserable. Not going to sleep, up all night, then the doc taught me "the trick" and I could not be more thankful. When he is getting sleepy, he goes right in the crib, even if he is still awake. Then if he wakes up at all, I go in, put the pacifier back in, soothe him for a minute (just til he's not crying) and leave...wait a minute...if he's still fussing do it again...wait two minutes, and so on. It took about a week and a half, but now he goes right to sleep and rarely wakes up at night, it he does it is just long enough for me to put the pacifier back in.

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Is there anyway to boost my reception in my basement?

ISO baby video/audio monitors with 2 video screens to watch and 2 cameras to record 2 different rooms at once.?

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 on baby-monitors-best-wifi-baby-monitor--wireless-dual-video-baby-monitor ...
best baby monitor dual image


I need to find a video/audio baby monitor that has 2 screens to watch from 2 different rooms. video screen so I can watch from downstairs kitchen and one video screen for my husband to watch from upstairs office. Even with 2 video screens AND 2 cameras also, would be ideal. I can watch from kitchen and husband can watch from upstairs office as well as dual cameras to record when 1 baby is upstairs and 1 baby is downstairs. does such a creature even exist?
Can anyone recommend a good baby monitor that has these features? I need the capability to have screen/receiver in 2 different rooms at once. It would be good if I had a base in two different rooms but that's not as important as the screen. We need to be able to watch the screens simultaneously when mommy is downstairs in the kitchen and daddy is upstairs in his office. If it also has 2 bases to watch one baby in one room and 1 baby in another room would be good too but not as important as the screen/receivers. At this point, I'm ready to have the entire home wired with closed circuit monitoring throughout b/c I haven't had any luck finding what I need. :(

What is your question, Elaine? Also, have you googled to see if such equipment even exists? Why do both of you have to keep such a close eye on your baby? Millions of us raised our babies safely before these fancy accoutrements even existed!

How do I change bands on my Belkin n450 router?

Akash Sing

The router says it is dual band but I do not know how to change bands. How do I change them?

You don't change them,

Dual band routers have multiple wireless radios enabling broadcast on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands simultaneously. Using the 5 GHz band cuts down on interference from cordless phones and microwave ovens.. Not all devices can use the 5 GHz frequency. Many laptops and other devices only operate at 2.4 GHz. Thus the need for dual band routers.

You can log into the router and enable or disable either frequency. There is no sense having the 5 GHz band enabled if none of your wireless devices support 5 GHz.

Here is the support page and instructions for configuring a Belkin N450 DB.

In any case,

You should try to centrally locate your wireless router or gateway up high and away from dense walls and electrical and wireless interference such as microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.

Wireless signals are affected by many factors including distance, wall density, electrical interference, directional antenna range, etc.

All of these factors will affect your actual wireless range. As wireless connection quality varies the connection speeds are renegotiated. The WLAN connection may start at 150 Mbps and end up at less than 10 Mbps or drop entirely.

For serious gaming or video streaming your best bet is a direct Ethernet connection. Ethernet is unaffected by wireless interference and will give you a rock solid, stable network connection.

Good Luck...

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What did you do or what are you currently doing?

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 on ... of Having Video Baby Monitor | Best Video Baby Monitor Reviews HQ
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Did you/do you use a baby monitor with the baby in the other room at night...or did/does your baby sleep in your room?

Do you think any either of those are a bad choice?

My son slept in our room with us until he was reliably sleeping through the night. After that we moved him into his own room across the hall. I wanted to keep him as close to me as possible when he was waking up often at night so that I wouldn't have to walk as far to get him and put him back to bed. Lazy, I know, but practical. He slept in his bassinet at the foot of my bed, which meant I didn't even have to get out of bed to tend to him. I just don't see any joy in getting out of bed, walking around the house, getting baby, putting baby back, and walking back to bed when you have to do it several times a night.

We moved him into his own room across the hall, left both doors open, and I made certain the baby monitor was positioned close to my head so that I would hear him. I don't know what I was thinking, but we didn't need the baby monitor at all. I mean, he was only 20-30 feet away with both doors open. When he cried, I heard him. Even in our larger home now, I can hear him cry across the house with both of our bedroom doors shut.

No, I don't think either choices are inherently bad. I do think that co-sleeping, done properly, is the safest option for a newborn since it prevents SIDS. It also helps babies sleep better.

Is it advisable to have a residential house near a landfill?

Leda Fox

we intend to procure a house which is located 1 mile from a landfill in Merano, Rancho Valencia, Tucson, Arizona.Are there disadvantages in living near a landfill? Particularly to health concerns?

The U.S. population produced more than 236 million tons of garbage in 2003 (about 4.5 pounds of waste per person per day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)). All of this waste gets put into landfills, which are decreasing in numbers (from 8,000 in 1988 to 1,767 in 2002) but gaining in size.

Landfills produce leachate, a toxic liquid squeezed out of the garbage that contains a slew of chemicals.

Today's landfills are significantly bigger than they were just two decades ago, and increasing numbers are reaching full capacity. When a landfill is full, it gets capped and usually planted with grass, the end result looking like a large, grassy hill, with small chimneys to releases gasses. A closed landfill does not look particularly threatening, but evidence is pouring in that there's more going on than meets the eye.

How Landfills Work

Trash is compacted into tight blocks called cells before being deposited in the landfill. It's then covered with multiple layers, including a thick covering of soil, at the end of each day. Once the landfill reaches capacity, it's covered with a plastic material, then soil and grass.

"Most U.S. landfills are called dry tombs," says Steve Wall of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). "Ideally, landfills are carefully engineered and monitored systems that keep household garbage dry so they don't contaminate surrounding water or air."

Safeguards are in place to keep toxins in the landfill, and out of surrounding communities, however, "people are concerned because trash inside lasts for generations," Wall says.

Landfills Leak Toxins

Landfills produce significant amounts of methane gas, along with leachate, a toxic liquid that comes out of all that compressed trash. Leachate is full of organic and inorganic pollutants, including toluene, phenols, benzene, ammonia, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated pesticides, heavy metals and endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

Landfills often have pipes designed to route and collect leachate to keep it from contaminating ground water (which can become your tap water). However, even the best collection systems and landfill liners inevitably deteriorate and leak, according to the EPA:

"No liner ... can keep all liquids out of the ground for all time. Eventually liners will either degrade, tear, or crack and will allow liquids to migrate out of the unit. Some have argued that liners are devices that provide a perpetual seal against any migration from a waste management unit. EPA has concluded that the more reasonable assumption, based on what is known about the pressures placed on liners over time, is that any liner will begin to leak eventually."

If and when a landfill does leak, toxins are allowed to escape directly into the environment, where they can contaminate air, water and soil.

Health Risks Linked to Landfills

If you have a choice, it's probably best to locate your home at least two miles from a landfill.

Studies have shown possible increased risks of certain types of cancer, including bladder, brain and leukemia, among people who live near landfills.

Further, a study by researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine also found that babies born to mothers who live near landfills have a greater risk of birth defects.

"There was a significantly overall increased risk of neural-tube defects, malformations of the cardiac septa (hole-in-the-heart), and malformations of the great arteries and veins in residents near the landfill sites in our study," the researchers said.

And, a recent study found that living near a landfill could expose residents to chemicals that can reduce immune system function and lead to an increased risk of infections.

As opposed to children living in clean areas, the study found that "children living near to waste sites, whether landfills or contaminated bodies of water, are hospitalized more frequently with acute respiratory infections, said Dr. David O. Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, at the State University of New York at Albany. Children living near waste sites also had increased rates of hospitalization for asthma.

Carpenter said the extent to which toxic landfill contaminants suppress the immune system has been "underestimated."

"While our specific study focused on air transport of the contaminants, they are also in our food," Carpenter said, "and the effect of exposure should not be different whether it is via food or air. So we really need to get these chemicals out of our environment to the greatest degree possible."

Ideally, we would all live in pristine environments, free from pollution of all kinds. Realistically, it may be worthwhile to avoid living near landfills, if you have a choice. If you don't, try to stay more than two miles away, as the health effects, at least in the birth defects study, lessened beyond this point.

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Why did the United States allow illegal birthrights in the first place?

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 on T�l�charger Best Baby Monitor - CNET France
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In the USA, if you come and you're illegal and you have your kid in the USA, he/she is a citizen here for life. Why did the USA ever allow this in the first place? It sounds backward, doesn't it? Who ever allowed this birthrights craziness in the first place?
If this birthright thing is in the Constitution, then why don't we enact an AMENDMENT? Something like a LEGAL IMMIGRANT amendment? Wouldn't that seem logical?

It was a misinterpretation/misapplication by the supreme court of the 14th amendment many years ago. And once there is precedent, you can't go back. The only answer is to repeal the 14th amendment.

The writers of the 14th amendment intended to give citizenship to former slaves, and descendants of former slaves. Not to children of criminals. They would be appalled if they knew what their amendment was being used for. Apparently we fought the civil war, and reconstruction, and passed a lot of laws to put the south in its place, and we continue to monitor the south (they can't do their own redistricting for example) so that we could be invaded by illegals plopping out anchor babies today.

What do men and society as a whole have against vasectomy as means of birth control?

Don S

It seems like society has placed complete burden of birth control mostly on women. Women have a much more complex "plumbing" system than men and they (women) are always left holding the bag as the result of sex. The existing birth control practices and medical devices used by women are not only expensive, requires monitoring and attention, often have side effects, controversial and sometimes dangerous. A slight disregard and it ends up on unwanted pregnancies and possibility of abortions. On the other hand improper and/or careless use of condoms often result in unwanted pregnancies. So why don't men take the responsibility of practicing birth control. Other than the perceived insult to manhood or machoism, it is simple, safe and inexpensive and readily reversible. I shoot "blanks" myself. I had my vasectomy and guess what? My voice did not change and I never found men cute. Sex was better and my partners were much less anxious and romantically at ease. BTW, once a couple decide to have children, vasectomy can easily be reversed or one may take advantage of a sperm bank. One drawback to this concept is that it will result in drastically less business for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Nothing! You only perceive that as a whole men are against vasectomies because those who are against vasectomies make noise about it. Men who are willing to get a vasectomy usually have no agenda and really have no need to make it known that the had or will have a vasectomy.

In the USA about 50% of men, in general, get a vasectomy by the age of 40. In countries like Germany, Japan, and the UK the numbers are higher.

Why? A vasectomy costs about half the price of one monthly child support installment. Also birth control pills are dangerous to the health of women.

Men who are low income very seldom seek a vasectomy. To them it is like losing their "manhood". Men who are professional almost always seek a vasectomy to protect their assets from paternity suits.

Watch any of the documentaries on the subject available on YouTube and see for yourself.

Btw: a reversal is seldom successful. There is no legal definition for a success when it come to vasectomy reversal. When the doctor says 95%, success rate it does not mean 95% of his clients made babies.

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