Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baby could possibly be born at 34 weeks. How long are they normally in NICU? And what are biggest issues?

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Ashley L

I've already had the corticosteroid for the lungs, and baby seems to be practicing breathing on a regular basis as seen on ultrasounds. However, right now it is only 3 lbs 3 oz. I'm hoping it won't have to stay in NICU for long... would love to hear other people's stories.

well i have had 3 preemie babys! i will tell you all the stories ! the first one was very healthy he weight 5 p 10 oz no time in nicu , came home 2 day after , the 2 on was born at 33 weeks and was in nicu for 4 days no problems he was on the ruben belly lites for 2 days for jodice! he was 4 pound ans 2 oz, the last one died after his birth at 23 weeks!! if the baby has no other problems he / she should be fine but you never know , i pray it will be fine ! the nicu can be a scary place but they will tak care of you baby vary well , he /she may be on a breathing machine , a incubator depianig on how much the baby will weight, will be hooked up to lots of monitors , and will be watched vary closely!
i dont want to scary you but you should know!
the baby most likely will be fine at 34 weeks beast of luck to you

Moms to be and experienced moms. What are your absolute necessities for baby?


My list
Crib (mattress and bedding), stroller, car seat, high chair, diapers, diaper genie, onesies, bath stuff (bathtub,facecloths, baby wash) pj's, socks, baby hats, playpen (pack n play) baby clothes, bottles, pacifiers, baby swing, soft toys,receiving blankets, baby monitor, breast pump. What else do I need for a newborn? I have limited space so any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. Much of the stuff I already have is space-saving.

if you go online to google and type in "newborn checklist" or something of that nature you will find hundreds of websites with checklists of what you absolutley will need and things you might want to have as well. wipes mylicon drops tylenol drops swing or bouncer is a nessecity because it soothes baby alot if you have limited space might i suggest the boppy rock in comfort travel swing i also have limited space and OMG its the best swing ever and it folds up so nicely you can stick it right into a closet a diaper bag if you are having a boy you will need petroleum jelly for his circumscision if he is getting one alchohol wipes or a bottle of alchohol with some cotton swabs for the umbilical chord q tips grooming kit baby nail clippers baby mittens is also a must they scratch the crap out of their faces when they are little, also a traveling lotion kit will help out alot it has lotion powder baby wash and shampoo also diaper rash cream in it in small little bottles perfect for the diaper bag you might want to buy a bulb syringe thing, they give you one at the hossy but its nice to have two one for your diaper bag and one for your house make sure to get 2 or 3 preemie outfits just in case to pack in your hospital bag in case you have a small baby but keep the receipt and dont take the tags off you can always return them for newborn clothes if you have a big baby but its always nice to be prepared!! q tips are nice to have for the baby's nose when they have bogers around the edge instead of having to dig at them with that bulb thing you can just swipe it out with a q tip. if you are planning to breastfeed i would get a nursing wrap a boppy pillow(absolute lifesaver) and some lansinoh for your nipples also breast pads disposable are the easiest to use from my experiences these are just things i can think of off the top of my head but like i said you could google it and find all kinds of info good luck and congrats on your baby they are so much fun i have a 4 year old daughter and a 6 day old son good luck!!

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Is Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System useful ?

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 on Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System
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Annie Dow

Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System review from customers shows that this product is good. But before going to buy this, I would like to know whether this security monitoring system really useful or not. Where Can I buy this best price online ?

Expecting your valuable information in this regard.

Thanks in Advance

Hi Dear,

The Samsung wireless video monitor system is newly released and this one of the best baby monitor system available today. It is packed with so many good features. Some of them are night vision capability, digital zoom, color LCD screen, interference free reception, two way talk, remote monitoring from anywhere in the world, viewing the camera on your television, temperature senor and alarm, remote activated night light and remote music activation and so many. To know more about this system visit where you can buy Samsung wireless video monitor system best price online.

US buyers Visit :

UK buyers visit :

Best wishes.

Can anyone recommend a good baby video monitor with pan/tilt feature?


The Samsung SEW-3037W is a great video monitor with pan/tilt and zoom features. It also comes with night vision, good quality audio and good battery life. You might also want to consider the Levana Astra. This model has really good battery life.

The Motorola MBP36 is also a popular choice, but I think the above mentioned models are better

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Endlers Guppies with Cherry Shrimp?

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So, I have a four year old ten gallon, VERY densely planted tank, very well established...with about 18 cherry shrimp. It's cycled obviously, I check the stats every four days or so with the API Master Freshwater Testing kit, so I know it's stable and has been for a couple years(stats are: PH: 7.2, GH from water company is 10, can't find the test solution for it myself, I assume it's lower in my tank by maybe a point or two since I have extreme planting and driftwood, sand substrate. Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are zero).

My questions:
Can I have Endlers Livebearers(not the guppy mixes), in there with them? I was thinking five. I know they can fit in ten gallon tanks in a small, proper group with good planting and used to have guppies in there with the shrimp for about six months before moving them to a larger tank. They seemed too big, I want something smaller than can fit happily. The parameters stayed stable and the tank looked good with them, but they got too big. lol

Yes, I know they'll breed, I have nursery tanks that are 20 and 30 gallons should I get females and a male. I know it should be AT LEAST a 3-1 ratio, but I like having at least four per male.(I have three twenties and a thirty gallon nursery tank, so I have room!).

I haven't had Endlers before. Only guppies or mixes so I don't have a great deal of knowledge on them. I was wondering if they would actually fare well in a ten gallon with small shrimp like that, or if they'd be a problem to them or want more space, perhaps a twenty gallon?

Are my stats ok for them?

Would they be ok on the same diet I feed my other guppies and livebearers(mostly plant matter foods like blanched green beans, spinach, romaine lettuce, the occasional skinned cooked pea or cucumber, algae wafers. Protein foods are fed two or three times per week, things like mysis, brine shrimp, glassworms most often, occasionally daphnia which is kinda messy and only given twice a month or so, blood worms maybe once per month since I know they can cause issues if fed other than a rare treat. All foods are frozen foods, no freeze-dried and no live since I don't have a good provider and don't breed them. Often I also give Emerald Entree and pick out the worms)?

I'm pretty well off on fish care and knowledge, I've been keeping and breeding fish since I was about 4-5 years old and learning where I can on what I have or plan to get, that's a bit over twenty years. But I get cautious when doing something new, and I've never had pure Endlers before. They're very hard to get here, but I've recently found a nice provider for them, mostly they're the blue and green or red or yellow ones. lol
So all info on them is more than welcome! Recommended space, numbers, substrate, food, tankmates...I intend to get some, be it for this tank or for one of my others that wants to be stocked and is ready. I'd like some fish in my ten though, even with almost two dozen shrimp it seems kinda empty...My empty tanks are well established tanks used as nurseries, but currently have nothing in them. Fully cycled and maintained, all over two years old but one of the twenties which is six months. They all have gravel substrate and are lighter on the plants though.

This is my tank taken four days ago, the female swordtail is no longer in there, she was there for two days because she had a blockage(bloodworms are off the menu, gave them their once a month treat and she couldn't poop for two days) and needed a pea without it being stolen by others. She looks so out of place. x.x She's back in her 55 gallon now. lol Would this be sufficient for five Endlers? AH! I get so flustered when I try new fish! ^__^

This is my twenty gallon from about three months ago I think, if this would be more sufficient, though I'd rather have something in my ten with the shrimp to make it look like more than just...plants and the occasional red critter swimming by or hanging on the glass(they are lovely, but when they're hiding after shedding or just because they can, it looks so empty!). There are more plants now and no block of wood or babies in it, hasn't had babies in it for two weeks or so, I still test the water and do maintenance:

Your Endler's - Poecilia wingii [or Poecilia (Acanthophacelus) wingei] according to some - would do fine in either tank. I am really cheered by the fact that you are still testing for ammonia, nitrites & nitrates. Most of us forget (at least some of the time) that when a fish sneaks off & dies, we over feed & don't get around to gravel vacuuming up the left-overs or we add new fish, that the equilibrium established by that initial cycling of the tank, as been knocked out of kilter or maybe has just gradually slid off our goal of great water quality. Too many aquarists also forget that nitrates, the end product of most filtration systems, doesn't just go away.

When an established tank is empty, the production of ammonia almost ceases. The colonies of beneficial bacteria also back off. However some recent research suggests that they may go dormant rather than dying all off. You indeed probably can add Endler's & shrimp without too much problem. Just continue to monitor the water quality - more for the shrimp.…&utm_content=html

One small caveat about your well planted tank is a bit of semantics, but a densely planted tank is sometimes defined by the real plant & aquatic gardening fanatics as having over 80% of the substrate planted. Few of us can do that. Look here for really well planted works of art. (Maybe when I grow up...)

As you work with that tank I'm sure you will move the now larger sword plant to the middle back & put taller plants stage left & right. Here are a few suggestions (from my modest experience) for additional plants that would serve the Endler's & shrimp well:;_ylt=AvwloaLnc1jRX48nmVJW5jLty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130828105109AA9R8yw

Large female to male ratios are not so important with the P. wingii as with guppies. Their males are no where as aggressive in forcing the females to mate. Indeed one of the characteristics the describers mentioned in their description is that the males were gentle towards the females & actually escorted them in their wandering in a small school. (Behavioral considerations are unusual in scientific descriptions. Perhaps those factors should be considered more.)

As for the shrimp, if they can nibble your highly vegetable diet, that is great. A few crushed veggie flakes are good, maybe after the fish have pigged out on whatever & leaves them some flakes. Indeed there seems to be some evidence that a high animal protein diet can cause potentially fatal trouble when they molt to a new outside exoskeleton..

Years ago we picked up our first Endler's (the old peacock strain trace-able back to Dr Endler about 1980). I kept my fish room cool at the time & was the only member is the club whose Endler's hadn't dropped. As spring warmed up the outside, the fish room also warmed. In May they cut loose as temps reached 76-77 F. I now understand Jenny Eckstein's characterizing them as the "Endless Livebearer." We have fixed a gold strain & pull albinos from them occasionally.

Most of our aquarium fishes are more or less carnivorous mini-predators. You are undoubtedly familiar with the old saw "If a fish can fit into the mouth of another a fish, it will." That applies to small livebearers & baby shrimp too. If you keep that swordtail or the Endler's with the shrimp, unless there is a huge wad of Java moss, there will be no baby cherry shrimp.

You have extra tanks. The cherry shrimp "like" cooler water. If you were to put several cherry shrimp in an unheated 15-gallon on the lower of an over-under stand & gave them the same care as you give your other fish, you could have a steady supply of young adult shrimp.

Hope some tidbit here is of use. Good luck (which you seem to be encouraging through your care)!

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Which baby monitor you recommend?

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I am looking for a baby monitor which should have the capability to listen and see the baby..Do you recommend any..

Here is a good choice:

What is your most memorable/unforgettable moment of the year 2012..?

Vinay Kuma

share ur most valuable moment moment that u spent in 2012..
thnx in advance..

On February 1st, 2012, I was home for work not feeling well. My fiance left for work at 7am. At 10am, I got a call from his sister. He had been in a head on car crash and was air lifted to a hospital an hour and a half away from where I lived. The hospital had gone through his phone to find someone to call, and had first tried "mom" and "dad", but they were on a cruise in the Bahamas and didn't answer. Next they called "grandma" who gave them his sister's number, and she finally he called me. The accident had occurred just 5 miles from our home, and I was only just hearing about it now. I called my mom to give me a ride, as I was crying so much I knew there was no way I could drive. On the way I called the hospital to see if they could give me information. They said they couldn't say anything about his condition, but that I'd better get there fast, and then asked me what religion he was. I was absolutely convinced that he was going to die before I got there. When I finally did get there, he was in a coma with a fractured skull, broken neck, broken pelvis, and lacerated liver. His brain was swelling and they had to put a halo on him and a pressure monitor in his brain. We called our pastor and he came immediately to pray with us. I had never been so scared in my life. They planned a surgery to fuse the broken vertebrae in his neck, but they couldn't do it until his brain stopped swelling, so for now it was just sit and wait. I ended up getting a room at the place across the street from the hospital, and spent a week and a half just waiting, not knowing if he would have brain damage or be paralyzed. When the swelling finally went down and he started to wake up they did surgery which was successful. After surgery they finally removed his breathing tube and I got to talk to him. He couldn't move his right arm, but he could move everything else and he had no brain damage. After months of physical therapy, he regained movement in his right arm and got his halo off just in time for our wedding.

June 9th, 2012 we got married. Our pastor married us, the one who was there the night of his accident. It was very emotional, and I had never been so happy.

On September 19, 2012, I found out that I was pregnant with our first child. Since then we have just been going to doctor appointments, slowly putting the nursery together, and anticipating the birth of our baby in May 2013.

I'd say it was one hell of a year.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby monitor with camera?

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I'm having my first child in December and my mom and I are looking at baby monitors and we found on that had a camera and shows you a live image of the baby. My mom was pretty impressed by this as they weren't around when I was a baby. But they are outrageously priced! I think she wants to get one for me anyway, as this is her first grandchild and my mom's the type to spend way too much. So I was wondering does anyone else have these? Worth the price? Are they any good?

I actually did this, but I used a wireless ip camera. When my son was 9 months old we had to move from a condo to an apartment with no washer/dryer hookup. So I had to leave the apartment to do the laundry a couple doors down and needed a way to see what my son was up to in between loads. I agree that the video monitor setups are very steep. And something worth noting is that every single one I've seen on shelves is not a secured network. So that video signal is open for others to view nearby. I use(d) a dlink IP cam that is networked securely to my home wireless network and accessible via smartphone. It cost about 30 bucks and 15 minutes of setup and I was up and going. I've had this setup for almost 3 years now and it's been helpful. I don't think I've had any memorable absences, but it's a nice piece of mind to make sure my son was sleeping safely when I had to leave the apartment for a moment.

Is a wireless modem/gateway realy "wire"- less?

Tommy Slic

Hi, my parents are always pressuring me to help them buy a "wireless" modem/gateway for our DSL service, because they don't like cables connecting everywhere, but I am a little confused on this, because we already have "wireless internet gateway" that acts as a modem/router combination and it supports wifi connections...

So my question is, is it actually possible to have a literally "wireless" gateway that don't require any cables to plug in to it...? Or did my parents get the definition wrong and "wireless" really means wifi connections?
I mean is it actually possible for a "wireless" gateway to not require any cables at all? Even no power adapter required?

There are completely wireless devices that can provide broadband Internet to multiple devices via WiFi.

You may be able to get a WiFi device from your mobile broadband provider such as the MiFi. The MiFi device connects to the Internet via a cellular data plan and provides wireless routing functionality.

The MiFi is a very small, portable, self-contained device that uses a rechargeable battery.

A MiFi is convenient. I used one in the past for work and travel.

When wireless mobile hotspots on smartphones became commonplace, I cancelled my MiFi and started using a wireless hotspot app on my smartphone.

Same functionality at a lower cost, the add-on data plan is much cheaper than paying for two devices. I just turn it on on the phone and can connect up to 8 wireless devices.

You have to pay for a mobile data plan from your cellular provider.

Be forewarned that most have low monthly data limits and buying more is expensive, so you wouldn't want to use it to stream a lot of Netflix movies or try and replace your home DSL or cable Internet service.

I have a 6 GB shared family data plan and find that more than adequate, you'll have to monitor your mobile usage for a few months and upgrade or downgrade your data plan to match your usage. Verizon emails me an alert when I have used 50% of the data allowance. I usually receive this late in the billing cycle so I have never exceeded the data limits.

That being said,

For home use you are much better off with a DSL, cable, or fiber optic Internet service. Most of these types of providers have much larger monthly data limits of 150 GB or more. Here is a blog post on current ISP data caps:

You can either use a wireless router (which has much better WiFi range than a portable device such as a MiFi) or a gateway such as you use.

Another point,

WiFi connections are convenient, especially for portable devices such as tablets, laptops, etc., however convenience comes at a price.

Unless you specifically need a wireless connection, I would not generally recommend it especially for a fixed device such as a desktop PC or for a device used for serious online gaming or video streaming.

Wireless signals are affected by many factors including distance, wall density, electrical interference, directional antenna range, etc.

All of these factors will affect your actual wireless range. As wireless connection quality varies the connection speeds are renegotiated. The connection may start at 150 Mbps and end up at less than 20 Mbps or drop entirely.

You should try to centrally locate your wireless router or gateway up high and away from dense walls and electrical and 2.4 GHz wireless interference such as microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.

For good consistent speed, your best bet is a direct Ethernet connection. Ethernet is unaffected by wireless interference and will give you a rock solid, stable network connection.

Remember, for Ethernet or WiFi connections, this is only the local network (LAN) speed. Internet (WAN) speed is determined by your ISP. For example a 3 Mbps Internet connection can only provide 3 Mbps even if connected to a Gigabit Ethernet network. No router or connection will make your Internet faster than 3 Mbps.

The only way to Improve your Internet speed is to upgrade your plan or switch to a faster ISP.

Good Luck...

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what is the best set up for angelfish fry tank?

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what is the best set up for angelfish fry tank and the breeding tank, and then the juveniles tank.
i dont want an essay, just basically bullet points, thanks

and can you go down from level 2 back to level 1 on yahoo answers, i just got to lvl 2, so im wondering.

Well, to the level 2, to level 1. Yes because loosing points by asking questions is (-5) points.
And to your angel fish question i am going to give you all the information that you will ever need to know about angel fish. (: !!
Origin: Amazon region of South America.

Size: Up to 6" in length, the top and bottom fins spanning a greater distance in the Veil varieties.

Ideal Water Quality: Soft (0.6 to 1.2 dH), slightly acid (pH 6.5 to 6.9), successful breedings have occurred in pH 6.8.

Live Plants: Should be included in all freshwater tanks. Water quality is monitored by live plants as they will look sickly before the fish die, they aid in keeping water clear, hinder growth of algae and add Oxygen to the water.
Broadleaf aquatic plants are favorites of Angelfish for laying their eggs on. Amazon Sword Plants (Echinodorus) are in a genus that embraces more than fifty relatively hardy and adaptable species, most of which are native to the flood plains of South America. They prefer water that is neutral or slightly acid and not too hard making them perfect plants for your Angelfish tank.

Diet: Angelfish can survive on flake food alone, but they will thrive and be much more apt to breed on a greatly varied diet. Live foods such as Adult Brine Shrimp, Black Worms, Mosquito larvae, finely chopped earthworms and Guppy fry are accepted with enthusiasm and should be included regularly. If live food is not available, frozen packages of Blood Worms (Midge Fly larvae), Brine Shrimp and others are available from your favorite pet supply store and are acceptable substitutions for the live food. There are many dried foods available that will suffice too.
Raw beef heart, finely ground, mixed with unflavored gelatin and frozen immediately in small one serving size pieces is a good and economical addition to your Angelfish diet. Be absolutely sure there is no fat in the meat.

Fry Diet: Angelfish fry have been successfully raised on a diet of newly hatched Brine shrimp (napulii) for the first 4 weeks of their lives and fed two to four times daily. After that, they were gradually introduced to a mixture of finely powdered Angelfish flakes and powdered dried blood worms with an occasional (twice a week) feeding of baby brine shrimp.
When their bodies are about the size of a quarter, they may be fed Guppy fry. An easy way to provide this very nutritious food is to keep pregnant guppies in the same tank as the young Angels and the rest is up to nature. Of course feedings of other varied foods are needed to round out the diet.

The author conducted an experiment and got 6 quarter sized Angelfish from a large tank of like sized Angels and put them in a 10 gallon tank with a sponge filter and Water Sprite. They were free fed guppy fry and twice a day received any combination of Angelfish flakes, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp and dried dworms for 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the 6 who received a varied diet twice a day were almost the size of a half dollar while the size of the other Angelfish barely had any noticeable growth at all. You can see that the correct diet for your Angels is essential to potential and current breeder fish.

Tank Size: The minimum size tank for a breeding pair of Angelfish is 15 gallons, but should be 25 gallons or larger if you plan on leaving the fry with the parents. As you can imagine, a fully grown pair of Angels with 200-300 fry to herd around would be pretty cramped in anything smaller. Another plus to having a larger tank is that there is a better feeling of security in a larger tank and the parents aren't as apt to eat their eggs or young.

Choosing Breeder Angelfish: The best way of assuring yourself at least one young pair is to choose 6 perfect specimens from a large tankful of young angels. This method is less expensive than buying proven breeders that may be near the end of their breeding careers anyway.
When preparing to buy 6 Angelfish, take your time to study the fish and select only those with straight top and bottom fins and perfect 'feelers' without any bowing or bends in them. They should be strong, robust and active. Angelfish that are active feeders mean they will grow quickly, and have a high rate of egg production in the females.

Do not buy fish from a tank with either dead fish in it, with fungus or parasite infestations. Resist the urge to 'come to the rescue of the little ugly duckling' because it will only grow up to be a big ugly duckling and will be totally unsuitable for breeding purposes. Be extremely picky with your breeder selection and you will be rewarded with beautiful fry.

Once you have carefully selected your 6 potential breeders, they can be set up in a 20 gallon tank minimum to grow up in and to finally pair off. If they are fed well with a good selection of live foods, they will grow quickly and reach breeder size rapidly.

One sure way to acquire a true

Whats a good wifi range extender for less than $40?


I have a pretty good wireless router, however the signal upstairs is weaker than I'd like. I've been thinking that a signal extender might help. Mostly I just wanna watch shows and download stuff upstairs maybe (and thats a very iffy maybe) do online gaming. Anybody know of a good product in my price range? I can't move my router any closer so thats not an option.

I agree with the powerline adapter option, however you are not going to get there on a $40 budget, especially if you want a model with a built in wireless access point. A good kit with WiFi will set you back over $100

Wireless signals are affected by many factors including distance, wall density, electrical interference, directional antenna range, etc. All of these factors will affect your actual wireless range, speed and connection quality.

You should try to centrally locate your wireless router or gateway up high and away from dense walls and electrical and 2.4 GHz wireless interference such as microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.

Just because a particular wireless router works good at one location does not guarantee that it will have similar performance in a different location due to variance in the factors listed above.

That being said,

Your best and cheapest option, in my opinion is Ethernet cable. You can get a 50 foot one for less than $15.

For serious gaming or video streaming a direct Ethernet cable connection is the way to go. Ethernet is unaffected by wireless interference and will give you a rock solid, stable network connection.

If you absolutely must have WiFi, the best option would be either the powerline adapter WAP above or a simpler and more economical solution would be a direct Ethernet connection from the router to a WAP or a old router configured as a WAP (Wireless Access Point). Here are instructions.

You can purchase WiFi range extenders, however most of the models with excellent reviews are over $40.

Here are the two most popular highly rated models on Amazon.

Securifi Almond -

Netgear Universal WN3000RP -

Good Luck...

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

How much does a baby Red Eared Slider Turtle eat?

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My son was given a baby turtle 2 weeks ago by a friend, i have never had to take care of a turtle before. I have only seen Donatello eat 3 times since we got him. He runs around and swims all day so he is not acting like he is depressed or sick. Just wondering how often he is suppose to eat.

Red eared sliders are very common turtles and do make great pets!

Your turtle will always be begging for food. Red-Eared sliders have a voracious appetite. This will depend a bit on your individual turtle. A good rule of thumb is to feed as much as your turtle will consume in 15 minutes. If you feed in a separate container, it is easier to monitor how much and how fast your turtle eats. It is important to offer a variety of foods at the same time -- don't just give your turtle its favorite items.

As an alternative guideline, another common "rule of thumb" is to give meals that are roughly the same size (in total volume) as the turtle's head and neck. Still, you'll need to monitor your turtle's body condition and adjust if necessary.

Keep in mind, that if you are feeding strictly by these rules, feeding every day might be too much, and every two or three days might be too little. You will likely need to adjust the amount you give your turtle. The best guide is to monitor your turtle's weight and condition, and with a little experience you will get to know better how much your turtle can eat and stay in good condition. You also do not want to let juvenile turtles grow too quickly.If a growing turtle gets too fat or grows too quickly it can cause bone and joint problems

To ensure proper nutrition, strong growth and a healthy long-lived turtle, feed a varied diet to both adults and juveniles. Just remember that adults eat less animal protein and more vegetable matter. Juveniles must be fed every day; adults can be fed once every two to three days. Do not feed more than they can eat; the excess food will go to waste and foul the water. Feed a combination of the following foods:

Commercial diets (No more than 25% of total diet)
Trout Chow, commercial floating fish, reptile or turtle food (pellets, sticks or tablets). The pellets and sticks have the advantage of being formulated specifically for reptiles and don't decompose in the water as fast as other foods.

Animal Protein (No more than 25% of total diet)
Live feeder fish--do not feed defrosted frozen fish; they are deficient in thiamin and excess consumption will cause a thiamin deficiency in your turtle. Earthworms--buy them from a reptile or aquarium store; do not feed the ones from your yard as they may contain bacteria, parasites and pesticides against which your turtle has no immunity. Finely chopped raw lean beef, beef heart and cooked chicken are okay for treats, but are not appropriate as a major part of a balanced diet for whole prey eaters. High quality dog kibble can be offered occasionally as treats, too; like muscle meat, dog and cat foods are not appropriate when used as a significant portion of a turtle's diet.

Plant Matter (50% or more of total diet)
Offer leaves of dark leafy greens such as collard, mustard and dandelion greens. Offer shredded carrots (and carrot tops), squash and green beans. Fruit can be offered raw; shred hard fruits like apples and melons, chopping soft fruits such as berries. To help keep their beak in trim, let them gnaw on pieces of cantaloupe with the (well washed) rind still attached.

Vitamin Supplements should be added twice a week. Use a good reptile or turtle multivitamin. Turtles must also be supplied with additional calcium; they often enjoy taking bites out of calcium blocks and gnawing on cuttlebone, so always have some available to them.

What kind of cables should i use to connect my macbook to my Lcd monitor?


I was looking at the apple mini dvi-dvi adapter but it seems to short to reach. are there any longer versions by a different company or any dvi-dvi extention cables? if so where can i find them?

Radioshack baby!

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im 36 weeks pregnant and my baby has missed beats :/.... ?

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Baby Ashto

Im 36 weeks pregnant and my baby has missed heartbeats audible on the monitor :/ This means that his heart is skipping a beat now and then. The hospital midwife says theres nothing they can do yet but What does this mean? Is it bad? what can it be? any help would be appreciated thank you x
I have had a midwife hear the heartbeat skipping but they cannot tell what it will be when my baby is born :/ what could it be? :/

That doesn't mean that it is a sign for an unborn baby. I would go to a Dr and let them do an ultrasound on the baby or possibly a 3G ultrasound where they can see more just to make sure the baby does not have any type of heart problem. You would want to know this and be able to prepare for that if baby were to be born with a heart condition more than not, and waiting to see.
Good luck

How can I hook up my PC to a wireless 3G network?

Dogs rule

My area supposedly has excellent 3G coverage but I bought a Sierra Mercury USB device and could not get it to transfer at more than 14 kbps. The indicator found the 3G network but the signal was only 1-2 bars. Yet 1/4 mile down the road on Dad's PC it transferred extremely fast. Needless to say I returned it. Is the problem the device? Reception? The satellite service I have is only 256 service and even it transfers up to 70 kbps at times so I know it's not my computer.

Wow there are a number of reasons for this issue, and without having the actual laptop and device in front of me, and at the location in question, I can only be general in my answer.

I assume you have AT&T as this is the USB device that Sierra Wireless is making for them with the new name of Mercury. You may want to check your providers website for the zip code you are in, and how many transmitters/receivers there are for your type of 3G connection.

The most likely cause of the 3G problems is between the antenna and an amplifier that captures very weak signals from the antenna. This could lead to poor 3G connectivity and slower data speeds as witnessed by the weak signal of only 1 or 2 bars. The amp can only amplify so much before too much data is lost.

The Mercury is compatible with Windows7 Mobile Broadband, Vista, XP, 2000, Mac OS X 10.4 or later. A Firmware update may help, just go to the website for the update for the Sierra Wireless Compass 885 as that is the model the Mercury is.

Make sure that any software that came with the device is configured for optimum performance based on the data plan you have with your provider. Also be aware there may be fine print in your contract limiting your speed, data usage, or when you try to connect on other providers networks. Also make sure the Laptop you are using is optimally configured for wireless connections and networking settings are tweaked.

The computer case itself can be a significant barrier to the Wi-Fi signal - try positioning the case so it doesn't come between the the device the possible direction of any antennas. Also there my be environmental impacting issues. RFI (Electromagnetic interference or EMI, also called Radio Frequency Interference) can be caused by any number of things such as High Power Lines, Broadcast transmitters, two-way radio transmitters, paging transmitters, and cable TV are potential sources of RFI and EMI. Other possible sources of interference include a wide variety of devices, such as doorbell transformers, toaster ovens, electric blankets, ultrasonic pest control devices, electric bug zappers, heating pads, and touch controlled lamps. Multiple CRT computer monitors or televisions sitting too close to one another can sometimes cause a "shimmy" effect in each other, due to the electromagnetic nature of their picture tubes, especially when one of their de-gaussing coils is activated.

Electromagnetic interference at 2.4 GHz can be caused by 802.11b and 802.11g wireless devices, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors and cordless telephones, video senders, and microwave ovens.

3G uses HARQ(Hybrid automatic repeat-request) a incremental redundancy, where user data is transmitted multiple times using different codings. When a corrupted packet is received, the user device saves it and later combines it with the retransmissions, to recover the error-free packet as efficiently as possible. Even if the retransmitted packets are corrupted, their combination can yield an error-free packet. The weaker a signal the more opportunities there are for packet corruption. More packets re-sent slows down speed.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Has anyone use tenvis ip camera as baby monitor?

best baby monitor to use with iphone
 on best baby monitor ip camera on IP Baby Monitor Camera Manufacturer ...
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Has any one use tenvis ip cameras as baby monitor? I bought one from amazon, and it looks nice and works with my iPhone. Now my little baby is coming, I need a baby monitor, and the tenvis camera may be useful. Can you provide me some instructions? thanks

Answer for information, forum, customer support.
The beauty of the Internet and Google searches in particular is that you can find almost anything all by yourself.

How to make old iphone 3g as Home Spy Camera?


I have two iPhones, the old iPhone 3g and the new iPhone 4s. now i wanted to use my old iphone 3g (iOs version updated) as a Home Spy Camera and wanted to watch my kids at home live stream to my new iPhone 4s while im at work. i also got my Home Wifi network. is there any best iphone application out there for this matter? or is it possible to use my Home IP address to use and access it for this concept?

There are many training videos telling us how to make iphone as home spy camera on line.
Um...I've found two:
The second video looks like very easy to access, but I don't know if it is useful for you.

If these two ways are not fit, I suggest you to buy a Baby Monitor or Home Spy Camera. You can visit this online store:
It's a wholesaler, so its price is very low.

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What is a recommended digital baby monitor to buy?

best baby monitor to buy
 on Best Buy Baby Monitors - Sleeping and crying - BabyExpert
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I am looking for a good digital baby monitor for my baby. I want something that is cheap and good for the price. I also want something where the sound is crystal clear. Please recommend some good ones that I can buy.

You can consider buying
1)Levana BABYVIEW20 Interference Free Digital Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Night Light Lullaby Camera
*Digital video and audio signals between camera and monitor are secure and interference free
*Rechargeable monitor comes with ENERGY STAR qualified adapter
*Night vision allows you to monitor your child around the clock
*Standby mode allows you to turn off the monitor's screen and be alerted only when your child makes noise
*The camera helps soothe your child with lullabies and a built-in night light

Hey you can visit below link you can find more options here :

What is the best baby monitor to buy?

Q. I have a fisher price baby monitor and it sucks all I hear is static I would love to find one that is alot clearer.

I have a Phillips Avent digital baby monitor, it's a little pricey but you get no static since it's digital. It is awesome, tells you the temperature in the baby's room and plays lullabies, etc.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Looking for baby monitor that does not have interference from wifi network and blackberry. Recommendations?

best baby monitor wifi
 on WIFI camera iPhone/iPad Best partner baby monitor
best baby monitor wifi image


Aware of Phillips model. Wondering if there is one that is not so expensive.

I have a Fisher Price 900 MHZ and we have a wifi network and have zero interference.

What we have is very similar to this, but it's a couple of years old:|Long_Distance_900MHz_Baby_Monitor&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B000I5RF8C&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001

How do you connect a sensor to a radio transmitter and programming it to transmit one task only?

Q. I badly need advice on how to do this for our science project. Our project is to monitor garbage through radio waves and sensors... the problem is that how do we connect the sensor to the transmitter and how do we get to program it to transmit the garbage levels... and one more thing... What Type of sensor do we use?

Sounds like a cool project that's best if broken down by section.

The key to a successful science project is to keep it as simple as possible while demonstrating one or more concepts. Cost will also be a concern. The trickiest part will be your radio link since there are all kinds of government regulations about what you can and cannot do especially at the unlicensed level. Instead you want to find a transmitter and receiver that already work well together over short distances. Garage door or car alarm remotes can be difficult to work with on the receiver end. A pair of cell phones might work if you have unlimited minutes to burn. Low power toy walkie talkies might work if you had a way to push the transmit button for short intervals. An iPod type transmitter and FM radio might work together. So would a couple of WiFi enabled laptops networked together through a wireless router, but now we're getting complicated again. A battery powered wireless baby monitor just might be the ideal solution.

Note that most of the transmit/receive link possibilities mentioned above involve audio. You'll want to use your garbage level to control either the frequency or volume of the audio you transmit. Volume is probably the easiest since you can use a relatively simple meter circuit at the receiving end to measure it.

One of the nice things about a science project is you can control many of the parameters. Use a small waste basket as your garbage can and use something that packs relatively uniformly like tennis balls or crushed aluminum cans as your garbage. Now all you need to do is weigh them to know how full the can is.

Place your garbage can on a plywood platform hinged at one edge and held up by springs. Get one of those slide style volume controls and rig it so that the slide moves as the platform edge moves under the weight of the garbage. Adjust the tension and number of springs as needed.

You'll need an audio source such as a simple oscillator or a steady tone saved on an MP3 player. This feeds the volume control on you platform scale which in turn feeds your garbage monitor transmitter (in place of the microphone).

The volume at the receiver (after substituting a meter for the speaker) will track the weight of the garbage. Lookup LM3914 for circuits that use LED's that you can label from empty to full.

I'm assuming that someone in your group can handle the basic electronic connections.

Now go get that A.


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Monday, October 14, 2013

How to make old iphone 3g as Home Spy Camera?

best baby monitor to use with iphone
 on Best Baby Monitor That Works With iPhone | iPhone Compatible Baby ...
best baby monitor to use with iphone image


I have two iPhones, the old iPhone 3g and the new iPhone 4s. now i wanted to use my old iphone 3g (iOs version updated) as a Home Spy Camera and wanted to watch my kids at home live stream to my new iPhone 4s while im at work. i also got my Home Wifi network. is there any best iphone application out there for this matter? or is it possible to use my Home IP address to use and access it for this concept?

There are many training videos telling us how to make iphone as home spy camera on line.
Um...I've found two:
The second video looks like very easy to access, but I don't know if it is useful for you.

If these two ways are not fit, I suggest you to buy a Baby Monitor or Home Spy Camera. You can visit this online store:
It's a wholesaler, so its price is very low.

Best way to track my fitness with iPhone apps?


I have a degree in exercise science and am going to school for physical therapy now and really want to track my fitness now that I have an iPhone and I know the importance of health. However, after researching apps I'm not sure the best app or app combination to use. I want to get a heart rate monitor (wahoo or polar?) and many of the apps will sync with it. I want to track calories, GPS run mapping capabilities, nutritious intake, and I want to track my strength training regimen (sets, reps, etc). The my fitness pal app seems to do some of these things and you can also tie in other apps or sync them with it. However there are so many other ones and I want to know the best way to do this if anyone can help. So far I have downloaded: my fitness pal, endomondo, fitocracy, sportstracker, runkeeper, real intelligence fitness app, and digifit icardio. If someone can help me out it would be much appreciated. I would try them out but don't want to give my info and make an account for all of these apps if they aren't what I want.

I track some of the same stuff you do, but not everything and I've tried some of the products you have, but not all. However, here's my take:

1. I use Runkeeper as my basic app. I'm primarily a runner and so are most of my friends. It links easily to facebook if you are interested in that. For me, this is how I communicate with my running community. It has some other basic cardio functions in it as well (elliptical, etc)
2. Runkeeper has a GPS function to be used with the iphone, it's generally accurate within 0.1-0.3 mile. However, when I want to be really accurate, I still default to my garmin which I can still link to my Runkeeper account. (ie, when I'm racing or want to track elevation)
3. Realize also that when you use GPS function on your phone, it will wear down the battery very quickly. I'll use the Runkeeper GPS function if I'm running or cycling an hour or less, but it's not ideal for long distances.
4. Runkeeper and probably most fitness apps will link to a heart rate monitor. However, I'd first ask why you intend to use one? As a PT, myself, I've come to the realization that unless you have a medical condition that warrants it, tracking heart rate is overly burdensome for little pay off. Just used your rate of Rate of Perceived Exertion. Whether you are doing intervals or tempo workouts, it's your exertional effort that's the real issue. Most of the established "guidelines" for heart rate during exercise were established for patients recovering from cardiac events, not necessarily for healthy adult fitness. So, unless you want to get into research about cardiac effort, I'd say don't bother. I suppose you can use it if you want to get a MORE accurate idea of your caloric burn, but I have better options for that (more later). I DIDN"T use one for years, mostly because I take a beta blocker which throws the whole target heart rate out the window anyway. I'm using one now (more on that in a minute) only because I'm pregnant and NEED to make sure my heart rate doesn't go over a certain amount (and I have arguements about that anyway). I use the iphone app with it, but haven't linked it to my RK. It does record it on the wahoo site, but I never go back and look at it. The wahoo site also does GPS and if you get the hardware, you can link it with your bike or a foot pod.
5. If you do want to use a HR monitor, I use the wahoo. My husband and I both have Garmin 910XT's and even though he got the heart rate monitor for it, he's happier with the wahoo. Again, he's not even using it anymore and I am. However, I don't even bother logging my heart rate...I use it only as a warning system. I do think I can link it with RK, but haven't bothered. Once I have the baby, I'll stop using it. Not sure why hubby doesn't like the garmin monitor...I just took his word for it.
6. Now, onto strength. RK doesn't really have a place to log this. I used MapMyRun for awhile which at least gave me an idea of how long I was weight lifting and an approximation of calories. In my opinion, if you are looking for an app that does everything, I'd say be prepared for a really complicated app. I found that the more features it has, the less user friendly it becomes. This is how I felt about MMR. For strength training, I'd consider a separate app. Same thing goes for nutrition. There are probably apps out there designed just for that which are much more user friendly.
7. Back to calorie counting. All the apps give you a basic ESTIMATION of your calories burned based on your weight and work out parameters. Even if you are using a heart rate monitor, again, this is only an ESTIMATE. Unless you are in a lab, all these tools provide estimates only. However, if you really want to know what your body is using and burning, I'd recommend the Body Media System. It's about as accurate as you can get with calorie count without having to be in a lab. The web app also has a nutritional log.

So here's my take in a nutshell:
1. Use a basic app for your cardio. Runkeeper is my personal favorite. Only use the GPS for shorter workouts
2. Use a separate GPS (I've only used garmins) if you want to be really accurate with your distance or if you are doing a long work out and simply sync it to your cardio app (like RK) from the garmin site.
3. Don't bother with a HR monitor unless you have a medical reason to do so
4. Use a separate app for your weight lifting and nutrition.
5. Consider a body media system if you REALLY want an accurate calorie count. It's expensive new, but I got a Core basic system used on ebay for $32. (myself, I'm content using the basic estimates from my cardio app).

Maybe there's an app that does everything, but I find that it gets too complicated....I don't want to spend 30 minutes logging my info.

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