Saturday, May 18, 2013

Have you ever tried at home baby heart monitors?

Q. I am considering getting a baby heart monitor so that we can see if we can hear her heartbeat at home. Has anyone ever had any luck w/ the ones from target?

A. i'm not sure about the target ones but i was thinking about buying one from walmart and based on the reviews i read for it i'm unsure whether or not to go ahead and get it.
2 reviews said gave it good rating and 2 gave it bad ratings.

heres the link for the one i was looking at:

its only $20 so i guess if it doesn't work it isn't too big of a loss. plus you can always return it.

if you do decide to get one make sure you read the reviews. they're very helpful.

so i couldn't be more of a help.

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Multiple Children / Multiple Baby Monitors?

Q. My son is 2.5 years old and we still use a Video Baby Monitor in his room. I am due in May with my 2nd child and will also need a Video Baby Monitor in the babies room.

My question is.. If I get 2 similar systems, will the channels interfere with each other? Is there a brand that makes Dual Camera systems?

Parents that have run into this situation... what did you do?

I'm not comfortable with not having a monitor in my older son's room just yet.... so I really will need two.

Thanks for your help!
Yeah, I know he will be fine... but I'm not ready yet.
So if you are going to answer my Q, then please answer it... I don't need to hear all the other crap.


A. Neither of my kids were okay with opened door check ups, ever, if we opened the door to see if they were ok, they woke up and refused to go back to sleep. Add to that that we can't even hear the doorbell or phone while in the basement, well, monitors are a necessity and we went with video monitors so we didn't end up waking the kids all the time instead of just checking on them. My son has a sleep disorder so there was no way I wanted to interrupt his sleep if I could help it. He was 21 months when his sister was born so what we did is buy two of the basic Safety 1st video monitors. I put each kid on a different channel. I mainly monitored the baby, but if I heard something from my son, I could switch channels and see if I needed to go in to him or if everything was okay. If I needed full-time monitoring of my son, say if we were watching a movie in the basement, I put on a voice only monitor I had for him -- whatever the cheapest fisher price one is -- but I could still look at him if I needed to by flipping channels. It worked fine at the same time as the video ones. It sounds really complicated but it worked out well for us.

As for dual monitoring video ones -- I couldn't find one that worked the way I needed it to work -- thus the above. They have dual systems that will monitor more than one room at a time but you're only able to keep the receiver end on one room. Basically, doing what we did above, but I think the way we did it ended up being less expensive (I think the dual system was like $250).

You can't run two videos in the same room at the same time, even on different channels, as they do interfere and you either get static or screaming. At least the ones we tried did.

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what exactly does my newborn need for the first month.?

Q. i have a bassinet, diapers and wipes, a thermometer, nasal aspirator, a few onsies, sleepers, a few outfits, carseat of course, a swing, towels and baby rags, soap, baby dreft, diaper bag, a baby bjorn, and a few other things that he wont be able to use yet.

i need a complete list of EVERYTHING i will need for the first month,even if i already named it. this is my first baby and the first baby in our family in about 4 years so we all kinda forgot some stuff since its been a while that we've had a newbie in the house. please list everything, pretend i have a completely empty nursery and tell me everything i need for it. thanks.!

A. Newborn necessities checklist
A master list for moms and dads

Consumer Reports Video
Newborn necessities

Here's a checklist of what you should have on hand before your baby arrives.

Tooling around
_____Car seat.

Beds and linens
_____Crib mattress.
_____Bassinet/cradle (if you don't want to put your baby in a crib right away).
_____Two to three fitted crib sheets.
_____Four or more waffle-weave cotton receiving blankets for swaddling baby
_____Two mattress pads.
_____One to two waterproof liners (for crib or bassinet).

Diaper duty
_____Diapers. Disposables: One 40-count package of newborn (birth weight under 8 pounds) or of
size 1 (birth weight over 8 pounds). Cloth: Two to three dozen, plus six to 10 snap-on, waterproof
outer pants, and two to three sets of diaper pins, eight to 10 all-in-ones or diaper system covers;
two to three dozen diaper system inserts.
_____Diaper pail (with refills or bags as needed).
_____Diaper bag.

Dressing baby
_____Four sleeping outfits or one-piece sleepers with attached feet.
_____Six side-snap T-shirts.
_____Four to six one-piece undershirts that snap around the crotch.
_____A small baby cap (although the hospital will probably give you one).
_____Six pairs socks/booties.
_____Two to three soft, comfortable daytime outfits. Get only a few items in newborn size. Then, go for
clothing in the 6-month size--your baby will grow into it quickly. But don't buy baby sleepwear
that's too big--it's a safety hazard.
_____Cotton sweater or light jacket.

Summer babies
_____Brimmed hat.

Winter babies
_____Snowsuit with attached mittens or fold-over cuffs, or heavy bunting.
_____Heavy stroller blanket.
_____Warm knit hat.

Feeding time
If you're planning to breast-feed:
_____Three to five nursing bras.
_____A box of washable or disposable breast pads.
_____Breast pump if you expect to use one (manual or electric).
_____Four small baby bottles with newborn nipples for storing expressed breast milk.
_____Bottle-drying tree.
_____Bottle brush.
_____Insulated bottle holder for diaper bag (the hospital may give you one).
_____Three packs of cloth diapers or burp cloths.
If you're planning to bottle-feed:
_____Six 4- to 5-ounce bottles, plus nipples, rings, and a dishwasher basket if you use a dishwasher.

_____Plastic infant bathtub.
_____Three soft hooded towels.
_____Two packs of baby washcloths.
_____Baby body wash that doubles as shampoo.
_____Pair of blunt-tip scissors or baby-sized nail clippers.
_____Zinc-oxide-based diaper rash ointment.
_____Soft brush and comb.
_____Mild laundry detergent.

Medicine chest essentials
_____A pain-and-fever reducer recommended by your baby's doctor, such as Infant's Tylenol.
_____Cotton pads/swabs.
_____Nasal aspirator.
_____Digital rectal thermometer.
_____Rubbing alcohol.
_____Petroleum jelly.

Keeping baby happy

Extras: Nice but optional
_____Baby monitor.
_____Changing table.
_____A rocker or glider.
_____Sling or strap-on soft carrier.
_____Boppy, a doughnut-shape pillow designed to make holding baby during breastfeeding or
bottlefeeding easier.
_____Nursing coverup. Attaches at your neck and allows for private breastfeeding when you and your
baby are in public.
_____Infant swing.
_____Bouncy seat.

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Elko Nv Non Vaxing Doctors?

Q. Do you know of any non-vaccinating friendly doctors in or around Elko, Nv?

A. It's not easy to find because any decent, honest doctor is fighting a huge drug company take over of the medical industry the drug companies have hijacked. Doctors are under pressure to POISON INJECT because drug companies are monitoring their % of POISON INJECTIONS and creating incentives for them to do so.

We are now seeing 1 in 88 children getting Autism and 1 in 54 boys getting Autism and all the while drug companies are increasing the number of POISON INJECTIONS and telling us there is no connection. Interestingly enough any children NOT being vaccinated are far healthier and there is NO AUTISM in that group of children. A good example of this is the Eisenstein clinic in Chicago where 30,000 Amish children have NO AUTISM in that group! That speaks volumes to the problem. So why aren't these so called "Researchers" and "Drug company executives" not looking at groups of children that do NOT get Autism and figuring out what they are doing different? Because they are promoting their PROFIT & SHAREHOLDER VALUE agendas rather than looking for the TRUTH!

@Gary: Gary, you still have not told us what your qualifications are for making any kind of statement about health in this section. You refuse to tell us what you do or how any of what you say has any credibility whatsoever. I ask you again, "What qualifications do you have to make any statements about health here?"

In regard to vaccines not being contributory to Autism, you know very well that the study the medical industry relied on has been debunked due to FALSE DATA & the people involved were prosecuted for that.

Here is a study that definitely links Autism to thimerosol: Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 8 Number 1 Spring 2003

Without knowing if you have any education whatsoever in the sciences, I seriously doubt if you will be able to understand the study, but read it anyway and maybe you will learn something.

Now, explain why is it that many large groups of children that ARE NOT VACCINATED do NOT GET AUTISM? If there is no connection, why is that fact so?

Here is a study even you should be able to read and get a glimpse of the POISON INJECTION problem. Yes premies have a higher incidence of these problems, but 85% is way over the top and NOT EVEN REASONABLE, so this study clearly indicates higher problems with multiple vaccines. That indicates a big problem. The study had NO DRUG COMPANY funding or participation and that makes it far more credible sir!

The Journal of Pediatrics • August 2007: http//

A peer reviewed study by the University of Tennessee of 239 premature infants measured injuires from both single and multiple vaccines! They looked at two things: C-reactive protein and evaluation of cardopulmonary function. RESULTS: Among preemies getting a single vaccine shot: 70% had high CRP. Preemies who got multiple vaccines: 85% had high CRP! 16% had cardiopulmonary events within 48 hours including apnea & bradycardia. These effects are potentially fatal, of course.

17% had brain hemorrhages with single vaccine and 24% in the multiple vaccines!
As expected the most dangerous vaccine was DPT. Multiple vaccines included Hepatitis B, polio, DPT, H. influenza, and Prevnar.

Now think of those doctors and pediatricians giving those babies multiple vaccines in a few weeks. How much better results can we expect!

Autism rate has increased at a parallel rate with the number of POISON INJECTIONS. How do you not believe there is some causality? And Gary Y, just for your reading enjoyment, here are some studies you can look at regarding vaccines & autism:

30,000 unvaccinated: At the 9:33 minute mark of the 10:29 minute long video at:

In 2005, United Press International studied the Amish community, where children are not vaccinated. Statistically, there should have been 130 autistic children, but there were NO cases of autism in the unvaccinated population.

On the same page see: Dr. Mayer Eisenstein is the medical director of a large natural birthing center in Chicago. Since 1973, he's taken care of more than 30,000 children; there were NO cases of autism in their unvaccinated children.

@Gary: The only thing irrelevant is YOU. Your information is all drug company funded diatribes. There's not enough room here to rebute your information, but believe me it is ridiculous. I will be glad to debate you on each of your points if given enough room to do so.

good luck to you

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has anyone used the angel care monitor and have baby stop breathing and the monitor work?

Q. or do you or someone you know have one and the monitor not work resulting in death. I'm sorry to ask a question about the death of an infant but i would truley appreciate the feedback since i am planning to buy one.

A. I have the angel care monitor, i took my daughter out of her crib one day, left the monitor on, and we just passed the door when t started beeping like crazy. believe me, it would wake up the whole street if I wouldn't stopped it right away. I think it is a good investment. GOOD LUCK

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How can I move without moving bedbugs in to?

Q. I have a four month old so I'm not sure how much spraying and bombing can be done. We are getting rid of the couch which is where they were first.
We have a lot of baby stuff, and all of it is coming with us, that's a crib, loads of clothes and diapers (I stocked up before she was born), toys, both plastic and stuffed animals. Gettin rid of the stuffed animals is not an option as they are very special.
In our room there are at least 200 books, both hard and soft cover that my husband will not get rid of. Then we have a night stand, dresser, and bed frame. There are also clothes and dream catchers.
We have two infant car seats that stay in the house unless we're going somewhere. A bassinet, bouncer and a large swing that has a frame I'm worried they could get into, the christmas tree and christmas ornaments are also sittin in a corner of the living room since we have no storage. We also have a large entertainmment center but I'm going to talk to my husband about getting rid of that.
Electronics: microwave, 2 coffee pots (my husand and I drink different stuff), a hair dryer, lap tops, baby monitor, tv, humidifier and DS. How do I make sure they're not in my electronics
oh, and some of my daughter's toys are stuffed animals with rattles in those, can those be dried in high heat?? And there are two guitars, one bass one electric

A. It is an easy job. If you stop bites immediately and leave CO2 traps. You will kill 100% bed bugs within 3 months. You don't need to dump anything.

Bed bugs hide behind wall, under carpet, in a laptop, and in everywhere. It is non sense to kill them by chemicals or steamer on contact only and let survived bugs bite and lay up to 300 eggs per bug.

Most people don’t know how to kill bed bugs inside laptops or how to stop bites immediately even bed bugs migrate from other apartments tonight. You don’t need to search any bed bugs and should have solved bed bug problem now if you received right tool today. Click “Show more” in the video to read text and understand one-time easy method and why experts never had a chance to use such an easy and efficient method.

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Video baby monitor with ip capabilities?

Q. Twin baby girls on the way and my wife and I are looking for a video baby monitor. I would happily throw down some more dough if they made a video baby monitor with ip capabilities so I can watch them at work. I would buy just a good ip camera but I cant find anything that can link a wireless handset to it. If there are any solutions without having both a monitor and then a separate camera please let me know. Thanks.
The ip setup isnt the big deal. The problem is that we'd like to set up a portable monitor (as seen with regular vid baby monitors) to use around the house. The home portable monitor would be the primary use, while the ip settings will be my selfish way to still be with all three of my girls =)~... Let me know if theres means to accomplish =) thanks.

A. I have heard of a friend-of-friend who uses the following setup as a dog monitor (to watch the dog from home via webcam) which might work for you:

1. wireless IP camera setup to view whatever you're after,
2. create a skype account to run at home,
3. set the skype account to use the IP camera for video calls and
4. set the skype account to auto-answer incoming video calls.

he can then video-call from his own skype account at work to the dog's account and see what's going on throughout the day. and the camera can be moved to a new location without moving the computer.

the catch is, you can't operate the panning of the IP camera via skype. if you need this, perhaps something like Team Viewer might be better - it's a remote desktop app free for non-commercial use, that will let you remote in to your home computer and access the IP camera controls that way (Team Viewer is REAL easy to use).

for your case, I suppose you'd want sound as well, so seek out an IP camera with mic (if you want to hear them) or with both mic and speakers (if you want them to hear you too).

**Edit** Oh, I see what you mean - you want a portable receiver unit with a screen to relay the video to. I had a poke around and came up with not alot.

I can find wireless cameras with receivers (usually 4 cams + 1 receiver) - ie. glorified baby monitors,
and I can find a couple of iPhone apps to receive a signal from an IP Camera (see links below), but no IP Camera portable receiver.

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My baby is 3 mos and already babbling?

Q. At night I will hear her in the baby monitor and look at the screen and shes just lying awake babbling (she does it during the day too and I try to talk She really looks and sounds like shes trying so hard to talk! A what age did your baby begin to babble and how soon was their first word?? I know it may be awhile but I cant wait to hear her say mama!

A. My girl will be 3 months old on 9th March and she also babbles alot :) i love that!
Whenever i lay her on her activity gym she keeps babbling with her hanging toys...
Sometimes she try so hard to talk but just came out ughhha (something like that) lol
She tries so hard that i wanted to do something for her to encourage her, well i just reply by talking to her.
Like u i am dying to listen MAMA..

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Friday, May 17, 2013

What is it like for your labor to be induced?

Q. This is my first child and their going to induce me and i wanna know what there gunna do

A. First off, congratulations :]! I was in the same boat you are...I gave birth to my daughter (my first child) a little over a week ago on 07/09/2012.

I was at 41+3 weeks, and was planning on just waiting out the rest of my pregnancy. I had an appointment that day and my doctor advised me that waiting any longer wasn't really going to help anything. I ended up agreeing to be induced and, surprisingly enough, he gave me a script to get induced the same day.

We got to the hospital and after a change of clothes and about 30 minutes of questions, the nurse inserted the IV into my arm and drew some blood. She then hooked up the Pitocin and the bag of saline. I asked her if I could walk around and use the restroom, and she said I could until the doctor broke my water. She started the machine at 12:00pm and left my partner and I alone for a while.

I was dilated to 3cm and 100% effaced before we got to the hospital (favorable for an induction, my doctor told me), so it only took about 30 minutes for me to start feeling contractions.
I'd never really experienced any significant pain before, including menstrual cramps which I've heard are comparable, but a lot worse, so I was really scared and nervous. For the first hour of labor I sat and stared at the clock waiting for the "excruciating pain" of an induced labor's contractions, even though my mindset to get through it with no drugs and whatnot was fear = pain. I eventually got over the fear, thankfully, when I realized it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

My doctor broke my water in the middle of the next 3 hours. It didn't hurt, but was not being able to stop peeing. The nurse put a huge towel in-between my legs, and left my partner and I alone again. She'd come in randomly through the whole process to check the monitors and change the level of the Pitocin if the contractions were right after the other, or if they weren't coming close enough. Also, to move the fetal monitors around when the baby moved...which happened frequently.
The first time they checked my dilation was 5 hours into my labor. I had went from 3 to 7cm. Dilating from 9 to 10cm was the only significantly painful part.
It felt like I had to make a bowel movement every time I had a contraction, so the nurse checked me and I was dilated to 10. Pushing only lasted about 30 minutes and didn't hurt at all--it actually felt good to be able to push against the pressure. It only stung a bit when her head crowned, which lasted like a minute. One more push and Shaelin was born at 7:52pm--7lbs 4oz, 21in long. :]
Both she and I were totally healthy, no complications. The nurses rubbed on my uterus a few minutes later, and the doctor asked me to push once, letting the EMT student that was watching my labor guide the placenta out. It didn't hurt, it just felt weird. If my partner hadn't commented that it looked interesting, and the nurses hadn't been rubbing my abdomen, I probably wouldn't have noticed...I was too busy gawking at my baby.

I only had the requisite hemorrhoids which weren't even that bad (take the stool softeners they give you afterwards though), and 2 grazes on either side of the inner labia--one was 2cm and the other was 1.5. Both grazes required a few stitches, which didn't hurt because my doctor used Lidocane. The doctor was massaging and pulling downward on the outside of my vagina during the pushing stage and I think that's what helped me to not tear on the outside. The nurse unhooked me after the 2 hour recovery period after checking if my bleeding was okay. I then went to a recovery room and took a shower (the nurse told my partner to sit in the bathroom while I showered in case I got dizzy from all the previous blood loss) of the best of my life. And that's it: my induction story.

The moral, so to speak, of my intensely long story is DON'T let everyone's horror stories about labor and induction get to you. Everybody's labor is different, so go in there expecting nothing and anticipating everything. Keep your mind open. Inductions don't always last 1-2 days, are excruciating without the epidural, almost always end in an emergency c-section, and are even more horrible for your first child. Mine was a 7hrs and 52 minutes from start to finish, and I used no pain medication whatsoever...I didn't even go to birthing classes. I didn't scream, vomit, damn my partner to hell or crush his hand, curse, or cry. You don't forget the pain, unlike everyone says. You don't remember it, though, either. It's more like a vague memory. But it definitely is worth it.

I wish you the best of luck with your labor and delivery, and a happy and healthy mother and baby. :]

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to interfere with a baby monitor?

Q. Sounds cruel, I know, but it's not what you think. See, my grandmother is really fucking nosey and has a baby monitor hidden somewhere in our living room so that she can listen to the family talk while she is "sleeping". Personally, I can't stand it when people can't keep their nose out of my business and would like to put an end to this. Is there anything I can do or maybe something I could buy to block the signal? Help, please?

A. If it's a baby monitor, it can't be that small. Do a thorough search and find it. Then open it up, pry several components off the board and put it back. Or if you know where she keeps the receiver wait until she's away, open it and pry a few components off the board. Or tape the transmitter to a waste pipe so she hears every time a toilet flushes.

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Baby monitor with camera?

Q. I'm having my first child in December and my mom and I are looking at baby monitors and we found on that had a camera and shows you a live image of the baby. My mom was pretty impressed by this as they weren't around when I was a baby. But they are outrageously priced! I think she wants to get one for me anyway, as this is her first grandchild and my mom's the type to spend way too much. So I was wondering does anyone else have these? Worth the price? Are they any good?

A. I actually did this, but I used a wireless ip camera. When my son was 9 months old we had to move from a condo to an apartment with no washer/dryer hookup. So I had to leave the apartment to do the laundry a couple doors down and needed a way to see what my son was up to in between loads. I agree that the video monitor setups are very steep. And something worth noting is that every single one I've seen on shelves is not a secured network. So that video signal is open for others to view nearby. I use(d) a dlink IP cam that is networked securely to my home wireless network and accessible via smartphone. It cost about 30 bucks and 15 minutes of setup and I was up and going. I've had this setup for almost 3 years now and it's been helpful. I don't think I've had any memorable absences, but it's a nice piece of mind to make sure my son was sleeping safely when I had to leave the apartment for a moment.

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I'm so confused to which router to buy?

Q. I just went to type " router " in Amazon website and bunch of products showed up from USB kind to apple brand to so many other company brands price from $20 to $250. many four star reviews to five star reviews. how do I chose once? what's the USB router? and it's so cheap why buy $ 200.?

A. It can be daunting. First, the main reason to consider Apple (various versions of the AirPort) is if you have an Apple device to connect it to. You will pay the "Apple Tax" to do so (their gear is known to be more expensive than other gear because you pay for the name, styling, and yes, good quality, but others are also very good, and less expensive).
Next, how many devices do you plan to connect to it (and I assume you intend to use wireless - known as Wi-Fi)? If you only have one or two (laptop and a tablet, for example) and only want to check email, a cheaper one will suit you.
If you plan a bigger use, like streaming video to multiple devices (at our house we have 5 computers, a game console, a tablet and a wireless printer) you'll need a beefier router.
One solid suggestion either way is to get a dual-band router. A single-band will usually use the 2.4 ghz channels which are often already crowded with neighbors' signals, cordless phones, baby monitors, even microwave ovens, etc, which can cause interference. Adding the second (5.0ghz channels) band will help if you run into interference.
There are many other considerations, so a little learning is in order and isn't too painful. See here for a detailed but layman's language discussion in two parts:

Probably more than you wanted to know, but a thorough explanation without being too techie...
We use Netgear here (WNDR3400 600N) - about $80.00 most places - it's been working flawlessly for a couple years now and has many who think it's the best name (but there are many other choices that are also good. Just read reviews):

Good luck...

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Is there something wrong with my resume?

Q. I need a dang job and i sound conceited but i would hire myself lol but im so not use to not having a job times are pretty tight right now and all my friends are getting jobs but me! so whats wrong with my resume and if i need to change anything what would it be?

To maximize my experience , learn more creative ways to complete the job and increased profitability and product sales volume by developing a dynamic team and bringing my positive interaction skills.

Marketing and Customer Service skills
Team building and Organization skills
Aligns self with mission of organization
Solicits input & involves others in issues that will impact them
Resolves conflict
Maintains attention to detail
Enjoys challenging tasks
Works effectively under stress, uses humor
Coaches/Mentor others

Greenpeace San Jose CA
Environmentalist Training 06/2/2011-06/13/2011
$12 hourly
Develop a detailed understanding of the environmental issues on for which Greenpeace campaigns for. Understand and correctly completing supporter financial information necessary contributions . Approach members of the public.

Work2Future/Alum Rock Library San Jose CA
Librarian Temporary 06/27/2010-08/15/2010
$10 hourly
Arrange library materials , assist patrons in finding materials , determine what additional materials to order , monitor and control library resources and use library or online Internet research techniques.

San Jose Conservation Corps San Jose CA
Community Service Temporary 07/01/2007-7/15/2007
$7.50 hourly
Plant trees, pick up trash, pull weeds, organic growing, recycle, etc..
Speak about issues and awareness of economy, self government, laws, to give people a chance to decide and agree on decisions effecting world issues
Intern at Model Mall Search
Spokes person
Assist kindergarten class
Supervised children, maintained a child safe environment for supervised children
Care taker for 2 people
Helped clean house, and personal issues, food preparation, run errands
Baby sit
Helped with homework, make meals, used creative conflict resolution strategies, provide a very safe and positive environment and interaction skills
Sell Avon
Speak and promote the product, advised and increased customers interest

Alum Rock Library Branch

Rebekah’s Culinary Academy Manager

Beverly 408
Care Taker
I removed name number and address so no one pranks calls or what ever
Really I did spell check?
The skills i obtained from the culinary academy ex: marketing and costumer service and Green peace and mainly volunteer work but i don't have a reference because my boss got fired and im Trina get any job that's why i put my volunteer in there because i have experience with that ex: care taker job= you would provide what you did and babysit their kids, Sell Avon me and my friend did that so there is no reference, and i thought community service was when you help the community , Coaches and Mentors others is when i helped assist kinder garden but i don't have a reference because the school changed names. I swear i think i have bad luck Im not exaggerating nothing trust me theirs allot more than cleaning the house when it comes to care taker you clean the whole mess if you know what i mean. I just want to show that i can do almost every job and experience i have in fact I had allot more skills but lowered it, and the volunteer petition i cant use that as a reference because

A. OK, being British I'm avoiding the spelling/grammar thing because what may be right in the US, isn't right in the UK (e.g. in the UK, Caretaker is all one word).

The main issue I have with your CV is tthat I can't see how the skills you claim to have are backed up by your experience. You dont' appear to have much work experience so it makes your skills claims sound exaggerated at the very least.

If I was you, I'd probably remove some of the housework day-to-day stuff from your CV, for example employers don't really need to know about your babysitting, cooking and shopping.

I'd then go into more detail about what experience you have that gave you the skills. So where is the marketing and customer service experience? Also, under "Greenpeace" you've put "Environmentalist Training", which makes it sound like you attended training. Did you attend it or deliver it?

All in all, your CV doesn't seem to reflect much actual work experience. I suppose how successful you will be with it depends on what type of jobs you're applying for. Perhaps you need to revise your CV specifically with those jobs in mind. Many of us actually have more than one version of our CVs written to highlight different aspects of our experience and use them accordingly.#

Lastly, I'm not sure what it is in the US, but in the UK "Community Service" is something you're sentenced to if you break the law - but not too badly. If it's the same in America, take that off your CV. It's not a good advert for your character.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm struggling to find a baby monitor that works in our apartment. We've tried 3 kinds and they don't work.?

Q. We always have terrible feedback and pick up other baby monitors, but never our own. I've heard there is a difference in short and long range monitors. Does anyone know anything about this, and if so, are there any monitors you recommend under $40?

A. There are two problems you may be experiencing. The first is your monitor is too low tech and is getting electrical interference or noise from electronics, power lines etc... The second is your monitor may be too "good" and has a large range, which encompasses other parents with monitors on the same frequencies.

Before you buy any monitor, make sure the store will let you return it if there is interference.

First I would try a good "low tech" monitor like the Fisher Price Surround Sound Lights and Sounds Monitor, $27.99 for 1 Receiver. It uses the 49 MHz band, which not many other things use now and could be the least expensive answer to your troubles.

If that doesn't work for you, skip the 900 MHz monitors and try the 2.45 - 2.54 GHz models, there is almost no difference in cost and a much better chance at clear reception. Models to look for are: The First Years True Choice ($40), Graco I-Vibe, Summer Infant Simply Clear Digital Audio Monitor

If these don't work the next level would be monitors with DECT technology. These are "guaranteed to be interference-free, and most clients who have them have had great luck with them. These usually run $80 and up. But I doubt you will need to go this route.

Hope this helps,


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Anyone use the bebe sounds angelcare monitor to detect breathing and movement?

Q. I have a newborn baby boy and I am terrified of SIDS. Someone on here told me to try the bebe sounds angelcare motion sensor monitor but my crib has a spring support under the mattress and I read that the mattress has to be on a hard surface. I know people have said they used cardboard or plywood but does it still work as well.

A. my baby is sleeping on hers now. the instructions say that it works with a piece of plywood or masonite so you should be fine. i know i sleep better because of my monitor.

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What age are babies supposed to start babbling?

Q. When are babies supposed to start going bababa, mamama, and dadada??

My son is 6 months old and will only say ma, ba, ga, and da. He doesn't string the sounds together. Should I be worried?

A. your son is right on target. my daughter has a therapist that monitors her development... she is over 8 months old and her therapist said that the single consonant/vowel combinations are right where she needs to be at her age. some babies, of course, will be stringing the sounds together sooner than others but anytime up to 10 months (even 12 months) is totally normal.

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What are Wifi 802.11B networks? Thanks all!!?

Q. I am buying a baby video monitor and it says it could have Wifi interference. Im thinking it has to do with my phone but how do I know if it would have this problem? Thanks again.

A. Wifi 802.11b is used for wireless internet connections for your computer. Most likely the baby monitor you have is operating on the 2.4Ghz frequency which can interfere with wireless internet signals. If you arent using wireless internet (b or g) then you have no worries.

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Has anyone considered donating eggs to help other mommies have babies?

Q. This keeps crossing my mind as something I could do to help another women have a baby. I have a pretty conservative outlook on life/politics/religion, but I guess I'm just drawn to it because of being able to help. I can't imagine not being able to have children...
Have you considered this? Is it painful? I hear you even get paid to do it...

A. Currently, egg donation ads are listed in college newspapers and some magazines. Through these ads, infertile women/couples or egg donation centers advertise for healthy, young women who are willing to have their eggs cultivated and harvested. Women who answer the ads donate eggs for financial compensation, to help infertile women/couples have a child, or both.

Egg donation or recognized assisted reproduction programs are available worldwide. Each program has its own criteria for donor selection, testing and age requirements (usually under 35, as the risk of birth defects is lower), policies, and release forms. Many programs have anonymous donation, where the donor does not know who receives her eggs and the recipient does not know who has donated them. Sometimes couples choose an open donation, where the egg donor meets the potential "birth mother"/parents. Some couples use the male partner's, or another designated man's, sperm to fertilize the donor's egg, and then have it implanted in the recipient's uterus.

Potential egg donors learn about a program's specific requirements before they begin the process. It's helpful for potential donors to consider how this process could possibly affect them, physically and emotionally. In general, donors experience a range of reactions and responses before, during, and after the donation process. Potential egg donors need information and support. It's useful to talk with other women who have been egg donors, as well as perhaps recipients, before choosing to donate your eggs.

From start to finish, the egg donation process can last up to a few months, depending on the program. Generally, the process begins with a comprehensive questionnaire asking the donor about her medical history, physical attributes, and personal characteristics. This helps identify and match perspective candidates with the egg recipient(s). Donors then have a complete physical exam, including blood, genetic, and psychological testing. After a donor is approved for egg donation, documents, including a medical release form to state that the donor gives up rights to the donated eggs once they are harvested, are given to the donor to sign.

No matter how factually informed and emotionally prepared potential egg donors are, the process itself is complicated, and can be frightening, uncomfortable, and even painful. Unlike sperm donation, which is relatively quick and easy, egg donation requires medications and an invasive procedure to retrieve the eggs. Once a woman has been selected as a donor, she is taught how to give herself daily injections of medications and fertility drugs (FSH and LH) for 3 - 5 weeks. The fertility drugs stimulate multiple eggs to develop, and their maturation is monitored by ultrasound examinations. A drug (such as Lupron) that temporarily prevents the ovaries from releasing a single egg each month (which is a typical menstrual cycle) is also administered by daily injection. Women resume menstrual activity shortly after stopping these injections.

Once the eggs are ready to be harvested, a fertility specialist identifies the eggs to be retrieved. A needle is passed through the top wall of the vagina and is inserted into the ovary to remove an egg. This process is repeated for each egg. This procedure usually takes 30 - 60 minutes total. After about 20 minutes of recovery, the donor can go home. Usually, donors are limited to donating up to ten eggs at one time, to keep the gene pool small, decreasing the chances that donor offspring will meet in the future. If the donor egg procedure is done correctly, it doesn't interfere with a donor's fertility. Once retrieved, the eggs may undergo testing; if they're okay, they are fertilized (with sperm) and grown in the lab for 2 - 3 days in a Petri dish before being inserted into the recipient's uterus.

Women who donate eggs usually schedule a day off from school or work for the egg retrieval process. They also need to rest after the procedure and recover from the intravenous sedation effects. The donor may or may not feel discomfort for a couple of days afterwards, and/or whatever feelings may accompany her experience — relief, anxiety, pride, satisfaction.

Potential risks for women egg donors include:

bruising or hemorrhaging of the ovary from the needle used to retrieve the eggs
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome — nowadays a very rare occurrence, this is a series of negative side effects experienced over a two-week period following the release of a large number of eggs. This condition is caused by high hormone levels resulting from hyperstimulated and enlarged ovaries due to fertility drugs, particularly FSH, used for egg growth.
long-term consequences that are not fully known

Egg donation is one way to help infertile women/couples to start a family. For women who are thinking about being egg donors, it's smart to look into several programs to learn about the more specific procedures, criteria, and support for the donor and the birth mother. The benefits can be rewarding, both financially and emotionally.

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how do deaf parents manage?

Q. What if the baby cries at night? They have vibrating alerts. But what if they dont work (i.e. power cut?)
How are children of deaf parents compare to hearing parents?

A. Like everyone else has said, the baby monitors have backup batteries.

Children of Deaf adults (affectionately called "CODAs") are not deficient in any way to children of hearing parents. Usually they are somewhat bi-lingual, and ASL is their first language, English is second. Sometimes CODAs have trouble with pronounciations of words. Most children correct how they pronounce words as they speak, but CODAs aren't as exposed to proper pronounciations as other children.

Children of Deaf adults are also usually somewhat closer to their parents. As they grow up learning both ASL and spoken English, they become interpreters for their parents. Of course, sometimes they take advantage of their parents (i.e. sneaking into the house at late hours), but generally what you have is a perfectly normal child who is fluent in both speaking and signing.

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Monday, May 13, 2013

We need a baby monitor for 2 different bed rooms, is there such a thing?

Q. My husband and I are expecting our second baby in 4 weeks. We also have a 2 year old. We have been looking every where for monitors to have in each of their rooms. I would need to receivers because we have a 2 story home. It seems to be impossible to find. I know Im not the only mom out there with 2 children who need monitors in their room...Please help!

A. You need two monitors and two recievers or just one reciever? If it is 2 reciever just buy two monitors with different frequencies like the summer infant hand held.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

4Real is the name of a baby in New Zealand..What other countries monitor baby names..these ppl got turned down

Q. I live in the USA ... you can name a baby anything you want here. Where in the world monitors what you name the baby???
I'm thinking we need this system!

A. I know!!

There was something going on in France a few months ago, a couple wanted to name their baby Metallica. They weren't allowed.

I about died laughing when i heard that, there's a girl my age that is named Metallica that i know of. I'm not lying at all.

It's so dumb when people want to name their baby something "different" and "Unique" by naming them something strange, or spelling it reallllllly weird. The name doesn't make the baby unique, the BABY and how the parents RAISE the baby makes it unique.

I have a sort of different name, Johnna (pronounced just like it's spelled, "John" with a "na"). I was named after my dad, John. He was the 4th one with his name in my family, and if i was a boy i was going to be the 5th. So they wanted to kind of keep it going, but not be stupid and name me like "Johnette" Or something. haha.

i can see someone naming their kid that though.

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Can my neighbor who has a baby monitor hear my cell phone conversations and cordless home phone conversations?

Q. I want to prevent my nosey neighbor to hear my phone conversations inside my own home. Can anyone give me some insight here? Thanks!

A. Digital cell phone conversations are not easily intercepted and decrypted. The police can do it, but not your neighbor. the old analog cell phone system was easily intercepted and evesdropped on, but not digital.

Cordless phones, baby monitors, walkie talkies and many other consumer devices all use the same basic frequencies and technology. They are easily and frequently accidentally intercepted., especially the cheaper analog units. You can look for the better quality digital cordless phones, especially the ones using spread spectrum technology if you want a higher level of privacy.


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How do deaf people know when their baby crying throughout the night?

Q. I know that they have special doorbells that make their lights flash and bed vibrate.... but you can't have a special baby they makes your lights flash!!!

So, how do they wake up for the every-two-hour-feedings?

A. Baby Monitors light up when the baby cries or makes a sound.

Besides that, (even without a baby monitor) It's all nature; nature takes its course.
A deaf Mother is more in tuned with her other senses, that's when their Motherly Instinct is at its best.

A deaf Mother won't just depend on 'electronics' or 'devices' to stay in tuned to her baby, a Mother can sense when her baby is crying and needs her, that's what 'Motherly Instinct' is all about.

I know for a fact when my son was little, my breasts would leak when he would cry. It was my body telling me that my baby was hungry or needed me for comfort.

This lady told me a story once:
She told me about a deaf Mother and Father who had a baby who had all of his senses, she said that baby learned (quick!) that the Parents were deaf, and instead of crying, the baby would move and use body language to communicate with his parents.

It's amazing how God takes care of EVERY detail, he makes a Mother aware of her young, and a baby aware of its Mother to where no 'modern technology' is needed.
A Mother can sense (in an instant!) when her baby needs her ..

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best baby monitor out there?

Q. i'm finally going to try and get my son to sleep in his own room soon, even though im really nervous about it. i don't want to do that until i get a really good baby monitor though. i had two in mind... either the safety 1st high-def digital monitor or the summer infant day and night handheld color video monitor. they got pretty good reviews so those are the ones im looking at. does anyone have any other recommendations or comments?

A. Honestly, you don't need a video monitor. The best one out there is the Angel Care Movement and Sounds monitor. It is about $100 and has a sensor pad under the crib mattress that senses for movement. We have used that one since our son was 4 weeks old! It let me sleep better because I knew that if something were to happen, we would be alerted by the monitor (it senses for breathing). In addition, I always preferred going into his room to check on him too (with the monitor on)...I liked watching him in person rather than through a monitor. Trust me, I was freaked that something would happen, and this monitor totally helped!

Best of luck!

EDIT: I agree with the other poster here, it is useless to see the baby, and there is no need to get to a baby before he/she starts to cry. There are many times when my son will move around (I can hear it through the monitor) and will even make sounds/cry a little in his sleep and then 30-60seconds later be back to sleep. If you always run in there at every move, you will end up disturbing their sleep and actually waking them up when they are actually not awake. There are times when you need to let them "fuss" (I didn't say cry it out) for a few min so that they can learn to go back to sleep on their own. My son is 10 months, and has been sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks old. (With small interruptions while he was teething...he has 8 teeth and the top 4 came all at the same time). He will now sooth himself back to sleep if he wakes up...sometimes with his aquarium, sometimes his soother...sometimes he even sits up and plays around and then goes back to you are sleeping you can't look at a video monitor anyway...

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