Saturday, February 1, 2014

What is the best video/audio monitor to buy?


I am looking to buy a video baby monitor through walmart. I am looking at the Graco iMonitor Baby Video Monitor, the Summer Infant 900 MHz 2.5" Color Handheld Video Monitor, and the MobiCam Ultra Wireless Color Video Monitor System. I have read reviews on all of them and have compared all of the features but still do not know which one would be best. Can anyone give me any input please? Thanks!!!!!!

Hi! Well since no one else answered your question I just thought to give some input from my experience. Perhaps you haven't yet had your baby? I was the very same way. I went out and planned every last product to put into my nursery: $200 bassinette, expensive travel system, breast pump set, sounds n lights baby monitor (fisher-price) etc. He won't sleep in the bassinette, the travel system is nice but the stroller that went with it is so big and bulky and so inconvenient and heavy to unload that I never us it. I used the breast pump only a few times because my milk didn't come in properly. The monitor is rarely used because I carry the baby with me everywhere in the house (in his carrier) but sometimes when I have the right batteries for it, I use it when I am outside visiting neighbors. I guess my point in saying all of this is that I think you should wait until the baby comes and you know for sure what will work for you and also you won't waste a lot of time and money on stuff that you regret and never use.

Has anyone used a video baby monitor?

Pregnant w

How do they work?
What are the pros and cons?
I am thinking about buying one that you can have two monitors and see two rooms at once and was wondering how many people prefer it.

Congrats on baby #2!

I couldn't live with out my video monitor!! I have the Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor. The picture is so clear both at night and during the day. I love being able to check on my baby with out waking her. I don't even have to get out of bed unless she really needs me! I think if I only had the audio, I would have been getting up a lot more often to investigate every sound, especially during the first few months. The handheld part has a button on top so you can turn off the video screen if the light bothers you at night. Then if you hear something you feel you need to check on, simply click the button and the video comes back on. I read the reviews for this product. Many people say they could not get a signal. I never had a problem. I also read that they can interfere with wi-fi. My husband is a web developer... he never would have allowed wi-fi interference!

I highly recommend this monitor to all my friends. The only con I can think of is that I have had to change the channel due to static. Seriously, it's a flick of a button and I've had to do it maybe 3 times in 7 months. No biggie! I know you can get an extra camera for this monitor, but I don't need one yet. Here is what one person commented: "We bought a second camera to go with the monitor we already had. I love being able to switch back and forth between my two kids' rooms. Only issue is if the monitor is too close to one camera, you can have interference when trying to check on the other one."

Hope this helps.

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Do we need a baby monitor in our small apartment?

Lola H

My husband and I are in the process of registering for our first child. When the baby's born we'll be living in an approximately 1,000 sq ft apartment. Is a monitor necessary?

I would. You dont need anything fancy just a cheap one for 20 or 30 bucks. My house is about 1200sq ft and only one story but it comes in handy when you want to take a shower and baby is sleeping 3 rooms down and you cant hear over the water otherwise. It also came in handy for my husband during the nights. Even though he was only a few doors down my husband is a heavy sleeper and it helped wake him up when he was crying. Little things like that.

I want to get a baby heart monitor doppler. Any recommendations?


Which brand have you found works well and from how many weeks could you hear the baby heart beat?

ebay gtek baby Doppler 60-70 buck and work wonder i herd my baby at 9 weeks

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Baby breathing monitor?

Emma's Mom

How many of you mommies have bought any of the monitors on the links below?? Do they work good?? Not too many false alarms?? Would you recommend those ones or another brand??

i have 2 of them....i LOVE love love them. our master bedroom is upstairs, the kids room downstairs, and my husband works midnights. that monitor is that only thing that ever gives me piece of mind for sleep at night esp since i have horrible hearing.
they make a bunch of diffffernt ones, ones with room temp on it, ones with extra long sensor pads. i prefer the extra long sensor pads, and never get false alarms.

this was worth every penny, esp if you plan to have more kids...and the resell on them is great.

i highly recommend them. try it out, if you don't like it it than save the receipt and return it.

Have you ever tried at home baby heart monitors?


I am considering getting a baby heart monitor so that we can see if we can hear her heartbeat at home. Has anyone ever had any luck w/ the ones from target?

i'm not sure about the target ones but i was thinking about buying one from walmart and based on the reviews i read for it i'm unsure whether or not to go ahead and get it.
2 reviews said gave it good rating and 2 gave it bad ratings.

heres the link for the one i was looking at:

its only $20 so i guess if it doesn't work it isn't too big of a loss. plus you can always return it.

if you do decide to get one make sure you read the reviews. they're very helpful.

so i couldn't be more of a help.

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Baby monitor with camera?


I'm having my first child in December and my mom and I are looking at baby monitors and we found on that had a camera and shows you a live image of the baby. My mom was pretty impressed by this as they weren't around when I was a baby. But they are outrageously priced! I think she wants to get one for me anyway, as this is her first grandchild and my mom's the type to spend way too much. So I was wondering does anyone else have these? Worth the price? Are they any good?

I actually did this, but I used a wireless ip camera. When my son was 9 months old we had to move from a condo to an apartment with no washer/dryer hookup. So I had to leave the apartment to do the laundry a couple doors down and needed a way to see what my son was up to in between loads. I agree that the video monitor setups are very steep. And something worth noting is that every single one I've seen on shelves is not a secured network. So that video signal is open for others to view nearby. I use(d) a dlink IP cam that is networked securely to my home wireless network and accessible via smartphone. It cost about 30 bucks and 15 minutes of setup and I was up and going. I've had this setup for almost 3 years now and it's been helpful. I don't think I've had any memorable absences, but it's a nice piece of mind to make sure my son was sleeping safely when I had to leave the apartment for a moment.

What is the best baby Monitor I should buy/register for?

TB Expecti

Please, any suggestions???

Really, just buy/request the middle of the line - whatever that may be. We spent 45 bucks at Target and it is perfect for our needs. Models change so frequently - ours was safety first.

In the end, consider your needs - how far away will you be? Will the radius of the baby's room to say your living room, kitchen, etc be covered? Are there two channels in case one is 'occupied' (ours picked up the neighbor's kid so wee switched channels and we were fine.) Do you need a portable unit? Ours has the base - for the baby's room, one that we keep in our bedroom, and a spare unit that you can either plug in or put batteries in for mobility.

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baby with fever any suggestions?


our 6 month old had some shots today one of them being a flu shot and the others were normal 6 month shots.tonight she has a fever of 100.8 under arm this normal?we gave her tylenol. should we go to E.R . or any other suggestions?

100.8 is not a really high fever. I would give her .8 ml of infant tylenol every 4 hours or whatever the dosage says. It is very common to get a fever after shots. I have been through lots and lots of fevers with my kids. Anything under 104 usually is not serious. Just monitor her and make sure she is alert and eating, that is the biggest thing. My pediatrician was never concerned about a fever unless it went 104 and stayed there for more than an hour or 2, and or the baby is lethargic. Your baby will probably be just fine. If she is eating and giving you wet diapers, that is good.

best baby monitor out there?

i'm finally going to try and get my son to sleep in his own room soon, even though im really nervous about it. i don't want to do that until i get a really good baby monitor though. i had two in mind... either the safety 1st high-def digital monitor or the summer infant day and night handheld color video monitor. they got pretty good reviews so those are the ones im looking at. does anyone have any other recommendations or comments?

Honestly, you don't need a video monitor. The best one out there is the Angel Care Movement and Sounds monitor. It is about $100 and has a sensor pad under the crib mattress that senses for movement. We have used that one since our son was 4 weeks old! It let me sleep better because I knew that if something were to happen, we would be alerted by the monitor (it senses for breathing). In addition, I always preferred going into his room to check on him too (with the monitor on)...I liked watching him in person rather than through a monitor. Trust me, I was freaked that something would happen, and this monitor totally helped!

Best of luck!

EDIT: I agree with the other poster here, it is useless to see the baby, and there is no need to get to a baby before he/she starts to cry. There are many times when my son will move around (I can hear it through the monitor) and will even make sounds/cry a little in his sleep and then 30-60seconds later be back to sleep. If you always run in there at every move, you will end up disturbing their sleep and actually waking them up when they are actually not awake. There are times when you need to let them "fuss" (I didn't say cry it out) for a few min so that they can learn to go back to sleep on their own. My son is 10 months, and has been sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks old. (With small interruptions while he was teething...he has 8 teeth and the top 4 came all at the same time). He will now sooth himself back to sleep if he wakes up...sometimes with his aquarium, sometimes his soother...sometimes he even sits up and plays around and then goes back to you are sleeping you can't look at a video monitor anyway...

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Baby monitor for ipad?


I am looking for a baby monitor camera to use on my ipad. The one I have now uses a monitor screen but my house is too big and it is now out of range. I want a monitor to use with wifi so I can see my baby on my ipad. I would like one with the same features as my current one. One that pans, and I can talk back to the baby when shes crying. I've found one so far, (Motorola Blink1 Wi-Fi Video Camera for Remote Viewing with iPhone and Android Smartphones and Tablets ) but looking for other options and personal feedback. Thanks!

I have Foscam ip camera at home and still using it after a year. Initial setup wasn't easy, but when you're done with setup it works properly. Here you can find more info on baby monitors / cameras :

Poll: Do you think that two-month-olds should have iPhones?

Q. Or would it be better for them to have an Android?

I say a baby monitor will be much better

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Friday, January 31, 2014

I just found out i am pregnant! By now, is there a "formation" of a baby yet?


If calculated correctly, I should be about 3 weeks along and I am wondering if an ultra sound should show a baby yet.

How Big is the Baby at 3 Weeks Pregnant?
At this point in time at pregnancy 3 weeks your baby is too small to detect with the naked eye even though he is growing remarkable fast. By about pregnancy week 3 your baby consists of a ball of cells that can fit into the head of a needle. As you continue to monitor your pregnancy week by week you will find your baby resembles a blob more than a baby, but this will change rapidly in the weeks to come.
Many people wonder at pregnancy week 3 what their chances might be for having twins. Twins generally occur when more than one egg is released from your ovary or ovaries. Your eggs can be fertilized by two separate sperm, which would result in fraternal or dizygotic twins. Identical twins develop when one egg is fertilized but later divides into two. When twins are identical they have the same chromosomal makeup, so they have to be the same gender and have the same physical characteristics.

Multiple combinations are possible when triplets and quadruplets result. Three or more eggs for example can be fertilized to result in triplets. One fertilized egg sometimes splits into identical twins and another egg may be fertilized separately to result in triplets. The human body is endless with possibilities. The entire process is truly remarkable.

If you have a family history of multiples you are more likely to conceive multiples than someone who does not. Just because you have a history of twins in the family however does not guarantee that you will have twins. Women who are 'multiparous' meaning they have had more than one baby, are more likely to have twins than first time moms. Multiples are more and more common nowadays in part due to reproductive technology and assisted fertility.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
By pregnancy 3 weeks very few women will know for sure that they have conceived and are pregnant. Though you have not yet missed your period, your baby is growing inside of you. Right now your baby is an embryo consisting of a ball of cells that is rapidly multiplying and expanding. If you were to look at your baby through a magnifying glass you would see a group of cells that does not resemble a human form (at least not yet!). By 3 weeks pregnant your baby is about the size of the head of a sewing pin during this week, or about .006 inches long. That's pretty small. The biggest happening during 3 weeks pregnant is fertilization. When an egg joins with sperm, for a baby to be conceived the sperm must penetrate the outer layers of your ovum in order to reach the egg. Of the hundreds of sperm surrounding the egg, one will penetrate the ovum. This sperm then commingles with the chromosomes of the female ovum.

Bubbles 6 PC Baby Crib Bedding
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A baby is basically made up of a combination of chromosomes from you and your partner. Both of you contributes 23 chromosomes to the development of your baby. Three days after your egg is fertilized, a 9-cell embryo is formed.

During pregnancy week three amniotic fluid will begin to collect around the ball of cells that comprises the embryo. This occurs in a cavity that will eventually become the amniotic sac. The amniotic fluid will help cushion your baby during the entire nine months of pregnancy. During week three your ball of cells even uses a primitive circulation system that is made up of tunnels connecting your baby to the uterine wall. The placenta will not develop until another week or so, but rest assured until that point in time your baby will receive all the nutrients he needs from you.

Your Growth and Development
You may be anxious by pregnancy at 3 weeks to uncover any physical changes of pregnancy that may or may not be occurring during this time. Most women will not realize any true changes however for a few more weeks. You may however, be able to detect that you are ovulating during this time. Some women are able to tell when they ovulate. The biggest giveaway is pain or cramping on one side of the abdomen. Other women produce an increased amount of clear and stretchy discharge.

One giveaway that you might have conceived by pregnancy at 3 weeks is a small amount of bleeding. This sometimes occurs during conception, though many women miss this or assume it is just pre-menstrual spotting. This bleeding is often referred to as implantation spotting, and is thought to be caused by the egg burrowing into the uterine lining. Usually this happens at about 6 days after fertilization or closer to the end of this week.

Remember that in the early weeks of pregnancy it is vital that you take care of yourself. The best way you can do this is to begin eating healthy and adopting a wellness oriented lifestyle. If you haven't already, you should consider an exercise regimen, provided you have clearance from your doctor to do so. If you have never exercised prior to becoming pregnant, you can still adopt a healthy and active lifestyle, though you will have to do so gradually and carefully during pregnancy. If you have already been active, you can usually continue your routine with a few modifications during your pregnancy.

Pregnant With Triplets!?

Q. Well, hello everyone! Today I am in happy and a little scared mood. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and today we had our first ultrasound. First the doctor found two heartbeats! Twins! Then after moving the monitor around of my belly, he picked up yet another heartbeat. Triplets! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 months or so, and we conceived the triplets naturally. I'm extremely nervous for the baby's health and my own. Does anyone have any experience with three? Any tips or guidelines would help! Thanks so much and I could use all of your support!
Thanks you, and I will be sure to relax. I will keep you all update on my pregnancy and thank you again for your encouraging answers!

Oh my goodness, congratulations! That's very unusual for a first pregnancy, especially a natural one. I'm sure that you're nervous but you will be monitored much more during your pregnancy than if you were just carrying one baby. You will have more scans and blood tests and probably more appointments with doctors and midwives. Please don't be too scared about this, it's just to make sure that all the babies grow and develop healthily. There's no reason why you can't carry them all to term, although you may be advised to give birth early, probably at around 35-37 weeks, simply because you will run out of room for them all! Depending on your doctor's opinion, you may be more likely to have a caesarian birth, if any of them are lying in a breech position, this would be safer. But it is perfectly possible to give birth to triplets naturally, and to breast-feed them all, just make sure that you have family and friends around to help you in the first few weeks. One of my neighbours had triplets, she was exhausted for the first few months but they are all lovely, now 10 yrs old and a real close little gang. You are in for a lifetime of joy and happiness, not to mention a load of work and expense, and I wish you all the very best of luck! Do please keep us updated and let us know how you get on, ok?

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How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

How to make old iphone 3g as Home Spy Camera?


I have two iPhones, the old iPhone 3g and the new iPhone 4s. now i wanted to use my old iphone 3g (iOs version updated) as a Home Spy Camera and wanted to watch my kids at home live stream to my new iPhone 4s while im at work. i also got my Home Wifi network. is there any best iphone application out there for this matter? or is it possible to use my Home IP address to use and access it for this concept?

There are many training videos telling us how to make iphone as home spy camera on line.
Um...I've found two:
The second video looks like very easy to access, but I don't know if it is useful for you.

If these two ways are not fit, I suggest you to buy a Baby Monitor or Home Spy Camera. You can visit this online store:
It's a wholesaler, so its price is very low.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

trouble trying to conceive baby number one!?!?!?

what's it

my fiance and i have been having unprotected sex for about four years now, we aren't "trying," but we aren't not trying.. i heard that even if you perfectly time your ovulation, you only have a 25% of conceiving each month..

i did have one miscarriage before, so i think i CAN get pregnant, well anyway i am hoping!

can anyone direct me to some good websites other than and i've also been to or give me some advice on how to start "trying" to conceive.. some things i have been doing differently:

1. taking a multivitamin.
2. no caffeine - aka no sodas, coffee, caffinated teas, etc.
3. dieting and exercisting, trying to lose weight.

is there anything else i should be doing? i'm a 21 year old, so i should be perfectly fine with lots of time left on the biological clock! thanks guys!
exercisting?? what am i thinking! lol

sorry about that.. i didn't spell check! sorry!

Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.

2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.
This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the manâs sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

Does gestational diabetes affect the baby?


My wife is pregnant in her 7th month. However, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It's our first baby. Does this mean that the baby might have diabetes,too? and is she gonna have a cesarean operation? how can she lower sugar in her blood. PLEASE HELP

How does having gestational diabetes affect my pregnancy?
These days, most women who develop diabetes during pregnancy go on to have healthy babies. Your practitioner will monitor you closely and you'll most likely be able to keep your blood sugar levels under control with diet and exercise, and by getting insulin shots if you need them. But poorly controlled diabetes can have serious consequences for you and your baby.

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Does a Baby biOrb Aquarium with Light come with a filter?


ok so i have a fish bowl and people have been telling me get a better tank with a filter so it keeps the tank clean and my goldfish will live longer. so if anyone has this tank can you please explain everything e.g filter, light, bubbles?
and could i turn the bubbles shooting up off at night so i can get to sleep lol

Well biorbs technically come with an undergravel filter, however to be honest they are overpriced novelty crap. Also they are too small for goldfish.

Fancy goldfish would need a 20 gallons tank (and 10 gallons for each additional) with filtration rated for twice the tank size.
Common/comet/shubunkin goldfish need 50 gallons each with filtration rated for twice the tank size.

Good luck finding a biorb that size....

Light - With goldfish is more for your viewing pleasure (they will kill most plants so thats out of the question).
Bubbles - Useless, forget it. (exception: if a filter is run by an airpump ex. sponge filter then the airpump has to be on 24/7).

Filtration - goldfish are heavy waste producers and need heavy filtration (one that is rated for twice the tank size, like 40 gallon-rated filter or 2x 20 gallon-rated on a 20 gallon tank). The purpose of filtration is to establish a host of beneficial bacteria which turn toxic fish waste (ammonia) into relatively harmless nitrate. Since you already have the fish you would have to do a fish in tank cycle:
1) Fill the tank, check if the filter work.
2) Add dechlorinator (i recommend seachem prime)
3) Give the tank 12 hours for the water to settle.
4) Put the fish in
5) Monitor the water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate daily.
6) Do a 50% water change should ammonia or nitrite start approaching 1.0 ppm (or even less)
7) After few weeks the bacteria will develop, first culture which turns ammonia into nitrite (which is also toxic) and then another which turns nitrite into nitrate (which is relatively harmless unless at high concentration). Once you get a reading of 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and some nitrate the tank is finally "cycled" and 25% water change once a week should be enough. (Aim for nitrate below 20 ppm)

Finding Mean in Stats:?


How do I find a mean like this?

THe probability of a baby boy being born is .513. Mass Gen plans to monitor the genders of the next 1000 babies that are boen:

Find the mean number born in the randomly selected group of 1000 babies

Next, find Stand. Dev.

Please help!

As the baby can only be one thing or the other
(boy or girl), it represents a binomial distribution.

Mean= 1000 x 0.513
Mean=513 boys

*Variance= np(1-p)

*Standard Deviation=square root of var
S.D= 15.8 (1dp)


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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is there a baby monitor app that will work on my blackberry?


Is there a baby monitor app that will work on my blackberry?

i have only found one program that will work as u want it. here is the link for it.

it offers i day free trial and costs 25.00 us.

hope that helps

What is the best baby monitor out there?


Im going to be a first time mom & my baby's nursery is on a different floor in my house. Im looking for the best portable baby monitor, possibly a picture one. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I would go for a basic sound only monitor. When I was setting up my nursery we bought a motion and sound monitor. I found it to be useless for a new born as the baby was too small to set it off. It needed an adult or something bigger to set it off as it needed big movements (a hand waving in front of it.) I have one by fisher price that came with 2 speakers and the base. It is really good and picks up all sounds (it is so sensitive that it picks up the grand father clock chiming in the dinning room!) I love it. It only cost us about $80 from baby target.

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How safe is my baby cam/monitor?


I have a baby monitor/camera and was wanting to know how safe it is. I have seen programs where people with back-up cams have picked up monitors in peoples homes. Is this true and if so, what can I do to protect my home or make it harder to pick it up outside of my home.

i have one and i love it mine runs on batteries so i can carry it with me all of the time i can hear and see him breathing which i love he is 4 weeks old now but the first few days i didn't want to leave his side even to go to the bathroom so it put my mind at ease a lot i have a mobi cam i love it i researched consumer reports it got the best rating. it even can hook up to ur computer with a password so u can watch from ur cell phone

What's the best free security software to download onto a PC?


I'm getting a new laptop, a Dell Inspiron 17, and I won't really be able to afford security software that you pay for. But I've heard that you can get good security software for free online. So what's the best legit security software that you can download for free?

Consumer Reports's top honors 2009 went to a free three-pack of Avira's AntiVir antivirus program, Microsoft's Windows Defender antispyware software and the Spamfighter antispam program.

Avira AntiVir
Its scans are flexible, allowing the user to fully scan both internal and external hard drives, run a preloaded scan--for rootkits, for example--or customize a scan. The latest version introduces antispyware protections, scanning tech that can crack open "locked" files, improved internal security to prevent AntiVir's files from being maliciously altered, and one-click threat removal--no more baby-sitting. AntiVir is still challenging to fully uninstall. Despite these hang-ups and the nag screen that follows definition file updates, AntiVir offers such effective protection and a well-rounded set of features that as long as the updates keep coming, it'll be our first line of defense.

Windows Defender is software that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software by detecting and removing known spyware from your computer. features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected, minimizes interruptions, and helps you stay productive.

SPAMfighter has partnered up with Microsoft to build the strongest, safest, and most effective anti spam filter on the market. If you use Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail or Thunderbird and you want to get rid of spam, just install SPAMfighter

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How much does it cost the first year to raise a baby and other questions.?

best baby monitor for newborn
 on Philips AVENT Video Baby Monitor SCD 600 - Baby Store - Baby Village
best baby monitor for newborn image


I am not pregnant. This is a protect for school.

What is the annual cost the first year to raise a baby?

Second question. Im going to give you a list of newborn items. Tell me which items are TRULY NECESSARY.

diaper changing table
rocking chair
baby monitor
baby bathtub
bottle brush
bottle drying rack
baby swing
infant bouncer
swaddling blanket
play mat
play pen

Swaddling blanket
Play mat (can be used on floor as changing mat too)
These are the basic basic needs for me. You can get by without the others but not these.

The annual costs for a baby each year is different for every person. Some woman breast feed which is cheaper than formula. Others use cloth diapers which are cheaper than disposable etc.
I bought a pack of 15 reusable pea pod diapers for $70. These can be used from newborn right up to 3 years, so I only bought 1 pack of disposable diapers during the first year, to see what was better. Diapers are about $10 (new Zealand dollars) a pack. Babies go through about 5-10 nappies each day in the first few weeks, and then about 3-5 a day from around 4 months to a year. So do the math and it'll give you an approximate answer (get the price of diapers from your local supermarket).
If breast fed, it cost nothing. I breast fed, but I also bought a breast pump and baby bottles for $150 in case baby needed to be left with another person etc. if formula feeding, do some research online on the average formula used a month, and then times that by 12 (12 months in a year) get a price from your local supermarket.
Clothes- this depends on where you buy from etc, but I spent about $800 on all clothes up to 12 months. (including shoes, socks, togs, pyjamas etc)
I spent about $20 or so on baby shampoo, soap and powder every 6 or so weeks, so that's about $180 a year.
I bought baby towels and facecloths before my baby was born and they lasted right up until she was four. I spent $30 on 5 towels and a couple packs of facecloths.
Bibs- got given some at baby shower, but bought a few packs for $20 around about, these lasted the whole time needed.
Bassinet/Moses basket - needed for first 8 weeks, cost me $80
Crib- needed up until about 2- cost me $250
Stroller- needed up until about 3- cost me $150
Car seat- Bought a seat that was used from birth til 4 years. Cost $150
Blankets, sheets, duvets for crib- got given some at baby shower but probably costs about $100 for a couple pairs of sheets, blankets etc
Swaddling blankets- needed for first few weeks (I used them but not necessary) depending on brand etc but I got a few muslin wraps for $30.
Baby bath- optional, but I used one. $30
Medication such as baby Tylenol, gripe water, teething gel, teething powder etc about $50 all up the first year (depends)
Baby food- baby cereals, rusks, custards and other tinned foods probably about $90 a month (depends how much food baby eats. This price is based on my baby who at 7 months ate 2 tins a day, at $1.50 each) I also bought veggies and meat, and puréed these myself for baby. (this price will depend, as some babies don't start real food until a year old) my girl at 10-12 months was eating the same foods as I was.
Some people will put their children into childcare, this is another cost.
Where I live, medical attention for under 5's is free, but many people will have to pay for this as well.
Hope I haven't forgotten anything :)
Hope I helped!

Where can I find information on what are considered good baby products?


I am trying to register for my baby. I am so confused. There are 5 different brands of infant/newborn bottles, 15 different brands of baby monitors, 3 brands of infant care products. How do I know which is the best? I am very overwhelmed. Please help.
None of my friends have babies. My sister-in-law has two children but they are 7 and 4. This would be foreign to her.

Ask friends, family, coworkers, etc. what products they like and dislike and why and that should help you make a choice. Be sure to save receipts and shop at "return" friendly stores just in case you find you don't like a product. Target tends to have nicer things but I find they can be a bit of a pain when returning things sometimes. Wal-Mart has a much more lenient return policy.

If you want to e-mail me questions about products you're unsure of I'd be happy to share my experiences with you. I have a 2-year old and a 6-month old and I think I've tried it all! I went through the confusion with my first and got a lot of things I didn't like or didn't use/need.

Good Luck!

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Can anyone recommend a digital video baby monitor that can be linked to the internet?

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 on Radio Baby Monitor On A White Background Stock Photo 40970911 ...
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Can you recommend a digital video baby monitor that can be linked to the internet? I can't seem to find one that can be linked to the web so that we can watch baby remotely while at work.

go to gerber lol they should hav baby stuff

How to extend the range of a video baby monitor?


Does anyone know how to extend the range of a video baby monitor? Our monitor is 900mhz. We live in an old building full of steel and concrete so the signal doesn't go well between rooms and is lost entirely between the baby room and the master bedroom. There are boosters for wifi networks so I would assume there is some technology or the same one that would work for baby monitors.

Take a power booster and uplink the connection to the communication antenna but dont forget to bypass the firewall and that should work.

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When will tmobile come out with the iPhone?

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 on 10-Best-Baby-Apps-for-New-Parents-From-Baby-Monitors-to-Lullabies ...
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I have seen articles and reports that T-Mobile will carry apple products in the new year (2013). When can I expect to see the iphone 5 on T-Mobiles network?


I let my friend (coworker) who owns an iPhone 5 use my Note 2 just to compare, and showed him how to use it.

I then asked him why people prefer iPhone 5 over the customization that Android gives. He had no answer to that (he did attempt to say that the iPhone was simpler to use, and I described that the it was true that even babies could use the iPhone, but the Android only takes a day to customize to ones wants and needs), just that he never knew Android had gotten so good. He then offered to trade me his iPhone 5 and a gaming screen he had previously used for his triple monitor setup. I stoutly declined.

This sounds like I'm just trying to spite you because even if the events that I have just tried to describe are false (and they are not), they are impolite.

So I won't educate you on the benefits of the Note 2, and Android as an OS, and why I'm not here to start a war, but merely to inform you that iPhone is definitely starting to fall off as a feature full phone every generation. Every generation, the iPhone is declining. I won't speak of it anymore, and just try answering your question without killing myself over how much a tech geek like me needs to tell you how much better Android is. All you have to do is research and use google anyway if you wanted to know, right?

So about iPhone on T-mobile. You probably won't be seeing the iPhone 5 likely appear in next month. After that, they will be very eager to get the iPhone 5 if they truly are considering offering the iPhone 5 (they already offer the Galaxy Note 2, though... OOPS what am I saying?!?!). So around 3-4 months? Yep very likely.

But don't buy a phone on a contract. You will end up paying more. Do you wonder why contracts lock you in and lower the price on phones? It's not really because they want you to stay (well yes they do), but that they gain a better profit anyway. They lock you into a plan that is very bad compared to prepaid plans so every month you will be shelling out tons more money for tons less service. Let's say you pay $90 every month for the same service you get at $49... There you go. 2 year contract = 12+12 = 24 x 40 = 960. You will be shelling out an extra $960 along with the small fee you payed with the phone when you signed your contract ($200 maybe?).

See, I'm just trying to educate you on what choice you should take: prepaid.

Prepaid? Look at Straight Talk, Solavei, T-mobile Prepaid (hidden because they like you using contracts), there are many great options. Check them out.

wifi not working till technician is baffled?


it's ok if i connect it with cabel, but the wifi has a problem.. i called the operator but she said everything is alright.. so i changed the modem, but it still won't work.. so i hired a technician to handle the settings.. it went well at first, but the problem came back.. even my technician is confused.. even the troubleshooter won't work.. what's going on? are there external wave frequencies disturbing my wifi?

There are several things that can affect wifi signal and things you can do to try and improve things

To start with the basic rule is to position the router as high and as centrally as possible in your house.

1] Try changing the broadcast channel from the wireless setup interface for your router/modem.You can normally access this by typing "" into your browsers search bar and then look for the wireless settings menu.
You don't say if your router can use the 5GHz frequency or just the 2.4GHz. The best channels in the 2.5GHz spectrum are 1,6, 11, or 13 as they have less overlap with the other channels.

There is a useful article here about how to get the best performance by selecting the best channel.:â¦

If you have an android smarthphone, or a friend does, then install the Wifi Analyzer app free from android market and use it to scan for the best channel and change your routers broadcast channel accordingly. This app will aslo show you all the wifi signals in range that your neighbours are using, so you can select a different channel to them, making a stronger signal for you.â¦

2] You can use a tool like Nirsofts totally free WirelessNet View to look at all the local wireless signals that are within range and may be competing with your own router and interfering with reception. from here:â¦

3] You can buy a Wi-Fi booster like D-Link 645 Smartbeam, here:â¦
Devices such as these can actually boost the wifi signal by using multiple beams that bounce of the walls and are intelligently directed toward whatever device [smarhphone, laptop, tablet] you are using on wifi.

4] If your using the 2.4GHz frequency and not the 5GHz then other devices that use this frequency band can alsso interfere with your reception [eg baby monitors and microwave ovens use 2.4GHz]. Try and make sure that none of these devices are situated between your router and your wifi receiver eg laptop, tablet, smarthphone etc

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is there a dual video baby monitor for twins who will be in separate rooms?

best baby monitor for twins
 on or so. (Make sure there is nothing in his crib he could stand on top ...
best baby monitor for twins image

Mom G

I want a video monitor that shows both cribs/rooms at the same time. Does something like this exist?
actually, it's not really twins...more like Irish Twins. Basically a 1 year old and newborn. I just put "twins" to make it easy...less to explain but it didn't work!

This one had good reviews. You will need to buy another "camera" for the 2nd room.
2nd monitor

Here is all the video monitors. It doesn't appear to be any others that can accommodate two rooms.

Any suggestions for baby heart monitors?


I'm 13 weeks pregnant and would like to purchase a baby heart monitor to listen to the baby's heart beat. Can I get one now at this stage or wait until my 3rd trimester?

You can get one at this stage. There's called fetal dopplers. You can get one from ebay for anywhere between $50-1000.00

You'll hear from quite a few people to buy those cheap ones at Kmart and Walmart. Sure, they're cheap. Around $20. But, you won't hear a heartbeat on them. I have twins, can't hear either one of their heartbeats, and I'm 17 weeks. But I can hear them move around, kick the monitor when I'm pressing on the belly, hear my own heartbeat, or all the water that I just drank gurgling around...but no twins' heartbeats. I heard the kids playing outside far better than anything else that thing could pick up. I took it back and bought a real one on ebay.

You'll want a 2.5 Mhz or a 3.0 - I personally would suggest a 3 if you want to start that early. Your baby should have a heartbeat at this time. My doctor heard ours at 10 weeks.

If you don't hear a heartbeat this early, just remember that you're not a doctor. Doctors have more experience finding the heartbeats, and when a baby is that small, it's not that easy.

I bought one, although I am not a doctor, and although I can feel both of my twins move, to settle my fears. Every day I check to make sure that I hear both heart beats. Then I go on about my day.

I'm adding a link to one from ebay. They have a lot of them on there. Just so you can see that it's similar to what the doctors have in their offices.

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How does one inquire to be a caretaker for their parents?

best video baby monitor under 100
 on 24 Aoc Monitor - informed is forearmed
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Parents cannot take care of themselves anymore I need to stop working to take care of them full time. How can I get governmental funding.?

it is difficult but possible if their financial situation is almost poverty level. i care for my mother and no longer work..i would rather work! if their financial situation is under 100,000 in liquid assets ..their all all kinds of programs to receive assistance with visiting nurses and day care..the jewish foundation help all and is one of the best and also the Alzheimer's association has will also find it hard to receive [food stamps or personal health care for your self]..having been a caregiver now for two years...caregivers are not treated well. the program to give me time to do things on my own with an individual watching my mother has been cut due to the is not easy ..i had our basement made into a apartment for myself so that i can have a little personal freedom..i use a baby monitor to keep an 'ear' on my mother but thinking now to install a video camera..its not easy and as they age..more difficult. best wishes! mail me any time.

What Is a good Baby Monitor?


I've been looking on amazon for a baby monitor but it seems like all the reviews i read contradict each other. i was hoping someone could compare the experiences they had with baby monitors and talk about which brands they loved or hated

Hi Pam,

It depends on your budget and what you want from a baby monitor. Basically there are three ways of monitoring; audio, video, or movement sensing. Generally the cheaper baby monitors are just audio ones, and the more expensive options use video. For under $100, I can recommend the Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor or for a video monitor, the Levana Jena. For higher end baby monitors, the Samsung SEW-3037W and the Levana Astra are both good choices.

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How can I get front yard city security without fence or ????

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 on Best High Chairs  8 Great High Chairs for Baby
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Hi, I live in a smallish city in OR and on our shortish street, I have no fence across the front. I am the flower lady in the area and sell flowers for .10 each on a card table and love to let the older people from the apartments walk by and see my flowers and it blesses them. But we have some bad vandals who for years have been coming into our front yards and stealing, breaking anything, just to be mean. Is there any kind of realistic security you have seen or used (not ideas that sound good), that can help or should I just put up a cyclone fence, they would probably just climb over it and I don't much money to spend on it. I would love to have like a laser light like when you go in the store and walk betweeen it it sounds off ??? Or baby monitors connect to a speaker in my room when the light flashes on at night and then alerts me to them being there and wakes me up ???? How much do you know. Please don't suggest security cameras unless you have used them and they have worked

Yes, cameras are your best bet, barring installing a fence.

Systems vary, and can be set to record when motion is detected. You can also have flood lights set on the same principle, so when the vandals strike, they are lit up and taped. Nice evidence for the cops to use.

I'm struggling to find a baby monitor that works in our apartment. We've tried 3 kinds and they don't work.?


We always have terrible feedback and pick up other baby monitors, but never our own. I've heard there is a difference in short and long range monitors. Does anyone know anything about this, and if so, are there any monitors you recommend under $40?

There are two problems you may be experiencing. The first is your monitor is too low tech and is getting electrical interference or noise from electronics, power lines etc... The second is your monitor may be too "good" and has a large range, which encompasses other parents with monitors on the same frequencies.

Before you buy any monitor, make sure the store will let you return it if there is interference.

First I would try a good "low tech" monitor like the Fisher Price Surround Sound Lights and Sounds Monitor, $27.99 for 1 Receiver. It uses the 49 MHz band, which not many other things use now and could be the least expensive answer to your troubles.

If that doesn't work for you, skip the 900 MHz monitors and try the 2.45 - 2.54 GHz models, there is almost no difference in cost and a much better chance at clear reception. Models to look for are: The First Years True Choice ($40), Graco I-Vibe, Summer Infant Simply Clear Digital Audio Monitor

If these don't work the next level would be monitors with DECT technology. These are "guaranteed to be interference-free, and most clients who have them have had great luck with them. These usually run $80 and up. But I doubt you will need to go this route.

Hope this helps,


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How advanced in my pregnancy do I have to be before I can clearly hear the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope?

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 on BABY MONITOR,2.4GHz Wireless Palm Audio and Video Security Baby ...
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Jade Orchi

I can barely catch little snatches of it now at 12 weeks. How much longer before I can hear it clearly?
I have excellent hearing... It sounded like a muffled clock ticking at about two to three times my own heart rate. I have a Sprague double tube stethoscope from my CNA days and that's what I've been using.

There are many variables including the acuity of your own hearing, the type of stethoscope used and the location and position of the fetus.

Amplified electronic stethoscopes (which cost $30 to $60) usually state that for best results, 21 to 28 weeks of development are required. Typical audio stethoscopes might require about 4 additional weeks.

The heartbeat will usually run in the range of 120 to 180 beats per minute (2 to 3 per second) and if everything is in the best condition, hearing it at 12 weeks is not that unusual. Just do not freak out if the next time you try, you do not hear anything. If the baby turns, the distance between its heart and the stethoscope can double or triple and make listening very difficult.

Doppler monitors will be able to pick up the heartbeats sooner and more clearly than any stethoscope but can be expensive to rent.

If you are careful, you might hear the baby hiccup or even kick. Try not to get too excited as your regular heartbeat (at its regular rate) is one of the most soothing things for the baby. Relax as much as you can. Learn to breathe deeply.

How long does t3's with codeine stay in my system and breastmilk?


i gotta have some dentist work done, the dentist is going to give me some of these pills. how long does it stay in my body and my breastmilk?

Its relatively safe to take codeine while nursing. It was the drug of choice by now there is some concern because some moms have a genetic abnormality which causes them to turn more of the codeine into morphine
Info on selected medications used for pain relief
Name of medication

AAP approved?*
Pregnancy Risk Category**
Lactation Risk Category**


C (1st, 2nd trim.)
D (3rd trim.)

- L2

(Fioricet, Fiorinal, Bancap, Two-dyne) NR D L3 2
B (1st, 2nd trim.)
D (3rd trim.)

(Celebrex) (FDA safety info) NR C L2
(in Tylenol #3, #4)

3 [# Hale suggests weakened or premature infants be observed for sedation and apnea.]
Summary of Use during Lactation:
Maternal use of maximum dosages of oral narcotics while breastfeeding can cause infant drowsiness. Newborn infants seem to be particularly sensitive to the effects of even small dosages of narcotic analgesics, particularly in the first week of life. However, the newborn's dosage is limited by the small volumes of colostrum in the first 2 to 3 days postpartum. Once the mother's milk comes in, it is best to limit the maternal dosage and duration of treatment with codeine (and combinations) and to supplement analgesia with a nonnarcotic analgesic if necessary. Maternal dosages as low as 0.63 mg/kg (about 40 mg) daily have caused infant drowsiness in a breastfed infant and daily maternal dosages of 1.6 mg/kg (about 100 mg) are likely to cause drowsiness in many breastfed infants. Mothers who are have ultrarapid CYP2D6 metabolism may excrete unexpectedly large amounts of morphine into their milk after codeine use and increase the risk of adverse infant effects lower dosages. Monitor the infant for drowsiness, adequate weight gain, and developmental milestones, especially in younger, exclusively breastfed infants. If the baby shows signs of increased sleepiness (more than usual), difficulty breastfeeding, breathing difficulties, or limpness, a physician should be contacted immediately.[1]


Effects in Breastfed Infants:
Codeine has been reported to be the possible cause of asymptomatic bradycardia 6 days following a 30 mg single maternal codeine dose in a week-old, term, exclusively breastfed infant.[11]

Four probable cases of apnea associated with maternal codeine intake of 60 mg every 4 to 6 hours were reported in 4- to 6-day-old term and near-term breastfed infants. Apnea resolved 24 to 48 hours after withholding breast feeding and discontinuation of maternal codeine.[12]

In a case-control study of 12 breastfed term newborns with unexplained episodes of apnea, bradycardia or cyanosis during the first week of life, maternal oral codeine use was determined to be the probable cause. A higher proportion of newborns with episodes, 83 vs 31%, had mothers using opiates, including codeine, for postpartum analgesia. The mean number of doses taken was also higher with mothers of case newborns taking a mean of 10 doses (range 4 to 22) vs. 5 doses (range 1 to 13) in the control group. There were no differences in other perinatal and demographic factors between cases and controls.[13] The authors recommended discontinuation of breastfeeding if infants of mothers taking opiate analgesics have unexplained negative cardiorespiratory symptoms.

No apnea, bradycardia, or color changes occurred in 11 healthy, term, 1- to 3-day-old newborn breastfed infants exposed to codeine in milk. Their mothers had taken an average of 4 doses of oral codeine 60 mg every 4 to 6 hours prior to breastfeeding.[8]

In one telephone follow-up study, 19% (5 of 26) of breastfeeding mothers taking multiple doses of codeine reported drowsiness in their infants. All infants were younger than 1 month.[14] The authors added that the elimination half-life of codeine's metabolite, morphine, is prolonged in the newborn period which may explain why the adverse reaction was reported in only infants younger than 1 month.

A large case-control study of 504 children with neuroblastoma found a statistically significant 2.4-fold association of the disease with maternal use of opioid agonists during pregnancy and lactation. This finding was largely attributable to a 3.4-fold association with maternal codeine use. Opioid exposure during lactation had a 3.5-fold association while codeine exposure had a 5.1-fold association. Because neuroblastoma is a sympathetic nervous system tumor arising from the progenitor cells of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla, and because codeine does cross the placenta and is transferred to milk, the authors of this study speculate that codeine's neuroendocrine effects could disrupt ad

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I really need help deciding what surround sound Bose speaker system to get for my room?

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 on Baby Monitor Reviews | Best Baby Monitor
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I have about a 12 by 12 foot room. I want a high quality system with at least four speakers, including one bigger than the others.It needs to be wireless so I can play music from my computer. I also need to have a jack for my ipod to connect to.

If you want a high quality system then absolutely do not buy Bose. For the same price you spend on Bose, you can get a much better sound system. The only thing superior about Bose is their marketing.

Right now, I would say that JBL, Klipsch and Polk Audio are probably the 3 leading speaker companies that consumers such as yourself should be looking into. They all have equivalently priced products as Bose, but with superior sound in that price bracket.

Another thing I would like to try to talk you out of is a wireless system. So much stuff these days rely on wireless technology (cell phones, computers, keyless entry key chains, baby monitors, etc.) that you will often get interference and bleed-over into your wireless speakers. Cell phones can produce a popping noise while things like baby monitors can actually cause voices to be heard in the background, behind the music.

And since these wireless speakers are active, meaning that they have to be plugged into an AC outlet for power, they can also get interference from "dirty" or unstable power coming from your wall socket. Unstable power can be caused by electric motors such as refrigerator compressor pumps, washer and dryers, and more. So one minute you may be listening to some clean music and the next minute music with a fuzzy background noise because your refrigerator kicked on.

To prevent dirty power, you can buy power filters. Of course you would have to buy one for each speaker. The good thing is that most of these power filters have built-in surge protection (which you will also want). The bad thing is that they start at about $60 per filter. So if you bought a 5.1 style speaker system, you would need $360 just for filters.

So think about it. Do you really want to spend a grand or more on "quality" speakers just to have them play hissing and buzzing sounds just because you wanted a wireless system? I wouldn't. Take the time to run some wires and do the job right. You can't half ass quality.

And if some sales person says to you that you will not get this kind of interference, just remember, it's his job to tell you this.

As far as your sound system goes, to choose a nice one, you need to take a few things into consideration like:

1. What is your budget?
2. Will this be primarily for watching movies or for music?
3. How many speakers do I want? Specifically. 4 plus a sub woofer? 5 and a sub? This makes a big difference in price.

Once you have figured these things out, then your question can be better answered.

What is the best recording software for PC?


I have tried multiple recording softwares and none seems suit me.

I want to start a YouTube channel, but they stop me in that.

- Bandicam, problem is (for me at least) bad sound quality.
- Fraps, huge file size.
- Dxtory, crashes my game when I attempt to record.
- BB FlashBack, it has lag, can't even handle the game.

So I'm looking for a good recording software to use for games like CoD, Minecraft, World of Wacraft and such. It would be good if it provided lower file size (as Bandicam), free if possible, good quality sound/video quality + provides me good FPS.


There are a number of good "Screen Capture" recording software.. the problem is, most games lag or show hesitations on 'screen capture' software.. especially if the game of high quality like "call of Duty"..

You can remedy these by having a really powerful computer:
pump up the ram to max, the graphic card to max and anything that makes a gaming computer better to max..

while keeping the quality of picture lower, like setting the game graphics to lowest settings, and the quality of recording to lowest settings with standard definition SD instead of high definition HD..

All of which will produce a poor quality video..

To improve the recording quality, you may consider lightweight, simple or less sophisticated Screen Capturing software that require less system resources (less memory, less processor power, etc..) like FastStone screen capture video recoder and CamStudio screen capture video recorder which are baby software in comparison with high-end expensive tools that may and may not work as you hope, like: Camtasia (the best software for screen capture video recorder) at , Adobe Premierâ and Corel VideoStudio atâ ..

The problem is always that there is not enough resources for both high quality games and screen capture video recording especially if your computer is not up to the challenge..
and you may have to sacrifice the quality if you wish to use software to record the game..

The answer is going hardware.. what most gamers on YouTube do is set up a camera behind them while playing in front of the monitor or the TV screen..

YEAACH, I know.. but to produce HD quality picture, consider Hardware screen capturing devices.. and you'd need three things:
1⢠upgrading your Graphic card to the ones that support HDMI first (but read a bit about HDCP in Wikipedia )..
2⢠buy a good Screen Capturing device.. my experience is with Hauppauge HD PVR
3⢠devices like Hauppauge require a second computer or a laptop to perform the actual recording, but it doesn't have to be a high end computer.. my old laptop 5 years old with no 3D graphic card can do just that.. (just borrow your friends' laptop for a while, I hope its not a big deal)..

See the picture below, and instead of the Xbox being connected to the Hauppauge device, imagine your gaming computer is connected through that plug instead.. and the laptop is the second computer that runs the Hauppauge device..
Oh and by the way the TV is just optional.. you don't have to have the HD TV connected..

4⢠if you encounter an HDCP problem (that's why I ask you to read a bit about them)..
99% of the time, HDCP is not an issue while recording a game from a PC HDMI output but there is this 1% of the time that HDCP is an issue..
Most professionals remedy that by buying HDMI splitters that has the ability to override the HDCP protocol and cancel them.. or use additional professional tools like HDfury 2 or HD fury 3..

And that's how professionals do it..
All the best.. and good luck

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Anyone familiar with the differences in Kawasaki disease and autism? Is one easily treated with meds vs the?

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 on Best Baby Monitor Buying Guide 2013 | Best Baby Products
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other not? It sounds like J Travolta's son with a round the clock nanny, baby monitor and bathroom door that chimed when opened, he was either very sick or not safe on his own or both?

It does not sound like Autism was not recognized in Scientology.
Read this blog from over a year ago, it sounds like they were in denial regarding Jet's Autism.

What is the best option for removing stretch marks?

Knock On M

A friend called me today asking me about the best option for removing stretch marks. In fact, she gave birth to a baby girl less than one month ago and now she is concerned about the marks that are on her abdomen.

I know that there are hundreds of products on the internet, but we don't know which one to choose. Please let me know if some one has used a specific brand and it has proved beneficial?

Thank you,


There are a few ways to do it, either you can use the DIY method or try those proven treatment creams out on the market.

Try to massage the area with the stretch marks about three or four times a day with moisturizers that contain cocoa butter or shea butter as a prime ingredient. This hydrates the skin, making it more pliant. Again, this is most effective only in the initial stage.

If your stretch marks are already pass the initial stage (when they are red, purple, pink, or brown, depending on the color of your skin) and become white or silver (usually with deep indentation), then it would be far more difficult to minimize them, but not entirely impossible to "remove" them. But before you begin searching for these treatments, try to read more information on these topical treatments first.

Many are advertised to "repair" stretch marks, but few have actually been proven to be effective. Here's some that are available on the market:

a) Wheat germ oil - may help improve stretch marks in their early phase.

b) Glycolic acid - increases collagen production; can be administered in higher doses by a dermatologist (usually costs a few hundred bucks and requires a few visits before you see results)

c) Vitamin C - certain formulations might increase collagen production, but they'll only help with early-stage stretch marks; for best results, combine with glycolic acid.

d) Relastin - the effectiveness of this product is unknown and unverified.

e) Peptide-containing products - these "repair" creams are ineffective; there's no evidence that they work.

f) Retinoids - they're fairly effective in increasing collagen and elastic production in the early stages, but they should be avoided if you're pregnant or nursing; they're more effective when used in combination with glycolic acid.

I would recommend treatments that are using "100% natural ingredients" such as aloe vera. Aloe vera has been shown in clinical studies to have a positive effect on wound healing and holds anti-inflammatory properties.

As stretch marks start out as microscopic tears in skin layers due to overstretching of the dermis, aloe vera helps heal these small wounds without causing scar tissue to form, effectively preventing the appearance of stretch marks. Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Indians and Chinese to decrease the appearance of scars and to moisturize and heal skin. The extracts from the aloe leaf protects skin from environmental factors and promotes skin regeneration. My friend recommended me this and I have been using for a few weeks now, have shown some positive results but I am monitoring the progress. since the product have a 90 days return policy.

Feel free to check out my blog here for more information:

Take care... ^(@___@)^

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can i house my adult male leopard gecko with my baby savannah monitor?

best baby monitor big house
 on Voyages De Richard Pockocke, En Orient, Dans L'egypte, L'arabie, La ...
best baby monitor big house image

Lol D

I have my savannah monitor in a big rubbermaid storage container and the 10 gallon tank for my leopard gecko seems to small.can i or no?
Alright ill put the video up but you'll all have to watch it. its gonna be awsome who ever wins..No life fagget.

sounds awesome. Savvanah Monitor VS leopard gecko. Put the fighting video online after you're done.

I keep hearing these weird noises in my grandparents basement?


Like, my grandparents live in a big house. They remodeled their basement 2 years ago and it looks really good. But every time I walk past it I hear these weird noises. Like shattering of glasses. I run back up stairs and forget about it cause it's kinda creepy. Or when my grandma asks me to go turn off the light I see like shadows from the corner of the room. What is it? Is it haunted?

Well, for starters: ghost are a reality, not just a TV idea. I know because I lived in a haunted house for over 7 years. I had seen or heard ghost on a daily bases. The thought of a ghost doesnt mean demon. Ghost are like the living; there are good ghost and bad ghost; I have witnesses both. Then there are demons;and if you believe in god you had better believe in the devil. If not thats ok to, because they surly believe in you.
I use to think that ghost were just for TV until I had the unfortunate pleasure of moving in with them. The answer to the question in the back of your mind is " YES" you can PISS Them Off; not a good idea unles you wanmt a good case of the willies.
There is also the possability that you caught a glimps of the gardian angels watching over. My second house; third ghost:` My daughter had a regular visitor untill she was 3 years old. I lived in a new house, so nobody died in there. Every day she had a conversation with someone. I could hear voices through the baby monitor. My daughter could describe the person and had a name also. I did not know the name and could not find any information on that person either. How many toddlers can make up a first and last name?

Frankly it really don't matter what anyone thinks of my story. I know the truth and that is enough for me. I do have another theroy; maby your just crazy,LOL. Seriouly though, you may just be parinoid. just kidding. enjoy your ghost.

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