Saturday, July 27, 2013

I need to get a free domain forever and a way to upload data on it...?

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 on optics video baby monitor is the best selling video baby monitor ...
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actually i and my friends are working on a plan, so we need to get a domain, and a way to upload data on it...
so can someone tell me the way to buy domain in india or get a free domain...

all we want to do is develop our own website...

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I wanna give birth under water. Is it true that one feels not very much pain or no pain at all?


Most people find great comfort and repose with water. Perhaps because we begin our lives surrounded in liquid in the womb, this basic familiarity stays with us throughout our lives.

Human beings are comprised primarily of water, and many special characteristics we have link us to aquatic mammals, perhaps carrying the memory of a time when the human species had an “aquatic interlude.” A three-day old fetus is 97 percent water, and at eight months the fetus is 81 percent water. By the time a human has grown to adulthood, the adult body is still 50 to 70 percent water, depending on the amount of fatty tissue.

Human beings’ natural alliance with water is best witnessed in human babies who can swim naturally and easily long before they learn to sit up or crawl. During their first year of life, babies will calmly and happily paddle underwater, gazing around with eyes wide open. When they need to breathe, they naturally paddle toward the surface of the water before taking a breath. Babies instinctively know not to breathe while their heads are still submerged underwater. They wait until they reach the surface of the water before breathing. It seems to be only later that humans lose these instincts and become more prone to drowning.

For thousands of years women have been using water to ease labour and facilitate birth. Wherever there has been even slightly warm water, there have been women bathing in it, using it ritually, and finding great comfort in it, especially in labour.

Soaking in a tub of water to ease labour sounds inviting to most women. If the water is where a woman wants to be and there are no complications, then in the water is where she will feel the most comfortable. When it is time to birth the baby, there is no reason to ask the mother to get out of the water.

When a woman in labour relaxes in a warm tub, free from gravity’s pull on her body, with sensory stimulation reduced, her body is less likely to secrete stress-related hormones. This allows her body to produce the pain inhibitors ‘endorphins’ that complement labour. Noradrenaline and catecholamines, the hormones that are released during stress, actually raise the blood pressure and can inhibit or slow labour.

What is waterbirth?
The act of giving birth in water is so incredibly simple. A mother submerges herself in warm, body temperature water during her labour. If she feels like giving birth in that warm buoyant state, there is no need to ask her to leave the water.

The baby has grown in a fluid environment for the past 9 months. Babies adjust very well to being born in a birth pool. Waterbirth is miraculous.

How long is baby in the water after the birth?
Here in the US, practicioners usually bring the baby out of the water within the first ten seconds after birth. There is no physiological reason to leave the baby under the water for any length of time. There are several water birth videos that depict leaving the baby under the water for several moments after birth and the babies are just fine.

Physiologically, the placenta is supporting the baby with oxygen during this time though it can never be predicted when the placenta will begin to separate causing the flow of oxygen to baby to stop. The umbilical cord pulsating is not a guarantee that the baby is receiving enough oxygen. The safe approach is to remove the baby, without hurrying, and gently place him into his mother’s arms.

What is the temperature of the water?
Water should be monitored at a temperature that is comfortable for the mother, usually between 95-100 Fahrenheit (35C-37.7C). Water temperature should not exceed 101F (or 38C) as it could lead to an increase in the mother’s body temperature which could cause the baby’s heart rate to increase. It is a good idea to have plenty of water to drink and cold cloths for the mother’s face and neck. A cool facial mist from a spray bottle is a welcome relief for some mothers as well.

What prevents baby from breathing under water?
Waterbirth is simple. Within the simplicity of water labour and birth lies a complexity of questions, choices, opinions, research data, women’s experience and practitioner observations.

Over the past five years as more hospitals within the United States examine waterbirth and create programs to support the use of water for labour and birth, newspaper reporters latch onto the sensationalism of this simple option and publish stories of successful waterbirths in local publications. Each reporter does their best to simplify waterbirth and at the same time answer the most common questions. Each story shows a happy beaming mother, a quiet peaceful baby and a proud father, who usually successfully set up a portable birth pool. The surprise headlines like, “watery birth” or “baby’s birth goes swimmingly” or “junior makes a splashy entrance,” are countered with the simple stories of couples who have made this decision for themselves and are proud of it.

The first and f

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Why do I hear my baby crying even when she isn't?

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 on video baby monitor buying guide 2013 best baby products multiple baby ...
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Is this just sheer exhaustion, or is this some inborn thing to make me keep checking on her? If it weren't for the baby monitor I would be in her room ever 10 minutes.

It's common for new moms to have hypersensitive instincts with regards to their new babies, particularly in the early days. It's due to a combination of the protective mother's instinct in humans/animals, the anxiety of being wholly responsible for a new fragile being who is completely dependent on you, and yes, as you said, sheer exhaustion. Instead of being able to rest while their babies are sleeping, many new parents find themselves checking on their newborns multiple times, just to be sure that they're still breathing! It will improve as you gain confidence in your childcare abilities and become acclimated to being a parent. Needless to say, you'll probably still be the first one to hear her crying, the first to feel her pain, and the first to share in her every joy.

What to do during a dog's seizure and what is the cost of medication?

Mo Money

My 3 year old lab had two seizures in March of this year (really weak, not diagnosed). Yesterday my wife and I noticed he was having one. I rubbed him down and talked to him during the seizure until it went away (3-5 minutes). What else can I do? I know I have to take him to the vet and most likely get him medicated. How much money are we looking at?

my dog had seizures and all i could do for her is sit and pat her and let her know i was there.

Its very sad to watch it happen to them

I the end the seizures did kill her

I just found this info if its any good

During the Seizure:

- Some dogs are light or sound sensitive during seizure episodes. Try dimming the lights and keeping phones at a distance from the dog.

- Keep old towels or baby diapers handy to catch urine if your dog urinates during seizures.

- Some human epileptics say they have an easier time if the seizure is allowed to run its course. Calling the dog's name to bring them out of the seizure may not be the best thing for your dog. Try it each way and see which is more comfortable for your particular dog's seizure.

- A fan blowing on the dog, or rubbing the feet and belly with cool water may help cool the dog down. Of course, in any case should the dog seem to be overheating due to repeated seizures or not coming out of a seizure -IMMEDIATELY bring the dog to/or contact a vet since overheating can be very dangerous.

- Many dogs are confused and even blind right after a seizure. Keep the dog in a safe area where they cannot fall down stairs or hurt themselves.

- Keep a careful journal of the seizures. As soon as possible write down the exact time the dog started to seizure and the time the seizure ended. A stop watch or watch with a second hand can be helpful. After the seizure is over and you have time - write down all circumstances surrounding the seizure, such as unusual food eaten, activities that happened during the previous day, medications or vaccinations recently given. A detailed journal can be helpful when bringing your dog to a new vet or neurologist.

- Be prepared to transport a dog that cannot stand up and walk, or is even in the middle of a seizure. Hard plastic children's sleds can be used to carry or drag the dog to the car. A heavy blanket folded can also act as a stretcher. If you are alone with a very heavy/large seizing dog, call the vets office for instructions. Depending on where you live you may want to try calling the police for help in getting the dog into the car if no one else is available.


- Seizure proofing your home is important since most of us cannot be there to watch our dogs at all times. Seizures may occur when the dog is home alone. Many people crate their dogs while they are not there. An airline type crate (Vari-Kennel or Furrari) minimizes the chances of the feet getting caught up in the wires.

- While crating, or even when leaving the dog home alone, make sure the dog is not wearing a collar (especially with tags) that could get caught while the dog is thrashing. Choking can result.

- Some people make a special room for the epileptic dog, clearing out any objects/furniture that may injure the dog during a seizure. Crating or making a 'doggy room' may be the best idea should you have a 'catapulting dog', that is one that throws itself across the room during seizures.

- Never leave an epileptic dog alone near any water deep enough to drown in. If you need to, investigate getting a doggy lifevest for your dog.

- If you are concerned about your dog seizing while swimming, doggie life vests are available.

- Protection or separation may need to be considered in multiple dog households. A seizing dog can trigger the 'pack' instinct in which an injured animal on the ground is attacked. Monitor your dogs until you know their reactions to the seizing dog.

- Baby gates can be invaluable to block off stairways or confine the dog to a certain room.

- Be careful of leaving windows open should you have a dog that spends time near one. Screen windows can easily fall out of the framing as well as your dog.

- Prop a large piece of styrofoam insulation against a sliding glass door if you are afraid of your dog hitting against it.

- Buy a new or used baby alert monitor to 'hear' your dog if he sleeps in a different part of the home. Just put the receiver part in your bedroom -this may help you sleep better if you are constantly trying to 'listen' to hear if the dog is all right.

- If you really want to know what happens when you are not home, buy a voice activated tape recorder. It only records when significantly loud noise is heard. This will not only let you know if your dog has seized, but if he has been barking all day. Some also videotape their dog during the time they are gone. They then fast forward thru the tape to see if anything unusual has happened during the day.

- Keep phone numbers to your vet and all emergency vet hospitals near all phones. 2:00 a.m. in the morning is not he time to decide if your dog is in status and then figure out what to do. Drive by the emergency vet so you know exactly where it is. When traveling, get emergency numbers in advance or immediately find the hospital nearest you when you arrive. Keep the number handy at all times.

- An ID tag on a lost epileptic dog is very important. It's scary enough to think of a lost dog, but a lost dog without medications is even worse. Medical alert tags are available at most pharmacies, pet supply catalogs or from your vet. It can even be engraved and worn with your dog's regular tags.

- Train all your dogs for basic obedience. You may need it someday if you are walking multiple dogs and your epileptic seizures. The situation would be much easier if the other dogs will obey a sit or down stay.

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Severe left side pain (around waistline), lower abdominal pain, gas & horrible constipation, pregnant....?

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I am 23 weeks pregnant with my first "successful" pregnancy. A few weeks ago I went to the ER because I urinated 5 times in a 16 minute period but they said my urine came back negative for UTI or any infections. Everything has been great my whole pregnancy other than that- no morning sickness, healthy baby, strong heartbeat, healthy growth & weight gain (me & baby).... until a few days ago. I have alot of back problems due to a back injury almost 3 years ago so it's normal for me to have constant back pain. However, (it is Monday night now) Saturday morning, I woke up and felt fine... until about 11am when I started getting stabbing pain in my left side around my waistline and right behind it on the left side of my back. I looked in my books and online and figured it was probably round ligament pain. Around 8pm I finally went to the hospital after the pain got to the point where I just couldnt take it. It hurt to laugh, cough, move, walk, move my legs. My whole lower abdomen hurt right above my pelvic area and all the way up my left side. Then I would get these horrible stabbing pains that would go all the way up my stomach and last about 15-20 seconds. I also feel alot of pressure when I pee. The baby was still active but I was in so much pain that I went to the ER. They sent me to labor and delivery unit where they hooked me up to monitor the baby's heartbeat and to see if I was having contractions. The baby's heartbeat was strong. He was still very active, kicking and swishing around in there. No contractions. They took a urine sample and said I was a little dehydrated, so they ran some fluids thro an IV, did a Vag exam to check my cervix (which also looked great), told me it was probably round ligament pains and sent me home. Since then I have been in tears several times due to immobilizing pain in my lower abdomen and left side when I try to walk (especially if I'm sitting down and then get up). I have a very high pain tolerance (broken bones with no tears, severe back problems for years, severe migraines several times monthly even more often since pregnancy, fell asleep during 3 of my tattoos...... etc) so for me to cry because of physical pain is a sure teller that it is severe.
I am worried because my OB doctor and the ER doctors and the labor & delivery docs/nurses all say I am experiencing round ligament pain.... however this pain is too much and I truly feel like it's something else. This pain has not gone away for almost 3 days and I've been reading that there are other things it could be such as kidney infection, gall stones, restricted bowel, etc. If it was dull achy pains I would believe that it was round ligament pains, but I truly feel that there is another matter at hand.....
Please if you've had similar problems or any information or knowledge you'd like to share, feel free..... I would greatly appreciate it..... Thank you

It is sciatica. Pregnancy is also a cause of it. There are many reasons of sciatica like pelvic injury, fracture, tumors or piriformis syndrome. Every reason has different treatment plan.
I had the sciatica due to piriformis syndrome. Its a body disorder, not disease. You can remove pains by stretching your muscle. This iPhone app link helped me to remove sciatica.

How can I answer my sons questions from the internet about the bible?

Moving For

Please no athiest nonbeliever and troll comments. Show some respect.

Forgive me for sounding disgruntled. This question is for fellow Christians only. I am one of the many who will attest to the internet being an unholy influence on our children. Unless you can be there to monitor everything that is being said and done there is no way you can control what another person says to your baby over the internet. I know that during my days of ignorance as to how much damage the internet can do to a child my boy has picked up ideas and influences from TOTAL STRANGERS! reading the questions here have confirmed my fears. The athiest have overrun this place and many other places making it an unsafe environment for our children.
My boy has asked things like why did GOD "sacrifice himself to himself"- Having asked him where he gets all these doubts it has been confirmed to me that these are ideas that have been learned on the internet.
Is it ever OK for me to say that I just don't know? I have never had to outright rebuke blasphemy like this before and am unable to go about answering these questions without some sound advice. I will be meeting with my pastor but meanwhile I would much appreciate input from the Christian community.
Please send prayers my way

a great thing to have is the YouVersion Bible app that can answer many questions about the subject with a simple keyword. It is free (to my knowledge) in the app store for iPod touch and iPhone. I'll be praying!

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Any suggestions on a survalence camera used for a baby monitor?

best baby monitor for twins
 on Baby Monitors For Twins -
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want to use a survalence camera for a baby monitor to get multiple usage. Any help?

I have never used one, but thinking about if for my twins. Here is a link that has a bunch of them.

Have you ever went outside to get some yard work done when your baby is inside sleeping?

laura k

have but ussually take the baby monitor with me so I know the moment they wake up I have twins. Just wondering?

Yes, with the baby monitor you are fine to do that. Just make sure you don't lock yourself out of the house!!

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How can I improve my signal strength with a 900mhz wireless video baby monitor?

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 on ... Baby Monitors | Find the Best Deals on Fisher Price Baby Monitors
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We recently purchased a wireless video baby monitor, and although it does work, there is significant interference in the signal due to my computer room with several PC's and servers. Is there a way to boost this signal to compensate for the interference, or to set up a repeater for the signal?

If you have interference any sort of repeater or amplifier will only repeat and / or amplify the interference (noise) along with the desired transmission (signal). The problem is likely a signal to noise ratio problem and interference.

I presume you have done all you can with repositioning the units to make them closer together without getting closer to the interference. If not try that

With the electronic interference it becomes even more difficult to address. A baby monitor is nothing more than a microphone in the baby's room and a speaker in the monitoring room linked wirelessly. Can you use a wired system? This may be your only practical choice. Perhaps a 5 MHz

Has anybody used the angelcare baby monitor?

Q. I am planning on getting the angelcare baby monitor it has the censor if breathing is not detected in 20 seconds there is an alarm, just wondering if anybody has used this one before and what did you think vs regular baby monitors. Thanks for your help.

I was going to buy it but my friend had too many problems with it. She took the baby out of the crib and the alarm didn't go off after 20 seconds. It went off a couple of times with her in the room and the baby breathing normally. Also, she had some major problems with interferance from other baby monitors. Others near to her had the same moniter and she would hear their children crying through the receptor. It's a scary time, but I had just a regualr monitor and my child is still alive. They are just trying to get you to pay more out of fear.

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How to extend the range of a video baby monitor?

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 on GOLD Best Baby Monitor Digital video Baby Monitor MBP36
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Does anyone know how to extend the range of a video baby monitor? Our monitor is 900mhz. We live in an old building full of steel and concrete so the signal doesn't go well between rooms and is lost entirely between the baby room and the master bedroom. There are boosters for wifi networks so I would assume there is some technology or the same one that would work for baby monitors.

Take a power booster and uplink the connection to the communication antenna but dont forget to bypass the firewall and that should work.

Can someone use a video baby monitor to see inside my apartment?


I have a video baby monitor that has excellent range, but it got me thinking, couldn't someone buy the same monitor and switch to the same channel and see inside my apartment if they wanted to?

I have the "Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor" and I know it can work with an extra camera (if I bought one)... so in theory, couldn't that work for my neighbors too?

It may be possible my sister discovered she has the same baby monitor as her neighbour. One night she just put my niece to bed went and layed down and went to sleep. She woke up a few hours later by this time is was about 1am and her husband was in bed as well now. When all of a sudden she heard a low man laugh coming from the monitor she woke up her husband half screaming and told him to get the baby. He got up realising something was wrong and ran into the nursery and picked up my niece and bought her into their bedroom. They couldn't find the source of the noise and so the baby was in her room for the rest of the night. Then my brother-in-law was talking to them the next morning and they discovered they have the same baby monitor and they can hear them sometimes too and they freaked out when they first discovered it. I'm guesssing that the video one's though would be different because they have the camera but anything is possible, perhaps you could ring the company and ask them about it.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Any suggestions on a survalence camera used for a baby monitor?

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 on Best Baby Monitor With Camera & iphone, ipad & Android App For Wifi
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want to use a survalence camera for a baby monitor to get multiple usage. Any help?

I have never used one, but thinking about if for my twins. Here is a link that has a bunch of them.

What Should I Get My Sister For Her Baby Shower?


My sister is pregnant with her first child, and despite economic times I really wanted to get her something nice and memorable. I was thinking of a video baby monitor with a camera and television screen, so she could actually see what was going on with her child. I was also thinking of getting her one of those digital video cameras to tape some memories of her kid, parents love that.

I think each gift would be nice, but I don't know what would be a good one for me to get. What do you think would be a good gift?

Something practical would be nice. Honestly, out of the two options you gave I would go with the latter. I basic monitor works just as well (heck, if she lives in tight quarters, she might not even need one. Believe me, a baby will make sure you can hear it cry). Something like a baby swing would be nice, also. Or a bunch of things she will need like diapers, baby wipes, different baby medicines, etc.

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What kinds of baby monitors are available for deaf parents?

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 on Baby Monitors for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
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I've looked a little bit online and found a monitoring system where you basically hook your whole house into this receiver (phone, doorbell, alarm clock, baby monitor etc) that comes with light functions and a vibrating disk to put under the mattress. The baby monitor is sold separately and can be hooked up either way also. Together, all of this costs about $225-250. Do they have cheaper systems? In the 2 years that my husband and I have been together, we've never really seen the need to get anything like this for the phone and such...and since we have an apartment, we don't have a doorbell anyway.

Reason being - my husband is hearing impaired and we're thinking of having a baby in the next year and a half or so...I just want to be prepared. :) I don't think the little Fisher Price monitors that vibrate would be strong enough to wake him if I was at work...

Try this website

My female friend is at the 6 month mark. The baby weighs just about a pound. How could this baby turn out?


Her HCG levels are low, and at this point in her pregnancy (6 months) for it to weigh "less than a pound" seems pretty bad. it is a female.

I would also like to disclaim to the obvious numbskulls on here who have no real information or credible professional advice, albeit meaningless opinons to please go somewhere else as this is a serious matter.
Thank you for your understanding.

Her HCG levels shouldn't dwindle unless she miscarries which at 6 months wouldn't happen, she would go into preterm labor. HCG is a chemical found in pregnant (or a chemical pregnancy) womens urine. HCG doesn't bounce around.
She could have low progestrone or a high protein precentage in her urine but unless the fetus has died in utero her HCG SHOULDN'T change.

At 6 months along a baby should weight a little more then a pound. Not much more though. If the doctors are concerned about growth and the baby is measuring well below size and the baby continues to be failure to thrive in utero, your friend should expect to be admitted to the nearest hospital with a level 4 NICU. She may stay on the OB special care (or some hospitals call it OB High Risk) floor for a few days or WEEKS to monitor closely the growth/heat rate/development of the fetus. If it is determined that the chance of life for the baby is better once delivered(and there are a lot of babies born at a pound. Its not uncommon) the hospital will administer steriod shots to mature the babies lungs. They will do an emergency CSection, vaginal delivery would be too stressful on that premature of a baby. The baby would be on a ventalator, a PICC line, a feeding tube, under heat lamps. The baby may even be on life support at first with round the clock nurses (usually 2 nurses) monitoring solely THAT baby.

With a baby born at 6 months your facing the certainty of life long mental and physical handicaps. Females typically do better then males but at that gestational age the chance of survival is about 30%.

The baby could (the baby WILL..) have brain bleeds, which can resolve but leave most babies mentally impaired. Babies born early loose eye sight, some even go blind. Their hearing is poor too, some go deaf. Their bowels are immature and parts of the bowel can die (called NEC), it can be fatal or reguire surgery after surgery. Cerebal palasy is almost gaurenteed.

Babies born that early have a varitey of mental and physical handicaps but pulling life support or the ventalator and terminating life due to complications is a very personal choice. A lot of the super micro preemies pass on their own and a lot of those babies really aren't compatable with life.

Babies that do THRIVE that are born at about a pound often need GTubes and never eat orally just liquides through a machine that can be attatched to the stomach, need trachs to breath because of esphagoal problems, are in wheel chairs, need several medications a day to deal with a score of medical problems, need nasal oxygen and will reguire a home health nurse.

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what baby gifts should she register for?

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 on Top 10 Baby Monitors - Find The Best Deals! |
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My friend is having her first baby, and she doesn't know what to register for for her baby shower. What sort of things should she buy/register for that will help her the most when she has her newborn? (practical stuff only... in other words, not engraved rattles or anything like that) Advice from mothers would be very appreciated! Thanks
Just to clarify... I'm not looking for WHERE to register, but WHAT THINGS to register for. Thanks.

here is my list

Crib or bassinet / co-sleeper
Crib mattress
Crib bedding set
Crib blankets (3-5)
Receiving blankets (4-5)
Sleep positioner
Changing table
Rocking chair or gliding rocker

Nursery monitor

Home-from-the-hospital outfit
Pullover T-shirts
Side-snap T-shirts
Onesies or bodysuits
Layette sets
Sleeping gowns or stretchies
Footed rompers
Top and pant sets
Baby laundry detergent
Lightweight cotton sweaters (2)
Booties and socks
Shoes (2)
Snowsuit (for winter babies)
Warm hats (2)

Diaper bag
Diaper pail and liners
Rash ointment and powders
Wipes warmer
Travel pack wipes

Infant tub
Hooded towels (2-4)
Baby lotion
Baby oil
Baby shampoo
Baby washcloths (4-6)
Tub thermometer
Elbow cushion

Hooded towels

Plastic bottle (4 and 8 oz) nipples and nipple covers
Bottle sterilizer
Lap pads and burp cloths
Case(s) of formula
Bibs (6-10)
Bottle drying rack
Bottle brush
Bottle warmer
Dishwasher nipple basket

Baby Care
First-aid supplies
Baby brush and comb
Nail clippers
Nasal aspirator

Alcohol swabs

Sling or soft carrier

Bouncers & Jumpers
Playstations & Walkers

Travel Systems

Travel Systems

Is an aqarium heater ok to place in the Triops container that came with the kit?


I purchased the Triassic Triops Deluxe kit.
The heater would assure the right temp. for the Triops, as I don't have a lamp. The only thing I have is a 5 gallon aquarium and it has the growing light in the hood, and it's next to my computer monitor. Would both be sufficient lighting for the Triops to grow, and food value (algae) wise?
The kit comes with food. I read they also need the algae as well.

yeah, putting them in a 5 gallon aquarium with a heater and light hood, is top of the line triop care lol... just make sure there isn't any power filters that will harm the eggs or baby triops. i have about 10 triops in my 55 gallon aquarium kinda weird but adds exotics to my aquarium. fyi they are hard to hatch

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Any suggestions for baby heart monitors?

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 on Baby Fetal Doppler Fetal Heart Monitor Free Gel CE FDA | eBay
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I'm 13 weeks pregnant and would like to purchase a baby heart monitor to listen to the baby's heart beat. Can I get one now at this stage or wait until my 3rd trimester?

You can get one at this stage. There's called fetal dopplers. You can get one from ebay for anywhere between $50-1000.00

You'll hear from quite a few people to buy those cheap ones at Kmart and Walmart. Sure, they're cheap. Around $20. But, you won't hear a heartbeat on them. I have twins, can't hear either one of their heartbeats, and I'm 17 weeks. But I can hear them move around, kick the monitor when I'm pressing on the belly, hear my own heartbeat, or all the water that I just drank gurgling around...but no twins' heartbeats. I heard the kids playing outside far better than anything else that thing could pick up. I took it back and bought a real one on ebay.

You'll want a 2.5 Mhz or a 3.0 - I personally would suggest a 3 if you want to start that early. Your baby should have a heartbeat at this time. My doctor heard ours at 10 weeks.

If you don't hear a heartbeat this early, just remember that you're not a doctor. Doctors have more experience finding the heartbeats, and when a baby is that small, it's not that easy.

I bought one, although I am not a doctor, and although I can feel both of my twins move, to settle my fears. Every day I check to make sure that I hear both heart beats. Then I go on about my day.

I'm adding a link to one from ebay. They have a lot of them on there. Just so you can see that it's similar to what the doctors have in their offices.

How early can you hear the babys heart beat on the Home monitors?


I was just wondering how far along you have to be to hear your babys heart beat on the monitors that you can buy in the store? im 8 weeks is that too early? because i want to buy one but not if its too early

honestly...I think they are a waste of money and cause more stress then relief. My OB will not even begin to look for a heartbeat witha doppler until 12 weeks but prefers 14 weeks because even then she said its difficult. They found my baby's heartbeat at 14 weeks, but it was hard to keep it long enough to count. Those home dopplers arent nearly as good as the ones the doctor has and you arent medically trained to find a heartbeat. I know some people who were never able to get a heartbeat on it and were constantly calling the doctor saying there is no heartbeat when actually, they just couldnt find it, but the OB could.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

what is the best set up for angelfish fry tank?

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 on Baby Monitor on Summer Infant Best View Handheld 2 5 Color Video Baby ...
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what is the best set up for angelfish fry tank and the breeding tank, and then the juveniles tank.
i dont want an essay, just basically bullet points, thanks

and can you go down from level 2 back to level 1 on yahoo answers, i just got to lvl 2, so im wondering.

Well, to the level 2, to level 1. Yes because loosing points by asking questions is (-5) points.
And to your angel fish question i am going to give you all the information that you will ever need to know about angel fish. (: !!
Origin: Amazon region of South America.

Size: Up to 6" in length, the top and bottom fins spanning a greater distance in the Veil varieties.

Ideal Water Quality: Soft (0.6 to 1.2 dH), slightly acid (pH 6.5 to 6.9), successful breedings have occurred in pH 6.8.

Live Plants: Should be included in all freshwater tanks. Water quality is monitored by live plants as they will look sickly before the fish die, they aid in keeping water clear, hinder growth of algae and add Oxygen to the water.
Broadleaf aquatic plants are favorites of Angelfish for laying their eggs on. Amazon Sword Plants (Echinodorus) are in a genus that embraces more than fifty relatively hardy and adaptable species, most of which are native to the flood plains of South America. They prefer water that is neutral or slightly acid and not too hard making them perfect plants for your Angelfish tank.

Diet: Angelfish can survive on flake food alone, but they will thrive and be much more apt to breed on a greatly varied diet. Live foods such as Adult Brine Shrimp, Black Worms, Mosquito larvae, finely chopped earthworms and Guppy fry are accepted with enthusiasm and should be included regularly. If live food is not available, frozen packages of Blood Worms (Midge Fly larvae), Brine Shrimp and others are available from your favorite pet supply store and are acceptable substitutions for the live food. There are many dried foods available that will suffice too.
Raw beef heart, finely ground, mixed with unflavored gelatin and frozen immediately in small one serving size pieces is a good and economical addition to your Angelfish diet. Be absolutely sure there is no fat in the meat.

Fry Diet: Angelfish fry have been successfully raised on a diet of newly hatched Brine shrimp (napulii) for the first 4 weeks of their lives and fed two to four times daily. After that, they were gradually introduced to a mixture of finely powdered Angelfish flakes and powdered dried blood worms with an occasional (twice a week) feeding of baby brine shrimp.
When their bodies are about the size of a quarter, they may be fed Guppy fry. An easy way to provide this very nutritious food is to keep pregnant guppies in the same tank as the young Angels and the rest is up to nature. Of course feedings of other varied foods are needed to round out the diet.

The author conducted an experiment and got 6 quarter sized Angelfish from a large tank of like sized Angels and put them in a 10 gallon tank with a sponge filter and Water Sprite. They were free fed guppy fry and twice a day received any combination of Angelfish flakes, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp and dried dworms for 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the 6 who received a varied diet twice a day were almost the size of a half dollar while the size of the other Angelfish barely had any noticeable growth at all. You can see that the correct diet for your Angels is essential to potential and current breeder fish.

Tank Size: The minimum size tank for a breeding pair of Angelfish is 15 gallons, but should be 25 gallons or larger if you plan on leaving the fry with the parents. As you can imagine, a fully grown pair of Angels with 200-300 fry to herd around would be pretty cramped in anything smaller. Another plus to having a larger tank is that there is a better feeling of security in a larger tank and the parents aren't as apt to eat their eggs or young.

Choosing Breeder Angelfish: The best way of assuring yourself at least one young pair is to choose 6 perfect specimens from a large tankful of young angels. This method is less expensive than buying proven breeders that may be near the end of their breeding careers anyway.
When preparing to buy 6 Angelfish, take your time to study the fish and select only those with straight top and bottom fins and perfect 'feelers' without any bowing or bends in them. They should be strong, robust and active. Angelfish that are active feeders mean they will grow quickly, and have a high rate of egg production in the females.

Do not buy fish from a tank with either dead fish in it, with fungus or parasite infestations. Resist the urge to 'come to the rescue of the little ugly duckling' because it will only grow up to be a big ugly duckling and will be totally unsuitable for breeding purposes. Be extremely picky with your breeder selection and you will be rewarded with beautiful fry.

Once you have carefully selected your 6 potential breeders, they can be set up in a 20 gallon tank minimum to grow up in and to finally pair off. If they are fed well with a good selection of live foods, they will grow quickly and reach breeder size rapidly.

One sure way to acquire a true

Whats a good wifi range extender for less than $40?


I have a pretty good wireless router, however the signal upstairs is weaker than I'd like. I've been thinking that a signal extender might help. Mostly I just wanna watch shows and download stuff upstairs maybe (and thats a very iffy maybe) do online gaming. Anybody know of a good product in my price range? I can't move my router any closer so thats not an option.

I agree with the powerline adapter option, however you are not going to get there on a $40 budget, especially if you want a model with a built in wireless access point. A good kit with WiFi will set you back over $100

Wireless signals are affected by many factors including distance, wall density, electrical interference, directional antenna range, etc. All of these factors will affect your actual wireless range, speed and connection quality.

You should try to centrally locate your wireless router or gateway up high and away from dense walls and electrical and 2.4 GHz wireless interference such as microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.

Just because a particular wireless router works good at one location does not guarantee that it will have similar performance in a different location due to variance in the factors listed above.

That being said,

Your best and cheapest option, in my opinion is Ethernet cable. You can get a 50 foot one for less than $15.

For serious gaming or video streaming a direct Ethernet cable connection is the way to go. Ethernet is unaffected by wireless interference and will give you a rock solid, stable network connection.

If you absolutely must have WiFi, the best option would be either the powerline adapter WAP above or a simpler and more economical solution would be a direct Ethernet connection from the router to a WAP or a old router configured as a WAP (Wireless Access Point). Here are instructions.

You can purchase WiFi range extenders, however most of the models with excellent reviews are over $40.

Here are the two most popular highly rated models on Amazon.

Securifi Almond -

Netgear Universal WN3000RP -

Good Luck...

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How do I turn on my wifi on iphone 4s when the switch is gray?

best baby monitor to use with iphone
 on wifi baby unboxed iphone ipad android wireless baby monitor
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Q. I recently put the newest update on my iPhone 4s. My wifi worked after this, but I reset my phone and then it stopped working. Instead of wifi saying not connected under settings, it just says off and I cannot switch it on. I have tried resetting my phone, my networks, and I even restored my phone on my computer. Does anyone know how to fix this? Help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much.

Tap "Settings" to ensure that you did not inadvertently disable your Wi-Fi radio. Check that the "Airplane Mode" switch is turned "Off." Next, tap "Wi-Fi" to make sure that the "Wi-Fi" switch is turned "On."

Tap "Settings," followed by "Wi-Fi." Turn the "Wi-Fi" switch "Off" and then "On" again after a minute. Tap your network name under "Choose a Network." This refreshes your network connection and often resolves inexplicable disengagements.

Disconnect and reconnect to the network. Tap the desired Wi-Fi network's blue "Detail" arrow to the right. Tap "Forget this Network," followed by "Forget." Under "Choose a Network," tap the network's name or tap "Other" to type the network's name and password. Then tap "Join."

Tap the blue "Detail" button to the right of your network's name. Typically, the IP Address should be set to "DHCP" and should not begin with "169." Tap "Renew Lease" to re-request a new network IP address that normally begins with "192.168" or "10."

Tap "Settings," followed by "General." Tap "Reset," "Reset Network Settings" and then "Reset Network Settings" again to confirm. With your network settings now restored to factory condition, reconnect with your desired Wi-Fi network. Tap "Settings," followed by "Wi-Fi." Under "Choose a Network," tap the network's name or tap "Other" to type the network's name and password. Then tap "Join."

Reboot your iPhone if your Wi-Fi icon's radio waves appear gray rather than black on your status bar. You may have a "faux" connection caused by router failure or your distance from the base station while you were connecting. Press the "Sleep/Wake" button on your iPhone's top-right edge and then drag the red onscreen slider to the right to power off. Then press the "Sleep/Wake" button again until you see the Apple logo and your iPhone powers up.

Move closer to the base station and turn on its range extender if it has one. If you are more than 115 feet from the base station or router, your connection will weaken considerably or drop.

Turn off or move away from devices that operate in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bandwidth in your immediate vicinity. These include items such as a microwave oven, baby monitor, cordless telephone, wireless Bluetooth device and so on. Alternatively, reset your Wi-Fi base station following the instructions in its user manual. When it restarts, it will seek to use 2.4 and 5GHz channels with the least interference.

How to make old iphone 3g as Home Spy Camera?


I have two iPhones, the old iPhone 3g and the new iPhone 4s. now i wanted to use my old iphone 3g (iOs version updated) as a Home Spy Camera and wanted to watch my kids at home live stream to my new iPhone 4s while im at work. i also got my Home Wifi network. is there any best iphone application out there for this matter? or is it possible to use my Home IP address to use and access it for this concept?

There are many training videos telling us how to make iphone as home spy camera on line.
Um...I've found two:
The second video looks like very easy to access, but I don't know if it is useful for you.

If these two ways are not fit, I suggest you to buy a Baby Monitor or Home Spy Camera. You can visit this online store:
It's a wholesaler, so its price is very low.

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Is it legal to use baby monitors to listen in on employees conversations with each other and customers?

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 on Download & Listen to the show here
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I'm not sure if the baby monitor is recording at nights when management is away, but either way, legal or not?
It's management that is doing the listening.

Local law will determine this.

Can a baby monitor be used to listen in on a conversation?


I wanna use a baby monitor so I can be a witness to a "special" conversation. Will the monitor be detectable/make noises?
Can I get an intelligent answer please?!
Instead of someone who's trying to be a smart aleck but just sounds like a retard that didnt read the complete question!
James you are a dumb fuck!!!!!! I was asking if the monitor would make noises and you totally just made up something to be a smart ass dumb shit!

No, baby monitors will only pick up noises that babies make. it has space age computer components inside that block out the voices of anyone over the age of 2.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What is the best baby monitor?

best baby monitor angelcare
 on Angelcare Monitor Reveals Top Rated Movement Baby Monitors - Sleep ...
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We're welcoming a new edition in a few weeks and we have everything ready to go except the baby monitor. We live in a one story home and I would only need the monitor for when the baby's sleeping. All the bedrooms are on the same side of the house but I always take extra precautions. Thanks so much!

We got an Angelcare movement monitor and I swear by it. I'm a very anxious mom and it helped me get some sleep! Knowing that an alarm would go off if he stopped breathing was the only thing that stopped me from checking in on the baby 10 times a night. ;)

edit: The monitor was suggested by my son's neonatal surgeon, as he was premature...

Are there any good baby monitors out there?


We are looking for a good, secure, low static monitor for our upcoming arrival. We also have a older son who we still use a monitor for, but that monitor is going out. Anyone have a two room system, or use two seperate monitors? If so what brands work well together?

We use the Angelcare Sight, Sound, and Movement Monitor. It's definitely pricey but wonderful because aside from having the breathing and movement detected, we can also see what's going on. When we did use only a sound monitor, we ran into our son's room with every sound he made (except he makes lots of sounds in his sleep, even cries out in his sleep), so with this we can look and see if he's awake or asleep before going in his room. Plus there's a talkback feature on it, so if he's really fussing when he wakes up, we can assure him over the monitor as we walk to his room. It is a secure monitor and on the quiet side. It also has a voice activation feature, but I'm not crazy about it because sound (even voice) cuts in and out with it. Either way, you can barely hear the white noise it lets off without the voice activation feature.

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How can I use my video camera for a baby monitor?

best baby monitor digital video
 on CH BABY MONITOR TOP DIGITAL VIDEO - Farmacia Ranzanici Dr Francesco
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I have an older digital video camera that I really don't use very much. I am trying to find a way to hook it up in the baby's-to-be room and connect it to our TV in our bedroom.

Are there certain cords that I need? Is this possible? I'm hoping to fix it so that it is on, but not recording.

You can get a wireless transmitter, or buy some extra long Video Cable.. But you may have a problem with the camera's auto off feature. if its not recording it will go off after a certain amount of time.

Video baby monitors with two receivers?


My husband and I are expecting our first child in 2 weeks. We are trying to find a kind of digital/video baby monitor that has 1 camera we can point at his crib, but with two receivers/video monitors that way we can each have one? Or to put one in our bedroom and one downstairs. Does anyone know of something like this? Thanks.

Summer Infant makes a monitor with two receivers - it is called Complete Coverage and you can get it at Babies R Us, Target and buybuyBaby.

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Have illicit drug addiction/usage rates increased or decreased over the years?

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 on Best Baby Monitors Consumer Reports - The Goods on Baby Monitors ...
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Q. I am having trouble finding comprehensive statistics regarding drug use that go back a number of years. Any sources of information would be greatly appreciated.

The two surveys that cover this are Monitoring the Future and the Household Survey on Drug Abuse. An internet search will turn up various links to them. You will probably not find extensive stats that predate the Internet age.

Before you look for them, you should understand that there are a number of problems with the surveys.

The first is that people are not likely to answer a question honestly when someone asks them if they have recently engaged in criminal activity.

The second is that it depends on what you mean by increased or decreased. Drug use goes through various cycles and use of one drug may go up while another goes down.

The third is the time frame in which you ask. Again, drug use goes in cycles so you can expect to see rises in the use of some drugs for a while, with later falls in the same use. Depending on which years you pick, you would get an entirely different answer.

You should also note that when people attempt to answer this question it is often because they have a political agenda so they will pick whatever numbers suit their political point. If the numbers don't suit their political point, then government officials are prone to just make up numbers to suit them.

If you look at the really long term there is an interesting picture. Prior to 1914, all of these drugs were legal and sold over the counter in the US without restrictions. Kids could buy the drugs as easily as they buy aspirin today and heroin was even included in baby colic remedies. Even under those conditions the rates of addiction were not substantially different than they are today.

If you want to understand the subject, the best place to start is the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs at This book details the history of the laws and describes the biggest single cause of drug epidemics. It is the one book to read it you read only one.

has anyone used the Respisense clip on baby monitor?


I asked this last night but no one had used or knew about this type of monitor. It clips on the baby's diaper and is supposedly more reliable and easier to use than the sensors that go on top of or under the crib mattress. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Here is the website:
"Respisense monitors the breathing efforts of a baby. If the breathing effort stops, slows down too much, or becomes too shallow, the built-in stimulator the Tummy Tickle will gently stir baby to breathe, failing which a loud alarm will alert the nearest adult. Respisense monitors are particularly suitable for babies at home, but can be used almost anywhere. No other baby monitor allows the freedom of movement that Respisense does. The award-winning and patented invention is so compact and light that it can be used wherever your baby may fall asleep."

after my older twin died from SIDS, we had my younger son on a monitor. it was annoyingly loud, and he was always fine, they set it wrong at the hospital.

if your baby isn't at risk for SIDS (newer research links it to a damaging of ear sensors for CO2 at birth, which fits the bill in my son's case) and if you take the precautions, its not worth the money or the worry.
but if your diaper wrapping techniques are tight, and you want to have nightmares involving beeping horribleness, and if you believe your child is at risk for breathing difficulties, by all means use it. you might try punching the name of the product in combination with 'reviews' or consumer feed back into your favorite search engine.

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Can you block baby monitor interference?

best baby video monitor no interference
 on MBP36 Best Video Baby Monitor Motorola Or Summer Infant BabyTouch?
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I bought the summer infant day and night video monitor today. when i began to set it up, i realized that it was picking up someone else's baby's crib perfectly, and picking up their conversation. I know that if I can see them then they can see me. That makes me a little uncomfortable knowing that someone else can watch my daughter and pick up our conversations. Should I return the monitor, or is there something I can do to block the interference?

I would return it to the store and pick out a different monitor. A Neighbor probably has the same monitor as you bought and that's why it picked up their house. If you can, I would try to find a Digital monitor although I can't think of one with video off the top of my head.

Can anyone recommend a baby video monitor?

spastic ac

I've tried both the Summer 900mhz and a First Alert model. I live in a condo and they had too much interference.

My husband wanted a video monitor. We use it everyday and we are happy with it, but it was expensive.

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How easy is it to tap someones phone?

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 on Philips Avent Dect Baby Monitor | Best Baby Monitors With Camera
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Kathy P

I have a friend who recently broke up with a boyfriend. He is still trying to contact her, but she tells me he seems to know unusual details of her private phone conversations and brings them up to her. How can I help her, and how would I help her find out if her phone was tapped?

very easy to tap a POTS (landline phone) or a VoIP phone that has been connected to your existing wiring, and the wire still goes outside of your home to the NID box...

VoIP is not easy, if not impossible to tap (illegally)
cellular is not easy if not impossible to tap..

feds can tap anything... but it usually requires connections from the telephone company office, not something the average person has access to...

if you have any 900Mhz cordless phones, throw them out.. replace your cordless phones with any technology that has DSS or FHSS (2.4,5.8, DECT)..... DECT is the best choice...

if there are any baby monitors, or wireless intercoms, or any other device that transmits sound wirelessly, remove them or turn them off..

Why does my wireless connection keep disconnecting?


I own the router and my signal strength is perfect. it is a broadband connection. i am 6 feet away from router. out of the blue it will just dissconnect and then reconnect a few seconds later.

Do you (or a close neighbor) use wireless phones (not cell phones, a cordless home phone), or have a baby monitor? Many devices like this operate on the same 2.4ghz frequency and can interfere with wireless signals. When they are activated, they can interrupt your signal until they are shut off.

Unfortunately, there is not a great fix for this. One fix, is to use a different wireless card. In my experience, newer wireless antennas are less suceptible to interference than old ones.

There are phones out there that do not interfere with wireless (DECT is something to look for on the box) but you can't make your neighbor buy it if that is your problem. Hope this helps!

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