Saturday, May 11, 2013

where is the best place to get a prenatal heartbeat monitor?

Q. I am 11 weeks pregnant and I would like to hear my baby's heartbeat. I looked at target and babies r us but they both seem to have gotten bad reviews. Does anyone know where I can find an inexpensive one that works well.

A. I bought the Sonoline B fetal doppler from for 61$ including 2 day shipping. It work great & says it can detect the heartbeat at 12 weeks, but i have read of women using it as early as 9 weeks & hearing the heart.

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At what age did you put your baby into there own room?

Q. This is what I am planning to do when my Little Man arrives I am planning to keep him in my room for the first 3 months then put him in his own room with a monitor and one of the newer motion sensors that you lay underneath him to monitor his movement and breathing of course!
What do you think about that?

A. I put my son in his own room at 2 months, and only used a monitor. I heard the alarm thing goesoff to much. When we put our son in his crib, he slept longer, and we didn't hear all his little noises so we slept better.

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What is a baby monitor and how it works?

Q. I have an elderly client with this baby monitor. Is it possible to move it just like any other electronic by unplugging it and plugging it in another room? So that if I move from room to room I can still monitor that person. I do not want to mess with it by taking it off without knowing anything about it.
I would like to plug it in another room where I can turn on light and read, not to disturb the client and still hear hear her via the monitor.

A. A baby monitor can be 1 way , 2 way, an now they even have one with a camera attached. It usually has a base that you keep with the baby and a hand held you can walk around with. The 2 way allows you to hear the baby and speak back if you want. They work really well and its a great way to keep track of babies and small children while in another room or doing house work.
I have used these many times working in healthcare having elderly patients.

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Any suggestions on a survalence camera used for a baby monitor?

Q. want to use a survalence camera for a baby monitor to get multiple usage. Any help?

A. I have never used one, but thinking about if for my twins. Here is a link that has a bunch of them.

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Friday, May 10, 2013

Should we require testing for having kids in the USA?

Q. I'm on the fence with this one. I believe that no one has the right to say who can and cannot have kids, but at the same time I believe that there's too many people having kids that do not want them, are not good parents, are not responsible enough and so on. Would the test be before or after the child is born? Who would administer the test? Who would ensure people are taking it? What kinds of questions would be on it? What are your thoughts - is it unethical to require such testing?

A. No... BUT... We should start a MANDATORY class on Sexual Education, Child Development, & Child Psychology starting at the same age we give start the "Health Classes", which I believe is Grade 5.

There should be a MANDATORY AlaTeen Meeting at EVERY HIGH SCHOOL to help deal with the pandemic of abuse, addiction, molestation, mental illness, etc. (& no, just because it is based on the 12-Step Program doesn't make it a bible-thumping christian recruitment center. That's a myth spread by people that don't want to seek help for their addictions/mental illness to justify their refusal to seek treatment.)

Children that are being abused, be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, raised by addicts, abandoned by a parent, raised by mentally ill parent/s, etc. should be provided with MANDATORY mental health treatment so they don't grow up to repeat the cycle of chaos & abuse that jacked up their parents...

Children of sexual abuse should have a note put in some sort of permanent record that they need extra therapy & to be monitored because 60% of abused children commit either Peer on Peer sexual abuse or Adult on Child sexual abuse. Sexual molestation is the only crime that exponentially increases the numbers of victimizers. (Not to mention that we now KNOW how abuse in Childhood alters UR epigenome & dramatically increases UR risk for obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, mental illness, & severe addiction.)

- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
► Childhood Abuse May Increase Risk For Heart Attack, Stroke

► NOVA Science Now - Topic: The Epigenome:
Streaming - BBC Horizon "The Ghost In UR Genes":
- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --

Children born to Teenage Mothers should be given extra therapy & attention to make goddamned sure they don't make their half-tard baby-mamma's 35 year old grandmas... The pattern of behavior & family of origin is CLEAR CUT. The generational transmission of trauma causes children to grow up & repeat the same unhealthy behaviors of their parents.

The Government should subsidize Long Term Contraception starting at Puberty. The use of the Depo 3-Month Birth Control Shot has been documented to have drastically reduced the number of abortions & unwanted pregnancies in this country as well as in other areas of the world where women are 2nd class citizens & can be beaten for just asking her man to use a condom. Rwanda, Africa has a more advanced Female Reproductive Health Care System than the US does.

The patch, the shot, the ring, the implant... Just the fact that these girls won't be sh*tting out unwanted kids will pay the government back in full in a single generation because not only would welfare numbers go down, but CRIME would reduce because there won't be half as many abused kids acting out by going out & joining gangs, vandalizing property, stealing, mugging, etc. because when a Boy gets abused, they turn to crime & when a girl gets abused, she ends up pregnant at 14 & on the poll by 18. Just the long term reductions in prison population will repay ALL MONEY spent on therapy, education, & contraception.

Today, everyone believes that they are a special little snowflake... Utterly different than EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH. They believe that with a short background history, no 1 could EVER predict their behavior because "I'm Special".

Yet what do we do with animals? How many polar bears must be studied before we can predict the behavior of almost all polar bears? 200? With humans, we might have to study 400 but the results are the same... We can predict a person's behavior based upon their past, specifically their family of origin.

Addict mom or dad? U have a 50% chance of having inherited the genetics for addiction. An intoxicated parent is an abusive parent which sets U up to be attracted to victimizers, chaos, & addicts as partners in adult life & U'll have a hard time maintaining healthy intimate relationships because of how UR brain was hardwired as a child.

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How to set your Mac to connect to a router?

Q. I have a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard and each time I open it up, AirPort connects to either my neighbor's router or a local broadband internet tower (I guess?), but it never connects to our own private router first. Is there a way I can have set our router as the default or something so I don't have to wait an extra minute for it to disconnect, rescan, and reconnect? Thanks in advance!

A. • Find out the SSID and password for your router. Consult the product's documentation to follow instructions on how to configure your router. The SSID will be the identifying name of your home WiFi network. Depending upon how your router is set up, you may also need a password to access the network.

• Turn on your Mac laptop. Go to the "Applications" folder, and select "Internet Connect."

• In the toolbar at the top, select the "AirPort" tab. On the next screen, click "Turn AirPort on." Wait for the AirPort card to discover all of the wireless networks in your area.

• Go to the "Network" drop-down menu. Select the SSID name of your network. If you need a password, enter it, then click "Connect." If your network does not show up on the drop-down menu, select "Other." Enter the network name and password, and then click "Connect."

• Check the "Show AirPort status in menu bar" box in the AirPort section of the Internet Connect window. This creates a pie-slice shaped icon in the menu bar. Click the icon to quickly access and connect to your wireless network.

Tips & Warnings
Wireless routers should work up to a range of 150 feet, but may vary based upon model and brand. Check with your product documentation to see where you should place your router for optimum connection. Sometimes other electronics, such as baby monitors or cordless phones, can interfere with the AirPort signal strength on your Mac laptop. Avoid using these types of electronics when you need a strong Internet connection.

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What is a recommended digital baby monitor to buy?

Q. I am looking for a good digital baby monitor for my baby. I want something that is cheap and good for the price. I also want something where the sound is crystal clear. Please recommend some good ones that I can buy.

A. You can consider buying
1)Levana BABYVIEW20 Interference Free Digital Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Night Light Lullaby Camera
*Digital video and audio signals between camera and monitor are secure and interference free
*Rechargeable monitor comes with ENERGY STAR qualified adapter
*Night vision allows you to monitor your child around the clock
*Standby mode allows you to turn off the monitor's screen and be alerted only when your child makes noise
*The camera helps soothe your child with lullabies and a built-in night light

Hey you can visit below link you can find more options here :

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Are there any dual camera baby monitors?

Q. We use a simple wireless video monitor to keep tabs on my 2 year old son while he's napping and sleeping. Eventually he'll have a little bro or sis that we'll also want to keep tabs on. Are there any baby monitors that incorporate two cameras viewable on one remote monitor?

A. The one from Summer does. You can put one video on A and the other on B. Then on the monitor you can switch from viewing A or B. I figured this out when my SIL came for a visit and brought her video monitor. We had my daughter on video A and her son on B.

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Is it normal for the macbook pro monitor to creak and be flimsy and can it be fixed?


A. Your not the first person to ask this. My sister went mac crazy for the first six months after she bought one of those mac book pro's. The hinge broke and even though it was still under warranty shes been getting the run around. It's the old if you didn't buy the extra apple-care product than apple doesn't care.

I remember with in a month after she bought it started creaking and five months of babying it later it broke. Her best friend told her not to worry about it and her hinge cracked long ago it just stick a little now when opening and closing. She changed her mind when all kinds of lines started going across the screen.

For as much as she paid for it that is such a shame. Sorry you fell for the mac ads and hoopla. Mabey you learned a lesson.

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How to be healthy while pregnant with twins?

Q. So I just found out I'm having twins today, and I want to stay as healthy as possible to make sure they grow properly, and are healthy, I just got married 2 months ago and these will be my first children, I want everything perfect.

So if anyone has advise please say how I can do it? I don't want to endanger them in any way.

A. What little I know comes from my friend's experience with twins. Eat well and eat often, and do it as soon as you can. One big issue with twins is that they are usually preemies. The faster you get help them gain weight, the better they'll do if that happens, so eat like it's a job at this point.

Cravings - if you crave it, as long as it's a food, go for it. Fat, calories, veggies, whatever. You often need something in that food. I would insist on getting your vitamin levels tested once or twice during the pregnancy - make sure you are getting enough for them, you know?

Take good care of yourself and rest when you need it. Don't push yourself to exercise if it's exhausting you - your need to be fat and happy is better than the need to be toned, you know?

PLAN. There's a good chance you might be on bedrest some time in the last trimester. It will relieve your mind if you have a potential plan in place, should this happen. The same applies for after the babies are born. You'll need help - arrange it now. Set up meals now or set up people to bring meals to the house for the first month or more. And think of how to do things when you'll have two babies. Look into how to breastfeed two babies at the same time (it's doable. My friend used to do it all the time, but it takes some practice), think about how to do X chore with two babies who might cry at the same time, or when they start to move, might crawl away at the same time, LOL.

Whether it's going to involve planning and organization you do, or help that you arrange to come to the house, having it set up ahead of time is one less stressor you have to deal with.

After the birth, breastfeeding is REALLY helpful. Mama's make special milk when they have preemies that they don't make with a regular birth - it's higher in calories and I believe it is also higher in disease/germ fighting properties than regular breastmilk, too, so it will really help your babies if they are born early. If they are too weak to suck, then pump and insist they feed it to them. You can do some research now on the issue - there's a lot of good research on the benefits of this. The best resource I know of for breastfeeding is the following: There is advice specifically on breastfeeding twins, I believe.

Another thing you may want to look into is how twins react if they are preemies and are kept together in the hospital. There seems to be some pretty compelling evidence that twins stabilize better, gain weight more, and are generally healthier if they are kept together after birth, in the same bed, if preemies.

A very famous and touching story about this type of situation is often referred to as 'the rescue hug.' It'll make you get all weepy and smile at the same time.
The picture here isn't photo-shopped. The little ones stayed in this pose long enough that one of the hospital staff was actually able to get a picture.

There was an interview with the family ten years later and the twins are both healthy and doing great. :-D

Co-sleeping might be something for you to explore. There's a lot of good information about how to do this safely, and with such tiny babies, you may want to keep them close to monitor them more closely. And so you can feed them without having to wake up too much.

Wishing you good luck - it's an amazing thing. I hope it all goes smoothly and you have your new little ones soon. :-)

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

What are the most important things I will need boy my baby girl when she finally arrives?

Q. First time mom... I don't have a lot of things for my baby girl yet but I don't want to buy things that are not really needed or will be used. Can someone please help me by giving me a list of the most important things I will need for my baby. Thank you I appreciate it.:D

A. diapers wipes, onesies, sleepers bibs scratch mites crib crib sheet, stroller, car seat, bottles(formula feed), swaddling blankets, face cloths, breast pads(breast feeding), thermometer (i find the ear one is best) soothers, baby monitor. if you want the luxuries then there is baby swing, mobile, diaper gene
after about 5 months teething rings, exersaucer, rattles
also if it is winter a snow suite, car seat cover
and here is a website just in case i missed anything

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How do I set up my Mac's iCam to video my puppies while I'm at work?

Q. I have 4 bottle babies I would like to monitor while I am at work to see what they are up to and I have an iMac with the iCam inside. Is there a way to set it up so I can view the puppies from my work computer?

A. You can download Orb for Mac here:
which will let you stream just about anything from your computer (including a webcam) to a browser, your phone, gaming console, etc.
As long as your work doesn't block it, you can get to the stream by logging into and opening the stream with your work computer's video player, like windows media player on windows.
If it is blocked and you have a capable phone, like an iPhone, BlackBerry, etc. you can watch it there.

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What is the best 2 room video baby monitor?

Q. I would like to get a baby video monitor but I want it in both kids rooms with only one monitor screen. What is the best one on the market for the cheapest price. there a video system out that has only one camera that I can order a 2nd camera separate for?

A. Hi

Like any other products, baby monitors need to suit your lifestyle and satisfy your requirements, even to the slightest of details. So before you purchase one, try to dwell on a number of factors first. These things will not only serve as your guide, they will also help you pick out the best type or brand for your little one.

Some of the things you need to consider are:

Levels of Interference
Video Monitoring Options

There are more details at the link in the source box about the Best Baby Monitors and I hope they help

Take care


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What kind of baby monitor do you have?

Q. Do you like your monitor?
What special features does your monitor have that you find useful?
Are there any bad things about your monitor?
Would you recommend it to a friend?
How many stars out of 5 would you give your monitor?

I'm looking to buy a monitor and would like all the info that I can get to make an informed decision since there are so many different ones out there. Thanks.

A. I think mine is a Safety 1st one from Walmart. I received it as a gift from someone before I had my baby and shower. It's nothing special - not the cheapest basic one but not the most expensive either. It's got 2 receivers, and like someone else said it picks up the noise really well. My daughter is 3 1/2, and I still use it when she's in bed and I'm at the other end of the house still up. I have had times where it's had interference, being able to hear other people in other places, but not often enough to be annoying or to stop me from being able to use it. I love it, and would definitely recommend it, I give it a 4 out of 5.

EDIT - this is almost exactly the same one I have, except mine has the light-up nightlight base and 2 receivers. Just to give you an idea...

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How can I get my son to sleep without a bottle?

Q. My son will be 6 months old on the 3rd of August and we have so much trouble getting him to sleep without a bottle. The only ways he'll fall asleep is if he's in the car or eating or being rocked for at least 20 minutes and no distractions. We've started him on baby foods and we think this will become a problem when we start working him off of the bottle. He's getting 2 teeth as well, and I don't want him to have dental problems. Any ideas on helping him get to sleep?

A. Have you tried letting him cry it out? I know alot of moms have problems doing this but, trust me, its going to have to happen eventually, or your going to have a three year old you have to rock to sleep everynight. Im currently a nanny for a 7 month old baby boy, and at a little after 6 months we started to let him cry it out. It teaches them to soothe themselves so you dont have to spend half your night rocking and putting him down...rocking and putting him down, over and over which is what we had to do. He doesnt go to bed with a bottle but just cries himself to sleep. Sometimes it takes 5 seconds and hes out lol...other times it takes 30 minutes, but it wont kill him and it will really help you...If you dont want to constantly hear him cry, shut his room door, and yours, and just make sure the monitor is on, we have one with lights that go up to indicate how loud it is, so you dont have to listen to him cry which is the hardest for parents to do, but you can still tell without checking every 5 mins how hes doing..when I have him I dont just..put him down to go to sleep...of course wait until you can tell hes actually tired...and then...calm him playing and getting hyper...but....sit on the poarch outside if its cool...just listen to the birds...that always calms ours can rock him and walk around with him like you normally would...and when you can tell hes absolutely droopy eyes tired just lay him in his crib..turn on the mobile if he likes it..and quietly walk out and shut the door or keep it open just a bit...Alot of times they will cry...get quiet....then start crying even harder..and,,start a pattern, but this is a way of self soothing and eventually they will go to sleep..and they wont love you any less... I know to alot of people this sounds cruel but its really best for the both of you...independence for you and him!! Good luck!!

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I want a room to room intercom for my house. What kind?

Q. I want an intercom for my house between just two rooms - but I want it to be 2-way (so it doesn't cut out one of the talkers). I'd be happy to use a baby monitor, intercom, or phone with intercom - but I can't tell what would have 2-way speaking. My phone now is only 1-way and it doesn't work well. Does anyone have any good suggestions?

A. Go to Radio Shack, they have different kinds and price ranges.

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Will walkie talkies work in an airport?

Q. Going to germany with some friends. We are taking two different flights that arrive at the same time, at the same airport. Thinking about bringing walkie talkies so we can find each other in the airport. Good idea, or will not work?

A. If you're talking about the little FRS radios that everyone is carrying around in the US... DO NOT DO IT!!! The frequencies are different between the US & Europe. The frequencies used for FRS radios, cordless phones, etc. in the US fall within the Emergency Services band in Europe. In other words, by talking on those radios, you could be interfering with police or fire department radios.

This warning is given loud & clear to all arriving US military & contractor personnel. The Polizi has broken into homes simply to seize US-made baby monitors & phones before.

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What age did you stop using a monitor for your baby/toddler?

Q. My daughter is almost 18 months and I still use a baby monitor. It makes me feel a lot better to have it on, especially at night because her door is closed and I have a floor fan going for white noise. I have no idea when I'll stop using it, but probably not anytime soon. I was just curious how old your LO was when you stopped using one.

A. My twin boys are almost 5yrs old and I still have a monitor in their room. I like to hear what's going on in there, especially when they are playing in their room and I'm 2 floors away doing laundry in the basement. My husband and I actually enjoy listening to their conversations after we put them to bed, and if they start playing around too much we can go up there and tell them to get to sleep and we can hear if they get out of bed.

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what monitor besides a savannah is better to have as a pet?

Q. I was just wondering, what is better a black throat monitor or a white throat? I am going to the reptile expo and their should be tons of baby monitors for sale, what would be better? I already have a savannah that is the weirdest thing, I bought a nile, and they have been living together for the past 2 years. But anyway, what would be better with temperment?

A. ridge tailed monitors (ackies) are the best choice for a first time varanid or tegu type "pet" hands down, nothing is as friendly or inquisitive as an ackie in the whole monitor, tegu world. no discussion on this one. forget the savannah or black/white throat you need to have some monitor/tegu keeping years under your belt before you get one of these. you will fail and they will die or be you will be overwhelmed by their care and cost , probably both. here is a link to all you you need to know to get started with ackies
as far as tegus go all are fairly easy to keep its just size and temperaments that differ ( they all get big just some bigger ); blue tegus are the smallest, have nice temperament, and can subside on an all rodent diet. argentine black and whites (aka. the chacoan or giant tegu) are the most recommended species for the beginner do to there excellent temperaments and their very, forgiving of keeper mistakes. they are also one of the largest tegu species some individuals will take some fruit as well as rodents some not . the red tegu is also one of the largest along with the argentin black and white. it also shares the same excellent temperament as the arentine black and white but it is not very forgiving of mistakes in their care at all. colombian black and white tegus(common tegu) is the least recommended they are just as easy to keep as most of the other tegus ,its their temperament that are shitty. they are down right mean! here is a link to one of the most respected tegu breeder in the world bert langerwerf at

p.s. savs. and tegus need a minimum cage size of 8 feet long by 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep, a black throat monitor minimum cage size of 12 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet. those are some big cages! and feeding is EXPENSIVE . an breeding trio of ackies on the other hand needs a minimum cage size of 4 feet long by 2 feet wide by 2 feet deep ,that is a MUCH more easy to provide cage size then the others and the feeding isnt a fraction of the cost..which one is going to be cared for properly by a monitor / tegu newbie? these animals are a whole different ball game than any other herp. besides the size thing get old fast when it comes to monitors. . go ackie!

p.p.s. i guess i didnt read the whole question cause i just noticed the sav. & nile thing. monitors ARE social animals( frank retes at the goanna ranch proved this fact) but only in same species/breeding settings ( for the most part ). i agree with william w maybe you should reconsider keeping monitors lizard momma. quince monitors are hot looking monitors right? dont hear about people keeping them very often . i had a pair years ago i picked up from switzer reptiles. never any good eggs from them just duds. loved looking at them though, just couldnt stand their temperaments (can you say scratch and spray). even the few C.B.B. ones ive seen have had shitty attitudes.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to make old iphone 3g as Home Spy Camera?

Q. I have two iPhones, the old iPhone 3g and the new iPhone 4s. now i wanted to use my old iphone 3g (iOs version updated) as a Home Spy Camera and wanted to watch my kids at home live stream to my new iPhone 4s while im at work. i also got my Home Wifi network. is there any best iphone application out there for this matter? or is it possible to use my Home IP address to use and access it for this concept?

A. There are many training videos telling us how to make iphone as home spy camera on line.
Um...I've found two:
The second video looks like very easy to access, but I don't know if it is useful for you.

If these two ways are not fit, I suggest you to buy a Baby Monitor or Home Spy Camera. You can visit this online store:
It's a wholesaler, so its price is very low.

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What kind of diet is for Gestational Diabetes?

Q. I think I have the worst doctor. He told me today I have gestational diabetes and asked the nurse to give me some dietary education, but then everyone disappeared and I didn't get any education at all. I've never had this before and have no clue what to do! All they told me was that diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise.... but no info on the kind of diet. we're going into a holiday weekend so I know I won't get any appointments with dieticians or specialists until next week or the week after at the earliest. Meanwhile, do you guys have any suggestions of simple foods to eat/diets to follow? Am I supposed to avoid sugar totally?
P.S. I am so angry at my doctor, and feel really guilty about having diabetes. Any suggestions on how to cope would be great!

A. Here are some general guidelines:

• Eat a variety of foods, distributing calories and carbohydrates evenly throughout the day. Make sure both your meals and your snacks are balanced. The American Diabetes Association recommends that you eat three small-to-moderate-sized meals and two to four snacks every day, including an after-dinner snack. Although your meal plan may contain fewer carbs than you normally eat, complex carbohydrates should continue to provide most of your calories.

• Don't skip meals. Be consistent about when you eat them and the amount of food you eat at each one. Your blood sugar will remain more stable if your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day.

• Eat a good breakfast. Your blood glucose levels are most likely to be out of whack in the morning. To keep your level in a healthy range, you may have to limit carbohydrates (breads, cereal, fruit, and milk), boost your protein intake, and possibly avoid fruit and juice altogether.

• Include high-fiber foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and dried peas, beans, and legumes. These foods are broken down and absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates, which may help keep your blood sugar levels from going too high after meals.

• Limit your intake of foods and beverages that contain simple sugars such as soda, fruit juice, flavored teas, and most desserts — or avoid them altogether. These foods can quickly elevate your blood sugar. Ask your healthcare practitioner about using foods sweetened with an artificial sweetener if you need a sweet fix.

• Milk is high in lactose, a simple sugar, so if you drink more than two or three glasses a day, you may need to limit the amount you drink and find an alternative source of calcium. If you're looking for a new beverage of choice, try club soda with a squeeze of lemon or orange, or unsweetened decaffeinated iced tea.

Moderately increasing your activity level is also a good way to help keep your blood glucose levels at normal levels. Again, speak with your diabetes educator or practitioner about the right amount and intensity of exercise for you.

I really think you should see another doctor if possible. Gestational diabets can be very serious to you and your baby. I had gestational with my last son. My doctor sent me home with a glucose monitor (which you should REALLY have) and had a dieticain come to my house to go over a personalized diet plan for me. I also had to test my glucose 4 times a day and call it in to the doctors office (of corse it was automatied, but at least they kept CLOSE watch on my results) and test my urine once a day int he mornings. I think you are very justified in feeling angry. This is nothing you did and this is your baby and you are just trying to care for it!! Please find someone who cares about your baby as much as you do....or at least acts like it!! lol I wish you the best!! good luck to you and your baby!! :)

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How much do you spend a month on baby supplies?

Q. Im 18 just found out im 4 weeks along
I was just wondering what's the price range for the essential; wipes, diapers, formula, ect.
Everything else im already going to have like crib, clothes, car seat.
Please let me know what your estimate is, thank you :)

A. I would highly recommend breast feeding your child instead of formula feeding. You will save a ton of money breast feeding- trust me. It is not only beneficial to your baby's health, but also to your health to breast feed. Women who breast feed for their children past 1 year (for 2 years) had a significant decrease in cervical and breast cancers than women who breast fed for only a year. Woman who breast fed for over a year had a decreased risk of breast and cervical cancer than those who didn't breast feed at all.. It will also save you a ton of money and time. Instead of waking up in the night to prepare a bottle, you just take your baby and breast feed :) Breast feeding will also help you loose the weight you gained during your pregnancy. Each time you breast feed you burn calories.

Car seats are expensive. To save money, skip the infant seat. Instead buy a convertible car seat. Infant seats are a convenience thing- you install the car seat base in the car and you click in the carrier. This way, you can carry a sleeping baby in the house. I know that this is convenient, but it is not good for a baby's health for the baby to stay in a reclined position. It is hard on a baby's body. That is why hospitals issue car seat tests- they strap your baby in the car seat and monitor your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels to make sure your baby can withstand being in a reclined postioned. The only time your baby should be in a reclined position is when your baby is in a moving vehicle. Most infant seats are outgrown before your baby is a year old. This means you will have to buy a convertible car seat anyways.

A convertible car seat has a higher weight limit for rear facing and a taller shell. This way you can rear face your child longer. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends to rear face a child until the child is at LEAST 2 years old. It is 5 times safer to rear face a child until age 2! The AAP recommends to rear face a child as long as possible. This means to rear face a child until they outgrow their convertible car seat. I would buy the Cosco Scenera convertible car seat with the 40 lb rear facing weight limit. Be careful- there are 2 different Cosco Sceneras - one has a 35 lb weight limit rear facing and the other has a 40 lb weight limit rear facing. Read the labels carefully. You can buy the Cosco Scenera with the 40 lb weight limit at target- it costs around $50 and will last you 3-4 years. Most kids can stay rear facing until age 3, and if your baby is small, then until age 4, which is the preferable age to transition to forward facing.

The most important thing that you can do to protect your child is to have a properly installed car seat that is used correctly. Car crashes are the leading cause of injury, disability, and death for children under 12 years of age! I would highly recommend that all parents get their car seats checked by a child passenger safety technician. Studies have shown that 95% of car seats are installed incorrectly and used incorrectly. You can go to to find a child passenger safety technician.

There are two ways to install a car seat- one way is called LATCH and the other way is using the seat belt for installation. LATCH stands for lower anchors and tethers for children. This is a government standard used to install a car seat. There are metal anchors in your car to attach the car seat to the car. All car seats have them and some cars made after 2001 have the LATCH system. All cars made in 2003 have the LATCH system. Never use both the latch system and the seat belt to install a car seat- use one or the other. It could cause too much stress on the car seat so it might not perform as intended by the manufacturer.

You cannot use the LATCH system in the center seating position unless specifically stated by your vehicle owner's manual. This is because the lower anchors on the outboard positions are connected and supported by a metal bar. In the center, the bar may not be there to connect the anchors. Also, the weight limit on the lower anchors is 40 lbs unless your vehicle owner's manual says differently.
Above link: Video about rear facing for babies and toddlers; explains the difference between infant seats and convertible car seats.
Above link: Shows pictures of children rear facing in convertible car seats- as you can see, many kids are over the age 2 minimum recommendation!
Above link: Joel at 18 months and 33 lbs broke his neck while in a front facing car seat! Click on the link to hear his story.
Above link: How to install a graco infant car seat with lap/shoulder belt
Above link: Video on the AAP recommendations

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Building a Computer...Can you help me!?!?

Q. Ok so i am currently running a Pentium 4 dell factory 8300 desktop computer.,1000000968,10004197,00.htm I updated the graphics card last year to a very nice ATI card, and i also added another 512 stick of Ram. Everything is fine on it, but i just want more speed/power/reliability. So i am wanting to build myself a new computer and purchase the parts off of new egg. My question is what all do I need to buy, and what can i steal from my old comp?

I figure the new Core Duo processor is a must. (2.0 GHZ)
I also am going to get a new tower. (This will come with a power supply).
I will steal my old graphics/video card as well as mouse, keyboard, speakers, and monitors.
Do I need to buy a CD-Rom, CD-RW, CD-DVD or can i steal these too?
Motherboard? If so how much memory usage do i need for serious gaming?
Sound card, can i steal this from the Dell?
Ram, I currently have a gig of ram in the other comp, can i steal these too?

A. ok well first. the core duo is nice but it will not work on your current mobo. the core duo is a lga type (which has not pins)
so you will need a new mobo. next yes you can use your optical drives(dvd cd)
you will probably need to use different memeory as well. most mobos use ddr2 which is much faster. i would go with at least 2gigs of this.
next get a seriousl graphics card with at least 256 and either agp2 or a pci express. i recomend either stealth with a radeon chipset or a realy nice nividia card.

also not to knock new egg but you might want to try global first they tend to have a little better slection on cases and on prices they are alot lower than most places.

one last thing when you get your new mobo,tower and stuff make sure you get at least 2 case fans. one push back and one pull in front to keep this monster cool. eithr that or do what i did and put yourself togethr a system with these parts.

intell core duo extreme
3 gig of ddr2
2tb hardrive(sata)
stealth graphics card with radeon 9800 running 512mb pci express
volcano temp and tach case fans
water cooler
850 watt power supply
asus motherboard (ifogot the number)
a 37" lcd screen
wireless mouse and kb
linksys 2.4 ghz wireless dsl setup

this baby kicks a>>
good luck dude
let me know how it goes ok. and hey dont burn down the house doin it like i almost did with my first build 10 years

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How can I get faster internet?

Q. Please, no smartaleck answers please! I'm willing to spend money.

Okay, so to start off with, I have horrible internet. It might be average compared to standards, but my friends literally have internet that is 100x faster than mine. No joke, I'll show the specs later.

Now, I know a bit about internet. There's 802.11a/b/g/n/ac. I'm pretty sure 802.11ac just came out and most people have 802.11n. However, after some simple investigation, I discovered that I was still on 802.11a, and of course then had WEP encryption. WEP is easily hackable, and 802.11a, as I understand it, has a very bad range. It gets interference from nearly EVERYTHING (microwaves, baby monitors, etc.)

As everyone knows, 802.11a has a LIMIT of 54mbps. However, I usually get around 0.7 mbps, at best. I sure would love to see that 1080p icon at least once in my life. However, at my friend's house, I downloaded a 50MB app for my iPod, and I saw that it installed within seconds. After the initial shock, I ran a quick speed test and it said that I was getting 33mbps down and 19mbps up! At my school, speeds are even higher with 92mbps down and 47mbps up (but of course they use ethernet so that doesn't mean anything)! At my house, I get around 0.65mbps down and 0.28mbps up, usually. As you can see, this is literally over 20X slower than other areas I have ran a speedtest.

Therefore, how can I get either 1) faster 802.11a or 2) what type of router should I get (either 802.11n or 802.11ac) as a replacement?
I have the $29.95/mo plan from AT&T.

A. Stick with 802.11n for now. To get faster internet talk to your ISP, or several ISPs if you have a choice, to see what speeds they have on offer. Start by finding out what ISP your friend uses. Also, ISPs often will provide a good router for free or nearly free, so check out that aspect before shelling out your own $$ for one.

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Any good remedies for getting rid of a headache..?

Q. I've had a headache all day, and I want it gone :( but I can't swallow pills and I already took baby asprin in the morning, and I took some liquid childrens medicine almost two hours ago. but it still won't go away. it's at bay right now, like it doesn't hurt as much but it's still bothering me a lot. and I can feel it like behind my right eye. and tips or remedies are appreciated. thanks in advance!

A. IHave you seen an orthodontist/dentist to be examined for TMJ/TMD. Tension stress from your TM joint in your jaw can make you sickly with migraines if out of place even a smidge.I got it from a jolt to my head and the tmj muscles stretched out causing sickening headaches, face pain and ear aches. Please check even with your doctor about it.

Many things can trigger a HEADACHES/MIGRAINES: using your arm in an awkward way (bowling) when you don't normally do that, lack of food (skipping meals), head resting in a hairdressers sink, going to a concert with light show, video game screen with fast movements & flashing lights, staring in the light (sun) constantly on your eyes...etc.

You may want to check your settings on all your digital items that you are using. Each device you use has a warning that MANY COMPLETELY IGNORE. Go under your settings for your screen settings on your computer, laptops, televisions, monitors, digital games, etc. AND LOWER THE BRIGHTNESS ON THE SCREEN.

Also, don't forget that all these items are a heat source and depending on how close you are to the item you are using, you are affecting your personal body sources. (ie. flickering lights affect the eyes, laptops on laps affect fluids. etc.)

You may be completely dehydrated if you aren't drinking adequates amounts of water daily. Here's a guide to help you figure out how much water you require daily for your weight.

? Your Weight Times (.5) Equals Divided By 8oz (or 1 Cup) Equals # Cups of Water/Day

• 150lbs x .5 = 75/8 = 9 Cups of Water/day
• 175lbs x .5 = /8 = 11 Cups of Water/day
• 200lbs x .5 = 100/8 = 12.5 Cups Water/day

If you take your medication with an extra caffeine drink, it will hit your system faster, but that only means enough to swallow the medication and wash it down. It does not mean drink an entire can or you will suffer from extreme caffeine withdrawal (rebound migraines).

1. I used to use a combination of medications which included 400mg Ibuprofen 4x a day with food. This takes the swelling and inflammation down. DO NOT exceed1600mg in one day and you may need prilosec for stomach protection as ALL ANTI INFLAMMATORIES are difficult on the stomach. ***You can use Tylenol with Ibuprofen and Aspirin watch for daily maximums & don't exceed.

2. Robaxacet is Tylenol (acetominophen) combined with methocarbonal (muscle relaxant)...this also comes with codeine on request from the pharmacist. This only relaxes any tight muscles around the pain and helps reduce some pain. You can use Robaxacet with Ibuprofen and Aspirin, BUT NOT Tylenol as it's already an ingredient in this pill.

3. Robaxacyl is Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) combines with methocarbonal (muscle relaxant)...this has a blood thinning active ingredient and isn't ideal for anyone under age 16 years or complications with blood pressure, ailments, etc. This both takes down the inflammation as well as treats the pain.You can use Robaxacyl with Ibuprofen and Tylenol, BUT NOT Aspirin as it's already an ingredient in this pill.
4. Aleve is a Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory (Naproxen) which will helps reduce the inflammation, and as the inflammation decreases so does the pain; BUT you CANNOT mix this drug with any of the above mentioned safely.

5. Dynamint has been used on horses legs for years, but it does an amazing job on sore neck muscles. It's ingredients are Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil , Tea Tree Oil and Calendula Oil.

6. Deep Cold Gold is an alternative rub that works very well on tight aching tendons on your upper shoulders, neck and TMJ joints.

When I was 16 years old I had severe tension headaches that made the ligament behind my ear pop out like a big ole bump. The doctor prescribed a low dose of Elavil (amitryptaline) & it was gone within days. The Elavil in high doses is used for depression but they use it for car accidents because it relaxes the muscles from whiplash.

If you experience a headache with ANY LOSS OF WEAKNESS, SLURRING, IMBALANCE or FEVER, then you need to seek medical attention immediately for a consult to make sure there isn't something more serious going on.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

best baby monitor for living next to airport?

Q. we are looking for a good affordable baby monitor. We live next to a small airport and are concerned with interference. suggestions - advice - do you live near an airport and have a baby monitor?

A. I live about 10 miles from the airport. We use summertime hand held monitor and it works good. At times, there is audio static but not enough to be bothersome. We love our monitor. It run on 900 mhz frequency and not 2.4 like most phones and laptop gear.

how can I use a webcam as a video baby monitor?
Q. I need to know how I go about setting up a webcam as a baby monitor and if so can i view it over my wireless network?
Man, That was alot of help :( "Just Set it"?? I need to know if I can view it over a wireless network.
I am actually a computer tech and i know about all of this, Not practical? what about tablet PC's, palm pilots, PSP and all of these things how can it not be practical.

A. Not convenient, you need PC and a web cam turn on in order for it to work.

Try exploring IP or internet camera, it include microphone and speaker for remote audio.

Where can I buy an audio and video radio scanner?
Q. I have a couple of baby monitors but I lost my receiver, is there anyway I can buy a scanner so can use this monitors for house security?
I was thinking about a scanner/receiver that connects to my PC or one that has a LCD to watch whats going on.
It doesn't have the exact same brand as my monitors.

A. Try

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Any suggestions for baby heart monitors?

Q. I'm 13 weeks pregnant and would like to purchase a baby heart monitor to listen to the baby's heart beat. Can I get one now at this stage or wait until my 3rd trimester?

A. You can get one at this stage. There's called fetal dopplers. You can get one from ebay for anywhere between $50-1000.00

You'll hear from quite a few people to buy those cheap ones at Kmart and Walmart. Sure, they're cheap. Around $20. But, you won't hear a heartbeat on them. I have twins, can't hear either one of their heartbeats, and I'm 17 weeks. But I can hear them move around, kick the monitor when I'm pressing on the belly, hear my own heartbeat, or all the water that I just drank gurgling around...but no twins' heartbeats. I heard the kids playing outside far better than anything else that thing could pick up. I took it back and bought a real one on ebay.

You'll want a 2.5 Mhz or a 3.0 - I personally would suggest a 3 if you want to start that early. Your baby should have a heartbeat at this time. My doctor heard ours at 10 weeks.

If you don't hear a heartbeat this early, just remember that you're not a doctor. Doctors have more experience finding the heartbeats, and when a baby is that small, it's not that easy.

I bought one, although I am not a doctor, and although I can feel both of my twins move, to settle my fears. Every day I check to make sure that I hear both heart beats. Then I go on about my day.

I'm adding a link to one from ebay. They have a lot of them on there. Just so you can see that it's similar to what the doctors have in their offices.

What makes a baby have low or high birth weight?
Q. What makes a baby have low or high birth weight?
Like, why do some babies weigh 10lbs and birth, and others at 6lbs? Is it what you eat? How much you excercise? (I obviously know that drugs cause low birth weight, but I other then that...) I was just curious because my friend gained 20 more pounds with her 2nd child, and her 2nd child was 7lbs, and her first was almost 9lbs. So confused... Thanks!

A. The primary cause of low birthweight is premature birth (being born before 37 weeks gestation). Being born early means a baby has less time in the mother's uterus to grow and gain weight. Much of a baby's weight is gained during the latter part of pregnancy.

Another cause of low birthweight is intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). This occurs when a baby does not grow well during pregnancy because of problems with the placenta, the mother's health, or birth defects. A baby can have IUGR and be born at full term (37 to 41 weeks). Babies with IUGR born at term may be physically mature but may be weak. Premature babies can also have IUGR - these babies are both very small and physically immature.

Any baby born prematurely is more likely to be very small. However, there are other factors that can also contribute to the risk of very low birthweight. These include:

African-American babies are two times more likely to have low birthweight than Caucasian babies.

Teen mothers (especially those younger than 15 years old) have a much higher risk of having a baby with low birthweight.

multiple birth
Multiple birth babies are at increased risk of low birthweight because they often are premature. Over half of twins and other multiples have low birthweight.

mother's health
Babies of mothers who are exposed to illicit drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes are more likely to have low birthweight. Mothers of lower socioeconomic status are also more likely to have poorer pregnancy nutrition, inadequate prenatal care, and pregnancy complications - all factors that can contribute to low birthweight.

Causes of a big newborn baby and management
Genetic: Mothers with heavy build are more likely to give birth to large babies but there seems to be no relation between father’s weight and baby’s weight.

Maternal diabetes: Hyperglycemia in the mother (increased levels of blood glucose) causes hyperglycemia in the fetus, as glucose crosses the placenta. The fetal hyperglycemia causes the beta cells of pancreas (cells responsible for producing Insulin, the hormone which controls the level of sugar in blood) to produce more insulin. Insulin also brings about increase in body weight. Hence an infant of diabetic mother will be a big baby at birth.

After birth the high level of insulin persists for some time in the baby and this can result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Hence, such babies need to be monitored for some time, with blood glucose estimation at frequent intervals. They may require intravenous glucose if the level of glucose in the blood is low. Hypoglycemia can be dangerous because it can cause convulsions and brain damage.

These babies are also prone to suffer from polycythemia, a condition in which the blood is very thick and can clot inside the blood vessels. If it is severe the baby may require exchange transfusion with plasma or saline.

Congenital hypothyroidism: Deficiency of thyroid hormones in the baby causes increased body weight. These babies also have constipation, hoarse cry, diminished activity and dry skin. If there in any doubt blood has to be sent for testing the level of thyroid hormone and treatment started early if it is low. Delay in treatment can cause mental retardation.

Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome: The baby will have grooves in ear lobes and large tongue. Some also have cleft palate and hypospadias (abnormal opening of the urethra). Chromosomal abnormalities have been demonstrated in some of these babies. They are also prone to develop hypoglycemia. Some also suffer from mental retardation.

Transposition of great vessels: This is a congenital defect of the heart. In this the blood vessels arising from the heart (aorta and pulmonary artery) are connected to the wrong chambers of the heart. The beta cells of the pancreas receive blood containing more glucose and oxygen and hence produce more insulin resulting in increased growth of the body and a big baby at birth. They also require frequent monitoring of blood glucose after birth and intravenous glucose apart from treatment of the heart problem.

How to be healthy while pregnant with twins?
Q. So I just found out I'm having twins today, and I want to stay as healthy as possible to make sure they grow properly, and are healthy, I just got married 2 months ago and these will be my first children, I want everything perfect.

So if anyone has advise please say how I can do it? I don't want to endanger them in any way.

A. What little I know comes from my friend's experience with twins. Eat well and eat often, and do it as soon as you can. One big issue with twins is that they are usually preemies. The faster you get help them gain weight, the better they'll do if that happens, so eat like it's a job at this point.

Cravings - if you crave it, as long as it's a food, go for it. Fat, calories, veggies, whatever. You often need something in that food. I would insist on getting your vitamin levels tested once or twice during the pregnancy - make sure you are getting enough for them, you know?

Take good care of yourself and rest when you need it. Don't push yourself to exercise if it's exhausting you - your need to be fat and happy is better than the need to be toned, you know?

PLAN. There's a good chance you might be on bedrest some time in the last trimester. It will relieve your mind if you have a potential plan in place, should this happen. The same applies for after the babies are born. You'll need help - arrange it now. Set up meals now or set up people to bring meals to the house for the first month or more. And think of how to do things when you'll have two babies. Look into how to breastfeed two babies at the same time (it's doable. My friend used to do it all the time, but it takes some practice), think about how to do X chore with two babies who might cry at the same time, or when they start to move, might crawl away at the same time, LOL.

Whether it's going to involve planning and organization you do, or help that you arrange to come to the house, having it set up ahead of time is one less stressor you have to deal with.

After the birth, breastfeeding is REALLY helpful. Mama's make special milk when they have preemies that they don't make with a regular birth - it's higher in calories and I believe it is also higher in disease/germ fighting properties than regular breastmilk, too, so it will really help your babies if they are born early. If they are too weak to suck, then pump and insist they feed it to them. You can do some research now on the issue - there's a lot of good research on the benefits of this. The best resource I know of for breastfeeding is the following: There is advice specifically on breastfeeding twins, I believe.

Another thing you may want to look into is how twins react if they are preemies and are kept together in the hospital. There seems to be some pretty compelling evidence that twins stabilize better, gain weight more, and are generally healthier if they are kept together after birth, in the same bed, if preemies.

A very famous and touching story about this type of situation is often referred to as 'the rescue hug.' It'll make you get all weepy and smile at the same time.
The picture here isn't photo-shopped. The little ones stayed in this pose long enough that one of the hospital staff was actually able to get a picture.

There was an interview with the family ten years later and the twins are both healthy and doing great. :-D

Co-sleeping might be something for you to explore. There's a lot of good information about how to do this safely, and with such tiny babies, you may want to keep them close to monitor them more closely. And so you can feed them without having to wake up too much.

Wishing you good luck - it's an amazing thing. I hope it all goes smoothly and you have your new little ones soon. :-)

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What baby items did you find to be the most & least useful?

Q. We just spent 2 hours in Babies R Us registering for my baby shower and we have over 200 items. I know I'm not going to get everything, and it was mainly just to show various gift options, but what items are absolute musts and what items can wait? This is my first baby so I haven't been able to test anything out yet. Thank you! =)

A. well, u can go to babies r us website and they have a list for ppl who are going to register..of course it has a lot of things on there that you don't need, but if you weed through you can get what you need out of it...the things i liked;found most useful, etc......

.i would def recommend:
a diaper genie 2; idk why ppl don't like them, there is NO smell in my dd 's room
changing table..will save your back, good for diap changes, clothes changes, sponge baths, etc and you have shelves to store your new baby must haves....i have canvas bins on the shelves to store things that are good to have in reach or easily available...
monitor--i like the graco imonitor, recently bought a second one for another room in the house bc i liked the other one so much, it has been working well for over 8 mos now, and it has good range, battery life, and i can hear EVERYTHING; never any works great..
boppy pillow with cotton covers, soft ones don't fit as well for some reason
lots of baby hangers, and baby hangers with clips to keep outfits together
primo euro bathtub
prince lionheart diaper depot and wipewarmer; ours works well and the wipes are still very warm when we get them to out dd's bottom; and she doesn't freak out when we are out and they aren't warmed, but seems to appreciate it when they are..
health kit: brush, comb, thermometer (not an ear one, not as accurate), nail clippers, etc.
baby meds, generic is just as good and a lot cheaper...desitin(or plain zinc oxide if you can find it)..not creamy, has less zinc ox in it....infant mylicon and tylenol
lots of diapers , make sure wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if you need to even after the return period...brus let me do that, and buy a small pack of a couple brands to see which you prefer before you open the big boxes...wipes, lots of them, without alcohol or fragrance! we use swaddlers diapers and pampers sensitive wipes; no rashes, no reactions to their ingredients, diapers hold a lot when they have too and the netting tends to keep the wet off her bottom...
lots of baby washclothes, you may have to use them on baby's bum if it is really sensitive and gets a rash....and baby towels, but you could use your reg towels if money is an issue

swing, pref swings two ways and plugs in instead of batteries
bouncy seat
infant travel system! easy, easy, easy--we got the graco tour deluxe; it is great, folds with one hand, several seating positions, lays flat for sleep; has a big basket underneath and cup holders for mom and dad, one for baby , place for snacks for baby, and a 'pocket' up top for keys, cell phone, whatever you wanna put there...
play yard, get one with bassinet feature if you want to, easier to keep baby in your room for a while before putting them in crib in their room=we have chicco discovery and it is awesome, has more padding than most, easy to wash..machine wash, most are wipe down...very sturdy, has nightlight, vibration, etc and a flip up change table, has wooden slats that slide in under mattress for support...not that much more exp than the others and much better in my opinion
passys--she loves soothies and that is all she will take..
baby wash, again frag free, dye free
frag free , dye free laundry detergent
clothes hamper or basket
lingerie bag for socks, mittens, anything little so they don't get lost in the wash...
something to put baby toys in
extra toy links
lullaby cd and small cd player; my dd has come to love white noise, she naps with a fan and a womb bear; sleeps at night with a fan....
oh, mosquito cover for your infant's where you can see in , baby can see out, but strangers cant just walk up and touch your baby, and they will!!!!!
all i can come up with now...LOL
diaper bags; big one for everything you may need, leave in car unless you will be somewhere a long time, and a small one to stick what you will need for a short run in so you don't have to haul the bigger one

if ffing:
avent formula dispenser; has better review than the ones made by sassy, and convert to a snack cup later...i loved it so much i bought a second one!
bottles--really liked playtex ventaire advanced when she was young, more pieces but it's easy to get them clean when the top and bottom comes off...and they vent through the bottom instead of the nip so no bubbles or foam going back up into baby's milk; they will leak if you don't put them together correctly, but we have had no probs with them and have never had to replace any parts on them..if u decide on them and have leaks, email me and i will explain how to keep them from leaking...:O)
bottle and nip brushes--i really like the ones by munchking that don't have a sponge on the end of the brush, they come in diff colors mixed with white and have a great nip brush in the handles....
drying racks--again, i really like munchkins...
formula mixer: i like dr brown's formula pitcher bc you don't shake it it is only abo

What are some inexpensive things i can do to make the environment better to live in? Plz answer?
Q. Fact is all of us are going to have a pathetic world to live in if we don't start making changes to our daily lives.

A. There are a gazillion things to do.

I've really been trying to cut electrical use over the last year. We've replaced every bulb in our house with Compact Fluorescent or regular fluorescent bulbs. We've planted trees near windows, installed room darkening shades, weatherstripping, and window tint to keep rooms from heating up so the AC doesn't run as often. We bought a 7 day programmable thermostat so we can have the AC adjust throughout the day automatically so we're not needlessly cooling when no one is home. We're diligent about turning off the computer every night, turning off lights, keeping doors and windows open during nice weather, and turning off fans when no one is in the room (fans don't make the room cooler, they just make it feel cooler - a sort of wind chill factor).

We bought a remote control power controller called Bye-Bye Standby from Amazon. With a click of the remote you can kill the phantom power used by your electronics. I can turn off all my electronics and then kill the power with this thing and hear the electronics really turn off. Of course this uses batteries, but our outlets are not reachable behind our freecycled entertainment center, but I guess you can't win 'em all.

Prior to doing all these things, our previous low on our electric bill was right about $100. We've since had electric bills in $60-$70 range, and once even hit $50 right on the head. So, obviously we're using less electricity. Most all these changes don't cost a whole lot and actually pay for themselves in the long run.

I mentioned Freecycle before. Search for a Freecycle group in your area. This is a recycle program in which people give away stuff to each other for free, no strings attached. Our local Freecycle is actually run through a Yahoo group. We've given away old pots/pans, clothes, baby stuff, a computer monitor, etc. and have gotten stuff like a lamp and a basketball hoop. So, instead of this stuff ending up in the landfill, it's still being used and it was all free.

Also, go to the library to get videos and books, rather than buying them or renting them online. Because you are borrowing from the local library fewer of the videos and books need to be produced so less paper or less plastic is used and it saves on transportation costs. Our library is about 2 miles away. Netflix, Amazon, etc. are several states away so to get something from them requires a lot more fuel to get the same thing to me. Best of all, the library is free.

Shop at a local fruit and vegetable stand if possible. We go to one that is about 6 miles round-trip out of my way. However, the prices are cheaper than the local grocery store and most of the produce is local, unlike the grocery store which is more international. So I'm saving money and it's better for the environment because the products don't have to be shipped as far prior to consumption.

Get out and enjoy the environment. Go camping! Visit state and national parks, national forests, wildlife refuges, etc - most are free to visit and cheap to camp in. The park services can't keep these places clean on their own because they are absolutely huge and understaffed. While there pick up a few pieces of trash and put it where it belongs. Also, getting into the wild has given me personally a greater desire to do something because I better appreciate nature. I hear nature more now. I hear the hawk in our neighborhood every morning as it screeches. I hear the blue jays, grackles and mockingbirds and I want to continue to hear them so I try to do more to make their environment a better place. Hearing the birds doesn't cost me a thing and it inspires me to do more and to be creative in doing it.

what are some household items needed for new baby?
Q. I want to be prepared for when my little one arrives. So i was wondering like, types of medicine, um just basic newborn baby needs.
i got the common Sense stuff like clothes, diapers, bottles, pacies, etc.

A. well, u can go to babies r us website and they have a list for ppl who are going to register..of course it has a lot of things on there that you don't need, but if you weed through you can get what you need out of it...the things i liked;found most useful, etc......

.i would def recommend:
a diaper genie 2; idk why ppl don't like them, there is NO smell in my dd 's room
changing table..will save your back, good for diap changes, clothes changes, sponge baths, etc and you have shelves to store your new baby must haves....i have canvas bins on the shelves to store things that are good to have in reach or easily available...
monitor--i like the graco imonitor, recently bought a second one for another room in the house bc i liked the other one so much, it has been working well for over 8 mos now, and it has good range, battery life, and i can hear EVERYTHING; never any works great..
boppy pillow with cotton covers, soft ones don't fit as well for some reason
lots of baby hangers, and baby hangers with clips to keep outfits together
primo euro bathtub
prince lionheart diaper depot and wipewarmer; ours works well and the wipes are still very warm when we get them to out dd's bottom; and she doesn't freak out when we are out and they aren't warmed, but seems to appreciate it when they are..
health kit: brush, comb, thermometer (not an ear one, not as accurate), nail clippers, etc.
baby meds, generic is just as good and a lot cheaper...desitin(or plain zinc oxide if you can find it)..not creamy, has less zinc ox in it....infant mylicon and tylenol
lots of diapers , make sure wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if you need to even after the return period...brus let me do that, and buy a small pack of a couple brands to see which you prefer before you open the big boxes...wipes, lots of them, without alcohol or fragrance! we use swaddlers diapers and pampers sensitive wipes; no rashes, no reactions to their ingredients, diapers hold a lot when they have too and the netting tends to keep the wet off her bottom...
lots of baby washclothes, you may have to use them on baby's bum if it is really sensitive and gets a rash....and baby towels, but you could use your reg towels if money is an issue

swing, pref swings two ways and plugs in instead of batteries
bouncy seat
infant travel system! easy, easy, easy--we got the graco tour deluxe; it is great, folds with one hand, several seating positions, lays flat for sleep; has a big basket underneath and cup holders for mom and dad, one for baby , place for snacks for baby, and a 'pocket' up top for keys, cell phone, whatever you wanna put there...
play yard, get one with bassinet feature if you want to, easier to keep baby in your room for a while before putting them in crib in their room=we have chicco discovery and it is awesome, has more padding than most, easy to wash..machine wash, most are wipe down...very sturdy, has nightlight, vibration, etc and a flip up change table, has wooden slats that slide in under mattress for support...not that much more exp than the others and much better in my opinion
passys--she loves soothies and that is all she will take..
baby wash, again frag free, dye free
frag free , dye free laundry detergent
clothes hamper or basket
lingerie bag for socks, mittens, anything little so they don't get lost in the wash...
something to put baby toys in
extra toy links
lullaby cd and small cd player; my dd has come to love white noise, she naps with a fan and a womb bear; sleeps at night with a fan....
oh, mosquito cover for your infant's where you can see in , baby can see out, but strangers cant just walk up and touch your baby, and they will!!!!!
all i can come up with now...LOL
diaper bags; big one for everything you may need, leave in car unless you will be somewhere a long time, and a small one to stick what you will need for a short run in so you don't have to haul the bigger one

if ffing:
avent formula dispenser; has better review than the ones made by sassy, and convert to a snack cup later...i loved it so much i bought a second one!
bottles--really liked playtex ventaire advanced when she was young, more pieces but it's easy to get them clean when the top and bottom comes off...and they vent through the bottom instead of the nip so no bubbles or foam going back up into baby's milk; they will leak if you don't put them together correctly, but we have had no probs with them and have never had to replace any parts on them..if u decide on them and have leaks, email me and i will explain how to keep them from leaking...:O)
bottle and nip brushes--i really like the ones by munchking that don't have a sponge on the end of the brush, they come in diff colors mixed with white and have a great nip brush in the handles....
drying racks--again, i really like munchkins...
formula mixer: i like dr brown's formula pitcher bc you don't shake it it is only abo

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what monitor besides a savannah is better to have as a pet?

Q. I was just wondering, what is better a black throat monitor or a white throat? I am going to the reptile expo and their should be tons of baby monitors for sale, what would be better? I already have a savannah that is the weirdest thing, I bought a nile, and they have been living together for the past 2 years. But anyway, what would be better with temperment?

A. ridge tailed monitors (ackies) are the best choice for a first time varanid or tegu type "pet" hands down, nothing is as friendly or inquisitive as an ackie in the whole monitor, tegu world. no discussion on this one. forget the savannah or black/white throat you need to have some monitor/tegu keeping years under your belt before you get one of these. you will fail and they will die or be you will be overwhelmed by their care and cost , probably both. here is a link to all you you need to know to get started with ackies
as far as tegus go all are fairly easy to keep its just size and temperaments that differ ( they all get big just some bigger ); blue tegus are the smallest, have nice temperament, and can subside on an all rodent diet. argentine black and whites (aka. the chacoan or giant tegu) are the most recommended species for the beginner do to there excellent temperaments and their very, forgiving of keeper mistakes. they are also one of the largest tegu species some individuals will take some fruit as well as rodents some not . the red tegu is also one of the largest along with the argentin black and white. it also shares the same excellent temperament as the arentine black and white but it is not very forgiving of mistakes in their care at all. colombian black and white tegus(common tegu) is the least recommended they are just as easy to keep as most of the other tegus ,its their temperament that are shitty. they are down right mean! here is a link to one of the most respected tegu breeder in the world bert langerwerf at

p.s. savs. and tegus need a minimum cage size of 8 feet long by 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep, a black throat monitor minimum cage size of 12 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet. those are some big cages! and feeding is EXPENSIVE . an breeding trio of ackies on the other hand needs a minimum cage size of 4 feet long by 2 feet wide by 2 feet deep ,that is a MUCH more easy to provide cage size then the others and the feeding isnt a fraction of the cost..which one is going to be cared for properly by a monitor / tegu newbie? these animals are a whole different ball game than any other herp. besides the size thing get old fast when it comes to monitors. . go ackie!

p.p.s. i guess i didnt read the whole question cause i just noticed the sav. & nile thing. monitors ARE social animals( frank retes at the goanna ranch proved this fact) but only in same species/breeding settings ( for the most part ). i agree with william w maybe you should reconsider keeping monitors lizard momma. quince monitors are hot looking monitors right? dont hear about people keeping them very often . i had a pair years ago i picked up from switzer reptiles. never any good eggs from them just duds. loved looking at them though, just couldnt stand their temperaments (can you say scratch and spray). even the few C.B.B. ones ive seen have had shitty attitudes.

How often should I feed baby savannah monitor?
Q. Well I have a 3 month baby savannH monitor how often should I feed her and how many crickets when I feed her? Also how big will she get in a year?

A. Nice choice of a lizard there amazing. I have one and I feed it a fuzzy every week and randomly throughout the week I chuck in some roaches but I wouldn't really copy this way as it worked for me I'm not too sure it would work for you. I had mine since a baby of about 1 month old and about 3-4 months you can start to feed him pinkys. A good pinky once a month should be maximum because too many could be bad as there still young and mice are fatty and lack the better vitamins. So I'd stick with roaches or crickets . In a year it will grow to about a foot and they grow the most in 3 years so this is when you need to get a good feed

What did you do or what are you currently doing?
Q. Did you/do you use a baby monitor with the baby in the other room at night...or did/does your baby sleep in your room?

Do you think any either of those are a bad choice?

A. My son slept in our room with us until he was reliably sleeping through the night. After that we moved him into his own room across the hall. I wanted to keep him as close to me as possible when he was waking up often at night so that I wouldn't have to walk as far to get him and put him back to bed. Lazy, I know, but practical. He slept in his bassinet at the foot of my bed, which meant I didn't even have to get out of bed to tend to him. I just don't see any joy in getting out of bed, walking around the house, getting baby, putting baby back, and walking back to bed when you have to do it several times a night.

We moved him into his own room across the hall, left both doors open, and I made certain the baby monitor was positioned close to my head so that I would hear him. I don't know what I was thinking, but we didn't need the baby monitor at all. I mean, he was only 20-30 feet away with both doors open. When he cried, I heard him. Even in our larger home now, I can hear him cry across the house with both of our bedroom doors shut.

No, I don't think either choices are inherently bad. I do think that co-sleeping, done properly, is the safest option for a newborn since it prevents SIDS. It also helps babies sleep better.

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

How much would it cost to equip a home with deaf technology?

Q. If you were to add a special smoke detector, door bell lights, vibrating alarm clock, TTY, and other technologies, how much would that cost?

A. I am 100% Deaf.. So from experience
A TTY is VERYYYYY out dated, it is hardly used now. We have Video Phones now and the VRS (Video Rely Services) They are provided by the government by agencies such as Sorenson VRS or Purple communication or ZVRS. All require a TV or Computer and a high speed internet hookup. That cost is your own responsibility to provide. (19inch flat screen 299$ best buy, Dell ultrabook 699$ internet ATT 56$ with cell serivce a month)
The alarm clocks very in price depending on what other features you would like it to have. a basic alarm only function can be found between 25-60$ the more fancy one that can attach to lights or smoke detectors and provide multifunction I have found to be about 200$
The door bells are an easy hook-up and can be applied to all lights or certain ones in the house each adapter is about 10$
The smoke detectors can be bought at about 65$ for each room you want one in, or you can have a universal system installed professionally for about 500$
Baby monitors can be attached to the alarm clock as a separate function otherwise I find them hard to use.
For the cell phone, I have VRS on my Iphone and a discount on my bill because I do not need a voice plan. unlimited texting. there is also face-time and other things like skype and google plus. Also with phones there is a nation wide program called Cap-tell (if the Deaf person can and willingly uses voise to communicate) that captions everything on a landlines phone(or cell phone is you have sprint) that the hearing person on the other line is saying
ummm thats about it from what I can think of. Other wise for appointments and class and college stuff like that and for more direct communication I use a ASL (sign language) interpreter.
There are also High power hearing aids, cochlear implants and the BAHA (bone anchored hearing aid) if you want to try and "restore" some hearing, or use residual hearing you may have. but note these methods are case to case and are not always effective and can fail

How to Get the Information you need to protect your children from product recalls?

A. You should try Recalls Plus, a free iPhone app that enables busy parents to proactively monitor recalls of their children's products like strollers, cribs, baby formula, and car seats for greater safety and peace of mind, check it out:

If you don't have an iphone, there is also a Facebook app:

Do you believe in using electronics as baby-sitters?
Q. Of course, many of you will answer "no" to this question, but realistically a large chunk of Americans do it.

Put on TV all day for toddlers.
Hand over the iPads.
Hand over the smart phones with games.

This stuff wasn't around when WE were toddlers.

In my opinion, children, young young children shouldn't be exposed to the electronics at all. But you can't hide it, so maybe monitoring the usage to a time limit a day, or a week.

What's your opinion? Are you one of those electronic babysitters?

All opinions respected!

A. Im in Australia and I will happily admit that my nearly 3 year old gets our Ipad and our Iphone if I need to get something done, normally maximum of 30 minutes, most definately not all day! And its a distraction/something fun for them to do while mummy is busy and cannot play with them right away.

Once my jobs are done, it's right back to playing on the swings/drawing/painting/tea party's/building cubbies etc..

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What things would be good for a nursery?

Q. Right now I plan on buying the following for my 1st baby nursery:

Changing table/dresser combo
Toy Box
Rocking chair
Baskets for baby supplies
Wall Decorations

What else should a nursery have besides clothes and stuff like that? What do you think are nice extras?

A. CD player for lullabies @ naptime

Conair soothing sounds machine (I'm not positive that's what it's called - ...) We play it on heartbeat sound all night long instead of lullabies and have a baby that slept through the night from 3 weeks old. She seemed to know the difference between music @ naps & heartbeat @ night. We couldn't live without it!!

Something for you to look at if you plan on feeding the baby in that rocking chair. A friend of mine has a little fish tank in there. The hum of the filter also soothes the baby.

Baby monitor

Really good blinds that block the light when closed (we got the cordless ones that you just push up and down. No cords to get caught up in and less little holes for the light to come through.)

Diaper Genie

Soft light to leave on near the changing table for late night changes and feedings. (A bright light will stimulate your baby too much and wake them right up!)

My Dad made our change table to put on top of an existing desk. (A change table in and of itself becomes a REALLY useless piece of furniture in no time at all.) Our change table is one that you stand at the feet of the baby rather than changing them sideways. (Think about it... if you ever change a baby on a bed or on the floor how are they usually lying?) If you can orient your change table that way do it! It's the smartest thing I did in my nursery!!

Oh and a baby of course :-)

How much do we need to monitor radiation in our home?
Q. Ever since we had our daughter, my husband is obsessed with eliminating any sources of radiation in our house. He wants to turn off our wireless router, stop using cell phones, and stop using the video baby monitor in the nursery because he has read that all of these things give out harmful amounts of radiation, especially impacting the development of children's brains.
Is there any validity to his concerns? Or is he just being an overprotective parent?

A. he,s a little overboard, and misdirected. you get much more radiation on a long distance plane flight than you do from those sources. living in high elevations is a greater risk than living downwind from a nuclear power plant. you get more radioactivity from living downwind of a coal fired power plant.

What is the purpose of the gold heart I've seen on babies chest?
Q. I've mostly seen this on House, M.D. but I've seen it on other shows too. They showed new born babies in the nursery with a gold heart on their chest. I've searched the internet and cannot find what this is. Does anyone know the purpose/function of this heart? Is it a monitor lead or something?

A. heartbeat monitor

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What baby monitor would you recommend for a newborn? I am leaning toward the kind with the video screen. Help

Q. I need to purchase a baby monitor soon, and would like to hear some pros and cons. I am really liking the idea of the type with camera and monitor to actually 'watch' the baby too, but what brands are best? Thanks for any advice!

A. i have the Angelcare Deluxe Movement Monitor and it is the most amazing thing ever it tells you the temp in babys room has a night light and monitors babys breathing and if there is none for 15sec a warning beep goes off and after 20 the thing goes crazy. I love it. I dont worry about sids and have been able to sleep much more then with my 1st.

look at this
it lets you kind of demo it online.

Baby monitor with web connection where the in home monitor will work even if my internet goes down?
Q. I am looking for a reliable video baby monitor that I can view on my computer at work, but that is independent in that it will continue to work as a monitor even if my internet connection goes down.
I already found one , the Sassy Web Watch Video Monitor, so I know they exist. I am looking for more options...

A. I think you are a bit in the future. Internet connections have to come from somewhere. Do you know how expensive a camera with its own internet connection would be? My home comcast goes down. My cell phone's 3G goes down. Even if you get a dedicated T1 line to your house it can and will still have down time.

Usually holes in the internet services are less then a minute long. While I realize a lot can happen in 1 minute, I doubt your nanny will be wonderful the whole day then magically know the net is down and start beating your kid.

Question for people that know anything about electronics or batteries?
Q. I have a baby monitor system and the camera plugs into the wall. I want to hook it up to batteries so that it is wireless. The input of the a/c adapter for the camera is 120VAC and the output is 12VDC. Would it work if i cut the 2 wires going to the black a/c adapter box thing, put one wire on the end of 8 connected AA batteries and the other wire on the other end of the 8 connected AA batteries?

A. yes you can... but.....

You need to know how much current the camera uses, this will tell you if you can use AA batteries of if you need D batteries.

The wall wart has a positive and a negative. You can cut the wire away from the wall wart and connect it to a battery box.

You can buy the battery box from:

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