Saturday, February 22, 2014

16 days late, any ideals>?


At my last period I was 8 days late. I am usally on a 30-33 day cycle. So the day before I got my peroid march 30, i had blood test, it came back neg. Now again, this time i am 16 days late this time, hpt neg. having headaches, somewhat lower back ache, feeling a little sickly during afternoon to evening but no vomitting. some light cramping every now and then but no spotting or anything like that. Also I had a gastric bypass for weight loss 2.5yrs ago and weight is stable. Any ideals?

Since this question is in the TTC section I am assuming you are trying to conceive and are therefore actively trying. Your periods sound fairly irregular and I don't know if you can get this product where you live but in Ireland where I live I bought a "Clearblue Fertility Monitor". Basically you pee on a stick every day for the first 13 to 15 days of your cycle and the monitor works out whether or not you are ovulating. I had to keep peeing on the stick till day 24 which shocked me but it turned out I was only ovulating very late in my cycle and that is why I wasn't getting pregnant. I was doing all my "babymaking" around days 11 to 16 when if my cycle was normal I would have been producing an egg but I wasn't making my eggs till much later so I was wasting my time. I got pregnant the first month I used the monitor. It was pricey â¬170 for the monitor and â¬30 for the test sticks but I am due this baby in just 7 weeks and it's a tiny price to pay for this huge event to finally happen. I was trying for 7 months before getting the monitor. Hope this helps and good luck!

How common is it to have a stillborn?

Q. And do women often have signs that this is going to happen, or is it totally unexpected?

I just read a question about a woman who gave birth to a still born at 34 weeks, and being 34 weeks all of a sudden I became alarmed. I can't begin to imagine that heartache. So, what are the signs, if any that this might happen to you??

Approximately one in 150 births result in being stillborn.

Further informationEmployment Lifestyle Miscarriage Pre-eclampsia Premature Birth Toxoplasmosis
Stillbirth Statistics

~70% of stillbirths are unexplained

In 1999, 71.3% of stillbirths in England, Wales & Northern Ireland were classified as unexplained fetal death. [CESDI 8th Annual Report]

Around 3,500 babies are stillborn in the UK each year.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the stillbirth rate is five babies for every 1,000 births (one in 200 babies).

In Scotland the stillbirth rate is six babies for every 1,000 births.

There are ten times more stillbirths each year than cot deaths (also known as sudden infant death syndrome).

Higher risk factors
The rate of stillbirth is much higher in multiple pregnancies - about 21 babies are stillborn for every 1,000 multiple births.

Research suggests that stillbirth is also a more common occurrence for women who smoke or for women over 35 years of age or women with some pre-existing medical conditions.

The causes of a large percentage of human stillbirths remain unknown, even in cases where extensive testing and autopsy have been performed. The term used to describe these is sudden antenatal death syndrome or SADS. In cases where the cause is known, some possibilities of the cause of death are:

*bacterial infection
*birth defects
*chromosomal aberrations
*growth retardation
*Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
*maternal diabetes or high blood pressure
*maternal consumption of nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs (excluding cannabis[1]), or pharmaceutical drugs contraindicated in pregnancy
*postdate pregnancy
*placental abruption
*physical trauma
*radiation poisoning
*Rh disease
*umbilical cord accidents

Prenatal diagnosis
A decrease or cease of fetal activity may be an indication of fetal distress or death, though it is not entirely uncommon for a healthy fetus to exhibit such changes, particularly near the end of a pregnancy when there is considerably little space in the womb for the fetus to move about. Still, medical examination, including a nonstress test, is recommended in the event of any change in the strength or frequency of fetal movement, especially a complete cease; most midwives and obstetricians recommend the use of a kick chart to assist in detecting any changes. Fetal distress or death can be confirmed or ruled out via fetoscopy/doptone, ultrasound, and/or electronic fetal monitoring. If the fetus is alive but inactive, extra attention will be given to the placenta and umbilical cord during ultrasound examination to ensure that there is no compromise of oxygen and nutrient delivery.

Prenatal maternal treatment
An in utero fetal death does not present an immediate health risk to the mother and labour will usually begin spontaneously after two weeks, so the mother may choose to wait and deliver the child naturally. After two weeks, the mother is at risk of developing blood clotting problems, and induction is recommended at this point. In many cases, the mother will find the idea of carrying a dead fetus emotionally traumatizing and will elect to be induced. Cesarean delivery is not recommended unless complications develop during vaginal birth.

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When will tmobile come out with the iPhone?


I have seen articles and reports that T-Mobile will carry apple products in the new year (2013). When can I expect to see the iphone 5 on T-Mobiles network?


I let my friend (coworker) who owns an iPhone 5 use my Note 2 just to compare, and showed him how to use it.

I then asked him why people prefer iPhone 5 over the customization that Android gives. He had no answer to that (he did attempt to say that the iPhone was simpler to use, and I described that the it was true that even babies could use the iPhone, but the Android only takes a day to customize to ones wants and needs), just that he never knew Android had gotten so good. He then offered to trade me his iPhone 5 and a gaming screen he had previously used for his triple monitor setup. I stoutly declined.

This sounds like I'm just trying to spite you because even if the events that I have just tried to describe are false (and they are not), they are impolite.

So I won't educate you on the benefits of the Note 2, and Android as an OS, and why I'm not here to start a war, but merely to inform you that iPhone is definitely starting to fall off as a feature full phone every generation. Every generation, the iPhone is declining. I won't speak of it anymore, and just try answering your question without killing myself over how much a tech geek like me needs to tell you how much better Android is. All you have to do is research and use google anyway if you wanted to know, right?

So about iPhone on T-mobile. You probably won't be seeing the iPhone 5 likely appear in next month. After that, they will be very eager to get the iPhone 5 if they truly are considering offering the iPhone 5 (they already offer the Galaxy Note 2, though... OOPS what am I saying?!?!). So around 3-4 months? Yep very likely.

But don't buy a phone on a contract. You will end up paying more. Do you wonder why contracts lock you in and lower the price on phones? It's not really because they want you to stay (well yes they do), but that they gain a better profit anyway. They lock you into a plan that is very bad compared to prepaid plans so every month you will be shelling out tons more money for tons less service. Let's say you pay $90 every month for the same service you get at $49... There you go. 2 year contract = 12+12 = 24 x 40 = 960. You will be shelling out an extra $960 along with the small fee you payed with the phone when you signed your contract ($200 maybe?).

See, I'm just trying to educate you on what choice you should take: prepaid.

Prepaid? Look at Straight Talk, Solavei, T-mobile Prepaid (hidden because they like you using contracts), there are many great options. Check them out.

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How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

is there a spy camera that i can access with my iphone?


I'm looking for a relatively low cost hidden spy camera that I access from my smartphone?

yes, yes there is

they sell them as baby monitors

quite cheap too

no idea the name

try google .. baby monitor iphone

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How to make old iphone 3g as Home Spy Camera?


I have two iPhones, the old iPhone 3g and the new iPhone 4s. now i wanted to use my old iphone 3g (iOs version updated) as a Home Spy Camera and wanted to watch my kids at home live stream to my new iPhone 4s while im at work. i also got my Home Wifi network. is there any best iphone application out there for this matter? or is it possible to use my Home IP address to use and access it for this concept?

There are many training videos telling us how to make iphone as home spy camera on line.
Um...I've found two:
The second video looks like very easy to access, but I don't know if it is useful for you.

If these two ways are not fit, I suggest you to buy a Baby Monitor or Home Spy Camera. You can visit this online store:
It's a wholesaler, so its price is very low.

Video baby monitor with ip capabilities?


Twin baby girls on the way and my wife and I are looking for a video baby monitor. I would happily throw down some more dough if they made a video baby monitor with ip capabilities so I can watch them at work. I would buy just a good ip camera but I cant find anything that can link a wireless handset to it. If there are any solutions without having both a monitor and then a separate camera please let me know. Thanks.
The ip setup isnt the big deal. The problem is that we'd like to set up a portable monitor (as seen with regular vid baby monitors) to use around the house. The home portable monitor would be the primary use, while the ip settings will be my selfish way to still be with all three of my girls =)~... Let me know if theres means to accomplish =) thanks.

I have heard of a friend-of-friend who uses the following setup as a dog monitor (to watch the dog from home via webcam) which might work for you:

1. wireless IP camera setup to view whatever you're after,
2. create a skype account to run at home,
3. set the skype account to use the IP camera for video calls and
4. set the skype account to auto-answer incoming video calls.

he can then video-call from his own skype account at work to the dog's account and see what's going on throughout the day. and the camera can be moved to a new location without moving the computer.

the catch is, you can't operate the panning of the IP camera via skype. if you need this, perhaps something like Team Viewer might be better - it's a remote desktop app free for non-commercial use, that will let you remote in to your home computer and access the IP camera controls that way (Team Viewer is REAL easy to use).

for your case, I suppose you'd want sound as well, so seek out an IP camera with mic (if you want to hear them) or with both mic and speakers (if you want them to hear you too).

**Edit** Oh, I see what you mean - you want a portable receiver unit with a screen to relay the video to. I had a poke around and came up with not alot.

I can find wireless cameras with receivers (usually 4 cams + 1 receiver) - ie. glorified baby monitors,
and I can find a couple of iPhone apps to receive a signal from an IP Camera (see links below), but no IP Camera portable receiver.

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newborn baby checklist?

Ashley Kas

so i am a young teen mom well soon to be mom and me and my boyfriend were wondering if somebody could give us a newborn baby check list so we know what to get for our little baby we do not know if its a boy or girl yet please help us also if you have some new parenting tips for how to take care of a newborn baby plz feel free to give us your ideas we need all the help we can get

Being young I'm assuming you're not rolling in money ;) There are many "essentials" that you really actually don't need. A change table is handy and comfortable, but not necessary. You can lay the baby on your bed or on a rug on the floor for nappy/clothes changes. Unless you're living in a big place, you probably won't need a baby monitor. We've got a decent 3 bedroom home and bought one when we were expecting our first, but really, the baby cries loud enough for you to hear them anyway. Don't buy too many toys, if any at all. It'll be a long time till they'll even notice them, in which time others may have given them as gifts or you may have had their first Christmas when you can buy them for them. "Baby" towels are nice if you can afford them, but otherwise an adult towel will still do the exact same thing.

-A good stash of newborn size nappies (in case you don't want to go to the shops for the first week or so)
-Baby wipes (don't just buy the cheapest you can find, because they probably won't work. They'll be ridiculously thin and dry out as soon as you open the packet - found this out the hard way. But you also don't need the most expensive and fancy ones either.)
-Not sure what climate you live in, but have a few jumpsuits and other clothes in both size 0000 and 000 (if you see them on special) because they'll probably fit in the 0000 and you want them ready to go, but they might come up as big bubbas and need the 000. DO NOT take any tags off until you're about to dress them, that way what doesn't fit/get used and can be taken back for a refund (if you kept the receipt) or you can swap them for clothes that do fit.
-Plenty of cloths and/or bibs for wiping up baby spew
-2-3 baby wraps (I would go with muslin in case your baby is born during warmer weather and you still want to wrap them. If where you live is cold, you can always warm them up with an extra blanket or warmer clothes under the wrap)
-2-3 baby blankets
-if baby is born in colder weather, about 2 beanies to keep their little head warm
-a pair of mittens is good to keep hands warm and prevent their nails scratching them, but not really necessary if your budget doesn't allow for them.
-Baby bath wash (my favourite is Johnson & Johnson Top to toe)
-Baby powder and nappy rash cream (you don't want to only buy these once your baby has a rash, you'll want them handy so you can deal with it immediately and not have to wait till the next time the shop is open)

For you - plenty of maternity pads and breast pads (if you run out and send your boyfriend out for more, you should give him the packet to take to the shops with him so he comes back with the right ones).

Parenting tip - ask everything! No matter how silly it sounds, if you're unsure, ask. And be specific if you need to be. Good luck :)

Baby Heart Monitor?

Q. I bought a baby heart monitor, I don't know if it was because it was cheap (20 dollars), but it said that i would be able to hear kicking and hiccups and stuff. I am only 4 months pregnant and it says you wont be able to hear the heart beat until 5. I was just getting ansy and wanted to make sure everything is still OK. We tried it on my belly and I heard lots of noises, then we tried it on my boyfriend and heard the exact same noises. Do they even work??
After reading your answers I guess my 20 dollars could have been better spent on CRAVINGS!

yea-some of them dont work until 8th or 9th month-it really just depends on how strong your babys heartbeat is.
and you have to be very precise & know exactly where baby's heartbeat is to actually find it .

9 times out of 10--the heartbeat you are hearing is your own.
next time you are at your doctors and he/she checks for baby's heartbeat-try to remember exactly where he heard/found it

personally I think they are a waste of money
you could always take yours to your next appt though and if the doctor or nurse has a free minute--ask them if they can find the heartbeat using whatever monitor you got.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Whats the best baby monitor under 50 bucks?

Sweetest S

We are hoping to find one that will work well in my 2 bedroom apartment that's not fuzzy. We just recently purchased a safety 1st monitor from walmart and its horrible! I couldn't imagine sleeping with all the fuzz.

I think i have the same one as the women above BUT i don't really recommend it. MOst of the times it's great but sometimes it's horrible. I think it catches signal from cell phones or even computers because even BEFORE my phone sounds off when i receive a text message the monitor makes a fuzzy light beeping noise. I actually still like it thought because it came with 2 portable monitors and the one to put in your baby's room has a night light that you can leave on or turn off. I paid $30 for it. Here it is:

I would assume that the newer Fisher Price monitor but the one that comes with only 1 works better, this one:

Also the lights light up red when there's sound and that's what i liked the most about it! When i thought i heard something i would just wait to see the red lights and that's how i knew if it was my son or not.

Best VIDEO baby monitor?


I'd like to buy a video baby monitor! Last night was the first night I put my 5 1/2 month old in her own room! I have a regular baby monitor but I just could not sleep! I need the comfort of seeing her! I don't want a "cheap" one but I don't need the most expensive one they have either! I want one that WORKS good!!!!! I've read mixed reviews on so many of them!

When you answer, please tell me why you like that certain one! And if you know of one to stay away from, let me know that too!

I am not "crazy"! My 5 yr old stayed in our room (in her own bed) until she was 3 1/2 because the house we were living in at the time had mold in her room. Then Hurricane Rita hit and we lost our house, so where we were staying, we all had to share a room! I think that's why I am having "issues" with allowing my new baby to sleep in her own room!

i have a video monitor and i got it as i gift but i think the maker is SUMMER
mine is black and white (cheeper one) and works great
they also make color ones ( A LITTLE more expensive)
and portable color ones (the most expensive one)

i like mine it works good and you can see him if it is dark in the room or not

the only hard part abou tthem is getting them in the right postion to see the baby

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Can anyone recommend a good inexpensive baby monitor?


I am using Philips Avent. It was less than 100S$. I like it mostly bcz it's handy and cheap:p but the sound quality and quality in general is Awsome. It does eat alot of battery but it also comes with AC power. I could use it for like 15,20 days on battery life. But if you can spare two plugs then ur all good:) if the baby unit is turned off the parent unit makes a loud alaram... So u know that the baby unit has been turned off... It also indicates if the batteries are running out by a blinking red light in both units so u know before hand if u need to change batteries:) I hope it helps. Good luck:)

PS: it's 100 Singapore dollars.

Baby monitor - movement or video?


I dont need a sound monitor because the nursery will be right next door. Not sure which one to get the movement one for SIDS or the video one so you can see the baby at all times?

There's pro's and con's for each and most baby monitors will state on them that they aren't 100% accurate, especially the movement detectors for SIDS. There is no way a machine can work reliably 100% accurately on detecting movement to prevent SIDS.

If you're really worried about not being able to see your baby then I would opt for the video monitor so you can see him or her moving in the night and possibly see their chest rise and fall (depending on the quality of the image and light source).

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Quality of video baby monitors?

Baby Julie

did they work for you, I want to get one for my sister but I don't know if its worth the money. Thanks for your answers!

I can't imagine that a video monitor is any improvement over a standard audio monitor. My cousin's GF has a Fisher-Price audio monitor and it works splendidly (they have a multilevel home). Picks up the baby's breathing so you can tell within moments that she is awake.

Can anyone recommend a good baby video monitor with pan/tilt feature?


The Samsung SEW-3037W is a great video monitor with pan/tilt and zoom features. It also comes with night vision, good quality audio and good battery life. You might also want to consider the Levana Astra. This model has really good battery life.

The Motorola MBP36 is also a popular choice, but I think the above mentioned models are better

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

How do I know what to Register for a new baby?


I want to make sure I don't forget anything. I also want to start purchasing things myself....what items should I be buying and what should I be leaving for my gift registry?

Gift registry-
car seat/stroller---travel system
crib bedding
baby monitor
baby bath
baby swing
play pen
wipe warmer
any furniture for the nursery
if planning to formula feed--bottles
if planning to breast feed---breast pump
wearable baby blankets
baby first aid kit

To buy for yourself:
cute little baby outfits (we got a ton of clothes at my shower but I never put my kids in them)

ETA: I just thought of something else. Register for a convertable car seat. My kids outgrew their carseat carrier by the age of 6 months and I needed the convertable car seat. I had to go from the doctor's office directly to the store to buy one.
Also register for some lower priced items such as onsies and binky's and stuff. That way if someone can't afford a higher priced item they will have other options.

Does anyone know how to eliminate the static noise my baby monitor emits while on my night table?

Jason Z

It isn't unusual for static to be traveling right thru your electric wire as result of causes outside and even away from you home.

The most affective home device creating static would be florescent lighting of any kind. They can even buzz a television if the tv has insufficient shielding installed.. Second to that would be small motors such as clocks and fans of home appliances and electronic toys such as computers,

You may not hear the noise of these devices but they do emit a static frequency that can be amplified with a microphone and transmitted elsewhere such as does your baby monitor.

There are monitors with squelch controls but can be very costly as well.

Lowering the input level on the monitor in the baby's room will help some.

It would also help a great deal if you placed that one on a soft foam pad because your home is literally satuated with sounds you do not hear and a great deal of this is bouncing around furniture, walls and ceilings. The soft foam will insulate the baby monitor from carrying sound from the stand or table it is placed on.

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Angelcare Baby Monitor!!!!!!?


This isn't a question I just wanted to tell my success story with this monitor. We have a 2 month old baby girl We purchased the Graco AngelCare deluxe movement monitor. It tells you if your baby hasn't moved (breathed) in 30 seconds. We have been using it for 2 months with great success. We haven't had any false alarms at all. The only time it goes off is when we forget to turn it off and we take her out. But that;s assuring because it tells you that it's working. Well yesterday morning I was woken by the alarm. I ran too her room but the alarm had woken her up by the time I got there (that's what it's supposed to do) and she was breathing. She was all red. I have no doubt that she had stopped breathing. I don't for one second believe that it was a false alarm. It's very scary to think about what could have happened without this monitor. She was sound asleep in her crib, I would have never known!! Thank God for today's technology!! I HIGHLY recommend this monitor to everyone with a small chlid!!

I had a very similar experience except it didn't wake my son up, we ran in and then picked him up which startled him and he started breathing again. When we picked him up, he wasn't breathing. It was so very scary and I am very thankful every day that we had that monitor. The thought of what could have happen gives me chills. It is well worth any penny ever paid for it.

Now as a side note, I am not sure if you have called and mentioned this to your child's doctor, but if not I highly recommend you doing that. For a child to stop breathing in their sleep often something is occurring, unless you think she somehow got suffocated or too hot, etc. With my son we ended up finding out he had sleep apnea and was then put on a different monitor until recently when he was taken off because he has had no more problems. Just wanted to mention to you that you should definitely let her doctor know about this! I am glad your little girl is okay now!!

Angelcare baby monitor?


Does anyone have it? Do you think it is worth the money? My son has a hard time rolling from his back to his tummy, but can go tummy to back. Last night he was fussing on his crib trying to turn to his tummy and I helped him. He immediately fell asleep. I sat in the rocking chair next to him to keep an eye on him, but eventually fell asleep, and he ended up sleeping from 10pm-6am, when the longest he had ever slept at once before that was 3 hours. He obviously sleeps better on his tummy, but I'm worried about sids and have always put him on his back. I considered getting the angelcare monitor and letting him sleep on his tummy. Opinions? He's 4 months old btw.
Zeke's momma- I know what you mean, it used to be that babies were always put on their tummy because it was believed that they could spit up and choke on it on their backs. I feel like he would probably be fine, I know I slept on my tummy as a baby and everyone I know did too, but just can't stop thinking how bad I would feel if something did happen!

I have one and I'll never use another monitor. We have no problems with ours, and it's only gone off once. I can't say for sure that it was or wasn't a false alarm, but when I picked up my daughter she felt lifeless and it felt like minutes (although it was probably seconds) before she let out a huge deep breathe.

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What does an obstetrics appointment involve?


I will be having my first obstetrics appointment when i am 12 weeks pregnant. I remember when i was pregnant 1st time round, i never saw an obstetrician, and saw a midwife instead. So i am wondering what this involves? And also if i am referred to see the obstetrician, does that mean they consider me as high risk?

This will be my first appointment, so im not sure if this will involve the booking appointment, I will also be having my first scan at the same day.

All advice appreciated.

From UK.
Thanks for your reply. Im just abit confused why i am refered to obs, as i had a normal pregnancy. The only thing i think of is i am 1 point over obese. Hope its nothing to worry about though. :S

Obstetrician appointment - will discuss your medical history, previous pregnancy and birth, information on father to be, your current pregnancy, your due date, will take bp, maybe ultrasound (if obs has machine in office). It is a get to know you and your history and where you currently are at.

My first pregnancy i saw a midwife, 2nd pregnancy i requested an obstetrician, my 3rd (current) pregnancy, i automatically went back to my obs.

Being referred to an obs can mean your pregnancy is higher risk or it needs more monitoring, but this is not always he case.

My first pregnancy ended at 24 weeks when her heart stopped beating. My 2nd pregnancy was not considered high risk and i had the option of midwife or obs. I personally chose an obs, i wanted the special treatment, the regular reviews, a doctor. She was lovely, she also was/is into fetal medicine/research and reviewed my lost daughters autopsy/results and researched this further for me, but still no answers. She was caring, thorough, professional, observant and very reassuring.
Even though neither were high risk, previous pregnancy and current, i don't regret obs over a midwife. No offense to midwives, they are trained and do a great job, but for me, a specialist was reassuring even though not needed.

Good luck and congratulations

Surely that wouldn't be the case, if it is that's weird :)
An obs is no bother, just more qualified than a midwife. If you had no problems with your first then your situation is unusual or the midwife/place is unusual. You can always ask the obs why you were referred, the are pretty honest most of the time.
Try not to worry, midwife or obs, your baby and you are being looked after :)
In Australia, those with private health insurance automatically go to obs for private hospitals for normal healthy pregnancies, where as midwifes treat/monitor public patients.

Digital camera that takes a picture quickly?


I'm looking for a digital camera that takes a picture quickly (short time between pressing the button and ACTUALLY taking the picture). I'm looking for one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

The camera I have right now takes great pictures, but it takes way too long from the time I click it to the time it captures, and that just doesn't work for me because I have a baby. I don't want to miss his first steps because the camera took too long!

So, quick picture taking & low price.


Digital SLR's have virtually no shutter lag at all.

If you pre-focus by pressing the shutter button half-way down while aiming at your subject - or where you anticipate your subject will be when you want to take the picture - it will help considerably. You can set your camera in "Sport" mode or "Scenery" and this will minimize the lag. If you do not use the flash, it will help. If you turn off "face detection," it will help. If you turn off the LCD monitor and use the viewfinder only, it will help.

Some point and shoot cameras are better than others. I have a Canon Powershot SD900 that seems quite fast to me. If you go to and read the reviews (once they are available for the cameras you are considering), you can go to the page called "Performance" and see exactly what the tested shutter lag is, as well as several other performace benchmarks.

Here's a link showing a chart of various cameras and their shutter lag as well as the time it takes to shoot five frames. You will not see any DSLR's listed, because they have no shutter lag. If you click on the column heading, such as "One Shot," the chart will sort according to that measurement.

Here's a list of five good cameras with brief shot-to-shot delays of less than 1.5 seconds (in good light) each:,239036184,339271492,00.htm
Canon Powershots SD850-IS and SD750, Sony Cybershots DSC-T100 and DSC-W55, Kodak Easyshare C875.

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Does anyone know a good quality brand baby monitor but not expensive.?

Stacey A

i have been doing some research but still unsure, if one or many could put there bit in im sure i will find one. and if you would like to add the best place to get one.. thank you all

Our Sony monitor is fantastic and under 50. We have no dead spots, even in the basement, We live in the city get no interference. A friend of ours also has one, she can walk across her 1 acre property and still hear the baby just fine.

Sony 900mhz

is my Savannah monitor undersized??

Dj Julius

I got my Savannah in about september as a larger baby so I'm guessing she's roughly 7 or 8 months old I have all the right temps n a family large cage about 5 ft by 4 ft with ramp n another level she's about 13 or 14 inches I feed her about a adult mouse and 50 crickets a week I just wanted to know if she is doing good growth wise for her age 13 inches and 7 months?

Sorry DJ, this is the wrong "monitor" category - questions in this monitor category are about computer monitors, not reptiles. I see that you've already posted under reptiles, so you should get a better answer there.

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I saw an orb on the baby monitor??

roxana ban

well, I am a nanny to a two year old little girl. I have been her nanny for almost 1.5yrs. today I was watching her with the baby monitor, and I saw this little bubble floating around. It dissapeared and then reappeared, and it looked like it was hopping around. I could see through it. I would say it was just dust, but the way it was moving says it wasn't. This is the third time I see it. Oh and last year when the monitor wasn't working, I heard the baby laughing. Which I find weird because she is not the type of baby who will laugh easily. Anyways...i'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!

I'm not sure what to advise you here, I'm just responding because I saw the same thing on our baby monitor here not too long ago and it freaked me out. What puts my mind at ease is knowing that Ghost Hunters usually debunk orbs as dust particles. Hope that helps you too. :) BTW....would you mind checking out my blog? It's about raising kids.

Baby Monitors that have the Technical Conformity Mark?

Amanda H

I'm currently living on one of Japan's islands, and we were just told we have to have a baby monitor that has a Technical Conformity Mark. Are there any baby monitors (preferably video) that I can order off the internet that do have this mark? I have no way of checking since U.S. baby monitors aren't sold on island. We're looking into buying a Japanese monitor, but they aren't firm believers in having one, so we are having an extremely difficult time finding one. And the ones we do find are just plain audio monitors that are more expensive then the U.S. video monitors. Thanks in advance for your answers!

Here's a link to a website that shows the actual mark.

I believe - though am not certain - that this mark is unique to Japan as product safety specs differ from country to country. I'm not sure what the US equivalent is, but here in the UK it looks like a "CE". You should find out if a US tested product will suffice, or whether it really does have to be tested safe in Japan too.

I've just had a quick Google and found reference to a Japanese brand baby monitor with video simply called "Century Baby Monitor". Apparently you can buy it at for $99USD, but I've only had a quick glance and would certainly look into it more before purchasing as it could be dodgy. Have a look around and you may be able to find it cheaper anyway :)

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Mommys on the go - monitors?


Does anyone know of a monitor I can leave with a baby sitter and see it on my phone ? Is there such thing. !?

There are many Internet cameras but you need to have a connection to the Internet, most likely broadband (cable, DSL phone line, satellite) Internet Service Provider (ISP).
There are iPhone or Android phone apps that can be run to take periodic pictures and send them automatically to your smart phone by email or other means. I am not a smart phone user but I am sure you can search for those.

A program that I can video call from Android phone to laptop with webcam?

Heather C

I want to use my cell phone with my laptop as a baby monitor for my newborn so that I can set the laptop up with the webcam on the baby & then I can watch it on my cell phone. Something similar to Skype but not Skype because it won't work with my phone. At least I can't figure out how to. Thanks!

gmail has video chat similar to skype. but then like skype, you'd still have to teach your baby to hit the "accept call" button when you call into your laptop.

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How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

is there a spy camera that i can access with my iphone?


I'm looking for a relatively low cost hidden spy camera that I access from my smartphone?

yes, yes there is

they sell them as baby monitors

quite cheap too

no idea the name

try google .. baby monitor iphone

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tell me about yourself????????

Im not a creep, im just really bored!!

I am 20. I live with my 23 year old boyfriend! We are very happy together and are planning to get married soon! We have 3 little kittens name Josie, Farrah, and Penelope (we call her Penelopuss)! They are like our babies! :) We get to spend sooo much time together! I graduated in 2009, and i absolutely love my job! My hobbies include anything as long as im with my boyfriend! :) now tell me about you?

I come from a family of 6; 2 brothers, one sister. I am originally from California, but my family moved to Layton, Utah when I was 7. I've lived in Utah ever since then, and currently live just outside of Salt Lake City, on the west side of the valley.

I have my own house which I share with two cats. I work for a large bank, in their ATM department, where I monitor the atms all day, and dispatch service when they run out of cash or break down.

I'm also a bit of a computer geek. I used to work at Cisco Tech Support in their IOS and VPN department, so I tinker arond with computers and networking as a hobby.

I enjoy audio and video production, have gone to school to be a radio announcer, but as of yet, have never held a job in that field. Back in the late 80's/early 90's, I worked for a video tape duplication company. One of our clients, for a while, were the producers of Barney The Dinosaur. It used to be my job to sit at the quality control desk every night and watch Barney videos over and over again until I was sick of them! (I don't think I've ever recovered, either.)

I've never married, I don't have any kids.

I enjoy music, camping, electronics, and traveling. I also enjoy studying people; they can be fascinating sometimes.

When will tmobile come out with the iPhone?


I have seen articles and reports that T-Mobile will carry apple products in the new year (2013). When can I expect to see the iphone 5 on T-Mobiles network?


I let my friend (coworker) who owns an iPhone 5 use my Note 2 just to compare, and showed him how to use it.

I then asked him why people prefer iPhone 5 over the customization that Android gives. He had no answer to that (he did attempt to say that the iPhone was simpler to use, and I described that the it was true that even babies could use the iPhone, but the Android only takes a day to customize to ones wants and needs), just that he never knew Android had gotten so good. He then offered to trade me his iPhone 5 and a gaming screen he had previously used for his triple monitor setup. I stoutly declined.

This sounds like I'm just trying to spite you because even if the events that I have just tried to describe are false (and they are not), they are impolite.

So I won't educate you on the benefits of the Note 2, and Android as an OS, and why I'm not here to start a war, but merely to inform you that iPhone is definitely starting to fall off as a feature full phone every generation. Every generation, the iPhone is declining. I won't speak of it anymore, and just try answering your question without killing myself over how much a tech geek like me needs to tell you how much better Android is. All you have to do is research and use google anyway if you wanted to know, right?

So about iPhone on T-mobile. You probably won't be seeing the iPhone 5 likely appear in next month. After that, they will be very eager to get the iPhone 5 if they truly are considering offering the iPhone 5 (they already offer the Galaxy Note 2, though... OOPS what am I saying?!?!). So around 3-4 months? Yep very likely.

But don't buy a phone on a contract. You will end up paying more. Do you wonder why contracts lock you in and lower the price on phones? It's not really because they want you to stay (well yes they do), but that they gain a better profit anyway. They lock you into a plan that is very bad compared to prepaid plans so every month you will be shelling out tons more money for tons less service. Let's say you pay $90 every month for the same service you get at $49... There you go. 2 year contract = 12+12 = 24 x 40 = 960. You will be shelling out an extra $960 along with the small fee you payed with the phone when you signed your contract ($200 maybe?).

See, I'm just trying to educate you on what choice you should take: prepaid.

Prepaid? Look at Straight Talk, Solavei, T-mobile Prepaid (hidden because they like you using contracts), there are many great options. Check them out.

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reviews for baby monitors?


We are looking for a really good quality baby monitor and we want one that has nightvision (or infrared or whatever it's called) I've sen some that monitor the baby in the dark but most of them have LEDs on the camera. I don't want to shine a flood light on my baby at night. We just want something that works in the dark without a light. Can anybody recommend a good monitor?
Thanks! :o)

I work retail and for the past 3 years I've been recommending this product

* 2.36" color LCD monitor (Large and portable monitor display)
* Features built-in night light and lullabies to soothe baby
* Digital wireless technology means no interference (90% ofbaby monitors uses MHZ wavelenght in order to receive their signal or sound but they will fail because cordless phone, microwave ovens, car remote receivers and or garage door remotes just to name a few uses MHZ an eventually you monitor will stop working because it start getting the signal from the other appliances )
*Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) for privacy (because its digital it can't be picked up by
other digital accesories around your house or neighbors)
* Auto exposure on camera (no blurry shots)
* Maximum Distance: 500' line of sight (you can be 500ft away from baby)
* Automatic night vision activation on camera (nothing to explain here)
* Includes rechargeable battery (awesome feature)

Ever get creepy interference on your baby monitor?


Parents, have you ever picked up creepy or odd interference on your baby monitor? I live in a very populated area and I have picked up odd interference a few times.

oh yes! A number of times.

But the weirdest one was when my oldest was young.

My husband & I were getting ready for bed one night & I turned on the monitor. He was brushing his teeth & the second I turned it on I heard a man talking. It was so clear too. He was talking to a woman. We could hear both sides of the conversation. My husband thinks it them talking on a phone, not in the same house. So he thinks we picked up their cordless phone. This in 1997 or so.

I called my husband & he came in. The couple was talking about going somewhere & a hotel. I then recognized the voice. It was one of our neighbors! But he wasn't talking to his wife!!! He actually said the womans name a few times. Plus I knew my neighbors wives voice.

We actually listened for awhile. lol I know it was wrong but it was clear he was flirting with her & you bet she was flirting back. They talked about a buisness trip and meeting up at a hotel. No clear sayings of cheating but for sure flirting. He'd tell her what to wear and mentioned perfume. My husband & I then turned it off.

I could never look at him the same after that. My husband & I never said anything to the wife either. We were not 100% sure. But a month or so later they divorced & sold their home. We actually told our other neighbors then what we had heard. They had seen signs of cheating too.

What creeped me out was . . . could they have ever heard us? Plus for just that second hearing a mans voice coming from what I thought was my daughters room really scared me.

We have some cordless head phones. They at least 8-10yrs old. But we often pick up CBs from what seems like Truckers on near by highways.

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Can my baby be retarted because of kabuki syndrome?

tyenobia l

My baby was born on june 21, 2012. I had her at 36wks n 7days. She was preemie. She was 4lbs 12oz. She stayed in NICU for 6wks due to her developmental issue. She was on oxygen for only one day after birth. She was very weak. She wasnt eatting well so she was eating from a feeding tube. Then like a week of being in NICU they then dicover that she had cleft palate; n which thats why it was hard for to take all bottle but she took 4 bottles a day. Then they discovered 2wks after that. That she had a hip click in her hip. But all other tests that was given was all normal from her brain to her heart everything was normal. When she came home on july 29, 2012. She came home on the tube nd a apena monitor, and 10 different doctors appointments. 3 wks after being home the hospital called and said her Genetic test reslts came back that she has KABUKI SYMDROME. By looking up the syndrome. I learn that my baby only have some variations of it like. The cleft palate, hip dislocation, low set ears, n some temporary developmentant abnormalties. Like her breathing, small heart problems but not serious, one kidney smaller then the other, small intestinal problem, but no sign the she id retarted. But Im scared bcause my son was born normal nd wasnt preemie, nd he's 1yrs old. Nd noone have no syndrome or retardation in me or my husband family. I need some clairity to feel better. Someone please help if u know anything about KABUKI SYNDROME . THANKS!!!

36 weeks + 7 days = 37 weeks....full term in 38-42 weeks...

1 week premature is really inconsequential almost all of the time.

She was A LITTLE small for 37 weeks.

The issues were not caused by the early birth.

most children with this syndrome do have intellectual disability

YOU CAN"T TELL IF A NEWBORN HAS AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY.....there is no way to test the skills---as a newborn hardly has any skills besides eating, pooping, and sleeping

if you are in the US, contact the state early intervention service when she is about 6 months (unless the doctor recommends sooner) a speech therapist might get involved sooner due to the cleft...there will be some indications around 6 months if there is any cognitive delay, but nothing that will say one way or the other for sure....some delays can be overcome...your child may be school age before you will be able to tell the extent of the intellectual issues.

IN REGARDS TO YOUR PREVIOUS QUESTION ABOUT CUSTODY BY A STEP PARENT. ...changing the 1st child's name to the last name of the step parent will have NO EFFECT on custody.

The bio dad would need to give up his rights, have those rights taken away, or just allow the older child to continue to live with step dad....

if the bio dad wants custody and is fit, his rights will be favored over step dads.

you should have a will/custody documents indicating who you would like to raise your children should something happen to can name step dad...but also need back case something happens to both of you at the same time....

if bio dad has no interest and gives up his rights---step dad should adopt

you describe serious abuse toward you in another question, it is doubtful stepdad would be allowed to adopt..and if the abuse is geared toward them, you can expect to lose both the kids.

what are the essentials for a newborn?


my son is due march 16th 2012 and i still haven't bought anything! i'm really worried about rushing and forgetting things. i know that march is still pretty cold (ohio) so i think i will get winter items from 0-3 and spring items later. but what does a baby NEED in their first 3 months? i am not planing on getting everything at once like the teethers and what not that a newborn won't need. what do babies REALLY need. we are also on a pretty tight budget so if you have any inexpensive stores in mind i would like to know them! thank you
also what it better : a bassinet, a crib, or a play-pen that has the diaper changing table and can convert to different floor levels? i will not be setting up a baby nursery anytime soon (personal preference) so what is more appropriate when on a budget?

-Car seat
-crib or bassinet
-baby monitors
-bottles and nipples [ even if yer breastfeeding]
-breast pump
-breastfeeding accessories if breastfeeding
-diapers, wipes, diaper creme
-baby laundry detergent [DONT use your own, get one for babies]
-southers [optional]
-reciving blankets
-shampoo, soap , baby lotion,
-towals and clothes
-a baby bath tub
-nail and first aid kit [made for babys]
-baby snow suit and winter clothes b/c you said it will still be cold out
-id say hand covers so they don't scratch themselves
-for diapers, get one box newborn then size 1's .. b/c they grow FAST
-formula if not breastfeeding
-baby bag
-bumper pads for crib
-furniture like: crib, dresser, chair[optional,] changing table[optinal] etc.
What i thought of off the top of my head

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ball python cage setup?


so i want to get a ball python but i dont have any cage ideas. i want to get a baby and put it in a sterlite tub. i need help with what size up, heat tape, and all the stuff i need (hydropmeter,thermentor etc...)

Ball pythons are relitvely simple in their setup and care.
First of all the cage. A baby ball python will be fine in a ten gallon aquarium. As it grows you can bump up the size. An adult BP can easily and happily live out it's live in a thirty gallon aquarium.

Next you'll need a substrate. Aspen, coconut fiber, newspaper. Anything really makes a good substrate to keep you snake on. With one important exception: NEVER KEEP YOUR SNAKE ON CEDAR OF ANY KIND. Cedar is toxic to your snake. I personally recommend newspaper as it is cheap and easy to clean.

A good heat source is vital to your snakes health. Bps need a temperature gradient (as do all snakes incidentally). You'll need to maintain a hotside of about 88-90 degrees, and a cold side of about 78-84. This allows the snake to thermoregulate (Choose which body temp is most appropriate). You can use heat lamps to achieve this temp gradient. But an Under the tank heater (UTH) is much more economical in the long run, and doesn't mess with your humidity like a heat lamp would. Flexwatt is the most widely used because it's very cheap and very easy to wire up. Just make SURE you wire it to a thermostat so you can control the temperatures. I'd recommend a ranco prewired set.

Next you'll need hides, water sources and a way to monitor it all. Ball pythons are nocturnal by nature, so they appreciate good hiding places during the day. Make sure you have one hide on the hot side and one hide on the cold side so the snake never has to choose security over temperature. Next you'll need to maintain adequate humidity. Ball pythons need humidity levels in the low to mid sixties, remember they ARE from Africa. Put a water dish large enough for the snake to soak in if it desires on the cold side of the cage. To monitor it all you need a hydrometer/thermometer. Digital kinds are the best. Walmart sells Accurites, which are good. Put the unit itself on the cold side and the probe on the hot side to accurately tell temps.

Once you've got space, hides, temps and humidity downpat, then you can worry about feeding. I've heard a lot of people say BPs are picky eaters. As long as you meet their requirements, nothing could be further from the truth. Most BPs will readily take frozen/thawed (F/T) mice or rats their whole lives. Only in rare circumstances should you have to feed live. As a young Bp, you should offer food every 5-7 days. If your snake eats, leave it alone for at least 24 hours before you handle. If you handle too soon, it could lead to regurgitiation. As your snake ages, you can switch to every 10-14 day feeding schedule.

On shedding/problems:
Periodically, your snakes colors will dull, his/her eyes will go misty and their belly will turn pinkish. This is a sign your snake is going into shed. You should immeadietly bump humidity about 10% above what you normally keep it. Leave it that way until your snake actually sheds. Keep in mind that the shed conditions will clear up a day or two before the snake actually sheds, so keep the humidity elevated until you actually see the old skin in the cage with it.

Occasionally, or when you get the snake you may notice little bugs crawling around on it, or little black pepper like dots in it's water bowl. These are mites. They are tough to get rid of, but it can be done. Go to and get provent a mite. Follow the directions to become mite free

Good luck and congratulations on your new pet. Bps are wonderful creatures.

what is the best set up for angelfish fry tank?


what is the best set up for angelfish fry tank and the breeding tank, and then the juveniles tank.
i dont want an essay, just basically bullet points, thanks

and can you go down from level 2 back to level 1 on yahoo answers, i just got to lvl 2, so im wondering.

Well, to the level 2, to level 1. Yes because loosing points by asking questions is (-5) points.
And to your angel fish question i am going to give you all the information that you will ever need to know about angel fish. (: !!
Origin: Amazon region of South America.

Size: Up to 6" in length, the top and bottom fins spanning a greater distance in the Veil varieties.

Ideal Water Quality: Soft (0.6 to 1.2 dH), slightly acid (pH 6.5 to 6.9), successful breedings have occurred in pH 6.8.

Live Plants: Should be included in all freshwater tanks. Water quality is monitored by live plants as they will look sickly before the fish die, they aid in keeping water clear, hinder growth of algae and add Oxygen to the water.
Broadleaf aquatic plants are favorites of Angelfish for laying their eggs on. Amazon Sword Plants (Echinodorus) are in a genus that embraces more than fifty relatively hardy and adaptable species, most of which are native to the flood plains of South America. They prefer water that is neutral or slightly acid and not too hard making them perfect plants for your Angelfish tank.

Diet: Angelfish can survive on flake food alone, but they will thrive and be much more apt to breed on a greatly varied diet. Live foods such as Adult Brine Shrimp, Black Worms, Mosquito larvae, finely chopped earthworms and Guppy fry are accepted with enthusiasm and should be included regularly. If live food is not available, frozen packages of Blood Worms (Midge Fly larvae), Brine Shrimp and others are available from your favorite pet supply store and are acceptable substitutions for the live food. There are many dried foods available that will suffice too.
Raw beef heart, finely ground, mixed with unflavored gelatin and frozen immediately in small one serving size pieces is a good and economical addition to your Angelfish diet. Be absolutely sure there is no fat in the meat.

Fry Diet: Angelfish fry have been successfully raised on a diet of newly hatched Brine shrimp (napulii) for the first 4 weeks of their lives and fed two to four times daily. After that, they were gradually introduced to a mixture of finely powdered Angelfish flakes and powdered dried blood worms with an occasional (twice a week) feeding of baby brine shrimp.
When their bodies are about the size of a quarter, they may be fed Guppy fry. An easy way to provide this very nutritious food is to keep pregnant guppies in the same tank as the young Angels and the rest is up to nature. Of course feedings of other varied foods are needed to round out the diet.

The author conducted an experiment and got 6 quarter sized Angelfish from a large tank of like sized Angels and put them in a 10 gallon tank with a sponge filter and Water Sprite. They were free fed guppy fry and twice a day received any combination of Angelfish flakes, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp and dried dworms for 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the 6 who received a varied diet twice a day were almost the size of a half dollar while the size of the other Angelfish barely had any noticeable growth at all. You can see that the correct diet for your Angels is essential to potential and current breeder fish.

Tank Size: The minimum size tank for a breeding pair of Angelfish is 15 gallons, but should be 25 gallons or larger if you plan on leaving the fry with the parents. As you can imagine, a fully grown pair of Angels with 200-300 fry to herd around would be pretty cramped in anything smaller. Another plus to having a larger tank is that there is a better feeling of security in a larger tank and the parents aren't as apt to eat their eggs or young.

Choosing Breeder Angelfish: The best way of assuring yourself at least one young pair is to choose 6 perfect specimens from a large tankful of young angels. This method is less expensive than buying proven breeders that may be near the end of their breeding careers anyway.
When preparing to buy 6 Angelfish, take your time to study the fish and select only those with straight top and bottom fins and perfect 'feelers' without any bowing or bends in them. They should be strong, robust and active. Angelfish that are active feeders mean they will grow quickly, and have a high rate of egg production in the females.

Do not buy fish from a tank with either dead fish in it, with fungus or parasite infestations. Resist the urge to 'come to the rescue of the little ugly duckling' because it will only grow up to be a big ugly duckling and will be totally unsuitable for breeding purposes. Be extremely picky with your breeder selection and you will be rewarded with beautiful fry.

Once you have carefully selected your 6 potential breeders, they can be set up in a 20 gallon tank minimum to grow up in and to finally pair off. If they are fed well with a good selection of live foods, they will grow quickly and reach breeder size rapidly.

One sure way to acquire a true

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Please help me ive spent hours trying to find out!!!!!!!?


"Astrologers can predict your personality from the arrangement of the stars and planets at your birth"

Has this been academically researched?
What were the findings?
What methods were employed to find it out?

Please help me by answering these questions, i cant find the answers anywhere and i need to do this homework asap, please help


Astrology is rubbish, says new research
Times of India/August 17, 2003

London -- Extensive scientific research over more than 40 years has finally confirmed what many always believed: that astrology is rubbish, and that it is based on the principle of deception.

The research began in London in 1958, and has just been published in the current edition of the respected Journal of Consciousness Studies. It is hailed as the most thorough scientific study ever made into the subject.

Astrologers have for centuries claimed to be able to extract deep insights into the personality and destiny of people using nothing more than the details of the time and place of birth.

The research debunks astrology's central claim - that human characteristics are moulded by the influence of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of a person's birth.

The findings caused alarm and anger in astrological circles. Roy Gillett, the president of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, told The Telegraph the study's findings should be treated "with extreme caution" and accused the researchers of seeking to "discredit astrology."

In the course of the study, researchers tracked more than 2,000 people over several decades - most of them born within minutes of each other. According to astrology, the subjects should have had very similar traits.

The babies were originally recruited as part of a medical study into how the circumstances of birth can affect future health. More than 2,000 babies born in early March that year were registered and their development monitored at regular intervals.

Researchers looked at more than 100 different characteristics, including occupation, anxiety levels, marital status, aggressiveness, sociability, IQ levels and ability in art, sport, mathematics and reading - all of which astrologers claim can be gauged from birth charts.

The scientists failed to find any evidence of similarities between the "time twins", however. "The test conditions could hardly have been more conducive to success... but the results are uniformly negative," the research report said.

Analysis of the research was carried out by Geoffrey Dean, a scientist and former astrologer based in Perth, Australia, and Ivan Kelly, a psychologist at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Dean said that the consistency of the findings weighed heavily against astrology.

"It has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid and it has failed hundreds of tests. But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books which, in effect, are exercises in deception," he said.

Dean is ready for a torrent of criticism: "I'm probably the most hated person in astrology because I'm regarded as a turncoat."

The research undermined the claims of astrologers, who typically work with birth data far less precise than that used in the study.

Dean said: "They sometimes argue that times of birth just a minute apart can make all the difference by altering what they call the 'house cusps'," he said. "But in their work, they are happy to take whatever time they can get from a client."

Dean and Kelly also sought to determine whether stargazers could match a birth chart to the personality profile of a person among a random selection.

They reviewed the evidence from more than 40 studies involving over 700 astrologers, but found the results turned out no better than guesswork.

The success rate did not improve even when astrologers were given all the information they asked for and were confident they had made the right choice.

ttc weight gain on fertility drugs?


I gained at least 10 pounds last month on chlomid and a ovidrel injection, but no pregnancy. Has this happened to anyone else. Does the weight naturally come off? This is so weird.

When the average person hears a woman is using "fertility drugs," the first thing that often comes to mind is multiple pregnancies like the McCaugheys of Iowa or the Chukwus of Texas. But if managed carefully, the risks of higher order multiples (more than three fetuses) while using fertility drugs are relatively low. Somewhere between 5 to 20 percent of the women who become pregnant while using fertility drugs carry more than one baby.

These drugs fall into two categories: clomiphene citrate (commonly called Clomid or Serophene), given in pill form; and the injectible medications that are injected either intramuscularly or subcutaneously, depending on the drug and the patient. These include Humegon, Pergonal, Repronex, Fertinex, Follistim and Gonal-F.

While Clomid works by "tricking" the brain into thinking there is insufficient estrogen and indirectly stimulating the ovaries, injectibles, which contain FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), directly stimulate the ovaries. Injectibles are much more expensive than Clomid; they are also much more powerful, but if used correctly, produce far fewer side effects.

Often a woman in the early stages of infertility treatment starts with Clomid. For some women who don't ovulate at all, or who have a weak ovulation, Clomid may be enough. While some doctors give women Clomid (generally with timed intercourse or insemination) without monitoring its effects through ultrasound viewing and blood tests, this is generally not recommended as it is difficult to assess the drug's effects without monitoring the body's reaction.

Some Review:
Although Clomid is generally the first fertility drug a woman takes, its side effects can be powerful. Gail Simons, of East Hampton, New York, took Clomid for two cycles and had side effects. "I had severe hot flashes and extreme depression," she says. "I refused to take the Clomid for a third cycle, because it made me feel so awful I was literally crying all the time. I have never felt that depressed and pessimistic in my whole life." Gail moved on to an injectible drug and had no side effects.

Like Gail Simons, Katie Mosher had severe side effects with Clomid, which she took for seven cycles. In addition to hot flashes, Katie suffered from "very bad mood swings and insomnia," she says. "I cried over French fries and never knew why. My husband was great, though, he just smiled and said it was OK because he understood. I, on the other hand, swear never to take Clomid again!"

A recent study suggests that up to 25 percent of the women who use Clomid may find their cervical mucus affected. It is recommended that part of the monitoring process with Clomid include a post-coital test to determine if Clomid is interfering with the production of fertile mucus.

But for every woman like Gail and Katie, there seems to be one like Brenda Price of Ontario, Canada, who describes her side effects on Clomid as "minor," or Kelli Chesterton* of Cupertino, Calif., who did six cycles of Clomid with "little or no side effects. I did ovulate on Clomid." Kelli did have some side effects with her seventh and last Clomid cycle.

Clomid is generally taken in dosages from 50 to 300 milligrams for five days per month, generally beginning on day 3 to 5 of your menstrual cycle. The cost ranges from $30 to $75 per month. Clomid is used in cycles with timed intercourse, sometimes in concert with IUI, seldom with IVF. About 35 to 45 percent of women will become pregnant while using Clomid. About 5 percent of these pregnancies will be twins, with triplet pregnancies being rare.

Regards, $

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i need to know the safety on have a baby monitor on at all times?


I'm not sure if you are asking about the safety to the child of having a monitor on 24/7? There are a few actual safety concerns that you might consider. For example, babies are always in danger of electrocution and/or strangulation if electrical cords are within reach. If the monitor is on a bedside table, the young child could grab the cord and become entrapped. If the child were to chew on the cord, there is the danger of electrocution.

I don't know the actual physical harm to the child of these stray electrical currents in the air. (There is a name for this, but it escapes me.) I tend not to worry about those things.

The greatest danger I see to having and relying on a monitor 24/7 is the temptation to leave your child unattended for long periods of time. This can result in neglect to the child, and even in modest amounts this can seriously effect the development of your child.

Another danger is that a monitor works on only a couple of frequencies, which makes it very easy for neighbors to pick up the signals coming from your home. In terms of the least amount of "danger", this could cause static and annoyance to your neighbors. However, it does allow them to hear your family's private conversations and could alert intruders to your presence in or absence from your home.

I have relied on baby monitors a great deal in my experience raising our seven children. The monitors in my experience have been most helpful at nap time and bed time to help me in knowing if the other kids are quiet enough for the baby to sleep.

Use the monitor to your best advantage, but be aware of its position in the room and the fact that you are transmitting to the world. I wish you all the best in raising your young one.

Are there any good baby monitors out there?


We are looking for a good, secure, low static monitor for our upcoming arrival. We also have a older son who we still use a monitor for, but that monitor is going out. Anyone have a two room system, or use two seperate monitors? If so what brands work well together?

We use the Angelcare Sight, Sound, and Movement Monitor. It's definitely pricey but wonderful because aside from having the breathing and movement detected, we can also see what's going on. When we did use only a sound monitor, we ran into our son's room with every sound he made (except he makes lots of sounds in his sleep, even cries out in his sleep), so with this we can look and see if he's awake or asleep before going in his room. Plus there's a talkback feature on it, so if he's really fussing when he wakes up, we can assure him over the monitor as we walk to his room. It is a secure monitor and on the quiet side. It also has a voice activation feature, but I'm not crazy about it because sound (even voice) cuts in and out with it. Either way, you can barely hear the white noise it lets off without the voice activation feature.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Best Value Baby Monitor?

Linda K

I check out some the best baby monitors recommended by consumer report, but most of them are a little expensive then I expected. Well, I'm hoping for something that is affordable and has crystal clear sound. Any idea?

I also vote for Safety 1st:)

At first, I was thinking to get a Phlips DESC baby monitor for my wife, but it's too pricey for me at that time. Anyway, after much research, I don't think you can find any better deal then this Safety First High Def Digital baby monitor for paying less then $80.

It is even better then my previous Graco iMonitor baby monitor(pretty good and cheap too). There are no static sound and the channel is pretty clear even though I have cordless phone and wireless network at home. Hope this help:)

baby savannah monitor help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?


he is prob 3 or 4 months old he is very agressive is this normal in babys will he calm down over time or do i have alot of work ahead of me i would rely like some advice on this ty for all awnsers

The majority of monitors are not interactive reptiles, they are display animals. They can learn to tolerate you, but all contact should be iniated by the lizard. I starred this in the hopes that the other experienced, no-nonsense keepers will come through and offer you their wisdom as well (Varanid, Azure Child).

Do not force your monitor to be handled, it only reinforces that you are BAD. As far as sitting with your monitor in an empty tub, this seems to be one of the fads for "taming" a monitor that I hope goes by the wayside SOON. You take a lizard that is afraid of you/doesn't trust you and force it to be in a small area with place to hide and no way to escape what it sees as DANGER/PREDATOR and you are causing it tons of unneeded stress. Sounds like some serious torture to me, how about you?? Think of something you are deathly afraid of.... now imagine being forced to endure that thing with no means of hiding or escape, that's what sitting in the tub with you is for a monitor, extreme unneeded torture.

Enough stress = unhealthy or dead monitor.

Go about your business, feed, clean and water the lizard daily, ignoring it as you meet it's needs. Eventually it will get curious and come check you out... This doesn't mean it's time to pick it up, just let it check you out, eventually you can attempt touching it when it comes to you.

Hopefully you have it set up properly. These guys are not cuddle-buddies, they are wild animals. There is no value in breaking their spirit or causing them to give up, other than the self-satisfaction of keepers who think that owning a reptile is about them, not the animal. With lots of time and patience you can end up with a monitor that will check you out, allow touching, and will be a great display animal. Or you can be like thousands of other keepers and break their spirits to fulfill your desires, stress kills these guys, breaking their spirit can actually lead to a monitor who has totally given up on everything, including eating.

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Has anyone seen then summer infant peek plus baby monitor?


I just had my mom buy it for me because I am about two months away. It is so cool and I cant believe more people aren't buy them. I set it up and my husband wont stop messing around with the app on his iphone lol

Hi summer monitor rubbish lol I had mine 3 day suddenly touch screen stop working

Is there a baby monitor app that will work on my blackberry?


Is there a baby monitor app that will work on my blackberry?

i have only found one program that will work as u want it. here is the link for it.

it offers i day free trial and costs 25.00 us.

hope that helps

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