I'm working and seldom cook. I always pack home to eat. I also don't like eating vegetable. Will my baby get enough nutrient if he is on fully breast feeding? My baby is 3 1/2 months old now.
Yes, what you eat goes to your baby through breastmilk. That´s why if baby is lactose intolerant you should reduce your dairy intake..
Recommended Daily Allowances
It is often recommended when you are pregnant that you eat about
300 to 500 calories more than you would with your normal diet.
The same is true during breastfeeding. For most breastfeeding
women that means 2,000-2,200 calories per day, but can range
anywhere from 1,800-2,700 calories depending on your height and
size. This recommendation is based on the amount of breast milk
that is consumed by your baby.
The Food Guide Pyramid below illustrates the recommended
number of daily servings in each of the food groups. This is the
general guide that should serve as a guide for a healthy diet. If
your diet does not meet these standards, it does not mean that
your milk will be negatively affected or that you should not
breastfeed. Just try to improve your diet as best as you can.
Here are some other helpful nutritional guidelines:
Calcium: This is an important mineral for your bones and for other
body functions. The recommended daily amount is 1,600 mg: that
means 2-4 servings of milk products per day. Good sources of
calcium are dairy products including yogurt, milk, and cheese,
broccoli, watercress, oranges, almonds, sardines, tofu and dark
leafy greens such as bok choy or kale.
Studies show that during pregnancy and lactation calcium is drawn
out of your bones. Your body will replace that calcium over time
and your bones will actually become stronger. If you are allergic or
intolerant of dairy products, you should consume more of the other
sources of calcium (tofu, greens, etc.) and supplement your diet if
What Should a Breastfeeding Mother Eat?
Mothers often have questions about which foods are important to eat and which foods should be avoided during breastfeeding. The
content of human milk varies only slightly among mothers regardless of what they do or do not eat. In a diet that is continually inadequate,
the mother may have reduced stamina and minor illnesses; however, the milk will remain of good quality. No special diets or foods are
necessary, but mothers should try to eat a balanced, varied diet to remain healthy, vigorous and energetic.
necessary. Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc aid in the absorption of
calcium and can be found in some supplements in combination
with calcium.
Vitamins: Eating plenty of fruits and vegetable will help ensure
that you get the vitamins you need. Vitamin D is especially
important for your babyâs bone growth and development. You can
get vitamin D from eating fish, milk, eggs and butter.
Supplements and Herbs: The United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) does not monitor supplements and herbs. For
many of these products there is little research on risks or benefits,
especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is best to check
with your health care provider before taking supplements and
Alcohol: Alcohol consumption should be limited while
breastfeeding. Alcohol levels peak in your system after about one
hour and takes several hours to be eliminated from your body and
your breast milk. Research has shown that babies may become
fussy or consume less breast milk when it has alcohol in it. Alcohol
can, in high doses, impair your let-down reflex.
Caffeine: Most babies do not seem to be bothered by caffeine but
most health care providers recommend limiting caffeine to two
servings daily. Caffeine is found in coffee, some soft drinks, tea,
and some over-the-counter medications. Chocolate contains a
compound similar to caffeine. If your baby seems wakeful and
fussy, consider how much caffeine you are consuming.
Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame,
are generally considered safe for breastfeeding women. The
exception to this rule is for mothers of infants with Phenylketonuria
(PKU) as aspartame contains phenylalanine which can cause
mental retardation in babies with PKU. It is generally a rule of good
nutrition to keep all amounts of food additives to a minimum.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Breast milk is made up of 87% water. As a result, your body will
need some extra water and juices while breastfeeding. Eight to ten
glasses each day is usually recommended, but you should drink
whenever you feel thirsty. Your body will tell you that you need
extra liquids. You will most likely begin to feel thirsty as you
breastfeed. A good way to make sure you get enough fluids is to
have a glass of water or juice handy each time you breastfeed.
Also, if your urine is a pale yellow color, you are drinking enough
fluids (unless you are taking vitamins with B complex which makes
urine bright yellow).
Be aware, research shows that drinking extra fluids will not
increase your milk supply. It is the action of feeding your baby
more often and emptying the breasts thoroughly that increases
milk production.
Bread, Cereal,
Rice, & Pasta
Meat, Poultry, Fish,
Dry Beans, Eggs,
& Nuts Group
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Milk, Yogurt,
& Cheese
Food Guide Pyramid
A Guide to Daily Food Choices
Fat (naturally occurring
and added)
These symbols show fat and
added sugars in foods.
Fats, Oils, & Sweets KEY
Hollister Incorporated
2000 Hollister Drive
Libertyville, IL 60048
Ameda Breastfeeding products are manufactured by Ameda A.G.
Hollister and logo is a trademark of Hollister Incorporated.
Ameda is a trademark of Ameda A.G.
©2002 Hollister Incorporated All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Distributed in Canada by
Hollister Limited
95 Mary Street
Aurora, Ontario L4G 1G3
Choose Purity. Choose Ameda
Plan Simple Meals & Snacks
Your time and energy may be in short supply while adjusting to the
changes in your life after the birth of your baby. Plan simple meals
- it will save you time and ensure that you get a balanced diet. If
people ask what they can do to help, ask them to prepare a meal
for quick re-heating. When you or your partner cook, make double
recipes and save half for another meal. Casseroles, meals in a
slow cooker or microwave meals are time savers. This is a good
time to collect recipes that have a small number of ingredients and
are simple to prepare.
Suggestions for Quick and Easy Snacks
Bagel with cream cheese Banana nut bread
Cheese and crackers Cheese cubes
Cottage cheese Dried fruit and nut mix
Fresh or Frozen Fruit Rolled up lunch meat
Fruit salad Granola and yogurt
Hard boiled eggs Milk shakes with fruit
Popsicles made with juice Raw vegetables with dip
Tuna Fruit Smoothies
Can Certain Foods Affect My Milk?
Flavor: The flavors of the foods and spices you eat will transfer
into breast milk to some extent. Babies usually enjoy these flavors
and may nurse longer. Some babies will suck longer when a novel
flavor is introduced. These flavors help introduce the flavors of
family foods to the baby.
Color: The colors of some foods transfer into breast milk. For
example, high intake of carrots may make your milk "orange-ish,"
beets may make your milk pink and spinach or other leafy greens
may make your milk "greenish."
Can Any Foods Increase My Milk Supply?
There are no special foods that you can eat to increase your milk
supply. Occasionally you will hear people recommend drinking beer
as it is thought that the brewers yeast in beer may increase milk
supply. However, brewers yeast is also available in powder and
capsules. Certain herbs have been used to increase milk supply.
Fenugreek, blessed thistle, goatâs rue, fennel, alfalfa, nettles and
others have been suggested. Discuss them with a lactation
consultant, herbalist or other knowledgeable health care provider
before trying them as each may present some side effects.
Concerned About Losing Weight?
You most likely will be anxious to lose the weight that you gained
during pregnancy. Give yourself some time. It is recommended that
you wait for at least 4-6 weeks after delivery to start a weight loss
program. A good rate of weight loss for breastfeeding mothers is
one-half to one pound per week. Continue to breastfeed on
demand, eat a well balanced diet of at least 1,800 calories per day,
drink plenty of fluids and start an exercise program. Remember,
this is not the time to try fad diets or diet pills!
Dieting always works best when combined with some kind of
physical activity. If you have a favorite sport, get back into that. If
not, look for a mom's post-partum exercise group. It is more fun to
exercise with other new moms; you might make some new friends
Vigorous exercise produces lactic acid that does pass into breast
milk. It is not a nutritional problem; however, it may make your milk
taste different to your baby. Some mothers prefer to feed right
before exercising, then most of the lactic acid is gone from their
breast milk by the next feeding time.
Are There Foods I Should Avoid?
You will hear many old wives tales about which foods you cannot
eat during lactation. The fact is, you can eat anything that you
normally eat, in moderation. Do not limit your diet in any way,
unless you find that a particular food causes a problem for your
If you notice that your baby is particularly fussy after a feeding,
consider what you ate 4-6 hours previously. It will take that long
for problems to develop. The foods that you might first suspect
would be foods that give you gas or that you have sensitvitiy to.
These commonly are cabbage, beans and broccoli. You can
eliminate that food for a week or two. If symptoms reappear after
re-introducing the food, you may need to eliminate it for 2-3
months. Babies usually out grow these sensitivities quickly and you
will be able to add them back into your diet.
In families with a history of allergies, mothers may be advised to
avoid peanuts, or other high-risk roods (cow's milk, eggs, wheat,
fish, citrus foods, other nuts) during pregnancy as well as
breastfeeding. Your diet should only be adjusted if your baby
develops allergic symptoms. Seek advice from your health care
provider if you have allergies in your family.
Vegetarian Diet
If you are practicing a vegetarian diet, you should continue to eat a
variety of foods with special attention to include complete proteins
through complementary plants. Vegan mothers who are
breastfeeding may be at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency. Be sure to
include soymilk, fortified yeast and supplemental vitamin
preparations in your diet. If you need guidance to ensure you are
eating an adequate diet, seek the help of a nutritionist or dietitian.
Please remember that this is general breastfeeding information only and does
not replace the advice of your health care provider. If you have a problem that
you are unable to resolve quickly, seek help immediately.
You ask for an answer and we give it to you and now you give us all thumbs down. If you did not want to know the truth why did you ask the bloody question....
It´s like if you smoke while breastfeeding your baby gets the nicotine...
So what about chemicals from tobacco and your breast milk? The most commonly known chemical is nicotine and this is changed into cotinine by the body. The levels of cotinine in a breastfed babies have been found to be 10 times higher than those found in formula fed babies of mothers who smoke. This shows that the chemical is passed on through breast milk.
Yes, what you eat goes to your baby through breastmilk. That´s why if baby is lactose intolerant you should reduce your dairy intake..
Recommended Daily Allowances
It is often recommended when you are pregnant that you eat about
300 to 500 calories more than you would with your normal diet.
The same is true during breastfeeding. For most breastfeeding
women that means 2,000-2,200 calories per day, but can range
anywhere from 1,800-2,700 calories depending on your height and
size. This recommendation is based on the amount of breast milk
that is consumed by your baby.
The Food Guide Pyramid below illustrates the recommended
number of daily servings in each of the food groups. This is the
general guide that should serve as a guide for a healthy diet. If
your diet does not meet these standards, it does not mean that
your milk will be negatively affected or that you should not
breastfeed. Just try to improve your diet as best as you can.
Here are some other helpful nutritional guidelines:
Calcium: This is an important mineral for your bones and for other
body functions. The recommended daily amount is 1,600 mg: that
means 2-4 servings of milk products per day. Good sources of
calcium are dairy products including yogurt, milk, and cheese,
broccoli, watercress, oranges, almonds, sardines, tofu and dark
leafy greens such as bok choy or kale.
Studies show that during pregnancy and lactation calcium is drawn
out of your bones. Your body will replace that calcium over time
and your bones will actually become stronger. If you are allergic or
intolerant of dairy products, you should consume more of the other
sources of calcium (tofu, greens, etc.) and supplement your diet if
What Should a Breastfeeding Mother Eat?
Mothers often have questions about which foods are important to eat and which foods should be avoided during breastfeeding. The
content of human milk varies only slightly among mothers regardless of what they do or do not eat. In a diet that is continually inadequate,
the mother may have reduced stamina and minor illnesses; however, the milk will remain of good quality. No special diets or foods are
necessary, but mothers should try to eat a balanced, varied diet to remain healthy, vigorous and energetic.
necessary. Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc aid in the absorption of
calcium and can be found in some supplements in combination
with calcium.
Vitamins: Eating plenty of fruits and vegetable will help ensure
that you get the vitamins you need. Vitamin D is especially
important for your babyâs bone growth and development. You can
get vitamin D from eating fish, milk, eggs and butter.
Supplements and Herbs: The United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) does not monitor supplements and herbs. For
many of these products there is little research on risks or benefits,
especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is best to check
with your health care provider before taking supplements and
Alcohol: Alcohol consumption should be limited while
breastfeeding. Alcohol levels peak in your system after about one
hour and takes several hours to be eliminated from your body and
your breast milk. Research has shown that babies may become
fussy or consume less breast milk when it has alcohol in it. Alcohol
can, in high doses, impair your let-down reflex.
Caffeine: Most babies do not seem to be bothered by caffeine but
most health care providers recommend limiting caffeine to two
servings daily. Caffeine is found in coffee, some soft drinks, tea,
and some over-the-counter medications. Chocolate contains a
compound similar to caffeine. If your baby seems wakeful and
fussy, consider how much caffeine you are consuming.
Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame,
are generally considered safe for breastfeeding women. The
exception to this rule is for mothers of infants with Phenylketonuria
(PKU) as aspartame contains phenylalanine which can cause
mental retardation in babies with PKU. It is generally a rule of good
nutrition to keep all amounts of food additives to a minimum.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Breast milk is made up of 87% water. As a result, your body will
need some extra water and juices while breastfeeding. Eight to ten
glasses each day is usually recommended, but you should drink
whenever you feel thirsty. Your body will tell you that you need
extra liquids. You will most likely begin to feel thirsty as you
breastfeed. A good way to make sure you get enough fluids is to
have a glass of water or juice handy each time you breastfeed.
Also, if your urine is a pale yellow color, you are drinking enough
fluids (unless you are taking vitamins with B complex which makes
urine bright yellow).
Be aware, research shows that drinking extra fluids will not
increase your milk supply. It is the action of feeding your baby
more often and emptying the breasts thoroughly that increases
milk production.
Bread, Cereal,
Rice, & Pasta
Meat, Poultry, Fish,
Dry Beans, Eggs,
& Nuts Group
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Milk, Yogurt,
& Cheese
Food Guide Pyramid
A Guide to Daily Food Choices
Fat (naturally occurring
and added)
These symbols show fat and
added sugars in foods.
Fats, Oils, & Sweets KEY
Hollister Incorporated
2000 Hollister Drive
Libertyville, IL 60048
Ameda Breastfeeding products are manufactured by Ameda A.G.
Hollister and logo is a trademark of Hollister Incorporated.
Ameda is a trademark of Ameda A.G.
©2002 Hollister Incorporated All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Distributed in Canada by
Hollister Limited
95 Mary Street
Aurora, Ontario L4G 1G3
Choose Purity. Choose Ameda
Plan Simple Meals & Snacks
Your time and energy may be in short supply while adjusting to the
changes in your life after the birth of your baby. Plan simple meals
- it will save you time and ensure that you get a balanced diet. If
people ask what they can do to help, ask them to prepare a meal
for quick re-heating. When you or your partner cook, make double
recipes and save half for another meal. Casseroles, meals in a
slow cooker or microwave meals are time savers. This is a good
time to collect recipes that have a small number of ingredients and
are simple to prepare.
Suggestions for Quick and Easy Snacks
Bagel with cream cheese Banana nut bread
Cheese and crackers Cheese cubes
Cottage cheese Dried fruit and nut mix
Fresh or Frozen Fruit Rolled up lunch meat
Fruit salad Granola and yogurt
Hard boiled eggs Milk shakes with fruit
Popsicles made with juice Raw vegetables with dip
Tuna Fruit Smoothies
Can Certain Foods Affect My Milk?
Flavor: The flavors of the foods and spices you eat will transfer
into breast milk to some extent. Babies usually enjoy these flavors
and may nurse longer. Some babies will suck longer when a novel
flavor is introduced. These flavors help introduce the flavors of
family foods to the baby.
Color: The colors of some foods transfer into breast milk. For
example, high intake of carrots may make your milk "orange-ish,"
beets may make your milk pink and spinach or other leafy greens
may make your milk "greenish."
Can Any Foods Increase My Milk Supply?
There are no special foods that you can eat to increase your milk
supply. Occasionally you will hear people recommend drinking beer
as it is thought that the brewers yeast in beer may increase milk
supply. However, brewers yeast is also available in powder and
capsules. Certain herbs have been used to increase milk supply.
Fenugreek, blessed thistle, goatâs rue, fennel, alfalfa, nettles and
others have been suggested. Discuss them with a lactation
consultant, herbalist or other knowledgeable health care provider
before trying them as each may present some side effects.
Concerned About Losing Weight?
You most likely will be anxious to lose the weight that you gained
during pregnancy. Give yourself some time. It is recommended that
you wait for at least 4-6 weeks after delivery to start a weight loss
program. A good rate of weight loss for breastfeeding mothers is
one-half to one pound per week. Continue to breastfeed on
demand, eat a well balanced diet of at least 1,800 calories per day,
drink plenty of fluids and start an exercise program. Remember,
this is not the time to try fad diets or diet pills!
Dieting always works best when combined with some kind of
physical activity. If you have a favorite sport, get back into that. If
not, look for a mom's post-partum exercise group. It is more fun to
exercise with other new moms; you might make some new friends
Vigorous exercise produces lactic acid that does pass into breast
milk. It is not a nutritional problem; however, it may make your milk
taste different to your baby. Some mothers prefer to feed right
before exercising, then most of the lactic acid is gone from their
breast milk by the next feeding time.
Are There Foods I Should Avoid?
You will hear many old wives tales about which foods you cannot
eat during lactation. The fact is, you can eat anything that you
normally eat, in moderation. Do not limit your diet in any way,
unless you find that a particular food causes a problem for your
If you notice that your baby is particularly fussy after a feeding,
consider what you ate 4-6 hours previously. It will take that long
for problems to develop. The foods that you might first suspect
would be foods that give you gas or that you have sensitvitiy to.
These commonly are cabbage, beans and broccoli. You can
eliminate that food for a week or two. If symptoms reappear after
re-introducing the food, you may need to eliminate it for 2-3
months. Babies usually out grow these sensitivities quickly and you
will be able to add them back into your diet.
In families with a history of allergies, mothers may be advised to
avoid peanuts, or other high-risk roods (cow's milk, eggs, wheat,
fish, citrus foods, other nuts) during pregnancy as well as
breastfeeding. Your diet should only be adjusted if your baby
develops allergic symptoms. Seek advice from your health care
provider if you have allergies in your family.
Vegetarian Diet
If you are practicing a vegetarian diet, you should continue to eat a
variety of foods with special attention to include complete proteins
through complementary plants. Vegan mothers who are
breastfeeding may be at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency. Be sure to
include soymilk, fortified yeast and supplemental vitamin
preparations in your diet. If you need guidance to ensure you are
eating an adequate diet, seek the help of a nutritionist or dietitian.
Please remember that this is general breastfeeding information only and does
not replace the advice of your health care provider. If you have a problem that
you are unable to resolve quickly, seek help immediately.
You ask for an answer and we give it to you and now you give us all thumbs down. If you did not want to know the truth why did you ask the bloody question....
It´s like if you smoke while breastfeeding your baby gets the nicotine...
So what about chemicals from tobacco and your breast milk? The most commonly known chemical is nicotine and this is changed into cotinine by the body. The levels of cotinine in a breastfed babies have been found to be 10 times higher than those found in formula fed babies of mothers who smoke. This shows that the chemical is passed on through breast milk.
How does the doc turn the baby if in breech position ?
I was just wondering - some one mentioned if the baby is breech the doctors can 'try' physically moving or reposition the baby into the correct birthing position. I was also told this is painful. How is this done.
If the baby is breech, your doctor may suggest version. This is an attempt to turn the baby head down. It can improve your chance of having a vaginal birth.
To turn the baby, the doctor places his or her hands at certain points on your abdomen, then pushes or lifts. This helps the baby move. It is as if the baby rolls forward in slow motion. If this does not work, the doctor may try to get the baby to roll backward. In some cases, the doctor may have a second person help turn the baby.
Most often, version is not tried until you are at least 36 weeks pregnant. If it is done before then, the baby may still change position.
Your doctor will assess your health and the state of your pregnancy to see if version is an option for you. Certain conditions may increase the risk of version or decrease the chance of its success. If you or your baby has any of these conditions, your doctor may not recommend version.
Before your doctor tries to turn the baby, an ultrasound exam will be done. This exam shows:
How the baby is positioned
Where the placenta is positioned
How much amniotic fluid is present
Ultrasound also may be used to help guide the turning.
The baby's heart rate is checked with fetal monitoring before and after version. If any problems arise with you or the baby, version will be stopped right away.
Sometimes, a drug is given to you first to relax the uterus. This may make it easier to turn the baby.
If the baby is breech, your doctor may suggest version. This is an attempt to turn the baby head down. It can improve your chance of having a vaginal birth.
To turn the baby, the doctor places his or her hands at certain points on your abdomen, then pushes or lifts. This helps the baby move. It is as if the baby rolls forward in slow motion. If this does not work, the doctor may try to get the baby to roll backward. In some cases, the doctor may have a second person help turn the baby.
Most often, version is not tried until you are at least 36 weeks pregnant. If it is done before then, the baby may still change position.
Your doctor will assess your health and the state of your pregnancy to see if version is an option for you. Certain conditions may increase the risk of version or decrease the chance of its success. If you or your baby has any of these conditions, your doctor may not recommend version.
Before your doctor tries to turn the baby, an ultrasound exam will be done. This exam shows:
How the baby is positioned
Where the placenta is positioned
How much amniotic fluid is present
Ultrasound also may be used to help guide the turning.
The baby's heart rate is checked with fetal monitoring before and after version. If any problems arise with you or the baby, version will be stopped right away.
Sometimes, a drug is given to you first to relax the uterus. This may make it easier to turn the baby.
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Title Post: It is true that what i eat is what my baby eats? (For breast feeding)?
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