Tuesday, June 24, 2014

trouble trying to conceive baby number one!?!?!?

what's it

my fiance and i have been having unprotected sex for about four years now, we aren't "trying," but we aren't not trying.. i heard that even if you perfectly time your ovulation, you only have a 25% of conceiving each month..

i did have one miscarriage before, so i think i CAN get pregnant, well anyway i am hoping!

can anyone direct me to some good websites other than www.twoweekwait.com and www.fertilityfriend.com.. i've also been to www.babycenter.com or give me some advice on how to start "trying" to conceive.. some things i have been doing differently:

1. taking a multivitamin.
2. no caffeine - aka no sodas, coffee, caffinated teas, etc.
3. dieting and exercisting, trying to lose weight.

is there anything else i should be doing? i'm a 21 year old, so i should be perfectly fine with lots of time left on the biological clock! thanks guys!
exercisting?? what am i thinking! lol

sorry about that.. i didn't spell check! sorry!

Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.

2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.
This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the manâs sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

Does gestational diabetes affect the baby?


My wife is pregnant in her 7th month. However, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It's our first baby. Does this mean that the baby might have diabetes,too? and is she gonna have a cesarean operation? how can she lower sugar in her blood. PLEASE HELP

How does having gestational diabetes affect my pregnancy?
These days, most women who develop diabetes during pregnancy go on to have healthy babies. Your practitioner will monitor you closely and you'll most likely be able to keep your blood sugar levels under control with diet and exercise, and by getting insulin shots if you need them. But poorly controlled diabetes can have serious consequences for you and your baby.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Is Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System useful ?

Annie Dow

Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System review from customers shows that this product is good. But before going to buy this, I would like to know whether this security monitoring system really useful or not. Where Can I buy this best price online ?

Expecting your valuable information in this regard.

Thanks in Advance

Hi Dear,

The Samsung wireless video monitor system is newly released and this one of the best baby monitor system available today. It is packed with so many good features. Some of them are night vision capability, digital zoom, color LCD screen, interference free reception, two way talk, remote monitoring from anywhere in the world, viewing the camera on your television, temperature senor and alarm, remote activated night light and remote music activation and so many. To know more about this system visit Amazon.com where you can buy Samsung wireless video monitor system best price online.

US buyers Visit : http://amzn.to/samsung-baby-monitor

UK buyers visit : http://amzn.to/samsung-baby-monitor-UK

Best wishes.

Prenatal Heart Listening monitors, are they worth it?


I'm thinking of getting this one.


They all seem to have quite a few bad reviews and then some good. So what's your experiences with them? I'm pretty slim if that makes a difference. 22w & 4d.

Thank you.

No, honestly they are not worth it. I used to work at a pregnancy store and the ones we sold got bad reviews from customers returning them, they break easily and unless you are a trained health care professional, its sometimes difficult to differentiate between mom and baby.

After I became an RN, I learned you can use a plain ol stethescope to listen to the baby's heart, which are cheaper and its easier.

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how many weeks were you when you heard your babies heartbeat at home on the bebe monitor?


Im looking for some earlier listeners if possible?
Also when could your dr hear it?

A doctor uses a doppler, they can usually pick the heart beat up around 10 weeks.

The bebe monitor (the cheap $20 one) usually takes a lot longer to pick up the heart beat, like at least 20 weeks and sometimes you can never pick up the heart beat using it. It is not a doppler, but almost like a microphone device.

Also, if you are overweight you may not hear a heart beat with the cheap bebe monitor. I am 17 weeks and still can't hear anything and I am thin.

I bought the hi bebe doppler monitor instead, it's like what doctors use and you can hear the heart beat around 10 weeks. If you use it your entire pregnancy, or for two pregnancies, then it is cheaper to buy it then to rent it.

The cheapest I found it was online here, it was cheaper than ebay: http://www.ababyoutlets.com/hi_bebe_fetal_doppler_bt200.htm

Good luck!

babys heartbeat...??

Q. do you have to go to the docters to hear your babys heartbeat??
or no..

Depends on how far along you are. According to a number of medical websites, the back of a stethoscope will pick up the baby's heartbeat after you hit about 20 weeks.

However, you should be at the doctor's office once a month if you're pregnant. There are a number of other things that they have to check, like the amniotic fluid levels and your RH factor and later on, the baby's position. They have to screen you for gestational diabetes, and make sure you don't have any infections. They have to monitor your blood pressure. They have to check to make sure the placenta is where it should be and healthy. They have to check the umbilical cord. They have to check your blood to see if you're at high risk for Down's Syndrome and a number of other birth defects. They have to look at the baby's spinal column for spinal bifida and a number of other defects. You can not do all of the things that need done in order to make sure your baby is healthy! There is literally no way for you to take care of yourself the way that you need to without a doctor's help.

That said, there is a website (they want you to have a doctor's signed permission), where you can rent a fetal doppler. My husband and I rent one for $25/mo. It's called storkradio.com and IF you're doing all of the things you need to be, it can be very reassuring if you aren't sure how the baby's doing.

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is a baby video monitor camera of 900mHz (with night vision)dangerous if placed within one foot of a baby?


If you have a nightlight in the room, you don't need one with night vision. I think those are made to be used from across the room anyway.

What baby monitor do you recommend?


We are shopping for a baby monitor for our second child (our first is 6 now so we long ago got rid of her baby things). We plan to "room in" (have baby in our room in a pack n' play) for the first 6 months or so like we did with our daughter, so this monitor will be used primarily during naps and after the baby has passed the most critical SIDS risk phase. With that in mind, which monitor would you suggest and why? TIA!

I use a motorola video baby monitor and its quite great. It's night vision is pretty good.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

When will tmobile come out with the iPhone?


I have seen articles and reports that T-Mobile will carry apple products in the new year (2013). When can I expect to see the iphone 5 on T-Mobiles network?


I let my friend (coworker) who owns an iPhone 5 use my Note 2 just to compare, and showed him how to use it.

I then asked him why people prefer iPhone 5 over the customization that Android gives. He had no answer to that (he did attempt to say that the iPhone was simpler to use, and I described that the it was true that even babies could use the iPhone, but the Android only takes a day to customize to ones wants and needs), just that he never knew Android had gotten so good. He then offered to trade me his iPhone 5 and a gaming screen he had previously used for his triple monitor setup. I stoutly declined.

This sounds like I'm just trying to spite you because even if the events that I have just tried to describe are false (and they are not), they are impolite.

So I won't educate you on the benefits of the Note 2, and Android as an OS, and why I'm not here to start a war, but merely to inform you that iPhone is definitely starting to fall off as a feature full phone every generation. Every generation, the iPhone is declining. I won't speak of it anymore, and just try answering your question without killing myself over how much a tech geek like me needs to tell you how much better Android is. All you have to do is research and use google anyway if you wanted to know, right?

So about iPhone on T-mobile. You probably won't be seeing the iPhone 5 likely appear in next month. After that, they will be very eager to get the iPhone 5 if they truly are considering offering the iPhone 5 (they already offer the Galaxy Note 2, though... OOPS what am I saying?!?!). So around 3-4 months? Yep very likely.

But don't buy a phone on a contract. You will end up paying more. Do you wonder why contracts lock you in and lower the price on phones? It's not really because they want you to stay (well yes they do), but that they gain a better profit anyway. They lock you into a plan that is very bad compared to prepaid plans so every month you will be shelling out tons more money for tons less service. Let's say you pay $90 every month for the same service you get at $49... There you go. 2 year contract = 12+12 = 24 x 40 = 960. You will be shelling out an extra $960 along with the small fee you payed with the phone when you signed your contract ($200 maybe?).

See, I'm just trying to educate you on what choice you should take: prepaid.

Prepaid? Look at Straight Talk, Solavei, T-mobile Prepaid (hidden because they like you using contracts), there are many great options. Check them out.

Turtle Beach Tango Issue with bluetooth?


sooo, early this year i bought the Tangos because my old headset was destroyed by my own stupidity.... anyway, now whenever I try to talk in them it you can barely understand me because it comes out in a static sort of sound. The Tangos are new (as i bought them, so 3-5 months old), they've always have worked before today, I have tried "turning it on and off again", I looked at the TB website but their were no listings for this problem, the audio for games and such works fine, I can hear people, I tried to get dust out of the detachable mic part, I think somethings broken but I don't know what part specifically to replace. I figure/hope that the local community here that has a turtle beach or something knows. no other problems, just static when ever my bluetooth is on for it. NOTE: it might have something to due with internet connection as that seems to be going weird lately, due to too many devices on the internet at one time.

Same here; got tired of the blue masking tape holding my DPX-21's together. The EFT's are a major league upgrade and world of difference.

First, don't discount the obvious; make sure your Chat button settings are on Chat 1 or Chat Main (left earpiece). If that's good, then try flashing the firmware with the latest version (even if you're using the current one). If you've never updated, now's the time.

Make sure the cables on the transmitter are secured properly also.

The mikes on the EFT's are pretty hard to screw up, so I'd be looking at a firmware, software, or setting fix. If you haven't yet downloaded the firmware update, here's what you need to do:

1. Create a TB Community account:


2. Download and install the Tango Advanced Sound Editor and User Guide:



3. Once installed, connect your EFT headset using the USB data cable (NOT the long power cable; they're marked), then start up the ASE program.

4. Click the âCheck for Firmware Updatesâ button and let it do its thing. The procedure is on page 6 of the ASE user guide.

Lastly, you can't rule out RF interference either. Make sure you haven't added any new electronics near the transmitter unit that can cause RFI; new cordless phone base, microwave (if you're a hardcore gamer), baby monitor, etc. Even a new Router; if you've installed a new Router or bridge, you may need to adjust the Channel frequency band to a higher offset frequency above 2.4ghz, which is what the BT frequency is. Remember, anything that can generate RFI will interfere with a BT transmission.

Worst case, call TB support - they're pretty good about taking care of customers who buy their high-end units. Did you get the freebie TB earbuds a couple of months ago as a bonus?

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crib movement sensors?


i've been lookin into those little sensors that is placed under the crib and goes off when the baby doesnt move for about 20 seconds, what i dont understand is, if the baby is sleeping hes not going to move so is it going to be going off all the time when he is sleeping?

We have the angelcare system and it gives us peace of mind that is for sure! We have had a few false alarms with the system either from my son moving into the top or bottom corner or his crib or his new habit of sleeping sitting up with his face in his lap! lol I guess it doesn't monitor his breathing through his butt surprise surprise! Even with a few false alarms it was the best investment I ever got! I would rather a false alarm where I check on him then the alternative of him not breathing! I would highly suggest getting one especially if you have high anxiety about SIDS! My son is almost 10 months and I still rely on it!

will baby-movement-monitors prevent cot death?

Amiy V

There are no guarantees . . . but every little bit of extra protection helps and is worth it - especially if you sleep just a little bit better in those early months.

We got the BebeSounds Monitor with the movement sensor pad for our twins - there was one false alarm - but otherwise it has been great.

Best wishes!

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Looking for a video camera with good audio... any suggestions?


I have a piano recital coming up, and I need a suggestion for a fairly cheap camera with good audio recording capabilities, as the last camera we used recorded the sound absolutely horribly ( i assume it was because the camera was made to only capture the human voice's spectrum ).

I just want something that can capture the full span of sound that a piano can emit without hisses or cracking noises- or if there is no such camera, share some ideas for best recording the event (e.g. maybe a suggested external mic or whatever)... I have one month. Thanks :)

Camcorder microphones aren't usually professional level, but they aren't bad, either. What they are is poorly located to get audiophile level recording. Way too far away far away from the source of the sound, they'll pick up noise and chatter from close to the camera. If you're filming at the 3-6 foot range, most camcorder audio will work fine. Farther away requires more effort. Bottom line is that proper microphone placement is critical for good recordings.

Depending on the stage setup (if any) at the recital, see if one of the following options is feasible:

1) If the piano is miked into a PA/speaker system, recording the line output of that device onto a CD or other recorder gives some of the clearest possible sound. If you leave your camcorder running continuously during the performance, it's fairly easy to sync the CD audio to your digital video in any of the movie editors and get top notch audio and video. Leave your camcorder running so you only have to sync one spot, not at every scene. Once synced, you can then cut out boring sections of the video. (~$0 expense if they have a CD recording system already in place)

2) If the piano isn't miked, you can use a digital audio recorder. The good ones aren't cheap, but you'll get baby monitor quality sound if you go cheap. Place the recorder in a good location near the piano (test before the recital if at all possible). These small devices are unobtrusive, and can get quality recordings if placed properly. You could use this recording to supplement/replace your existing camera's audio as described above ~ $150 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/599284-REG/Tascam_DR_07_DR_07_Portable_Digital_Audio.html)

3) You can buy a camcorder with an external microphone jack and get a wireless mic system or a shotgun mic (think teleaudio to match your telephoto zoom). Unfortunately, you tend to get what you pay for on this. Decent ones start at $75 and you still have to figure out where to position the microphone. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?ci=15708&N=4290441573+4293345063&Ns=p_PRICE_2%7C0
Shotgun microphones (the zoom version of a microphone) are very directional in it's pickup pattern, removing much of the side noise captured by built in microphones. $60+ http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/3646-REG/Azden_ECZ_990_ECZ_990_Super_Cardioid_Shotgun.html
Unless your existing videocamera has an external mic jack, you'll have to factor in the additional cost of a new camera with a microphone input. External microphone jacks have been removed from the feature list of most consumer camcorders. HD cameras with the external microphone jack tend to be ~ $800-$1000

Scared to put 5 month old across the hall :(?


I have been cosleeping with my 5 month old since she has been born. I love having her near me, but my husband sleeps on the couch and we really miss sleeping together. The problem is I cannot bear putting her in her baby bed across the hall in her room. I would not be able to sleep at all! I always think something could happen to her and I would not be there, like a fire, or robbery, or her just spittng up choking. A baby monitor would not be good enough! How do I solve this problem and has any other mother felt this way and how did you get over it!?

You're not alone, momma! I really struggled with that too. Give yourself "baby steps". First put her in a safe place right next to your bed then move her away slowly if you need to. We put our baby in the pack and play bassinett and put her across the room from us for several months before moving her to her own room -- and then I checked on her several times per night! We also bought a video monitor so I could see her without waking her and that helped put my mind at ease a ton. At some point I have to tell myself too that I can't watch her every second even when she's right next to me -- you fall asleep and can't listen for every breath. Take it from me, I wish I'd gotten her used to her own bed sooner, because our baby has had some serious separation anxiety problems with getting used to sleeping on her own. We will definitely move our next baby sooner so that everyone can get some sleep! I know it is hard and scary. Unfortunately at some point you just have to make the move and pray for her safety (and check on her throughout the night!) Seriously consider the video monitor. If I zoomed in I could even see her breathing (chest rising and falling).

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How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

I am going to be a new father as of August 2014. What is the best high tech baby monitoring video feed I can get?


Hi all.

I am going to be a new father as of August and we are in the process of putting together a registry. We are obviously going to get some sort of baby monitor but there is a LOT out there. I was wondering if anybody could recommend one that integrates with an iPhone or has a video feed?

Thank you so much for your time!

All my best,

With all due respect, I am not interested in your personal viewpoints regarding parenting and how to register for gifts. This is a simple product related question. Thank you.
Edit # 2

Wow, I am a little taken back with the amount of cackling this question has brought forward.

I do **NOT** care about your personal viewpoints on parenting, nor, if you think Baby Registries exist. Even I know baby registries exist! And they are called just that.

If you have personal experience into this product inquiry- great I would love to hear from you.
Edit # 3

My wife is a board certified surgeon and we will decide what is in the best medical interest of our child. Thank you.

Why do you need a high tech monitor? Why, indeed do you really need a monitor at all?

Baby will sleep in your room for the first 6 months or so, so you can easily hear him/her. And unless your house is huge, you will have no trouble hearing baby when s/he cries.

If you feel you must have a a monitor, any inexpensive one will do the job. (And if you are set on a fancy expensive one, you don't register for it. That's not the kind of thing you'd expect friends to buy for you.)

My point is simply that new parents tend to think that they 'need' tons of stuff. And usually, once baby arrives, they learn that much of the stuff they have bought (or been given) is, at worse, useless, and at best, not worth anywhere near what they spent on it.
Babies cry when they need something. You will hear your baby cry. You really DON'T need a monitor to hear it. And for safety sake, (or for ease of breastfeeding) you will want baby to sleep in your room for the first 6 months or so, so you can easily SEE baby and don't need a video link either. They money you plan to spend could really be spent in other ways.

But ok -- Here you go -- 1700 hits for 'baby monitor'

And 500+ for 'baby monitor iphone'

(But again, it's VERY unlikely that any friend is going to shell out this kind of money, so if you decide you like one of the pricy ones, please just buy it yourself. You'll look very greedy registering for $200+ item. Shower gifts are typically cute outfits and toys.)

EDIT: So far as I'm aware, surgeons don't spend a lot of time studying infant care during their residencies. So how does the fact that she's a surgeon mean she automatically knows that you need a video monitor that integrates with an Iphone?

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Whats the best baby monitor?

Kelly Vibe

I am having my first child soon and would like a monitor that has good sound and picture quality day and night so i can make dinner ect and just look at my hand held monitor instead of going in the other room to see why he is making noise.

angel care, i get so much more rest knowing that angel care is monitoring my baby girl, it takes a little bit to get used to adjusting the sensitivity of the monitor so you dont get false alarms but its the best monitor out there, plus you can use it on into the toldler years when your kido sneaks out of bed the alarm will sound,

the alarm sounds if the monitor does not detect motion or breathing after 20 secs

there is not picture on this monitor but rather a motion detection system, when you go to sleep at night you know rather or not your baby is still moving and ok

Has anyone used a video baby monitor?

Pregnant w

How do they work?
What are the pros and cons?
I am thinking about buying one that you can have two monitors and see two rooms at once and was wondering how many people prefer it.

Congrats on baby #2!

I couldn't live with out my video monitor!! I have the Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor. The picture is so clear both at night and during the day. I love being able to check on my baby with out waking her. I don't even have to get out of bed unless she really needs me! I think if I only had the audio, I would have been getting up a lot more often to investigate every sound, especially during the first few months. The handheld part has a button on top so you can turn off the video screen if the light bothers you at night. Then if you hear something you feel you need to check on, simply click the button and the video comes back on. I read the reviews for this product. Many people say they could not get a signal. I never had a problem. I also read that they can interfere with wi-fi. My husband is a web developer... he never would have allowed wi-fi interference!

I highly recommend this monitor to all my friends. The only con I can think of is that I have had to change the channel due to static. Seriously, it's a flick of a button and I've had to do it maybe 3 times in 7 months. No biggie! I know you can get an extra camera for this monitor, but I don't need one yet. Here is what one person commented: "We bought a second camera to go with the monitor we already had. I love being able to switch back and forth between my two kids' rooms. Only issue is if the monitor is too close to one camera, you can have interference when trying to check on the other one."


Hope this helps.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How can I have a twin babies? boy and girl or both boys?

Cheran C

I plan to have twin babies. help me guys

Do you have kids now? How do you know you want twins? Especially if you don't already have at least one child, twins are a lot of work. Their are more risks associated with multiple births, both for the mother and the babies. Multiples can deliver earlier, sometimes much earlier than normal......which can come with it's own set of problems. What would you do if something happened in your pregnancy and you ended up with one or both babies having a serious medical problem, or a developmental disability, or any other number of issues that can arise? Are you prepared to deal with that? Or are you thinking twins are cute and you can dress them alike and give them cutesy ryhming names? Most people who think they want twins are thinking things like that, they aren't thinking....oh, I really want a baby who is born early and has to be on a respirator for three weeks, or oh, I really want to be on bedrest for four months, or I really want to have babies that are born wayyy too early due to complications and have developmental delays as a result. That isn't something you want.

I have twins, they were born early, they have a whole stack of medical issues, I had multiple complications during my pregnancy.....the last six weeks of my pregnancy I was at the doctors office three to four times a week for monitoring. There was enough people at my delivery to put together both sides of a sports team. I spent more time at the doctors when they were babies than I did with my own family. Having twins was risky, both for me and for them. It doesn't always work out for the best. With today's medical advances it has become more and more common, but there are still a lot of risks. Are you willing to knowingly put yourself and your babies at risk, so you can say you have twins?

Baby shopping list?????

Having tri

Baby shopping list????
My Girlfriend Is 16 years old and I am 17 years old and We have a 3 year old and a baby that is 4 months old. About 2 months ago we found out we are going to have twins. Back when we were 13 years old we did stupid stuff. We live with my parents my 6 younger sisters and my baby sister which Is 3 months old. We have taken parenting classes. I work a full time job and a two part time jobs. I just finish high school in December. I took a test and passed it. It let me graduate earlier. I started taking online classes. She is in school but right now she has tutors coming to our house. So she can stay home.
My parents are supportive they love me my girl friend and there grandchildren. To be honest being a father has made me a better person. I am taking care of my kids and girlfriend. I have insurance for my kids and my girlfriend and I feed them.
I am nervous and I am happy about having twins. I love being a dad. I know I can afford another it. I donât waste money.
My girlfriend loves being a mom I love being a dad. She is a good mom. My GF is excited about having twins. I am excited do. Our kids are healthy. We put our kids needs first. I am taking care of my kids they are happy and healthy. We love being parents. Yes we are young.
We did have a baby shower. Instead of people buying stuff for us we told them to give us money. Right now my parents, my 6 younger sisters, My girl friend, my 2 children and I are in a hotel. We been in a hotel for 3 months. My parents were building a house and It got delayed. Today it will be finished. It is a big house So we are

Also tomorrow My girl friend and I are going to the store and buy baby stuff, We were planning to do it today but we got busy So we are going to by extra stuff. We do not get any help for the government or my parents. It is my job to get stuff for my kids.

Here is our list. My girl friend made it. I know it is a lot. Some of it will go to my baby sister. I know people

10 packs of newborn diapers,
100 packs all different sizes diapers
3 diaper bags,
5 diaper pails
60 containers of baby wipes,
30 bottles of diaper rash ointment,
30 bottles baby powder
100 baby bottles
2 bottle dry rack
4 swing
2 bouncer
2 sling
2 soft carrier
2 stroller
2 high chairs
8 infant car seat ( 2 for each car) so we want have to move the car sets.
2 exerciser
4 changing table
40 door knob locks
100 soft corner protectors
100 electrical outlet covers
40 baby gates
15 baby monitors
10 pacifiers
50 baby blankets
4 crib mattress,
8 crib sheets,
lots of bumpers
4 bassinet,
4 cribs
4 play pens
1 play yard.
10 baby hooded towels,
2000 washcloths for 20 dollars/
100 bibs
2 Plastic Spill mats for around highchair.
40 Plastic bowls
40 Plastic sip cups
40 Rubber tipped baby spoons
4 Toilet seat latches
3 Stove & Oven guards_
50 Cabinet & drawer latches
Baby Tub_
Tub seat (when baby outgrows baby tub)_
Slip resistant bath tub mats_
Tub spout cover
6 dressers ( clothes, storage, etc..)

lots and lots and lots of
sleepwear, wearable blanket sleeper
daytime outfits
baby hat
one piece outfits, undershirts
jacket, sweater
soft shoes & socks
Receiving blankets

Do I need anything else. I want to get anything that I will need for a while tomorrow. I have the money for it. I talk to some stores that are giving me good deals. My one uncle runs a store he is going to give me great deals. One of my aunts also runs a store and she is going to give me great deals.

Anything else?

Did you really have to post this question multiple times?
I don't think anyone else thinks this joke is funny.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What is a baby monitor and how it works?

Amina L

I have an elderly client with this baby monitor. Is it possible to move it just like any other electronic by unplugging it and plugging it in another room? So that if I move from room to room I can still monitor that person. I do not want to mess with it by taking it off without knowing anything about it.
I would like to plug it in another room where I can turn on light and read, not to disturb the client and still hear hear her via the monitor.

A baby monitor can be 1 way , 2 way, an now they even have one with a camera attached. It usually has a base that you keep with the baby and a hand held you can walk around with. The 2 way allows you to hear the baby and speak back if you want. They work really well and its a great way to keep track of babies and small children while in another room or doing house work.
I have used these many times working in healthcare having elderly patients.

Are there any dual camera baby monitors?

Turk II

We use a simple wireless video monitor to keep tabs on my 2 year old son while he's napping and sleeping. Eventually he'll have a little bro or sis that we'll also want to keep tabs on. Are there any baby monitors that incorporate two cameras viewable on one remote monitor?

The one from Summer does. You can put one video on A and the other on B. Then on the monitor you can switch from viewing A or B. I figured this out when my SIL came for a visit and brought her video monitor. We had my daughter on video A and her son on B.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Can anyone recommend a good baby video monitor with pan/tilt feature?


The Samsung SEW-3037W is a great video monitor with pan/tilt and zoom features. It also comes with night vision, good quality audio and good battery life. You might also want to consider the Levana Astra. This model has really good battery life.

The Motorola MBP36 is also a popular choice, but I think the above mentioned models are better

is this samsung monitor worth the extra $90?

Secret Cow

this baby is only $160 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254044

and this guy is $250 but samsung


whats the diffence?

Hanns·G HH-241HPB Black 23.6" 5ms HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor 300 cd/m2 DC 15000:1(1000:1) Built in Speakers - Retail
Pros: Large enough for my needs, no stuck or dead pixels, arrived promptly. Has good color contrast and displays very little if any banding

Cons: Backlight bleed on each corner with a rather large bar of light along the bottom edge. Very distracting on dark scenes, with any LCD you can expect a bit of bleed (except those fancy LED backlights) but this is a bit of above average in my books.

Other Thoughts: Can't complain too much, for a monitor under $170.00 at the time of purchase, there wasn't much to expect.

SAMSUNG 2333HD High Glossy Black 23" 5ms HDMI Widescreen Full HD LCD Monitor 300 cd/m2 DC 10,000:1 (1,000:1) Built in Speakers - Retail
Pros: Crystal clear Hd satellite picture. Beautiful Monitor picture.
HDMI cable included. A great value!

Cons: Stand was awkward to put in. Power plug did not have a secure connection . I called Samsung and they sent me a new plug without a hassle. No problems what so ever since then.

Other Thoughts:
1.This Monitor/TV is 1080P. It has its own tuner...meaning it is an HD TV OR a Monitor. This product is a "steal" at this price.
2.I have a set of Altec Lansing speakers with subwoofer hooked up and the sound is wonderful. This is not a $1000.00 TV.
3.If you expect the same don't buy it. But if you are looking for a Superb picture either as a TV or a monitor and 23" 's is large enough for your needs...BUY IT! I really wanted to give it a 5 but felt it wouldn't be fair since I had to request a new power plug from Samsung.

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When and why did Cheez-Its let go of their saying, "Get Your Own Box"?

Q. Just really want to know, it was great and barely anyone remembers it.

Cheez-It is an American snack food cracker manufactured by the Kellogg Company through the Sunshine Biscuits division. They are roughly 26 by 24 mm (1.0 by 0.95 inch) rectangular crackers made with wheat flour, vegetable oil, sharp yellow cheese, salt, and spices. There are a variety of related Cheez-It products, including Baby Swiss, White Cheddar, Parmesan & Garlic, Cheddar Jack, Pepper Jack, Italian Four Cheese, Colby, Reduced Trans Fat, Snack Mix (formerly called Party Mix), Snack Mix Double Cheese, Hot & Spicy (made with Tabasco), Mozzarella, Duoz Sharp Cheddar & Parmesan, Duoz Smoked Cheddar & Monterey Jack, and the Cheez-It Big which is a larger cracker more suitable for garnishing or dipping.[1]

A Cheez-It cracker, shown near actual size on a 100 ppi monitor

Cheez-It crackers
According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office trademark records, the first "Cheez-It" Cheese Crackers were sold by Green & Green Company of Dayton, Ohio, in May 1921. After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, The Green & Green Company was acquired by The Sunshine Biscuit Company, founded in 1902 as the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company. The Keebler Company acquired Sunshine in 1996, and Keebler was in turn acquired by Kellogg in 2001. Cheez-It crackers are still sold under the Sunshine label.[2]

A former advertising slogan was "Get your own box" which was found on the backs of most boxes. One side also contained the so-called "Anatomy of a Cheez-It." In mid 2007, the boxes were changed to show a picture of a large wedge of cheese labeled "Actual Taste," while a Cheez-It is shown propping it up, labeled "Actual Size." The new slogan in place of "Get Your Own Box" is "Real cheese matters.", with Jim Cummings as the spokesperson in the television commercials.[3]

What if Gardasil?

Q. Do you think Gardasil is a totally safe vaccine? What if in five years from now they find out that the people who have taken the vaccine won't be able to have babies or become pregnant? Should people be taking this risk, since it is a new vaccine? Do you think it is a safe vaccine?

side effects read and learn plz.

Side Effects & Drug Interactions
font size

In 5 clinical trials (4 placebo-controlled), subjects were administered GARDASIL or placebo on the day of enrollment, and approximately 2 and 6 months thereafter. Few subjects (0.1%) discontinued due to adverse experiences. In all except 1 of the clinical trials, safety was evaluated using vaccination report card (VRC)-aided surveillance for 14 days after each injection of GARDASIL or placebo. The subjects who were monitored using VRC-aided surveillance included 5088 girls and women 9 through 26 years of age at enrollment who received GARDASIL and 3790 girls and women who received placebo.

Common Adverse Experiences

Vaccine-related Common Adverse Experiences

The vaccine-related adverse experiences that were observed among female recipients of GARDASIL at a frequency of at least 1.0% and also at a greater frequency than that observed among placebo recipients are shown in Table 6.

Table 6
Vaccine-related Injection-site and Systemic Adverse Experiences*
Adverse Experience
(1 to 5 Days Postvaccination)

(N = 5088)

(N = 3470)

(N = 320)
Injection Site













Adverse Experience
(1 to 15 Days Postvaccination)

(N = 5088)

(N = 3790)




*The vaccine-related adverse experiences that were observed among recipients of GARDASIL were at a frequency of at least 1.0% and also at a greater frequency than that observed among placebo recipients.

All-cause Common Systemic Adverse Experiences

All-cause systemic adverse experiences for female subjects that were observed at a frequency of greater than or equal to 1% where the incidence in the vaccine group was greater than or equal to the incidence in the placebo group are shown in Table 7.

Table 7
All-cause Common Systemic Adverse Experiences
Adverse Experience
(1 to 15 Days Postvaccination)

(N = 5088)

(N = 3790)


















Upper respiratory tract infection








Nasal congestion



Evaluation of Injection-site Adverse Experiences by Dose

An analysis of injection-site adverse experiences in female subjects by dose is shown in Table 8. Overall, 94.3% of subjects who received GARDASIL judged their injection-site adverse experience to be mild or moderate in intensity.

the drug is new answer no...
it has to many side effects

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Has anyone used a video baby monitor?

Pregnant w

How do they work?
What are the pros and cons?
I am thinking about buying one that you can have two monitors and see two rooms at once and was wondering how many people prefer it.

Congrats on baby #2!

I couldn't live with out my video monitor!! I have the Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor. The picture is so clear both at night and during the day. I love being able to check on my baby with out waking her. I don't even have to get out of bed unless she really needs me! I think if I only had the audio, I would have been getting up a lot more often to investigate every sound, especially during the first few months. The handheld part has a button on top so you can turn off the video screen if the light bothers you at night. Then if you hear something you feel you need to check on, simply click the button and the video comes back on. I read the reviews for this product. Many people say they could not get a signal. I never had a problem. I also read that they can interfere with wi-fi. My husband is a web developer... he never would have allowed wi-fi interference!

I highly recommend this monitor to all my friends. The only con I can think of is that I have had to change the channel due to static. Seriously, it's a flick of a button and I've had to do it maybe 3 times in 7 months. No biggie! I know you can get an extra camera for this monitor, but I don't need one yet. Here is what one person commented: "We bought a second camera to go with the monitor we already had. I love being able to switch back and forth between my two kids' rooms. Only issue is if the monitor is too close to one camera, you can have interference when trying to check on the other one."


Hope this helps.

Angelcare Movement Baby Monitor?

The Bucket

I'm looking at baby monitors and have some questions about the Angelcare Movement Monitor...so if you have it I would really appreciate some answers! It says that the monitor can detect when your baby stops moving, but wouldn't it be going off all the time when the baby is sleeping? Or is it so sensitive that it detects breathing? And how is the picture quality/night vision picture quality? And is the zoom feature good or does it just make the picture more grainy? Do you recommend this monitor? THANKS!

I have the angel care monitor without the camera, the way it works is that it has a pad that needs to be put under the mattress, it cant be used under memory foam mattresses it has a sensitivity dial to work under diff mattress types and to detect tiny babies as well. it basically picks up babys breathing and if they have an irregular breath it alarms at 15 sec to warm you with a beep, then if the baby doesnt move again in 5 more seconds it alarms loud to wake the parent and the baby.

Mine worked a dream i followed the instructions carefully and it was brilliant as it also monitored the babys room temp and warned me if it got too hot or cold. the sound was great. we had 2 false alarms because my baby was 6lb and moved to edge of cot where monitor didnt pick up her delicate movements but at least i knew it worked.

i wouldnt have been able to sleep without it to be honest i give it 5 stars, the monitor version came out this year and has been awarded best buy so im guessing its good as well.i would highly recommend it.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

new mom worried sick about cot death?

my little boy is 8 days old and i can't stop worrying about cot death. i check him every 10 minutes. i check the temperature every 5 minutes. i keep thinking hes to good for me he's going to be taken away from me coz he's to good for me. its stopping me enjoying motherhood. any tips or advise

I was worried about cot death when I first had my little boy, he's 5 months now and I don't think about it at all anymore. I got the Tommee Tippee sensor mat baby monitor at the start, it's brill. The mat goes under the mattress of the crib/cot and picks up on the baby's breathing, there's an alarm on the monitor itself and if it doesn't detect any breathing for 20 seconds it sounds, apparently it has helped reduce cot death numbers. I think Angel Care have a sensor mat monitor on the market too with a room thermometer on it.

Question about infant movement/breathing sensors?


I just moved my 6-month old into her crib at night (she'd been in bed with us before that) and I'm a nervous wreck all night because I can't monitor her breathing.

I'm wondering about the infant movement sensors now and I want to know if it's worth it to purchase at this stage since my baby moves all over the place in her sleep. I place her at one end and by morning she's clear across the other end, curled up in the corner. Won't this set off the alarm all the time if she's not right on top of the sensor mat?

Please share your experiences and let me know if it works for your 6+ month old baby. Thanks!

The risk of SIDS at 6 months old has decreased so much. If your baby moves around a lot then no its not worth it. It might go off in the middle of night and freak you out. We have used ours since my son was about 2 months and I am thinking about putting it away since he can now roll in both directions.Yes it will set off the alarm.

Ours beeped last night like it was about to go off. It freaked me out I ran into the room and my son was clear across the crib. I just shut it off.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

What's the best baby monitor? I have trouble with static.?


We have the AngelCare monitor, but when it is on, we get terrible static. It may be interference with some Plantronics 900 mghz headseat phones we need for work. Is there a brand that works on a different frequency?

We use a 5.8ghz cordless phone rather then a baby monitor. It doesn't have the same problems that a baby monitor would since it's on a different frequency. Great reception, only problem is we can't use the telephone while monitoring.

What's the best baby monitor? I have trouble with static.?


We have the AngelCare monitor, but when it is on, we get terrible static. It may be interference with some Plantronics 900 mghz headseat phones we need for work. Is there a brand that works on a different frequency?

We use a 5.8ghz cordless phone rather then a baby monitor. It doesn't have the same problems that a baby monitor would since it's on a different frequency. Great reception, only problem is we can't use the telephone while monitoring.

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what's the best of the best babyphone / baby intercom / baby monitor thingy ?

Michael V

what's the best of the best babyphone / baby intercom / baby monitor thingy ? I've heard that I need to buy something with DECT and that there are also systems that monitor the baby's breathing etc... what's the top of the line system ?

I was also looking for a good baby monitor, and my husband and I wanted a combined video/audio one.

After much researching around and reading lots of reviews, we're going to get the:
Swann SW233-WDM VBM-330 Digital Video Baby Monitor
It costs about AUD$260.

These were our criteria for selection:
Audio - good microphone
Color video and reasonable screen size
No interference or use of multiple channels
Night vision (at least a few meters)
Thermometer a plus
Multiroom monitoring if possible
Portable receivers
Transmitter - non-battery powered
Motion sensor for stop of movement
Underwriters Labs mark for safety
No LED flahes on camera
No Auto-mute

The Swann model does not necessarily fulfil all the criteria, but the most important ones it does fulfill, and it fulfills the most of our criteria.

Hope that helps! P.S. Swann is very good in surveillance technology.

which cordless phone is better a 2.4 ghz or 5.8 ghz?


does one have a greater receiving distance from the base than the other


I would go with the Panasonic DECT 6.0...!

These channels are reserved exclusively for voice communication applications and therefore are less likely to experience interference from other wireless devices such as baby monitors and wireless networks. DECT devices made for use in the U.S. use the brand DECT 6.0 to distinguish them from both DECT devices used elsewhere and U.S. cordless equipment operating in the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands. The "6.0" is a version number (as in software), not a spectrum band; the term "6.0 GHz" for DECT 6.0 phones is incorrect, since it operates at 1.9 GHz.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Have you heard of this brand?


I am wanting to get a baby video monitor and the one I was interested in (Summer slim one) has so many bad reviews. I found one on ebay but I have never heard of the brand. Here is the link to the auction:
Has anyone heard of this brand? Or do you have one like this? If so, what would you say about it? Is it a good monitor?
Thank you!
Another question, what does 2.4GHz mean?

There is no name brand, wireless is very ambiguous. I'd be wary of those 2.4GHz, systems there is no mention of encryption of the signal to the base from the camera. Since anyone with a similar receiver can view the signal if it is indeed not encrypted in some way. You should ask the seller to confirm. Also if you have a cordless phone you should check if that runs on the same radio frequency. Because possible interference might occur. If you are willing you can spend a little bit more and if have a recent wireless router you can get a wireless network camera, such as this http://www.dlink.com/category/productcategories/?cid=7 Which would be encrypted signal, could view on a computer or smartphone, and even on the internet via a private website mydlink.com. I've purchase a D-Link network camera over 10 years ago for the very same reason, to monitor my baby. Now that my babys are no longer babys I still use it to monitor my home when I am away.

what connects to 2.4ghz and 5ghz on a network?


I have 3 smartphones in my home, 5 laptops, 2 ipads, and one smart vizeo tv.
I have a D-link DIR-850L Wireless router...
(The router is located in the family room, and most of the devices stay downstairs near the router, the smart tv is upstairs though....i don't know if this makes a difference)

What devices should be connected to the 2.4ghz and which devices should be connected to the 5ghz network..?

Thanks for any help! :)

It's incredible what people don't know about dual speed routers. You also want a "simultaneous" dual speed router so it will support both at the same time. Otherwise it will only run at the lower speed.
All 802.11b and g devices run on 2.4GHz only. That is also where a lot of your other devices run like Bluetooth, baby monitors etc.

5GHz is for 802.11n and has a higher speed and less interference. Great for video streaming & gaming. Nothing, repeat, NOTHING, can share both & "double the speed". No such animal.

Your router has no relationship to what your ISP uses.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

How do I set up my Mac's iCam to video my puppies while I'm at work?


I have 4 bottle babies I would like to monitor while I am at work to see what they are up to and I have an iMac with the iCam inside. Is there a way to set it up so I can view the puppies from my work computer?

You can download Orb for Mac here:
which will let you stream just about anything from your computer (including a webcam) to a browser, your phone, gaming console, etc.
As long as your work doesn't block it, you can get to the stream by logging into mycast.orb.com and opening the stream with your work computer's video player, like windows media player on windows.
If it is blocked and you have a capable phone, like an iPhone, BlackBerry, etc. you can watch it there.

Video baby monitor with ip capabilities?


Twin baby girls on the way and my wife and I are looking for a video baby monitor. I would happily throw down some more dough if they made a video baby monitor with ip capabilities so I can watch them at work. I would buy just a good ip camera but I cant find anything that can link a wireless handset to it. If there are any solutions without having both a monitor and then a separate camera please let me know. Thanks.
The ip setup isnt the big deal. The problem is that we'd like to set up a portable monitor (as seen with regular vid baby monitors) to use around the house. The home portable monitor would be the primary use, while the ip settings will be my selfish way to still be with all three of my girls =)~... Let me know if theres means to accomplish =) thanks.

I have heard of a friend-of-friend who uses the following setup as a dog monitor (to watch the dog from home via webcam) which might work for you:

1. wireless IP camera setup to view whatever you're after,
2. create a skype account to run at home,
3. set the skype account to use the IP camera for video calls and
4. set the skype account to auto-answer incoming video calls.

he can then video-call from his own skype account at work to the dog's account and see what's going on throughout the day. and the camera can be moved to a new location without moving the computer.

the catch is, you can't operate the panning of the IP camera via skype. if you need this, perhaps something like Team Viewer might be better - it's a remote desktop app free for non-commercial use, that will let you remote in to your home computer and access the IP camera controls that way (Team Viewer is REAL easy to use).

for your case, I suppose you'd want sound as well, so seek out an IP camera with mic (if you want to hear them) or with both mic and speakers (if you want them to hear you too).

**Edit** Oh, I see what you mean - you want a portable receiver unit with a screen to relay the video to. I had a poke around and came up with not alot.

I can find wireless cameras with receivers (usually 4 cams + 1 receiver) - ie. glorified baby monitors,
and I can find a couple of iPhone apps to receive a signal from an IP Camera (see links below), but no IP Camera portable receiver.

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what's the best type of baby monitor?


we're having our first baby and we're not sure of all the listening monitors out there, which one is best?

From my ConsumerReports.Org subscriptions:

Baby monitors
Baby monitors are an extra set of ears--and, in some cases, eyes--that allow you to keep tabs on your sleeping baby. There are two basic types: audio and video/audio. Both operate within a selected radio frequency band to send sound from the babyâs room to a receiver. Each monitor consists of a transmitter (child unit) and one or more receivers (parent units). Video/audio monitors have a small wall-mounted or tabletop camera to transmit images to a video monitor.

A baby monitorâs challenge is to transmit recognizable sound (and/or images) over a distance with minimal interference--static, buzzing, or irritating noise--from other electronic products and transmitters, including cordless phones that share the same frequency bands, cellular phones, appliances, and even fluorescent lights. Interference can also be hearing someone elseâs conversation, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to decipher the sounds coming from your monitor. Interference can also mean fuzzy reception in video monitors. Overall, interference is probably the biggest complaint parents have about baby monitors.


Feel free to skip this purchase. Some parents are reassured by the constant surveillance of a babyâs every whimper and movement. Others find it nerve-racking and feel like they have to be hypervigilant. Decide which category youâre in before you go shopping. A monitor isnât a must-have. If you live in a small house or apartment or want a break when your baby is sleeping--which is legitimate--itâs OK not to have one.

Consider your home and lifestyle. You may appreciate a monitor with both sound and lights, so you can âseeâ your babyâs cries. The louder he cries, the more lights light up. If youâll be taking business calls during naptime, for example, it can be helpful to turn the sound down low and rely on the lights. A video monitor can serve the same purpose, though we believe an audio monitor with lights can suffice. Similarly, if you live in a large house, you may want a monitor with two receivers rather than just one. In general, look for monitors with features that make it easy to move about, such as a compact parent unit that clips onto your belt. Try it on before buying, if possible; antennas have been known to poke the wearer.

Factor in your phone. To minimize the possibility of interference, choose a baby monitor that operates on a different frequency band from other wireless products in your home. A 2.4GHz cordless phone and a 2.4GHz monitor can interfere with each other. The 2.4GHz frequency band is widely used for cordless phones.

Consider digital if you have nearby neighbors with babies. If you want to be sure the sounds transmitted by your monitor are heard only by you and not by neighbors who might have a similar model (or a cordless phone using the same frequency band), go with a digital monitor, not an analog one. This will also ensure that the sounds you hear are coming from your baby and not the neighborâs. Analog monitors operate on a particular frequency band, much like a radio, sending signals from monitor to receiver in a straight shot. Digital monitors, on the other hand, encode the signal as it travels between the monitor and the receiver, making it nearly impossible for the sounds to be heard by others, and reduces the possibility of running into interference from other electronic devices. (Learn more about wireless interference.)

Learn the return policy. Before you buy or register for any wireless product, such as a baby monitor, be sure the store will let you return or exchange it, in case you canât get rid of interference problems. If you receive a monitor as a baby shower gift and know where it was purchased, try it before the retailerâs return period (usually 30 days) runs out.


The major brands of baby monitors, in alphabetical order, are: Evenflo (www.evenflo.com), Fisher-Price (www.fisher-price.com), Graco (www.gracobaby.com), Mobicam (www.getmobi.com), Philips (www.hearmybaby.com), Safety 1st (www.safety1st.com), Sony (www.sony.com), Summer Infant (www.summerinfant.com), The First Years (www.thefirstyears.com), and Unisar BébéSounds (www.bebesounds.com). Prices range from $15 to $200 for audio monitors, $100 to $200 for audio/video monitors. The higher the price, the more features and frills.


Among the models we tested, the digital baby monitors are top-rated. Short of DECT technology, thereâs no guarantee against interference with either digital or analog monitors, although digital monitors are less susceptible and more private. One digital model in particular, the Philips SCD 589, is loaded with features, and since it operates in the fairly lightly used, for now, 1.9GHZ frequency band, itâs unlikely to pick up interference. However, at $200, itâs pricey. (See our full report on this model.)

If you anticipate interference and want to spend less than $200, buy a less-pricey digital model thatâs not in the same frequency band as other wireless products in your home, and consider models with more than two channels. The other digital monitors we tested were very good: The Graco iMonitor ($90) has two parent units; a similar version with one parent unit is available for $60. The Summer Infant Secure Sounds ($50) is a good choice for privacy, though, like the Graco iMonitor, it has fewer frills than the Philips SCD 589. See our full monitor Ratings (available to
) for details.

We suggest avoiding the Evenflo WhisperConnect Sensa ($50). It has a Pet Sensor, which is designed to alert you to any unusual movement around your babyâs crib--a cat or other pet climbed in, say. That feature worked well, but you can easily keep pets away from the crib by closing the door to your babyâs room. In addition, we found that one of the three samples we tested had an annoying problem: The âout of rangeâ alarm would go off at random. This happened over and over again with that particular sample, and once or twice with one of the other two samples we tested.

The audio/video monitors we tested have small color screens, and unlike earlier models, reasonably good pictures. However, we found them to be susceptible to interference, particularly from microwave ovens in use. Some models, such as the MobiCam ($190), let you tape to a VCR or watch your monitor on the television set. But overall, we donât see much need for a video baby monitor.

Highest rated one was the Philips Digital SCD 589 for 200$, the next one right after that was the The First Years Digital for 50$.

what is the best baby monitor to buy?


I don't care about price. We would like one with video and sound...unless the video is of poor quality.

Although it does not have video, the Angelcare monitor is what I used for both my children.


It has a movement monitor that you slip under the mattress and sound monitor combined that is ULTRAsensitive. I was always scared that my babies would stop breathing during the night. I felt it was better than a video monitor since you can't sit in front of the video monitor 24/7, (and you certainly can't watch it while YOU are asleep,) but you will certainly hear the alarm on this monitor! Very reliable, gave me peace of mind and overall one of the best monitors I've ever owned.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

baby doesn't eat baby cereal any more?


what should i give her instead. i'm worried that she doesn't get the nutrients it has inside the cereal. i only I only give her in the mornings and evenings . meat and vegies noon and dinner time.

Infant cereal is junk food that no baby needs EVER. It is full of oils, and sugars, and chemicals to improve "mouth feel".

If you want your baby to get iron feed them foods rich in iron:
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Any green leafy veg

Meat is an important first food, cereal is not. Meat and meat substitutes contain iron and zinc in an easy to digest form. Infant cereal has only added iron that is hard to digest.

"Start with small amounts of high iron foods like iron-fortified infant cereal or well-cooked finely minced meat"

"First foods. During the transition to solid foods, it is vital that infants continue to ingest an adequate volume of breast milk or formula. Introduction of solid foods should be based on the physiologic and developmental maturity of the infant in combination with our understanding of nutrient requirements for the rapidly growing infant. Iron-containing foods are recommended as the first foods. The use of single foods makes it easier to identify the cause of an allergic reaction, were it to occur. In Canada, the most commonly used first food is iron-fortified infant cereal. Meat and alternatives are iron-containing foods that can also be introduced at this stage. The foods in this group include meats, fish, poultry, cooked egg yolks, and alternatives such as well-cooked legumes and tofu. Iron from meat sources is better absorbed than iron from non-meat sources."

"In addition, infants need lots of protein and cereal has a low protein-calorie ratio (even lower when mixed with water or fruit). Many experts (including LLL) suggest giving meat or other foods naturally rich in iron instead of foods with added iron. "

Although meat is considered an excellent source of iron, it has not always been perceived as a suitable first complementary food. Our perception of first foods has been strongly influenced by the marketing of fortified cereal-based foods, even though the iron absorbed from these foods is extremely low.

A recent study has confirmed that the consumption of highly refined and fortified cereal foods may not be the best way to maintain adequate iron status for infants. Researchers from the University of Colorado wanted to determine the nutritional efficacy and effect on infants of the consumption of either meat or iron-fortified infant cereal as their first complementary food. They randomized 84 exclusively breastfed infants at four months of age to receive either pureed beef or iron-fortified infant cereal as the first complementary food, starting after five months and continuing until seven months. In addition to anthropometrical and developmental data, the infants were monitored for zinc and iron status at nine months.

What they found:

1. Zinc intakes were greater for the meat group.

2. Head circumference was larger for the meat group.

3. Tolerance and acceptance was similar for the two groups.

4. Biochemical indicators were similar for both groups.

5. Motor and mental measurements did not differ between the two groups, but the meat group had a higher behaviour index."
"Cereal is not at all necessary, particularly the baby cereals. Regular (whole grain) oatmeal is more nutritious for your baby."

"The truth is, there is nothing special about these foods that makes them better to start out with. Babies don't actually even need rice cereal."

what do you think of the baby monitor on surmall.com?


now baby are getting better care with technology development,and here are a new version baby monitor,it has a fresh green apple style shape which is really attractive. With PIR motion alarm and sleep mode, you are easier to take care of your baby and get more relax time.

Its not a bad baby monitor, but I can recommend a better one.
See the link below:

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Video Monitoring systems?

Jeremy S

Anyone know of a good home monitoring system that i can you for my kids while they are sleeping? Anyone know or have used a monitoring system called Vue Zone? need help my son is having seizures at night and would like to be able to see him while he sleeps. let me know would like something that i can watch on my laptop and even my phone. if not that than the best baby monitor out there

I've never used Vue Zone but it costs around $300 and should be simple to set up.
I don't know how it performs at night.
I think since you are concerned about sleep, you may want a camera that is especially good at night.
You can get cameras that allow you to monitor from your cell phone.
I think Hawking Technologies HomeRemote Pro Wireless Video Camera with Night Vision should alow you to do that.

The best night vision cameras are ones with a low Lux rating. You want to see clearly what is happening.
I hope this helps.

Is Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System useful ?

Annie Dow

Samsung Wireless Video Security Monitoring System review from customers shows that this product is good. But before going to buy this, I would like to know whether this security monitoring system really useful or not. Where Can I buy this best price online ?

Expecting your valuable information in this regard.

Thanks in Advance

Hi Dear,

The Samsung wireless video monitor system is newly released and this one of the best baby monitor system available today. It is packed with so many good features. Some of them are night vision capability, digital zoom, color LCD screen, interference free reception, two way talk, remote monitoring from anywhere in the world, viewing the camera on your television, temperature senor and alarm, remote activated night light and remote music activation and so many. To know more about this system visit Amazon.com where you can buy Samsung wireless video monitor system best price online.

US buyers Visit : http://amzn.to/samsung-baby-monitor

UK buyers visit : http://amzn.to/samsung-baby-monitor-UK

Best wishes.

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Baby monitors & strangers?

Q. Ok so i just found out that strangers can see your baby if you have a video monitor!!!! U can change the channels and pick up other babies that are close by! CREEPY!!! There was a big thing about it on the news! They also hear everything! I read somwhere that if you have a DIGITAL video monitor you are safe and other people arnt able to see your baby! Does anyone know if this is true or not about the digital monitors? Id feel much safer having a video monitor on my baby so I can actually see her, but if a stranger can see her too ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!

As far as I know, as long as it's a closed circuit then you should be fine. So if it's connected with a cable, there's no picture being broadcast and no one but you would be able to see. But if it's a wire-less version someone could look if they have something that would pick up the signal. If I was going to do a video monitor like that I'd actually get a security camera and set it up like that. To me though, there was no reason to have a video monitor. The sound monitor worked fine. :)

Add: Considering the number of burglaries that happened a few years back from people copying the signal from garage door openers and using that to open them and get into the house, I dunno. A video monitor that shows a burglar when I'm with my baby and alone would worry me a bit. *shrugs* But that's just me. I've read the police monitors around here and there have been increases in burglaries that happen when the people are home.

For me, I can tell when my baby is crying and when she's talking or singing. I just listen to her voice.

Are plain, old baby monitors adequate?


I'm being a bit proactive and have decided to educate myself on all these baby gadgets. I had a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage, so even though I was only pregnant a short time, I remember how stressed I was trying to figure out all of this stuff.
So my question is... I thought baby monitors were a dime a dozen. Never knew there were motion sensors, 49 mhz and 900 mhz, video, laptop viewable, etc etc etc. The reviews saying how some mother's felt their babies lives were saved by the motion sensors got me into "paranoid-mommy-to-be" mode. When I was little, everyone had those Graco, lights when the baby makes noise versions. Does anyone find that these are perfectly adequate for their babies, or are the motion sensors/video models really a better choice? Keeping in mind that I'm trying to restrain myself from one day spending thousands of dollars on things a baby will use for a year. :)

Thank you!

I didn't use one - we live in an apartment, were never going to be that far from the baby, I'm skeptical about gagetry, and I had a sixth sense that alerted me whenever my little one had a hiccup in the next room.

If I'd had a big house I might have gotten a simple monitor, but I think a lot of these things are designed to separate you from your wallet ...and will surely rob you of more sleep than you can afford in general.

Just my $.02 - and I know how it feels to be prenatally paranoid. I'm sure I had plenty of my own issues although this wasn't one of mine. :)

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