Q. I'm on the fence with this one. I believe that no one has the right to say who can and cannot have kids, but at the same time I believe that there's too many people having kids that do not want them, are not good parents, are not responsible enough and so on. Would the test be before or after the child is born? Who would administer the test? Who would ensure people are taking it? What kinds of questions would be on it? What are your thoughts - is it unethical to require such testing?
A. No... BUT... We should start a MANDATORY class on Sexual Education, Child Development, & Child Psychology starting at the same age we give start the "Health Classes", which I believe is Grade 5.
There should be a MANDATORY AlaTeen Meeting at EVERY HIGH SCHOOL to help deal with the pandemic of abuse, addiction, molestation, mental illness, etc. (& no, just because it is based on the 12-Step Program doesn't make it a bible-thumping christian recruitment center. That's a myth spread by people that don't want to seek help for their addictions/mental illness to justify their refusal to seek treatment.)
Children that are being abused, be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, raised by addicts, abandoned by a parent, raised by mentally ill parent/s, etc. should be provided with MANDATORY mental health treatment so they don't grow up to repeat the cycle of chaos & abuse that jacked up their parents...
Children of sexual abuse should have a note put in some sort of permanent record that they need extra therapy & to be monitored because 60% of abused children commit either Peer on Peer sexual abuse or Adult on Child sexual abuse. Sexual molestation is the only crime that exponentially increases the numbers of victimizers. (Not to mention that we now KNOW how abuse in Childhood alters UR epigenome & dramatically increases UR risk for obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, mental illness, & severe addiction.)
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► Childhood Abuse May Increase Risk For Heart Attack, Stroke
► NOVA Science Now - Topic: The Epigenome: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3411/02.html
Streaming - BBC Horizon "The Ghost In UR Genes":
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Children born to Teenage Mothers should be given extra therapy & attention to make goddamned sure they don't make their half-tard baby-mamma's 35 year old grandmas... The pattern of behavior & family of origin is CLEAR CUT. The generational transmission of trauma causes children to grow up & repeat the same unhealthy behaviors of their parents.
The Government should subsidize Long Term Contraception starting at Puberty. The use of the Depo 3-Month Birth Control Shot has been documented to have drastically reduced the number of abortions & unwanted pregnancies in this country as well as in other areas of the world where women are 2nd class citizens & can be beaten for just asking her man to use a condom. Rwanda, Africa has a more advanced Female Reproductive Health Care System than the US does.
The patch, the shot, the ring, the implant... Just the fact that these girls won't be sh*tting out unwanted kids will pay the government back in full in a single generation because not only would welfare numbers go down, but CRIME would reduce because there won't be half as many abused kids acting out by going out & joining gangs, vandalizing property, stealing, mugging, etc. because when a Boy gets abused, they turn to crime & when a girl gets abused, she ends up pregnant at 14 & on the poll by 18. Just the long term reductions in prison population will repay ALL MONEY spent on therapy, education, & contraception.
Today, everyone believes that they are a special little snowflake... Utterly different than EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH. They believe that with a short background history, no 1 could EVER predict their behavior because "I'm Special".
Yet what do we do with animals? How many polar bears must be studied before we can predict the behavior of almost all polar bears? 200? With humans, we might have to study 400 but the results are the same... We can predict a person's behavior based upon their past, specifically their family of origin.
Addict mom or dad? U have a 50% chance of having inherited the genetics for addiction. An intoxicated parent is an abusive parent which sets U up to be attracted to victimizers, chaos, & addicts as partners in adult life & U'll have a hard time maintaining healthy intimate relationships because of how UR brain was hardwired as a child.
There should be a MANDATORY AlaTeen Meeting at EVERY HIGH SCHOOL to help deal with the pandemic of abuse, addiction, molestation, mental illness, etc. (& no, just because it is based on the 12-Step Program doesn't make it a bible-thumping christian recruitment center. That's a myth spread by people that don't want to seek help for their addictions/mental illness to justify their refusal to seek treatment.)
Children that are being abused, be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, raised by addicts, abandoned by a parent, raised by mentally ill parent/s, etc. should be provided with MANDATORY mental health treatment so they don't grow up to repeat the cycle of chaos & abuse that jacked up their parents...
Children of sexual abuse should have a note put in some sort of permanent record that they need extra therapy & to be monitored because 60% of abused children commit either Peer on Peer sexual abuse or Adult on Child sexual abuse. Sexual molestation is the only crime that exponentially increases the numbers of victimizers. (Not to mention that we now KNOW how abuse in Childhood alters UR epigenome & dramatically increases UR risk for obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, mental illness, & severe addiction.)
- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
► Childhood Abuse May Increase Risk For Heart Attack, Stroke
► NOVA Science Now - Topic: The Epigenome: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3411/02.html
Streaming - BBC Horizon "The Ghost In UR Genes":
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Children born to Teenage Mothers should be given extra therapy & attention to make goddamned sure they don't make their half-tard baby-mamma's 35 year old grandmas... The pattern of behavior & family of origin is CLEAR CUT. The generational transmission of trauma causes children to grow up & repeat the same unhealthy behaviors of their parents.
The Government should subsidize Long Term Contraception starting at Puberty. The use of the Depo 3-Month Birth Control Shot has been documented to have drastically reduced the number of abortions & unwanted pregnancies in this country as well as in other areas of the world where women are 2nd class citizens & can be beaten for just asking her man to use a condom. Rwanda, Africa has a more advanced Female Reproductive Health Care System than the US does.
The patch, the shot, the ring, the implant... Just the fact that these girls won't be sh*tting out unwanted kids will pay the government back in full in a single generation because not only would welfare numbers go down, but CRIME would reduce because there won't be half as many abused kids acting out by going out & joining gangs, vandalizing property, stealing, mugging, etc. because when a Boy gets abused, they turn to crime & when a girl gets abused, she ends up pregnant at 14 & on the poll by 18. Just the long term reductions in prison population will repay ALL MONEY spent on therapy, education, & contraception.
Today, everyone believes that they are a special little snowflake... Utterly different than EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH. They believe that with a short background history, no 1 could EVER predict their behavior because "I'm Special".
Yet what do we do with animals? How many polar bears must be studied before we can predict the behavior of almost all polar bears? 200? With humans, we might have to study 400 but the results are the same... We can predict a person's behavior based upon their past, specifically their family of origin.
Addict mom or dad? U have a 50% chance of having inherited the genetics for addiction. An intoxicated parent is an abusive parent which sets U up to be attracted to victimizers, chaos, & addicts as partners in adult life & U'll have a hard time maintaining healthy intimate relationships because of how UR brain was hardwired as a child.
Have you ever had a bad reaction to Paxil?
Q. I was taking Paxil 15mg for about three wks until I started to feel suicidal. I haven't gone back to the doctor since, but I am starting to feel the depression come back. Can anyone recommend another anti-depressant that has worked for them?
I'm not a young adult either, I'm in my 30's.
I'm not a young adult either, I'm in my 30's.
A. Actually, Paxil was probably one of the first drugs that was getting their company sued for inducing suicides before the black box wanring label on suicide. Call your physician ASAP. Not your psychiatrist. Get off that stuff.
Here's lots of testimony of people turning suicidal on that stuff
Do more research:
Some things you should know about antidepressants
-1 in 10 users get amazing results
-1 in 4 users get adverse effects
-The rest are neutrals and placebos
-More people want to commit suicide on the drug than on the sugar pill
-You need to be monitored. Its the most dangerous when you start, stop or change dosages
-Going cold turkey is the most dangerous thing a person could do
-you can't just stop whenever you want to
-Once you start taking the drug you'll always be under the influence of the drug. Even long after you quit.
-it can be hard to quit the drug
-Chemical imbalance is a THEORY that's been disproven. So the drugs aren't physiologically fixing anything its just chemically altering your state of mind. This is what they call mind-altering drug. It effects everything
-Any professional will tell you the drugs alone will not fix the problem.
There are alternatives and you can ask about them. Ultimately what will help you is a combination of things. Which is taking care of your body, regular exercise, good nutrition, regular sleep. Then the cognitive stuff, work out your issues, replace your unhealthy cycles with a positive one. Set rules, boundaries and limitations for every state of mind. Gain a healthy Relationship between you and anxiety and depression. The goal and cure is to move on.
The pills aren't THE way its one way. If it doesn't work for you or you don't like it you don't have to be a continual guinea pig for the drugs. Psychiatry isn't the only way. Its one way. If psychiatry doesn't work. There are alternatives.
If you watch this documentary about the industry you'll see testimony of psychiatrists, psychologists, users, drug reps, etc to gain a different perspective on this stuff. Not to say Psychiatry is awful but it does have its flaws that people need to watch out for in today's standard practice.
Acupuncture has gotten reviews for helping with anxiety.
"St. John's Wort as Effective as Zoloft"
"Duke University showed that exercise was more effective than Zoloft "
"research has confirmed that antidepressant drugs are no more effective than sugar pills."
" Dr. Friedman and Dr. Nierenberg acknowledged that the chemical imbalance theory of mental disorders was disproven long ago"
Everyone has different needs and everyone needs something different. But at the end of the day no matter what you choose. It's all you baby. Its your work and effort that's going to help you in the end.
Here's lots of testimony of people turning suicidal on that stuff
Do more research:
Some things you should know about antidepressants
-1 in 10 users get amazing results
-1 in 4 users get adverse effects
-The rest are neutrals and placebos
-More people want to commit suicide on the drug than on the sugar pill
-You need to be monitored. Its the most dangerous when you start, stop or change dosages
-Going cold turkey is the most dangerous thing a person could do
-you can't just stop whenever you want to
-Once you start taking the drug you'll always be under the influence of the drug. Even long after you quit.
-it can be hard to quit the drug
-Chemical imbalance is a THEORY that's been disproven. So the drugs aren't physiologically fixing anything its just chemically altering your state of mind. This is what they call mind-altering drug. It effects everything
-Any professional will tell you the drugs alone will not fix the problem.
There are alternatives and you can ask about them. Ultimately what will help you is a combination of things. Which is taking care of your body, regular exercise, good nutrition, regular sleep. Then the cognitive stuff, work out your issues, replace your unhealthy cycles with a positive one. Set rules, boundaries and limitations for every state of mind. Gain a healthy Relationship between you and anxiety and depression. The goal and cure is to move on.
The pills aren't THE way its one way. If it doesn't work for you or you don't like it you don't have to be a continual guinea pig for the drugs. Psychiatry isn't the only way. Its one way. If psychiatry doesn't work. There are alternatives.
If you watch this documentary about the industry you'll see testimony of psychiatrists, psychologists, users, drug reps, etc to gain a different perspective on this stuff. Not to say Psychiatry is awful but it does have its flaws that people need to watch out for in today's standard practice.
Acupuncture has gotten reviews for helping with anxiety.
"St. John's Wort as Effective as Zoloft"
"Duke University showed that exercise was more effective than Zoloft "
"research has confirmed that antidepressant drugs are no more effective than sugar pills."
" Dr. Friedman and Dr. Nierenberg acknowledged that the chemical imbalance theory of mental disorders was disproven long ago"
Everyone has different needs and everyone needs something different. But at the end of the day no matter what you choose. It's all you baby. Its your work and effort that's going to help you in the end.
Where can I find a transcript of this NBC News video?
Q. http://www.nbc.com/news-sports/msnbc-video/2011/08/dolphins-examined-to-assess-gulf-recovery/
Its not closed captioned so I need a transcript. I need it for a class project, so even if it were captioned I'd still need the transcript.
Its not closed captioned so I need a transcript. I need it for a class project, so even if it were captioned I'd still need the transcript.
A. Anchor: Finally tonight its been over a year since the awful slow motion sadness we all watched on that live underwater camera. The BP oil spill. There where a lot of promises about cleaning up that water, making life better for the marine life there. But what has the progress been like? The creatures that will help answer that question are the dolphins in the gulf. We went back to check on them in the waters of Barataria Bay in Louisiana. Our report tonight from our chief environmental affairs corespondent Ann Thompson.
Ann Thompson: Today a gleaming Barataria bay is a living laboratory for scientist determining the impact of the BP oil spill on Dolphins and the gulf.
Man on boat: This is one of the places which was heavily oiled and where there is some residual oil.
Ann Thompson: More than 400 dolphins have died since the spill. Including one found in Barataria this June with BP oil. But today the focus is on those who survived. Scientist corral the dolphin with a net lifting it on to the vessel "MegaMuff", a floating exam room. The dolphin is weighed and measured. Electrodes monitor heart and lung function. Under a hood one scientist checks internal organs with ultra sound while others take blood and blubber samples, looking for signs of trouble brought on by oil.
DR. Teri Rowles: Respiratory problems, Neurological problems, and some skin legions on some of those animals.
Ann Thompson: But the answers won't be known for months.
DR. Lori Schwacke: Its just like when go to the doctor, the doctor doesn't generally look at you and say your healthy or your not healthy it takes diagnostics to tell you anything.
Ann Thompson: working quickly, they try not to stress the dolphin. At the first sign of trouble its put back in the water.
Ann Thompson: This dolphin is pregnant and so the examination has to take place in the water. One of the things scientist are looking for is an answer is to why so many baby dolphins have died since the oil spill. And they're hoping this dolphin my help them find the answer.
Ann Thompson: Branded and Tagged with satellite and radio tracking devices the dolphins returned to the wild. Now partners in the quest to restore the gulf.
Ann Thompson, NBC News. Barataria Bay Louisiana.
Transcribed personally by me Its 97% accurate (excluding a possible grammar error) =)
Ann Thompson: Today a gleaming Barataria bay is a living laboratory for scientist determining the impact of the BP oil spill on Dolphins and the gulf.
Man on boat: This is one of the places which was heavily oiled and where there is some residual oil.
Ann Thompson: More than 400 dolphins have died since the spill. Including one found in Barataria this June with BP oil. But today the focus is on those who survived. Scientist corral the dolphin with a net lifting it on to the vessel "MegaMuff", a floating exam room. The dolphin is weighed and measured. Electrodes monitor heart and lung function. Under a hood one scientist checks internal organs with ultra sound while others take blood and blubber samples, looking for signs of trouble brought on by oil.
DR. Teri Rowles: Respiratory problems, Neurological problems, and some skin legions on some of those animals.
Ann Thompson: But the answers won't be known for months.
DR. Lori Schwacke: Its just like when go to the doctor, the doctor doesn't generally look at you and say your healthy or your not healthy it takes diagnostics to tell you anything.
Ann Thompson: working quickly, they try not to stress the dolphin. At the first sign of trouble its put back in the water.
Ann Thompson: This dolphin is pregnant and so the examination has to take place in the water. One of the things scientist are looking for is an answer is to why so many baby dolphins have died since the oil spill. And they're hoping this dolphin my help them find the answer.
Ann Thompson: Branded and Tagged with satellite and radio tracking devices the dolphins returned to the wild. Now partners in the quest to restore the gulf.
Ann Thompson, NBC News. Barataria Bay Louisiana.
Transcribed personally by me Its 97% accurate (excluding a possible grammar error) =)
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Title Post: Should we require testing for having kids in the USA?
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