Saturday, July 20, 2013

Shy Baby Goldfish Extra Words to Make 20 Characters?

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I just recently picked up a pair of baby goldfish, one is a 2" shubunkin and the other is a 1" fantail/shubunkin hybrid. Their final home is my 55 gallon 'goldfish' tank that currently houses my two fantail goldfish both of which are about 6-7 inches in length. The new goldfish are currently in a cycled half filled 20 gallon 'hospital tank' undergoing monitoring due to the fact they were gotten from a less than reputable breeder and I'm watching them for signs of illness.
I have never gotten goldfish this small (my smallest was about 2.5 inches and not NEARLY this skittish) or from this source before so I have a few questions. First off, these two little guys are VERY shy. They spend 90% of their time hiding however possible. I have some floating plants that I used in my tropical tank to protect fry that I've put into their tank to help them feel more secure but they are both still very skittish. I've had them about 3 days now and all they do is hide is this normal? Also, I have some tiny sinking pellets that will easily fit in their mouths. The only problem is I have yet to get them to eat anything. Again, is this normal?
I was wondering, would it be more beneficial to me to transfer them on a VERY temporary basis to a 3g to help not only monitor them but also hopefully help them find/eat their food? If that is a bad idea should/could I put them in the 55g with the other 2 goldfish? Would the larger goldfish pick on them? I would have to feed a mixture of the large and baby goldfish pellets but would being in a larger school like setting help put their little baby nerves at ease?

Someone suggested putting them in the 3g to feed then putting them back into the aquarium but I worry that would stress their poor tiny bodies even more. If I put them in the 3g it would be for a couple weeks till I was sure they were eating and not sick.

I do not recommend moving your goldfish to a smaller tank. Your 20 gallon is a perfect holding tank for their quarantine period. I would even consider using the 20 gallon to grow them up a bit before adding them into the 55. However, eventually once the new fish grow they may bully your fancy goldfish. It's commonly suggested that you shouldn't keep both comet-type goldfish in with fancies.

It's common for new fish to hide all the time and even to refuse food. Any animal is going to be very cautious in a new environment. Give them about a week to settle in. When you do feed them, try something like frozen bloodworms or krill. It's more tempting than a pellet.

A question about internet connection?


Because I'm currently staying in a hostel, I have to use a wireless internet connection, because my hostel does not have telephone lines. So I have two choices: A high-speed broadband connection (3G) and the wireless connection provided by the hostel. Because the 3G technology in my country is still not stable, I chose the hostel wireless connection. The thing is, after I registered for it, I am able to log on to the Internet, but it is very slow. My friend, which stays only two rooms away from me, enjoys a superfast connection although he uses the hostel connection. Thinking it was my computer's fault, I tried to log on in another location, not my friend's room, but in another block within the hostel area. It was much faster. I've already checked the Intel PROSet Wireless Software in my comp, the signal quality is excellent and the speed switches between 11.0 Mbps & 54.0 Mbps, the signal strength is very good. So what's the problem?

If the speed is switching between 54Mbps and 11Mbps, the signal quality is likely the issue. The wireless software may say "excellent", but don't go by that. If your location changes how fast your internet seems, its interference on the wireless. On some occasions, it is possibly to make wireless in a laptop work better by shutting off it's power saving option.

In Windows, right-click My Computer and select properties. Select the Hardware tab, click device manager. Find the Intel ProSet adapter under network adapters, right-click on it and select properties. Click the Advanced tab at the top and look for PowerSaveMode in the list and set it for OFF. This will use more power (battery in laptop won't last as long), but can make the wireless work better in some cases.

Also, make sure you are not near any 2.4Ghz cordless phones, Microwave Ovens, Baby Monitors, or anything else operating in the 2.4Ghz band as these will all cause problems.

Worst case - get a decent PCMCIA wireless card. hey usually have better antennas and more power than a built in wireless card.

Hope this helps.


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How do I know if I need a lamp for my baby chicks because my country is really hot!?

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Jacob W

I live in a very hot country and it is summer at the moment. It is really hot and humid and I don't really think I need a lamp for my baby chicks when they arrive. I am going to put them in a cardboard in my room and my room is even hotter because I have my computer running all day, a TV, playstation, laptop which are normally on all the time.
Would I need a lamp?

Even if it is hot during the day, it is often necessary to run a heat lamp at night when the temperature starts to drop. A brood pen needs to be kept at about 98 degrees during the first week of a chick's life, dropping by about 2 degrees each week after, until the pen temp is equal to the outside temp, or until the birds have grown their secondary feathers.

New chicks are very succeptible to drafts, chilling and temperature fluctuations. Their pen needs to be kept at a constant temperature or you risk killing them. If it's 80 degrees outside, they may still need a heat lamp placed at a safe distance to give additional heat. If the chicks were with their mother hen, they would still spend a considerable amount of time underneath her to keep warm. Young chicks can't regulate their own body temperature well until their adult feathers have started to come in.

The easiest way to monitor your brood pen temp is to place a reptile thermometer at the bottom of the pen. Check the temp regularly during the day - sunlight coming in through a window may be enough to alter the temp and possibly overheat your chicks. You might need to shut the lamp off for part of the day, then turn it back on as the sun changes position, or even run it all night.

I'd recommend getting a 250 watt red brood lamp and a reptile thermometer before your chicks arrive.

Remember that your chicks need a CONSTANT temperature, and the only way to guarantee that is by using an outside heat source.

Good luck and enjoy your peeps!

Can you recommend a baby monitor (preferably a video monitor) that works from very long distances?


We just moved into a new house where our master bedroom is completely on the opposite side of the house from our son's room. The moniter that we have now works only sporadically (most of the time it flashes "out of range"). I really need one that will work well! It probably doesn't help that our bedroom is converted from the old garage, so there are literally 2 brick walls between our room and our son's room. Please help! Thank you!

I have a Mobi and it works great in my house. My house isn't huge but I can be upstairs and my daughter's room is downstairs on the other side of the house and it is clear. During the day the pic is in color, but turns to black and white at night. The only static has been when we have it too close to our remote controls and cell phones. It will get fuzzy but we move the items and it is fine.

Not sure if it will work between brick walls, but I have been out in our garage on my treadmill and had no problem.

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Do I really need a baby monitor even if my baby will be in a room down the hall while I'm sleeping?

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My husband and I are fighting nonstop about a baby monitor, there are several couples on our street who have babies and who will around the time we will have ours. I feel we need to spend more on a monitor so we don't pick up other babies crying on ours, and he doesn't want to spend any extra money. Can any parents tell me will I wake up if I don't have a monitor close by? Help!

I don't use a monitor at night for my 4 month old, she has been in her own room since 1 month and I hear her just fine when she wakes up. We also have a fan on in our room as well as a sound machine in hers. My husband does not wake up when she cries but I do, I think it is just a mother's instinct, we are so in tune with our little ones! I do reccomend a monitor for when you need to be doing something outside and won't hear him/her or for peace of mind when you have company or are watching tv and might not here cries over every day noise.

What is the best video/audio monitor to buy?


I am looking to buy a video baby monitor through walmart. I am looking at the Graco iMonitor Baby Video Monitor, the Summer Infant 900 MHz 2.5" Color Handheld Video Monitor, and the MobiCam Ultra Wireless Color Video Monitor System. I have read reviews on all of them and have compared all of the features but still do not know which one would be best. Can anyone give me any input please? Thanks!!!!!!

Hi! Well since no one else answered your question I just thought to give some input from my experience. Perhaps you haven't yet had your baby? I was the very same way. I went out and planned every last product to put into my nursery: $200 bassinette, expensive travel system, breast pump set, sounds n lights baby monitor (fisher-price) etc. He won't sleep in the bassinette, the travel system is nice but the stroller that went with it is so big and bulky and so inconvenient and heavy to unload that I never us it. I used the breast pump only a few times because my milk didn't come in properly. The monitor is rarely used because I carry the baby with me everywhere in the house (in his carrier) but sometimes when I have the right batteries for it, I use it when I am outside visiting neighbors. I guess my point in saying all of this is that I think you should wait until the baby comes and you know for sure what will work for you and also you won't waste a lot of time and money on stuff that you regret and never use.

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what do you recommend, for a baby monitor?

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dont call me a troll just because of my question history, its a shared family account for the girls in the family. now to my question, do you recommend a video baby monitor, or just audio. i dont know anybody who has had a video monitor, but if you had one how did it work out for you? i feel like a video one would stress me out, like id be looking at it all the time, but an audio one, you can just keep it right next to you, and you dont even have to worry about a thing, youll just know. but then again, your baby would be safer witht the video and audio i guess? i dont know. i guess it just decreases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, (sids). but any opinions would be greatly appriciated.
it may reduce the risk of suffication or something of that nature

I used an audio monitor with my first baby. 2nd time round, I didn't bother with one, although I did leave bedroom and living room doors open, in case she awoke. Personally if you follow the Health visitors advice on safe sleeping positions etc, and have a well ventilated (but not cold) bed room for your baby/child, everything should be fine.

What is the best baby monitor on the market?


Was thinking audio-only, but am interested in the newer video systems as well.

I have tried a few, and I have found that Fisher Price monitors are the best. Both in terms of sound quality and longevity. I don't have the latest version but baby bargins book always gives good advice on purchases.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Does anyone know where to rent a fetal doppler where you don't need a physician's approval?

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I'm not anxious about anything. I think it would be a nice bonding experience to hear the baby's heart beat every once in a while. It's rude to just assume anything about me.

i bought a fetal heart listening monitor from mothercare which is really good u can hear the heart beat and baby moving and jumping around.

how much are the following from mothercare?


Baby monitor
Car seat
Push chair

Noah's Mommy & Marine Wife.
seriously i could have done that myself
HURAY you got it all in one !
and what the hell is ETA

mothercare, I dont really know what you mean But I will take a chance.

Bottles vary in prices in brands,,,,you can get 1.00 bottle at the dollar store...I prefer dr browns...they area about 11.00 for 3 bottles

Baby monitors vary in price too, but look at spending about 50.00

car seats also vary on average, look at spending for a combo set stoller and carseat 130.00

push chair I assume you mean stroller, they vary pending if you buy a combo

I dont know what a pram is.

a crib varys you can get a cheap on at walmart for, 125.00
or you can go with sears brand for 300.00

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Where can I buy a baby monitor for 2 different room?

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I have 2 babies and would like to find a baby monitor for both rooms in one. Is there such a thing? Someone help please!

Target, Walmart, Babies R Us

What is the best baby monitor out there?


Im going to be a first time mom & my baby's nursery is on a different floor in my house. Im looking for the best portable baby monitor, possibly a picture one. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I would go for a basic sound only monitor. When I was setting up my nursery we bought a motion and sound monitor. I found it to be useless for a new born as the baby was too small to set it off. It needed an adult or something bigger to set it off as it needed big movements (a hand waving in front of it.) I have one by fisher price that came with 2 speakers and the base. It is really good and picks up all sounds (it is so sensitive that it picks up the grand father clock chiming in the dinning room!) I love it. It only cost us about $80 from baby target.

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A friend and I are contemplating on making a small recording studio?

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in her closet. Its not that big and the only instrument we use is a guitar. What can we do to go the ball rolling, as in what equipment should we buy to record and make our sounds better and where can we get the cheapest prices.

Any ideas?

Since you are just starting out, you might want to start by trying to record using Audacity - Audacity is FREE down-loadable software that use to record record music on your computer. You will need to have at least one and maybe two microphones. I would suggest that you might start out with this microphone. - and get this wind screen for it - - You will also need to have microphone cable for the mic and an adapter so that the microphone will connect to your computer. This you can do for very little money and see how it works. If you can afford to invest more, you might consider buying a Pro Tools Recording Studio - - The software that comes with this product is better quality than the FREE software you can download. Pro Tools also comes with the M-Audio USB interface to your computer which has a built in music quality sound card so, the quality of the sound you get when you record will be much better. You can still use the same microphone to start. Eventually you may want to purchase a better microphone and mic stands and a good set of speakers to listen to your music.

That's really all you need to get started. I'm a songwriter and I play guitar, bass and keyboard and I write and record all of my own music using Pro Tools LE a more advanced system like this one -

With my system, I can record broadcast quality music that I can write out to a CD or MP3 and I can actually get local radio stations to play my music and even sell the music on iTunes or or CD Baby. You will be able to create CDs and MP3s with either of those less expensive systems too. But, the quality of the sound will not be broadcast quality. But, you will be able to learn how to use the recording software and perhaps write some of your own music and when you're ready later on, perhaps you will want to purchase a more expensive Pro Tools LE system.

How to Get the Information you need to protect your children from product recalls?


You should try Recalls Plus, a free iPhone app that enables busy parents to proactively monitor recalls of their children's products like strollers, cribs, baby formula, and car seats for greater safety and peace of mind, check it out:

If you don't have an iphone, there is also a Facebook app:

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When playing a pc game, my monitor looses signal?

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Bobesko B

When I start to play a game, after like 10 or 20 minutes I loose monitor signal. I have Vista ultimate, quad core 9400, GF 9800 gtx+, 4 gigs of Ram. My monitor is Samsung t240HD. I have newest drivers installed from Nvidia web page and also my GPU is not overheating it has about 65 celsius while playing newest games.

Try adjusting your CPU probably there. With things like that its impossible for those babies to be disrupted while playing. Try adjusting your CPU-Monitor connection wires. Its probably there

Can I link a wireless webcam to my galaxy s3?


Im thinking with video baby monitors at $130+ dollars is it possible to have a wireless webcam link up to my phone (galaxy s3)?

Here is the support site, they will be able to help you,

Here is the eMail address,

How to Take Screenshots on Samsung Galaxy Tab

I enjoy this forum and enjoy helping when I can.

Good luck...

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Can you feed a guinea pig apple juice?

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John S

I was wondering, because it might be a good treat for him and a good source of vitamin C. The apple juice I buy is pure apple juice from concentrate.

Apple juice itself, is not a good idea. But you can give your guinea pig a SMALL piece of apple about once every two weeks. They do like fruit, and it is a treat for guinea pigs. But fruit is very high in sugars, and that is fattening to your pigger.

However, if you monitor their diet very carefully, you can sneak in a treat every so often.

If you have any more questions about guinea pigs, I belong to this forum called, "GUINEA PIG ADDICTION FORUM," and we discuss things like these. We also talk about other pets, besides guinea pigs. We offer each other support, advice, and we learn proper care of guinea pigs. We also have fun too! You should come, and check it out. We are rescue friendly, but we do not believe in breeding. Why breed, when so many animals are in shelters, looking for good homes. If you agree with this, and wanna come check us out, we are, "GUINEA PIG ADDICTION FORUM, " and we are at Tell them Baby's Mom invited you.

How hard is taking care of a bunny?


I want to get a baby bunny, but know absolutely nothing about how to raise one. Any help? =)

Like children, bunnies will overeat if given the chance. Don't give your rabbit unlimited pellets. He needs only 1/4 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of body weight each day. Look for high-fiber content (18% minimum) and low protein content (14% maximum) pellets, and avoid "mixes" that contain dried fruit, nuts, seeds, or beans. It is also very important to give your rabbit unlimited amounts of timothy, oat, or grass hay. Hay aids in digestion and is the most important part of the bunny's diet. Alfalfa hay is too high in protein for adult rabbits; do not offer it to bunnies over 6 months old.

Rabbits should also get a large handful of fresh, leafy greens each day. Add one new vegetable to his diet at a time, and eliminate it if it causes soft stools or diarrhea. Water can be given to your bunny in either a water bottle or a heavy crock. Whichever you use, change the water daily and remember to clean the container once a week.

Bunnies often act hungry, even when they're not. Remember, overfeeding leads to obesity! Treats should not be fed more than once a day, and may include a small piece of carrot, a slice of apple or pear, a few raisins, or a one-inch slice of banana. Never feed your bunny cookies, crackers, meats, cooked or fried foods, peelings, or spoiled greens.

Rabbits produce both fecal droppings (small, round, dry poops) and cecal pills (soft, partially formed droppings that may appear to be clustered). The rabbit must eat the cecal pills to complete the digestive process. Rabbits who stop eating, or who do not eat their cecal pills, should be seen immediately by a knowledgeable veterinarian.
All pet rabbits should have a safe haven within the human home, to protect them from the elements, predators, insects, and illness. Rabbits are often kept outside in hutches like livestock, but these bunnies do not thrive in isolation. They quickly become bored, depressed, and overweight.

Rabbits can live safely inside a human home if the right precautions have been taken. The bunny should have a cage or other area all to himself, where his food, water, and litterbox are located; but he should also be allowed to interact with the family and explore his surroundings when supervised. Mornings and evenings are active times when the rabbit is most likely to want to exercise. At night, he can go back in his cage.

A bunny's cage should be as large as possible, with room for the rabbit to rest, move around, and sit up on his hind feet. It should also be large enough to accommodate a litter box. If the cage comes with a wire floor, it should be covered with a board, mat, or carpet remnant. Bare wire flooring can lead to a painful condition called sore hocks.

Rabbits also need toys for exercise and mental stimulation. Try providing your bunny with pine cones, newspapers, cardboard tubes, untreated straw baskets, plastic slinkies, or hard plastic baby keys. Chewing on these items will also help wear down his teeth, which grow throughout his life. Do not give him chewable rubber or soft plastic items.

Rabbit-proofing your house is absolutely essential, both for your bunny's safety and for your own mental well-being. Electrical cords, wires, magazines left out on tables, and even the buttons on the television remote control can easily be mistaken for chewable toys! Remove tempting items from your bunny's reach, and cover all electrical cords with shower curtain covers, plastic tubes, or wire covers (see our bunny proofing page). If there are too many temptations, doorway baby gates are perfect for blocking off access altogether.

If you choose to let your bunny play outside, he must be supervised at all times and restricted from areas that might contain pesticides, poisonous plants, or untrained animals. A well-trained family pet such as a dog or a cat might eventually be a fine companion for your bunny, but monitor their behavior around each other at first. Also keep an eye your bunny when he is around young children. Very young children might try to pick up the bunny, and the bunny will likely nip, scratch, or kick out of fear (rabbits usually dislike being held, but love to be petted around the ears and the top of the head).Rabbits are very clean animals; it is neither necessary nor advisable to bathe them (bathing can be very stressful and send them into shock). If your rabbit contracts fleas from other household pets, use a flea comb or kitten flea powder. Never use flea dip or a flea collar.

Rabbits do not need vaccines or most other types of routine care, but a healthy rabbit should be checked annually. It is important to take your rabbit to a veterinarian who is experienced in working with rabbits. Rabbits are considered to be an "exotic" species, and not all vets have the necessary background to treat them properly. The Sacramento House Rabbit Society maintains a list of rabbit-savvy vets; call (916) 863-9690 to find one near you.

Symptoms of a rabbit health emergency can include not eati

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

When is it the best time to buy a baby heart monitor?

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I am 5 in a half weeks a long and I have been told you can hear a baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks along. But some say it's very faint. When is the best time to buy one?

It can be very hard to hear so early. I am at 13 weeks and just a couple of wks ago (so like 11 wks along) I was at my midwives and we still couldnt hear the HB. But I had heard it back in mid dec when I had my first ultrasound. Next time I go in (end of this month) we should FINALLY be able to hear it with the doppler. So dont get to bummed or frustrated if you cant hear it yet with the use of a doppler (normal way to hear it) I wouldnt buy any monitor yet. And talk to your dr, they can offer some advice in that area. My midwife says that its best to get one of the home dopplers or use a stethoscope for listening but not anything that creates sound waves like an ultrasound because too much use can be harmful to the baby, which some of those monitors use. I have a stethoscope from work but I dont figure ill be able to hear with that for a few more weeks or even longer. But I will def be doing something about hearing the heartbeat at home so I can keep track of the baby daily...or HOURLY lol! ;)

How often can you listen to a babys heartbeat (while pregnant) without causing harm?


I bought one of those "baby heartbeat monitor"s (like the doctors have) and we asked the doctor if it would do any harm to the baby or my daughter and he said no. But we just got it today and already, we have listened to the heartbeat like 4 times for various family members. Is that too much?

nope, it shouldnt hurt the baby at all, so listen your little heart out ! it wont hurt you or baby. its awesome to hear the little heartbeat and know that theres a little one inside of you <3<3

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What did you do or what are you currently doing?

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Did you/do you use a baby monitor with the baby in the other room at night...or did/does your baby sleep in your room?

Do you think any either of those are a bad choice?

My son slept in our room with us until he was reliably sleeping through the night. After that we moved him into his own room across the hall. I wanted to keep him as close to me as possible when he was waking up often at night so that I wouldn't have to walk as far to get him and put him back to bed. Lazy, I know, but practical. He slept in his bassinet at the foot of my bed, which meant I didn't even have to get out of bed to tend to him. I just don't see any joy in getting out of bed, walking around the house, getting baby, putting baby back, and walking back to bed when you have to do it several times a night.

We moved him into his own room across the hall, left both doors open, and I made certain the baby monitor was positioned close to my head so that I would hear him. I don't know what I was thinking, but we didn't need the baby monitor at all. I mean, he was only 20-30 feet away with both doors open. When he cried, I heard him. Even in our larger home now, I can hear him cry across the house with both of our bedroom doors shut.

No, I don't think either choices are inherently bad. I do think that co-sleeping, done properly, is the safest option for a newborn since it prevents SIDS. It also helps babies sleep better.

How do you lay down a baby when he begins to learn how to roll?

Summer I

To prevent him from rolling onto his stomach?
Yeah; I'm asking to prevent SIDS. Also, I do have one of those SecureSleepers...the cushion w/ raised sides. But he's already out growing it.
Also, he's only 3 weeks old and he's already showing signs that he will be rolling soon.

As others have said, if he rolls on his own, let him. If you are still worried, be sure that he is no longer sleeping in a bassinet and that if he rolls to the side of the bed that there is no heavy material that may be suffocating. Crib bumpers look cute and are supposed to help keep babies from getting stuck in the bars, but they have been known to be a factor in crib death also. a playpen is handy when baby is first beginning to roll because the sides are mesh and allow free airflow if he ends up laying with his face against the side. While rolling does often mean baby should awake if he isn't getting enough oxygen, it is not always true. Often the lack of oxygen causes them to sleep more deeply and therefore, they do not wake and adjust as they should. 2 of my 4 were in SIDS monitors for almost the whole 1st year so I understand your apprehension. If you ever need any reassurance that what you are doing is correct, contact your local SIDS office or got to this web site:
Here they have a link at the top that will help you find other resources and you may be able to find a center in your area. Good luck with your little one!

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Has anyone use tenvis ip camera as baby monitor?

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Has any one use tenvis ip cameras as baby monitor? I bought one from amazon, and it looks nice and works with my iPhone. Now my little baby is coming, I need a baby monitor, and the tenvis camera may be useful. Can you provide me some instructions? thanks

Answer for information, forum, customer support.
The beauty of the Internet and Google searches in particular is that you can find almost anything all by yourself.

whats a good wallet friendly baby monitor camera and sound that can be viewed from phone threw wifi?


I want to be able to view threw phone and still have a monitor at home with little or no monthly fees to view online is there such a system?

You can check Foscam ip/network cameras. It works over wifi (wireless) or with cable to your internet connection router. It costs around 80 dollars I think... Some models have 2 way voice, too... With night vision and everything... You can even change the camera direction remotely from your phone or computer... It's not easy to setup initially (the user manual was horrible when I bought it 6 months ago), but once it's done - no problems... I have 2 of them at home.

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How should i take care of my baby Western Painted Turtles?

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I have two baby Western Painted turtles. What should be doing to keep them healthy.

Paints actually only get to about ten inches...

The rule of thumb posted by one poster is correct... however, a 50 gallon tank is a decent size for a SINGLE adult Paint. Since you have two, you'll want a minimum 75 gallon to give your turtles enough space. There's really no need to buy 100 gallon tank.

You need a submerged heater to keep the water at about 80 degrees, and a floating thermometer to monitor it.

Give them a nice habitat to live in... with plenty of artificial plants floating around to hide in, and something to lay on or under on the bottom of the tank-- like a rock cave, maybe or log.

They also need a dock to bask on with a heat lamp over it-- the lamp should maintain about 90 degrees. The lamp doesn't need to be on 24/7. I turn mine on for several hours a day-- some keep the lamps on all day and only switch them off at night. Either way is fine, so long as the turtles get some basking time each day.

For their diet, I recommend Repto Min floating sticks. You can get this at pretty much any pet store. Feed them the sticks once a a day, and and another food source once a day. Try fresh lettuce greens like romaine, kale, or mustard greens. Cherry tomatoes are great, too. And though adult turtles are primarily herbivore, the occasional meat is great in their diet. Mine get worms once a week and shrimp once a week. Try night crawlers, crickets, ghost shrimp, guppies, or shad. Also, the occasional cray fish.

I am thinking about getting a bearded dragon, how much would all the accessories cost?


I've been researching bearded dragons these last couple weeks and I am interested in getting one. I am an experienced pet owner when it comes to raising reptiles. I have raised snakes, turtles, and tortoises and am considering getting a baby bearded dragon soon. I want to set his tank up before i get him, any ideas on how much it would all cost?

First of all, you need this website:

You will learn everything you need there.

Secondly, DO NOT LISTEN TO ADVICE FROM THE PET STORE!! They don't know squat about caring for exotics, so make sure you know everything you need before you go, and don't let them talk you out of something you know to be true. That's why you need the above website!

Here is a basic list:

20g tank minimum. You'll need at least a 40g breeder when he's grown, so you may want to go ahead and get the bigger one. You can block off part of it if he seems intimidated by the size.
Craigslist is a great place to find cheap tanks.

Solid substrate for the bottom - Repticarpet, paper towels, non-adhesive shelf liner, or my favorite, tiles. Tiles are great. You only have to buy them once. They are super easy to clean and disinfect. They come in a lot of colors and styles so you can customize your look. They also help keep beardie's nails filed down. Sand, especially calcium sand, or any other particle substrate poses an impaction risk and should not be used for a dragon under one year old. And then washed childrens playsand is the only safe option. Please consider these cons about sand before you make a final decision, though.

*possible impaction risk
*have to keep buying it
*hard to dump out for tank cleaning
*impossible to disinfect (it's important to disinfect any surface your dragon has pooped on because they do carry salmonella)
**Absorbs moisture from poop, so that fecal bacteria is left behind even after you scoop out the solid waste. You dragon walks through this fecal matter and spreads it about his cage. He ends up living in what is basically a litter box.
**The left behind fecal bacteria can cause an increased risk of parasites

You can go real cheap here, pennies for paper towels or less than $10 for tiles.

Thermometer - A temp gun or digital indoor/outdoor therm with a probe on a wire. The stick on type are useless, and it's important that you accurately monitor your temps. The probe goes directly on the basking spot, and this temp should be 100-110. The cool side should stay around 80.
Wal Mart sells the Acurite Digital Weather Station for $12. It is an indoor/outdoor therm with the probe and works perfect for this application.

Heat bulb and fixture - Lowes and Wal Mart both have metal dome work light fixtures. These work great. The bulb can be just a regular household bulb. You might need to try different wattages to see which one gives you the temps you need. Usually a 75W or 100W will do.
Bulb <$1, Fixure: $10

UVB bulb and fixture - AVOID THE COMPACT COIL. Linear fluorescents provide the best UVB (besides MVB bulbs, but you can learn about that on and REPTISUN 10.0 (not ReptiGLO) is the best fluor bulb on the US market. You can get the fixture at Lowes or Wal Mart for a reasonable price. Make sure the fixture does not have a glass or plastic shield over the light. Glass and plastic both completely filter UVB. The bulbs are way cheaper if you order them online from somewhere like Pet Mountain.
Bulb: $30-$60 depending on which type you get. The fluor needs to be replaced ever 6 months and the MVB just once a year so the yearly costs are about the same.
Fixture: 24" fluor fixture at Wal Mart for $8, or the work light fixture for MVB for $10.

Then you'll want some cage furniture, a basking rock or log, a hide if you like (although a hide isn't really necessary), some fake greenery to make it pretty. You might want to consider something to enclose 3 sides of your tank. Some beardies freak out about all the visibility, but some don't seem to notice. I used fake bamboo blinds to do this and it looked great.

You'll need a plan for your live feeders. Again, way cheaper to buy in bulk online than a few at a time at the pet store (and healthier too, no doubt). A 20 qt or bigger plastic tub does nicely. Cut a hole in the lid and hot glue or duct tape some screen on top for ventilation. You can learn all you need about caring for your crix at, and you can also learn about other feeders.

Here's a good website to tell you which veggies are good for your dragon:

Okay, just as important, I will give you a list of things NOT to get, no matter what the pet store tells you!

*calcium sand
*crushed walnut shells
*any substrate that has particles
*stick on thermometers
*crickets bigger than the space between his eyes
*compact coil UVB bulbs
*heat pad
*blue or red night light

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Has anyone use tenvis ip camera as baby monitor?

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 on High-Quality Baby Monitor with Wireless IP Camera / Best for Your ...
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Has any one use tenvis ip cameras as baby monitor? I bought one from amazon, and it looks nice and works with my iPhone. Now my little baby is coming, I need a baby monitor, and the tenvis camera may be useful. Can you provide me some instructions? thanks

Answer for information, forum, customer support.
The beauty of the Internet and Google searches in particular is that you can find almost anything all by yourself.

whats a good wallet friendly baby monitor camera and sound that can be viewed from phone threw wifi?


I want to be able to view threw phone and still have a monitor at home with little or no monthly fees to view online is there such a system?

You can check Foscam ip/network cameras. It works over wifi (wireless) or with cable to your internet connection router. It costs around 80 dollars I think... Some models have 2 way voice, too... With night vision and everything... You can even change the camera direction remotely from your phone or computer... It's not easy to setup initially (the user manual was horrible when I bought it 6 months ago), but once it's done - no problems... I have 2 of them at home.

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What are the best baby monitors?

best baby monitor under �50
 on ... TDV450 Digital Video Monitor Review | Best Baby Monitor Reviews UK
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I am looking for a new baby monitor and I need one for under $50. If its digital/video I can spend under $100. If you have any suggestions on good ones it would be so helpful!! thanks!

Ours cost us close to $100.00, but I absolutely loved it. We had the Angel Care Monitor, it had an alarm on it to let us know if our daughter stopped breathing. After 10 seconds of no movement, a quick beep would go off. If no movement for 20 seconds the complete alarm would go off. It was absolutely wonderful. I was able to sleep so much better knowing that an alarm would go off if my daughter stopped breathing at night while I was sleeping..

Whats the best baby monitor under 50 bucks?

Sweetest S

We are hoping to find one that will work well in my 2 bedroom apartment that's not fuzzy. We just recently purchased a safety 1st monitor from walmart and its horrible! I couldn't imagine sleeping with all the fuzz.

I think i have the same one as the women above BUT i don't really recommend it. MOst of the times it's great but sometimes it's horrible. I think it catches signal from cell phones or even computers because even BEFORE my phone sounds off when i receive a text message the monitor makes a fuzzy light beeping noise. I actually still like it thought because it came with 2 portable monitors and the one to put in your baby's room has a night light that you can leave on or turn off. I paid $30 for it. Here it is:

I would assume that the newer Fisher Price monitor but the one that comes with only 1 works better, this one:

Also the lights light up red when there's sound and that's what i liked the most about it! When i thought i heard something i would just wait to see the red lights and that's how i knew if it was my son or not.

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Monday, July 15, 2013

What kind of diet is for Gestational Diabetes?

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 on Baby monitors
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I think I have the worst doctor. He told me today I have gestational diabetes and asked the nurse to give me some dietary education, but then everyone disappeared and I didn't get any education at all. I've never had this before and have no clue what to do! All they told me was that diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise.... but no info on the kind of diet. we're going into a holiday weekend so I know I won't get any appointments with dieticians or specialists until next week or the week after at the earliest. Meanwhile, do you guys have any suggestions of simple foods to eat/diets to follow? Am I supposed to avoid sugar totally?
P.S. I am so angry at my doctor, and feel really guilty about having diabetes. Any suggestions on how to cope would be great!

Here are some general guidelines:

⢠Eat a variety of foods, distributing calories and carbohydrates evenly throughout the day. Make sure both your meals and your snacks are balanced. The American Diabetes Association recommends that you eat three small-to-moderate-sized meals and two to four snacks every day, including an after-dinner snack. Although your meal plan may contain fewer carbs than you normally eat, complex carbohydrates should continue to provide most of your calories.

⢠Don't skip meals. Be consistent about when you eat them and the amount of food you eat at each one. Your blood sugar will remain more stable if your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day.

⢠Eat a good breakfast. Your blood glucose levels are most likely to be out of whack in the morning. To keep your level in a healthy range, you may have to limit carbohydrates (breads, cereal, fruit, and milk), boost your protein intake, and possibly avoid fruit and juice altogether.

⢠Include high-fiber foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and dried peas, beans, and legumes. These foods are broken down and absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates, which may help keep your blood sugar levels from going too high after meals.

⢠Limit your intake of foods and beverages that contain simple sugars such as soda, fruit juice, flavored teas, and most desserts â or avoid them altogether. These foods can quickly elevate your blood sugar. Ask your healthcare practitioner about using foods sweetened with an artificial sweetener if you need a sweet fix.

⢠Milk is high in lactose, a simple sugar, so if you drink more than two or three glasses a day, you may need to limit the amount you drink and find an alternative source of calcium. If you're looking for a new beverage of choice, try club soda with a squeeze of lemon or orange, or unsweetened decaffeinated iced tea.

Moderately increasing your activity level is also a good way to help keep your blood glucose levels at normal levels. Again, speak with your diabetes educator or practitioner about the right amount and intensity of exercise for you.

I really think you should see another doctor if possible. Gestational diabets can be very serious to you and your baby. I had gestational with my last son. My doctor sent me home with a glucose monitor (which you should REALLY have) and had a dieticain come to my house to go over a personalized diet plan for me. I also had to test my glucose 4 times a day and call it in to the doctors office (of corse it was automatied, but at least they kept CLOSE watch on my results) and test my urine once a day int he mornings. I think you are very justified in feeling angry. This is nothing you did and this is your baby and you are just trying to care for it!! Please find someone who cares about your baby as much as you do....or at least acts like it!! lol I wish you the best!! good luck to you and your baby!! :)

Websites for tips on trying to conceive?

Q. Does anyone know of any websites with tips and helpful tools on trying to conceive?

I'm going to give you a few websites that cover different aspects of conception.
All have good articles and topics on trying to conceive.

When ttc I would suggest charting your bbt (basal body temp)- a website that does it all for you is:

I would also suggest buying some if the CBE home ovulation tests with a smily face as a result or the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor depending on how long you've been trying. They both would help you detect when you are ovulating and have helped me figure out when I need to use the next product to make the conception process alot easier.

A really good product to use when ttc is preseed when you are ovulating. You can read more about it at
It basically helps the sperm get where they need to go alot easier. Alot of women swear by this product and you can read about that and many other things on: - Love this website!!!

Good Luck and lots of baby wishes to you! Happy Holidays!

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At what age should a newborn begin sleeping in the nursery?

best baby monitor sids
 on Prevent SIDS With Miriams Choice Of Best Baby Monitors
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My daughter is 8 days old and has been sleeping in a bassinet beside our bed. How long should she sleep in the bassinet in the master bedroom before she can begin to sleep in the nursery? In case it matters, the nursery is across the hall from the master bedroom on the second floor of my house and we have baby monitoring video/audio equipment and we have the pads that prevent her from rolling over onto her stomach.

The people who are answering (so far) are giving you their opinions. But the AAP safe sleep guidelines (SIDS prevention) recommend that a baby be in the parents' room for 6 months or more. This is so that she can monitor your (more mature) sleep patterns. It as nothing to do with 'safety equipment" which can not substitute for a parents' presence.

What did you do or what are you currently doing?


Did you/do you use a baby monitor with the baby in the other room at night...or did/does your baby sleep in your room?

Do you think any either of those are a bad choice?

My son slept in our room with us until he was reliably sleeping through the night. After that we moved him into his own room across the hall. I wanted to keep him as close to me as possible when he was waking up often at night so that I wouldn't have to walk as far to get him and put him back to bed. Lazy, I know, but practical. He slept in his bassinet at the foot of my bed, which meant I didn't even have to get out of bed to tend to him. I just don't see any joy in getting out of bed, walking around the house, getting baby, putting baby back, and walking back to bed when you have to do it several times a night.

We moved him into his own room across the hall, left both doors open, and I made certain the baby monitor was positioned close to my head so that I would hear him. I don't know what I was thinking, but we didn't need the baby monitor at all. I mean, he was only 20-30 feet away with both doors open. When he cried, I heard him. Even in our larger home now, I can hear him cry across the house with both of our bedroom doors shut.

No, I don't think either choices are inherently bad. I do think that co-sleeping, done properly, is the safest option for a newborn since it prevents SIDS. It also helps babies sleep better.

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