Q. I walk allot and i am constantly moving and doing stuff. I barely eat for I have barley anytime to with a new born. I dont want to spend hundreds of dollars for I just had baby and diapers and formula dont come cheap? Help please?
A. Here you go: This is from my own experience and what has worked for me. I have laid it all out for you so that others may have the success I have.
The perfect way to loose weight and monitor your progress is to use a calorie counter on a daily basis while you diet.
Energy In/Energy Out
Food Intake: 1,200 Per Day
One Pound equals 3,500 Calories
To loose one pound per day, You need to burn your food intake plus your one pound of fat
1,200 (intake) + 3,500 (Outtake) = 4,700 Calories Burn
You must burn at least 4,700 Calories everyday to loose one pound at least. It is very easy to go up and beyond 4,700 calories each day.
Best way to do this is to track your progress on a calorie counter monitor watch. If you do it by the numbers you can loose the weight. It is just a matter of changing the way you think about weight loss.
Once you start wearing your calorie counter you can see the numbers increase and you fill find yourself doing extra things in your day, like tapping your foot while waiting at the light in your car, chewing gum, singing out loud and so on onto of your workout routines. You begin to see that everything you do in your day contributes to the overall numbers needed to loose that pound.
Water Intake/Less Storage
Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 to 80 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.
Good Food
My favorite things to eat:
Avocado Wraps
Simple: Low Carb Tortilla, Half Avocado sliced, alpha sprouts, lettuce, soy bacon...Just wrap it up and eat. You can vary the things you put inside so long as you keep it to approx 4 or 5 items. You want to make sure they are fresh, low calorie and filling. Avocado and mushrooms can replace meats in your meal and still have great taste.
Special K Cereals are fantastic. They have that sweetness that one craves and is so good for you. Calories are low. Great for even just dinner.
First thing in the morning...A Glass of Chocolate Milk. Yup!! Chocolate Milk. We all crave that "got to have" item in the morning. Milk is the best thing you can have for yourself while working out. The chocolate (and you can use Carnation Instant Milk for this but I simply use Nestle dry mix) will give you that sweet "snack" that you need. If you give your body a little bit of it and its in a control way, you will not crave sweets and junk the rest of the day.
Lean Cuisines
Fantastic food! Each meal is approx 180 t0 380 calories per box. So think about your calories. 1,200...You can still have several of these meals a day and still be under your intake requirements.
It�s all about the numbers and watching what you take in and what you burn out. And you know what..If you go over your 1,200 mark for food intake...that�s okay...you simple up your total calories burned for the day by what you took it. So long as you burn off the over all calories to be more than your food intake. Just make sure you stick too it so you can reach your weight loss goals.
Fruits and Veggies
All you want on the schedule listed below.
Bananas are my favorite. They are very filling and can make a meal all on their own.
My favorite is ONE A DAY WITH ENERGY...I am in love with this vitamin because I am just like everyone else who loves those quick fix energy drinks. But what people do not realize is that energy drinks can contain 120 to 440 calories in just ONE Can. If you think about it..That is HALF of your allowed calories for food intake. The best alternative I have found is One a day with energy vitamin. Easy to spot, it is packaged in a green label bottle. Just One vitamin a day will give you as much energy as approx. 1 1/2 cans of red bull...WITHOUT the calorie intake.
WoW..now your making progress already because you have made more room in your intake calories for actual healthy food.
Carbonation is terrible for your system because it bloats your stomach. And when your stomach bloats, your jeans just don't fit. You can drop one pant size simply by NOT drinking any carbonated drinks all together..Take away the bloat and you have instantly just made it one pant size lower. Besides, Sodas dehydrate you and with that One a Day Vitamin, you won't need the Caffeine in the soda and it will also cut out those extra calories that you don't need.
So remove that soda and the energy drinks and just think how much calories you just instantly removed from your daily intake. I normally consume what...four sodas and two energy drinks in one day...that is a total of .... 900 calories. Of what??? Nothing...Those are horrible calories and calories that can be replaced by food which will fuel your body for your day and your workouts.
Your Body
Your body is like a computer. You must program your body to do what it is suppose to do so it won't crash and leave you with a virus. Your stomach is only the size of your fist. So think about it right now, Look at your hand and close your fist. Not very big is it. That is how much food you actually ONLY need to eat, each time you eat for every meal. If you eat anything more than that, you will stretch out your stomach which causes overeating and overweight.
What you need to do is eat every three hours, approx 5 to 7 times everyday around the same time. If you are always giving your body healthy and better food choices (the size of your fist) every three hours, your body will know you are giving it food. It will use that food properly. It will not go into starvation mode or store food away for later because it knows...it will get more in three hours. So what does your body do...it flushes everything out of your system because it doesn't need it.. Now it knows...you wont' forget about it and that food is on its way.
Walking Buddy
This is the best thing especially for woman. Get a walking buddy. One hour everyday. Just think about how much talking, venting and laughing two woman can do together while walking and yup, you guessed it...it just burns more calories and reduces your stress. You now are more relaxed because you can talk and free yourself of whatever is frustrating you while getting into shape.
By: My own experience/rivasj27
The perfect way to loose weight and monitor your progress is to use a calorie counter on a daily basis while you diet.
Energy In/Energy Out
Food Intake: 1,200 Per Day
One Pound equals 3,500 Calories
To loose one pound per day, You need to burn your food intake plus your one pound of fat
1,200 (intake) + 3,500 (Outtake) = 4,700 Calories Burn
You must burn at least 4,700 Calories everyday to loose one pound at least. It is very easy to go up and beyond 4,700 calories each day.
Best way to do this is to track your progress on a calorie counter monitor watch. If you do it by the numbers you can loose the weight. It is just a matter of changing the way you think about weight loss.
Once you start wearing your calorie counter you can see the numbers increase and you fill find yourself doing extra things in your day, like tapping your foot while waiting at the light in your car, chewing gum, singing out loud and so on onto of your workout routines. You begin to see that everything you do in your day contributes to the overall numbers needed to loose that pound.
Water Intake/Less Storage
Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 to 80 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.
Good Food
My favorite things to eat:
Avocado Wraps
Simple: Low Carb Tortilla, Half Avocado sliced, alpha sprouts, lettuce, soy bacon...Just wrap it up and eat. You can vary the things you put inside so long as you keep it to approx 4 or 5 items. You want to make sure they are fresh, low calorie and filling. Avocado and mushrooms can replace meats in your meal and still have great taste.
Special K Cereals are fantastic. They have that sweetness that one craves and is so good for you. Calories are low. Great for even just dinner.
First thing in the morning...A Glass of Chocolate Milk. Yup!! Chocolate Milk. We all crave that "got to have" item in the morning. Milk is the best thing you can have for yourself while working out. The chocolate (and you can use Carnation Instant Milk for this but I simply use Nestle dry mix) will give you that sweet "snack" that you need. If you give your body a little bit of it and its in a control way, you will not crave sweets and junk the rest of the day.
Lean Cuisines
Fantastic food! Each meal is approx 180 t0 380 calories per box. So think about your calories. 1,200...You can still have several of these meals a day and still be under your intake requirements.
It�s all about the numbers and watching what you take in and what you burn out. And you know what..If you go over your 1,200 mark for food intake...that�s okay...you simple up your total calories burned for the day by what you took it. So long as you burn off the over all calories to be more than your food intake. Just make sure you stick too it so you can reach your weight loss goals.
Fruits and Veggies
All you want on the schedule listed below.
Bananas are my favorite. They are very filling and can make a meal all on their own.
My favorite is ONE A DAY WITH ENERGY...I am in love with this vitamin because I am just like everyone else who loves those quick fix energy drinks. But what people do not realize is that energy drinks can contain 120 to 440 calories in just ONE Can. If you think about it..That is HALF of your allowed calories for food intake. The best alternative I have found is One a day with energy vitamin. Easy to spot, it is packaged in a green label bottle. Just One vitamin a day will give you as much energy as approx. 1 1/2 cans of red bull...WITHOUT the calorie intake.
WoW..now your making progress already because you have made more room in your intake calories for actual healthy food.
Carbonation is terrible for your system because it bloats your stomach. And when your stomach bloats, your jeans just don't fit. You can drop one pant size simply by NOT drinking any carbonated drinks all together..Take away the bloat and you have instantly just made it one pant size lower. Besides, Sodas dehydrate you and with that One a Day Vitamin, you won't need the Caffeine in the soda and it will also cut out those extra calories that you don't need.
So remove that soda and the energy drinks and just think how much calories you just instantly removed from your daily intake. I normally consume what...four sodas and two energy drinks in one day...that is a total of .... 900 calories. Of what??? Nothing...Those are horrible calories and calories that can be replaced by food which will fuel your body for your day and your workouts.
Your Body
Your body is like a computer. You must program your body to do what it is suppose to do so it won't crash and leave you with a virus. Your stomach is only the size of your fist. So think about it right now, Look at your hand and close your fist. Not very big is it. That is how much food you actually ONLY need to eat, each time you eat for every meal. If you eat anything more than that, you will stretch out your stomach which causes overeating and overweight.
What you need to do is eat every three hours, approx 5 to 7 times everyday around the same time. If you are always giving your body healthy and better food choices (the size of your fist) every three hours, your body will know you are giving it food. It will use that food properly. It will not go into starvation mode or store food away for later because it knows...it will get more in three hours. So what does your body do...it flushes everything out of your system because it doesn't need it.. Now it knows...you wont' forget about it and that food is on its way.
Walking Buddy
This is the best thing especially for woman. Get a walking buddy. One hour everyday. Just think about how much talking, venting and laughing two woman can do together while walking and yup, you guessed it...it just burns more calories and reduces your stress. You now are more relaxed because you can talk and free yourself of whatever is frustrating you while getting into shape.
By: My own experience/rivasj27
What is a good age to move a baby to his own room?
Q. My baby is 11weeks and still drinks every 3hours at night, is he really hungry or just waking out of being used to it?How will I know?Because every thing I read says he should be able to sleep atleast from midnight till 5 or 6. I dont know if he is just snacking because he drinks 8 times a day between 75 and 100ml.
A. not really sure on the age to move a baby to his own room as my boy was in his own room right from the start and was fine, so i guess my answer would be now. id give it a go. we slept so much better with him in another room. he also dropped the 2 middle of the night feeds at about 9 weeks. the way we went about this was when he woke up at his usual times we would wait about 5 - 10 minutes and let him cry to see if he would go back to sleep. when we found that he did go back to sleep we realised he was just waking out of habit. try dropping one feed at a time. at this age they should be able to do it. it will probably take a few nights of letting him cry it out before he finally gets it, but if you stick it out it should work. as for the amount he drinks, my boy was doing 6 feeds a day of 125 - 150 mls, 3 hrly. 1st feed at 6.30am, last feed at 9.30pm. if you try increasing his day feeds he may find it easier to sleep through the night. good luck, its always hard to try dropping a feed but you may find he does it easier than you think. its worth the couple days of toughing it out. hope this helps
oh also, if the babys room is next to yours like ours is, we found we didn't need a monitor, you can hear them pretty well. i tried the monitor for a few nights but it just made me anxious and couldnt sleep very well. he's now 5 months and doing fine.if its not next to yours a monitor is probably a good idea.
oh also, if the babys room is next to yours like ours is, we found we didn't need a monitor, you can hear them pretty well. i tried the monitor for a few nights but it just made me anxious and couldnt sleep very well. he's now 5 months and doing fine.if its not next to yours a monitor is probably a good idea.
Where can you find prices for artificial insemination into a donor egg?
Q. My friends are a lesbian couple trying to conceive and one of the women wants to literally give birth to the other's baby by artificially inseminating and implanting her partner's egg into her womb.
A. Wow... that is so cool!! :) I would contact a reproductive endocrinologist. He/she will be able to answer any and all questions related to this. I know one cycle of IVF costs between $12,000-$15,000... not sure how much that cost would go up with the addition of the other person into the mix. Great idea though. Good luck to your friends! :)
Here is some info from a fertility clinic in MN... not sure where you live and this is for an anonymous donor, but it gives an idea anyway. The web site is www.ivf-minnesota.com.
Donor Egg - Program Costs
Anonymous Donor Egg Costs
The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Advanced Reproductive Technologies uses a package price for an anonymous donor egg cycle. This price includes $4000 for the donor reimbursement, as well as donor screening costs, donor monitoring during the cycle, donor egg retrieval, laboratory costs, and anesthesia for the retrieval. It also includes recipient monitoring and cycle coordinating and the embryo transfer.
Package Price $17,975
Additional costs include donor stimulation medications and recipient medications.
Estimated cost $3500
Possible additional charges:
Freezing of Embryos - $825 (Includes first 6 months storage)
Annual storage fee for frozen embryos - $550
Donor sperm - approximately $150-265/vial
Here is some info from a fertility clinic in MN... not sure where you live and this is for an anonymous donor, but it gives an idea anyway. The web site is www.ivf-minnesota.com.
Donor Egg - Program Costs
Anonymous Donor Egg Costs
The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Advanced Reproductive Technologies uses a package price for an anonymous donor egg cycle. This price includes $4000 for the donor reimbursement, as well as donor screening costs, donor monitoring during the cycle, donor egg retrieval, laboratory costs, and anesthesia for the retrieval. It also includes recipient monitoring and cycle coordinating and the embryo transfer.
Package Price $17,975
Additional costs include donor stimulation medications and recipient medications.
Estimated cost $3500
Possible additional charges:
Freezing of Embryos - $825 (Includes first 6 months storage)
Annual storage fee for frozen embryos - $550
Donor sperm - approximately $150-265/vial
what is the quickest way to tone up a post-pregnancy tummy?
Q. i had my beautiful little girl on april 29 of this year. so yea, she is goin on 5 mo already!!! (dam they grow up soooo fast!) but anyways...i was wondering what the quickest and easiest way to lose the post-pregnancy/baby tummy...or at least tone it up i should say...im tired of not being able to wear tight fitting shirts because i have that little bit of flab wanting to make itself very noticeable. lol! any help would be great! thanks!
WoW!!! that was fast! thanks..i will try what u said. i want to get down at least 2 pant sizes. and i also want to get rid of my flab. to be a size 2 and have 3 kids...thats great! i weigh 168 now. ide love to get down to at least 130. but thanks for the bit of info. ill c how well it works for me.
WoW!!! that was fast! thanks..i will try what u said. i want to get down at least 2 pant sizes. and i also want to get rid of my flab. to be a size 2 and have 3 kids...thats great! i weigh 168 now. ide love to get down to at least 130. but thanks for the bit of info. ill c how well it works for me.
A. Okay...I only started five Mondays ago and All I do is walk one hour every morning. I wear a calorie counter monitor to loose weight by the numbers. I have already lost two pant size and 27 pounds. I am a woman and have three kids and this is the method I use when I gain weight.. I am now at a size two and everyone is always amazed that I have had three kids. This is what I do below when I throw on a few extra pounds. It always works..No diet pills, no energy drinks..just me walking and getting the water I need. Of course I watch what I eat and the Lean Cuisine meals are great for that since the calories per box are 180 to 380 per box. Just make sure you eat healthy every three to four hours so your body will perform at its max.
Here it is:
Helpful Tips for weight loss:
1)A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watch
Keep to a 1,200 food intake
Add 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) ...and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn't seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.
I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 127
2) Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.
Here it is:
Helpful Tips for weight loss:
1)A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watch
Keep to a 1,200 food intake
Add 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) ...and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn't seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.
I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 127
2) Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.
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Title Post: I just had a baby and want to loose the weight for a vacation that is in 2 months?
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