Saturday, October 5, 2013

How do you keep your toddler in the bed? After the crib...?

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HELP ME PLEASE. I am about to go crazy, my 20 month old wants to sleep with me every night, and I don't want her in my bed. She kicks me in the head with her feet, and I want her to sleep on her own, without 'mama". She has only been doing this since i got rid of her crib (huge mistake) , then put her into a toddler bed. Well, I saw that wasn't going to work, and since I sold the crib, I got out our playpen. She has slept in that a month before she realized how to climb out of it. GEZ! So that's gone, I didn't want her to hurt herself. So the toddler bed it back and I can't even get her to lay down in it at naptime without being really firm and giving her a "pop" on the behind. I am not hurting her, she has pants on, I am trying to get her to understand that I am not playing. I don't like making her cry, and I want bedtime to be a good experience. If you have any ideas that might help, please tell me! With her being so young, I'm not sure what to do. Thanks!
She is under 2 years old, she won't be 2 until July.
She also starts off in her bed every night, then wakes up between 11:00-2:00 am and crys for me and thats when she wants to get in my bed. EVERY night.

Fyi- I keep getting negative ratings, but my ideas work and they work fast. I have read several books on bedtime routines for toddlers and I'm passing along the advice given by experts. My son was in a twin size bed at his first birthday. Bedtime is not an issue in my home. I also always receive compliments from complete strangers regarding my sons behavior. His teachers tell me that he is the most well-behaved 3 year old in his class. If you love your child, you need to give them guidance and discipline, along with lots of love and hugs and kisses and reassurance.

Kids need to learn to sleep in their own beds. The Family bed is almost a guarantee for eventual divorce. Your bed should be a place where you and your husband connect, not you and your children.
I suggest that you get those Child Safety door knob locks. Put one on her door, inside her room. She wont be able to get out and come in your bed. Have a baby monitor on so you can hear her. Maybe get a video monitor so you can see when she is out of bed.
When you put her in bed, don't lay down with her. Give her hugs and kisses. Sing to her or read her a story. Make a routine that you follow every night. My son falls asleep to soft lullaby music. Tell her that if she gets out of bed, she's going to get a spanking. (But if you threaten it, you have to follow through with the punishment) It will take some time, but she'll catch on eventually. She needs to learn that when she goes into that bed it's time to go to sleep.
Since you allowed her into your bed, you have to fix the problem you created. Its not her fault that she wants to keep sleeping with you. You just need to put your foot down.
Do not put a tV in her room. She is too little to have her own tv. And you don't want her to become dependant on visual stimulation to help her fall asleep. I recommend soft lullaby music. TV's are proven to help cause childhood obeisity. Music is linked with intelligence.

what small lizard 'pairs' would do well in a 30gal glass aquarium?

chad morro

have a 30gal terrerium setup with planted cacti and other plants. also will be adding a small goldengate bonsai tree. i already have most of what i need to house lizards. not a question abou what i need but what lizards do well in pairs in this sized enclosure. ive researched geckos do well but any other ideas, maybe something a little more 'exotic'...

I'm not sure why the guy who suggested crested geckos or chameleons got so many low ratings as his was one of the better answers. It depends on what your setup is right now. Since you said you have cacti, I assume that means a desert setup, but some people use cacti in normal tanks as well. To be frank, cacti don't do very well in moist temperature areas, hence why they aren't found there, so if you want to use them, it will turn into a desert tank, which limits you to lizards such as Leopard Geckos, Fat-Tailed Geckos, Pictus Geckos, Juvenile Bearded Dragons (which must be upgraded as they grow), smaller skink species, and potentially smaller tortoises or turtles.

If you're using other plants as well and wouldn't mind removing the cacti, that opens you up to the more arboreal geckos, which are usually cooler, more colorful, and more "exotic." Any pair of gecko save for Leachinus can reside in the 30 gallon (Leachies being the largest gecko in the world). If you've never had some, I do suggest that a) you go with an easier one and b) you buy from a breeder who can sex them. The first part is because geckos are expensive. Aside from Cresteds, which can actually go into the 300 range on a regular basis, only Tokay and Flying geckos are very cheap. Day Geckos usually go for around $50 and there are cheaper ones, but for some reason, these cheap ones are also harder to care for as they are smaller and more delicate. Tokays are hardy and on the larger end of the spectrum. Flying are smaller, but cool looking and good hunters. The second part is because if you buy two babies and both turn out to be males, then you have to buy another cage or return one (usually not an option) or else they will beat each other up to death. In terms of geckos, here are some suggestions: Crested Gecko, Gargoyle Gecko, Day Gecko, Flying Gecko, Tokay Gecko, Bribon's Gecko.

I guess ultimately it depends on what kind of tank it is. If it's a long tank, only terrestrial geckos or lizards which generally don't climb would be better. If it's a tall tank, arboreal lizards and geckos are preferable to make better use of space. Anoles, long-tailed lizards, fence lizards, and several lacertas are the most common lizards out there which work in this sized tank, but they're not very exotic and often hard to find except in poor quality Petcos.

In case someone makes these suggestions, definitely DO NOT go with these: Water Dragons (adults), Iguanas (adults), Chameleons (unless your cage is full mesh), Bearded Dragons (adults), Monitors, Uromastyx

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Title Post: How do you keep your toddler in the bed? After the crib...?
Rating: 96% based on 987 ratings. 4,3 user reviews.
Author: Unknown

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