Q. What procedures, devices, and/or medications were used in the past? Like, were there lots of stillbirths and miscarriages in the stone age?
A. Yes, the rate of death during childbirth was a lot higher in the past. On the other hand, though, modern medicine has made childbirth more difficult, rather than easier. It's been moved away from a natural process that can occur on its own, to something that must be medically monitored - and thereby customized to what the doctors (traditionally male) believe is the best way to do things.
Examples: laying on the back is a very bad way to deliver a child. It suits a hospital gurney, but that position actually puts a bend in the birth canal that makes childbirth a lot harder for the mother. Another example is the episiotomy - where the birth canal is cut to allow "easier" passage of the child. It's cut at a point where the tissue has evolved to tear - natural tearing causes less trauma and heals quicker than having a doctor cut the tissue.
So, yes, childbirth was much more dangerous in some ways, but not as much as you'd think. Qualified midwives were able to guide the process - a process that nature has made fairly "automatic." In that light, most of the tools used in the past were the midwives' own hands. Some herbs may have helped dull the pain (much of which actually comes from the mother trying to deliver a child on her back). All in all, it's a self-guided process, and requires a minimum of outside interference.
I don't buy into medical (or "big pharma") conspiracies, but in this case, the dangers of childbirth have been greatly exaggerated by doctors (again, I stress *male* doctors), and turned into an industry. If unaided childbirth was so difficult, we never would have survived the stone age.
Examples: laying on the back is a very bad way to deliver a child. It suits a hospital gurney, but that position actually puts a bend in the birth canal that makes childbirth a lot harder for the mother. Another example is the episiotomy - where the birth canal is cut to allow "easier" passage of the child. It's cut at a point where the tissue has evolved to tear - natural tearing causes less trauma and heals quicker than having a doctor cut the tissue.
So, yes, childbirth was much more dangerous in some ways, but not as much as you'd think. Qualified midwives were able to guide the process - a process that nature has made fairly "automatic." In that light, most of the tools used in the past were the midwives' own hands. Some herbs may have helped dull the pain (much of which actually comes from the mother trying to deliver a child on her back). All in all, it's a self-guided process, and requires a minimum of outside interference.
I don't buy into medical (or "big pharma") conspiracies, but in this case, the dangers of childbirth have been greatly exaggerated by doctors (again, I stress *male* doctors), and turned into an industry. If unaided childbirth was so difficult, we never would have survived the stone age.
How to have a drug free labor?
Q. I have had epidurals with my past deliveries but they have never worked 100% with me. I'd rather do without the epidural this time around.
So, I'm wondering how you ladies got through labor without getting any pain medication? What helped you ease your labor pains?
So, I'm wondering how you ladies got through labor without getting any pain medication? What helped you ease your labor pains?
A. Its all about creating the right environment. The best way to minimize the pain and help release your endorphins and oxytocin during labour and birth is to be around people who you feel relaxed and comfortable around and who are really going to support you through labour and encourage you. Also having minimal interruptions, dim lights etc. Anything that is going to help you relax as much as possible and not tense up as this can follow into the "FEAR-TENSION-PAIN" cycle which makes your body produce chemicals that change the way your body works, that in turn triggers the �flight or fight� mechanism. This causes your uterus to continue working with less oxygen, the body tries to stop labour (thinking there is danger), and the muscles begin to work out of sequence, which causes unnecessary pain.
If you are birthing in a hospital be prepared to say no to many hospital procedures as many will just follow cascade of intervention. Some good things to opt out on are ....
# Having a routine IV when you get there, it is better for you to eat and drink by yourself during labour.
# Avoid induction unless there is a REAL medical reason OR if you are 14 days overdue.
# Too many vaginal exams which can cause you to tense up and be painful, only have a vaginal exam when really needed or at your own request.
# Being strapped to the fetal monitor which is unnecessary and should not be used routinely (intervention rate was 6% before the strap fetal monitor was invented until about 10 years later it sky rocketed to 23% due to too many false alarms-OPT FOR HAND HELD DOPPLER)
# Only push once you feel the urge (unless you've had an epidural) and NOT after you have been told you are 10cm and youre being told to push, this can prolong pushing as your body still may not be completely ready which can cause things like exhaustion, fetal distress or prolonged pushing which midwives/doctors will be wanting to do assistance after a certain time of pushing
# No pitocin to speed labour along if labour isn't progressing how they would like, instead ask for some more alone time or try and get away, maybe have a shower with your partner
\# Find a Midwife/Obstetrician who will support your choices
# Hire an experienced Birth Attendant/Doula
# Write a birth plan-here is a good link for one, there is a copy at the bottom http://bellybelly.com.au/articles/birth/birth-plan-can-you-plan-birth
Birthing your baby will be made much easier if you firstly surrender to your body � it knows what to do. Prepare yourself while you are pregnant to help you relax as much as possible during labour, clarify anything you are unsure about beforehand, surround yourself with people who speak positively about the impending birth and talk to your partner and your baby about the feelings you are experiencing. When the day comes, try to remain as calm as possible and focus on the practice you�ve done to prepare yourself for a beautiful labour experience
Also using things like TENS machine can help, water is a big thing that helps many women, especially tubs, massage/pressure, being active during birth and changing different positions, heat packs and having your baby in the best position for birth by following optimal fetal positioning
A MUST read for anyone who wants to be informed about birth or who wants natural birth is "Ina Mays Guide to CHildbirth", it is a MUST MUST MUST read, i cannot comment how much i love this book. It is my bible. Also PLEASE don't be turned off by the name because its not really what its about but the dvd called "Orgasmic Birth" is totally amazing and will help you get into that right mind set for a natural birth. It is EXCELLENT!. Please please please, if you have the spare cash i highly recommend you buy this. It is not about orgasmic birth, it is about natural birth and how it can be ecstatic and enjoyable with minimal pain, with major health people like midwives talking about the whole process on how you can help your body do this for yourself and your baby.
If you are birthing in a hospital be prepared to say no to many hospital procedures as many will just follow cascade of intervention. Some good things to opt out on are ....
# Having a routine IV when you get there, it is better for you to eat and drink by yourself during labour.
# Avoid induction unless there is a REAL medical reason OR if you are 14 days overdue.
# Too many vaginal exams which can cause you to tense up and be painful, only have a vaginal exam when really needed or at your own request.
# Being strapped to the fetal monitor which is unnecessary and should not be used routinely (intervention rate was 6% before the strap fetal monitor was invented until about 10 years later it sky rocketed to 23% due to too many false alarms-OPT FOR HAND HELD DOPPLER)
# Only push once you feel the urge (unless you've had an epidural) and NOT after you have been told you are 10cm and youre being told to push, this can prolong pushing as your body still may not be completely ready which can cause things like exhaustion, fetal distress or prolonged pushing which midwives/doctors will be wanting to do assistance after a certain time of pushing
# No pitocin to speed labour along if labour isn't progressing how they would like, instead ask for some more alone time or try and get away, maybe have a shower with your partner
\# Find a Midwife/Obstetrician who will support your choices
# Hire an experienced Birth Attendant/Doula
# Write a birth plan-here is a good link for one, there is a copy at the bottom http://bellybelly.com.au/articles/birth/birth-plan-can-you-plan-birth
Birthing your baby will be made much easier if you firstly surrender to your body � it knows what to do. Prepare yourself while you are pregnant to help you relax as much as possible during labour, clarify anything you are unsure about beforehand, surround yourself with people who speak positively about the impending birth and talk to your partner and your baby about the feelings you are experiencing. When the day comes, try to remain as calm as possible and focus on the practice you�ve done to prepare yourself for a beautiful labour experience
Also using things like TENS machine can help, water is a big thing that helps many women, especially tubs, massage/pressure, being active during birth and changing different positions, heat packs and having your baby in the best position for birth by following optimal fetal positioning
A MUST read for anyone who wants to be informed about birth or who wants natural birth is "Ina Mays Guide to CHildbirth", it is a MUST MUST MUST read, i cannot comment how much i love this book. It is my bible. Also PLEASE don't be turned off by the name because its not really what its about but the dvd called "Orgasmic Birth" is totally amazing and will help you get into that right mind set for a natural birth. It is EXCELLENT!. Please please please, if you have the spare cash i highly recommend you buy this. It is not about orgasmic birth, it is about natural birth and how it can be ecstatic and enjoyable with minimal pain, with major health people like midwives talking about the whole process on how you can help your body do this for yourself and your baby.
what is the best way to moniter ovulation?
Q. i really want to start moniter ovulation.. but not really sure where to start?
any advice would be great.
I normaly get my period the 4th or 5th of every month and it last about 6 days
any advice would be great.
I normaly get my period the 4th or 5th of every month and it last about 6 days
A. Well, if you'd like to be obsessive like I am, there are SEVERAL ways to monitor ovulation.
First of all, you can monitor your cervical mucus. There are several stages of cervical mucus, and each one is increasingly more fertile. You start out dry/sticky, then move to creamy, then watery, then egg white (the most fertile...signals ovulation). I will give you a website that has some great information about this.
You can also chart your BBT (basal body temp). You can get a BB thermometer at any drugstore or online (again I will give you a website). I'm new at this, but this is a good way to know when you ovulated (not upcoming ovulation). If you are regular, it's a good prediction of when you will ovulate.
Ovulation predictor kits are awesome. The digital ones (Clear Blue Easy Digital) are the easiest to use, but can get expensive. You usually start testing around day 8 or 9 of your cycle, and continue testing until you get a positive result. The positive result is about a 24-36 hour heads up of ovulation. I used the digital ones for my first cycle, then went to cheaper ones I buy online.
There are also fertility monitors.....they are expensive, but great for women w/irregular cycles, or just obsessive ones. The point of those is to give you a longer fertile window (instead of just the 24-36 hour notice). They monitor your LH surge like OPKs, but also monitor estrogen levels.
Ok, those are all the methods I use. Some women actually get ovulation cramps, which is another heads up. Fertility Friend is a fantastic website, where you can set up a free ovulation calendar, and find all kinds of helpful information (I recommend the 20 email lesson series). Essential Conception Guide is an awesome website created by Kirstyn Sierra. She fills it with very detailed videos....she's very easy to relate to. I recommend checking both of them out.
I hope this helps....knowing when you ovulate is crucial when trying to conceive. Best of luck and lots of baby dust!
First of all, you can monitor your cervical mucus. There are several stages of cervical mucus, and each one is increasingly more fertile. You start out dry/sticky, then move to creamy, then watery, then egg white (the most fertile...signals ovulation). I will give you a website that has some great information about this.
You can also chart your BBT (basal body temp). You can get a BB thermometer at any drugstore or online (again I will give you a website). I'm new at this, but this is a good way to know when you ovulated (not upcoming ovulation). If you are regular, it's a good prediction of when you will ovulate.
Ovulation predictor kits are awesome. The digital ones (Clear Blue Easy Digital) are the easiest to use, but can get expensive. You usually start testing around day 8 or 9 of your cycle, and continue testing until you get a positive result. The positive result is about a 24-36 hour heads up of ovulation. I used the digital ones for my first cycle, then went to cheaper ones I buy online.
There are also fertility monitors.....they are expensive, but great for women w/irregular cycles, or just obsessive ones. The point of those is to give you a longer fertile window (instead of just the 24-36 hour notice). They monitor your LH surge like OPKs, but also monitor estrogen levels.
Ok, those are all the methods I use. Some women actually get ovulation cramps, which is another heads up. Fertility Friend is a fantastic website, where you can set up a free ovulation calendar, and find all kinds of helpful information (I recommend the 20 email lesson series). Essential Conception Guide is an awesome website created by Kirstyn Sierra. She fills it with very detailed videos....she's very easy to relate to. I recommend checking both of them out.
I hope this helps....knowing when you ovulate is crucial when trying to conceive. Best of luck and lots of baby dust!
what home remedie helps you get pregant?
Q. Am 34yrs old,married 4yrs with two little girls and would like to know if there any home remedies i can use to help me get pregnant .
I KNOW SEX i want to know anything that helps along with that.THanks:)
I KNOW SEX i want to know anything that helps along with that.THanks:)
A. People, I think she knows that sex is the key answer here! She's looking for advice on how to improve her chances of pregnancy. Well here's a few tips for ya:
1) Stay healthy and fit. Stay at a healthy weight!! Very important bc you don't want to be overweight or underweight.
2) Eat healthy and take a Prenatal Vitamin. Any woman of childbearing age (or if TTC) you should be taking that vitamin...not only will it protect your baby if you happen to get pregg, it will benefit your overall health too!
3) Don't smoke, do drugs, or drink alcohol. Very big one as well. Smoking decreases a woman's AND man's chances of getting pregnant! It decreases a man's sperm count, and decreases a woman's fertile mucus which helps guide sperm to the egg!
4) DON'T STRESS OUT!!!!!!! If you're stressed out, your body's hormones will get out of wack decreasing your ability to concieve. We all know our hormones effect pregnancy. If your stressed out, your body may be lacking too many hormones or too less.
5) Have intercourse every other day and get to know your cycle and when you ovulate. Buy an ovulation MONITOR (not the test strips).
Hope these tips help out!
1) Stay healthy and fit. Stay at a healthy weight!! Very important bc you don't want to be overweight or underweight.
2) Eat healthy and take a Prenatal Vitamin. Any woman of childbearing age (or if TTC) you should be taking that vitamin...not only will it protect your baby if you happen to get pregg, it will benefit your overall health too!
3) Don't smoke, do drugs, or drink alcohol. Very big one as well. Smoking decreases a woman's AND man's chances of getting pregnant! It decreases a man's sperm count, and decreases a woman's fertile mucus which helps guide sperm to the egg!
4) DON'T STRESS OUT!!!!!!! If you're stressed out, your body's hormones will get out of wack decreasing your ability to concieve. We all know our hormones effect pregnancy. If your stressed out, your body may be lacking too many hormones or too less.
5) Have intercourse every other day and get to know your cycle and when you ovulate. Buy an ovulation MONITOR (not the test strips).
Hope these tips help out!
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