Q. I am 11 weeks pregnant and I would like to hear my baby's heartbeat. I looked at target and babies r us but they both seem to have gotten bad reviews. Does anyone know where I can find an inexpensive one that works well.
A. I bought the Sonoline B fetal doppler from clinicalguard.com for 61$ including 2 day shipping. It work great & says it can detect the heartbeat at 12 weeks, but i have read of women using it as early as 9 weeks & hearing the heart.
What baby items do you wish you registered for? Need advice?
Q. I am registering with Babies R Us and this is our first baby. I already registered for the basics like a stroller, crib, dresser, high chair, etc.
What baby items do you wish you registered for?
What do you wish you didn't register for?
Any advice on making a baby registry?
What baby items do you wish you registered for?
What do you wish you didn't register for?
Any advice on making a baby registry?
A. I never needed or used a high chair or a "walker/exer-saucer." I didn't need the swing either; it was used twice. The bouncy chair that hung from the doorway was used for about 2 months. I never used the bottle sanitizer or rack for the dishwasher after the 1st time because it didn't do anything for us but make things difficult. I threw out the diaper wipe warmer - that dried out the wipes. The diaper genie was nice for about 3 months and then there was no cleaning it enough (it was always cleaned and sanitized on Mondays) to get that smell out... it's made of plastic, so it slowly absorbed the faint diaper smell... just throw the little butt-muffins out in a plastic grocery bag and take the trash out of the house! I used almost zero "baby proofing" products - I watched my kid. Depending on your house size/lifestyle, you probably don't need a monitor either. At night the bedroom doors are open so I can hear her, but if she's napping and I want to garden, I set up the monitor while I'm outside. I never used a pacifier - I never thought that it was necessary because they only pacify the parents, not the baby... and then it becomes a habit.
I did use the mittens - made of t-shirt material - so she didn't scratch herself. She never sucked her thumb/fingers either, maybe because of the mittens. I used almost everything in those little kits of baby things like the nose squeezy, thermometer, nail clippers... Never used powder or baby oil, but I did use baby lotion and diaper cream (for what they're each intended for, of course! lol). She didn't want socks, let alone shoes on her feet until about 1, so I never had to buy shoes until then. I did buy Dreft, the baby laundry soap. I never bought a gate; again, I watched my kid!
You can never have enough onsies and easy outfits. Fluffy dresses and suits are more of a pain than they are cute. Soft towels, washcloths and all-in-one bathwash/shampoo are never going to be thrown out. Socks, hats, boxes of diapers, and wipes will always be welcomed. Carseat/stroller combo was a huge time-saver. Having 3 sets of sheets for the crib was the perfect amount. I had about 9 burp cloths and 3 bibs at any given time; again, fancy ones aren't useful. I didn't need a changing table. I didn't use a diaper bag, I got a bigger pocket book.
And are you breastfeeding? If not, formula is a huge help too!
I did use the mittens - made of t-shirt material - so she didn't scratch herself. She never sucked her thumb/fingers either, maybe because of the mittens. I used almost everything in those little kits of baby things like the nose squeezy, thermometer, nail clippers... Never used powder or baby oil, but I did use baby lotion and diaper cream (for what they're each intended for, of course! lol). She didn't want socks, let alone shoes on her feet until about 1, so I never had to buy shoes until then. I did buy Dreft, the baby laundry soap. I never bought a gate; again, I watched my kid!
You can never have enough onsies and easy outfits. Fluffy dresses and suits are more of a pain than they are cute. Soft towels, washcloths and all-in-one bathwash/shampoo are never going to be thrown out. Socks, hats, boxes of diapers, and wipes will always be welcomed. Carseat/stroller combo was a huge time-saver. Having 3 sets of sheets for the crib was the perfect amount. I had about 9 burp cloths and 3 bibs at any given time; again, fancy ones aren't useful. I didn't need a changing table. I didn't use a diaper bag, I got a bigger pocket book.
And are you breastfeeding? If not, formula is a huge help too!
Best baby monitor for transition to crib?
Q. In your experience, which type of monitors have been the best (video? sound? the ones that detect motion and alarm if the baby stops moving?)? I'm going to Babies R Us tomorrow for a monitor and want to purchase the one that will result in the best peace of mind and safety for my 3-month-old. Thanks in advance!
A. I recommend the motion detector, it went off on my daughter once because she could not breathe when she was about four months. the alarm went off and boom right there to stimulate her. it gives you a great piece of mind to know if they stop breathing it will let you know
Our motion sensor never went off when our daughter moved, like sarah said hers did. It has a sensitivity sensor that you can turn all the way and turned all the way up it detected her wherever she was in crib.
Our motion sensor never went off when our daughter moved, like sarah said hers did. It has a sensitivity sensor that you can turn all the way and turned all the way up it detected her wherever she was in crib.
What are some baby items you really enjoy having?
Q. I'm talking about things that the baby likes, or things that make life more convienent. Not MUST haves, but things you really like having.
A. well, u can go to babies r us website and they have a list for ppl who are going to register..of course it has a lot of things on there that you don't need, but if you weed through you can get what you need out of it...the things i liked;found most useful, etc......
.i would def recommend:
a diaper genie 2; idk why ppl don't like them, there is NO smell in my dd 's room
changing table..will save your back, good for diap changes, clothes changes, sponge baths, etc and you have shelves to store your new baby must haves....i have canvas bins on the shelves to store things that are good to have in reach or easily available...
monitor--i like the graco imonitor, recently bought a second one for another room in the house bc i liked the other one so much, it has been working well for over 8 mos now, and it has good range, battery life, and i can hear EVERYTHING; never any interference....it works great..
boppy pillow with cotton covers, soft ones don't fit as well for some reason
lots of baby hangers, and baby hangers with clips to keep outfits together
primo euro bathtub
prince lionheart diaper depot and wipewarmer; ours works well and the wipes are still very warm when we get them to out dd's bottom; and she doesn't freak out when we are out and they aren't warmed, but seems to appreciate it when they are..
health kit: brush, comb, thermometer (not an ear one, not as accurate), nail clippers, etc.
baby meds, generic is just as good and a lot cheaper...desitin(or plain zinc oxide if you can find it)..not creamy, has less zinc ox in it....infant mylicon and tylenol
lots of diapers , make sure wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if you need to even after the return period...brus let me do that, and buy a small pack of a couple brands to see which you prefer before you open the big boxes...wipes, lots of them, without alcohol or fragrance! we use swaddlers diapers and pampers sensitive wipes; no rashes, no reactions to their ingredients, diapers hold a lot when they have too and the netting tends to keep the wet off her bottom...
lots of baby washclothes, you may have to use them on baby's bum if it is really sensitive and gets a rash....and baby towels, but you could use your reg towels if money is an issue
swing, pref swings two ways and plugs in instead of batteries
bouncy seat
infant travel system! easy, easy, easy--we got the graco tour deluxe; it is great, folds with one hand, several seating positions, lays flat for sleep; has a big basket underneath and cup holders for mom and dad, one for baby , place for snacks for baby, and a 'pocket' up top for keys, cell phone, whatever you wanna put there...
play yard, get one with bassinet feature if you want to, easier to keep baby in your room for a while before putting them in crib in their room=we have chicco discovery and it is awesome, has more padding than most, easy to wash..machine wash, most are wipe down...very sturdy, has nightlight, vibration, etc and a flip up change table, has wooden slats that slide in under mattress for support...not that much more exp than the others and much better in my opinion
passys--she loves soothies and that is all she will take..
baby wash, again frag free, dye free
frag free , dye free laundry detergent
clothes hamper or basket
lingerie bag for socks, mittens, anything little so they don't get lost in the wash...
something to put baby toys in
extra toy links
lullaby cd and small cd player; my dd has come to love white noise, she naps with a fan and a womb bear; sleeps at night with a fan....
oh, mosquito cover for your infant carrier..it's where you can see in , baby can see out, but strangers cant just walk up and touch your baby, and they will!!!!!
all i can come up with now...LOL
diaper bags; big one for everything you may need, leave in car unless you will be somewhere a long time, and a small one to stick what you will need for a short run in so you don't have to haul the bigger one
if ffing:
avent formula dispenser; has better review than the ones made by sassy, and convert to a snack cup later...i loved it so much i bought a second one!
bottles--really liked playtex ventaire advanced when she was young, more pieces but it's easy to get them clean when the top and bottom comes off...and they vent through the bottom instead of the nip so no bubbles or foam going back up into baby's milk; they will leak if you don't put them together correctly, but we have had no probs with them and have never had to replace any parts on them..if u decide on them and have leaks, email me and i will explain how to keep them from leaking...:O)
bottle and nip brushes--i really like the ones by munchking that don't have a sponge on the end of the brush, they come in diff colors mixed with white and have a great nip brush in the handles....
drying racks--again, i really like munchkins...
formula mixer: i like dr brown's formula pitcher bc you don't shake it it is only abo
.i would def recommend:
a diaper genie 2; idk why ppl don't like them, there is NO smell in my dd 's room
changing table..will save your back, good for diap changes, clothes changes, sponge baths, etc and you have shelves to store your new baby must haves....i have canvas bins on the shelves to store things that are good to have in reach or easily available...
monitor--i like the graco imonitor, recently bought a second one for another room in the house bc i liked the other one so much, it has been working well for over 8 mos now, and it has good range, battery life, and i can hear EVERYTHING; never any interference....it works great..
boppy pillow with cotton covers, soft ones don't fit as well for some reason
lots of baby hangers, and baby hangers with clips to keep outfits together
primo euro bathtub
prince lionheart diaper depot and wipewarmer; ours works well and the wipes are still very warm when we get them to out dd's bottom; and she doesn't freak out when we are out and they aren't warmed, but seems to appreciate it when they are..
health kit: brush, comb, thermometer (not an ear one, not as accurate), nail clippers, etc.
baby meds, generic is just as good and a lot cheaper...desitin(or plain zinc oxide if you can find it)..not creamy, has less zinc ox in it....infant mylicon and tylenol
lots of diapers , make sure wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if you need to even after the return period...brus let me do that, and buy a small pack of a couple brands to see which you prefer before you open the big boxes...wipes, lots of them, without alcohol or fragrance! we use swaddlers diapers and pampers sensitive wipes; no rashes, no reactions to their ingredients, diapers hold a lot when they have too and the netting tends to keep the wet off her bottom...
lots of baby washclothes, you may have to use them on baby's bum if it is really sensitive and gets a rash....and baby towels, but you could use your reg towels if money is an issue
swing, pref swings two ways and plugs in instead of batteries
bouncy seat
infant travel system! easy, easy, easy--we got the graco tour deluxe; it is great, folds with one hand, several seating positions, lays flat for sleep; has a big basket underneath and cup holders for mom and dad, one for baby , place for snacks for baby, and a 'pocket' up top for keys, cell phone, whatever you wanna put there...
play yard, get one with bassinet feature if you want to, easier to keep baby in your room for a while before putting them in crib in their room=we have chicco discovery and it is awesome, has more padding than most, easy to wash..machine wash, most are wipe down...very sturdy, has nightlight, vibration, etc and a flip up change table, has wooden slats that slide in under mattress for support...not that much more exp than the others and much better in my opinion
passys--she loves soothies and that is all she will take..
baby wash, again frag free, dye free
frag free , dye free laundry detergent
clothes hamper or basket
lingerie bag for socks, mittens, anything little so they don't get lost in the wash...
something to put baby toys in
extra toy links
lullaby cd and small cd player; my dd has come to love white noise, she naps with a fan and a womb bear; sleeps at night with a fan....
oh, mosquito cover for your infant carrier..it's where you can see in , baby can see out, but strangers cant just walk up and touch your baby, and they will!!!!!
all i can come up with now...LOL
diaper bags; big one for everything you may need, leave in car unless you will be somewhere a long time, and a small one to stick what you will need for a short run in so you don't have to haul the bigger one
if ffing:
avent formula dispenser; has better review than the ones made by sassy, and convert to a snack cup later...i loved it so much i bought a second one!
bottles--really liked playtex ventaire advanced when she was young, more pieces but it's easy to get them clean when the top and bottom comes off...and they vent through the bottom instead of the nip so no bubbles or foam going back up into baby's milk; they will leak if you don't put them together correctly, but we have had no probs with them and have never had to replace any parts on them..if u decide on them and have leaks, email me and i will explain how to keep them from leaking...:O)
bottle and nip brushes--i really like the ones by munchking that don't have a sponge on the end of the brush, they come in diff colors mixed with white and have a great nip brush in the handles....
drying racks--again, i really like munchkins...
formula mixer: i like dr brown's formula pitcher bc you don't shake it it is only abo
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Title Post: where is the best place to get a prenatal heartbeat monitor?
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