Q. I've been puzzling over this and hope someone who's knowlegable about telephone lines can shed some light. I would appreciate serious answers please. Please do not hesitate to be technical if you have to, thanks!
Is it true that the telephone sockets in our house can actually supply enough electrical power to run appliances? If so, what is the typical load it can supply? Is there an chance that I can overload the telephone socket? What would be the consequence of overloading the telephone socket? Would it affect the whole neighbourhood's telephone network?
If using electrical apliances from a telephone socket were possible, then I have another question. So the electrical power from a telephone socket is not metered is it? If that were true, wouldn't I be able to run appliances using the telephone socket as a power source without paying for electrical bills? Would the telephone network company be able to register an unusually higher load on the telephone sockets from my house?
Please take my question seriously. The reason I'm asking is because I have come across electrical appliances being sold on the internet that is meant to be run from a telephone line. For example I came across a LED table lamp that runs from the electrical current of a telephone socket. If you don't believe me, just search google. Manufacturers really make such appliances that run from telephone sockets
Is it true that the telephone sockets in our house can actually supply enough electrical power to run appliances? If so, what is the typical load it can supply? Is there an chance that I can overload the telephone socket? What would be the consequence of overloading the telephone socket? Would it affect the whole neighbourhood's telephone network?
If using electrical apliances from a telephone socket were possible, then I have another question. So the electrical power from a telephone socket is not metered is it? If that were true, wouldn't I be able to run appliances using the telephone socket as a power source without paying for electrical bills? Would the telephone network company be able to register an unusually higher load on the telephone sockets from my house?
Please take my question seriously. The reason I'm asking is because I have come across electrical appliances being sold on the internet that is meant to be run from a telephone line. For example I came across a LED table lamp that runs from the electrical current of a telephone socket. If you don't believe me, just search google. Manufacturers really make such appliances that run from telephone sockets
A. ok, you sound like you're trying to get some free power here.
If by appliances you mean stuff like microwave, kitchen appliances, etc, the answer is NO.
Yes, your phone line has a 48V difference in potential, but the current you can draw is very low. Definitelly not much more than a couple of small batteries. So you could probably run a few rather small gadgets from it, like maybe a baby monitor, or maybe a small radio, but nothing that requires more than a couple hundred miliwats. Notice, we're talking hundredths of a watt, so not even one watt. Your lightbulbs are between 40 and 100 watts. There's no way you could squeeze that much power out of a phone jack without frying something. Have you ever seen phoneline wires? they're tiny, they would not be able to support the kind of current you're talking about.
Can the phone company detect that you're stealing power? I bet they can, because when you use any of the power, that closes the loop and acts like the phone is off the hook. So obviously if they see you're leaving your phone off the hook all the time it will be pretty suspicious.
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I see you edited your original question. I would not consider an LED lamp an appliance. LED's draw so little power that I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work. But then again, that LED lamp isn't going to be bright enough to light a whole room.
So, yeah, you probably could run a few LEDs, but not any real appliances.
If by appliances you mean stuff like microwave, kitchen appliances, etc, the answer is NO.
Yes, your phone line has a 48V difference in potential, but the current you can draw is very low. Definitelly not much more than a couple of small batteries. So you could probably run a few rather small gadgets from it, like maybe a baby monitor, or maybe a small radio, but nothing that requires more than a couple hundred miliwats. Notice, we're talking hundredths of a watt, so not even one watt. Your lightbulbs are between 40 and 100 watts. There's no way you could squeeze that much power out of a phone jack without frying something. Have you ever seen phoneline wires? they're tiny, they would not be able to support the kind of current you're talking about.
Can the phone company detect that you're stealing power? I bet they can, because when you use any of the power, that closes the loop and acts like the phone is off the hook. So obviously if they see you're leaving your phone off the hook all the time it will be pretty suspicious.
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I see you edited your original question. I would not consider an LED lamp an appliance. LED's draw so little power that I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work. But then again, that LED lamp isn't going to be bright enough to light a whole room.
So, yeah, you probably could run a few LEDs, but not any real appliances.
Is it possible for me to lose 40 pounds by the end of August?
Q. I am very overweight...170 and 5'3!
My husband and I want to have a baby soon...we want to get pregnant in or around September.
My husband and I want to have a baby soon...we want to get pregnant in or around September.
A. It's really very simple.
There are 2 categories of workouts and you only need to focus on one of those for weight loss. They are:
1. Resistance training - weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.
2. Cardiovascular Training � brisk walking/running, swimming, biking, jumping jacks, jumping rope, dancing to the oldies, etc.
You need only to focus on #2 for weight loss. #1 is good for muscle tone but does little for weight loss.
Cardiovascular exercises are simple and you don't need any fancy equipment. For successful weight loss, all you need to do is any body movements that get your heart rate higher than normal. That's what cardiovascular workouts are all about. They simply get your heart rate up and burn off fat.
You will need to keep your heart rate up for longer than 20 minutes per session in order to achieve a successful burn. The body takes that much time to warm up and begin the burn. Any huffy-puffy activity will work such as walking, running, going up and down stairs, vigorous dancing, jumping rope, just anything that makes you huff and puff. That's the key - huff and puff for over 20 minutes a session. This is how your body burns off fat.
Don't get discouraged!
Contrary to popular TV, there is no such thing as "targeting" an area of your body for weight loss. The reality is that you will see the fattest part of your body lose weight last! You will notice it first in your face. The thickest fat is the last to go so don't lose heart if you don't see your �targeted area� going anywhere at first.
Simply create a huffy-puffy workout for yourself that lasts over 20 minutes per session and stick to a daily routine for best results.
Another tip is don't rely on what the scales say everyday. That will discourage you. The better way to monitor your progress is to observe your clothes getting looser. The scales can be misleading because as you lose weight, typically you are also building muscle mass. This dual change may look like you are not losing fat when you actually are.
Checking your heart rate - Take your fingers of your left hand and place them about an inch to the right of the center of your right hand wrist as it faces palm up. This should be at your right-hand wrist below your thumb. You should feel a pulse there. Now count the number of beats in a 6 second period. Multiply that number by 10 and that's your heart rate. A reasonably safe and effective heart rate during an exercise burn is about 120 for most people 30�50 years old.
A bland diet will speed the weight loss up for sure. But if you're like me, starting a daily exercise program plus starting a bland diet is just too emotionally stressful (wink, wink). So, I say, for those of us who want some type of reward for working out everyday, continue enjoying your favorite foods - just cut your portions down. Train yourself to learn when you are satisfied as you eat a meal and stop eating at that point rather than eating until you feel full. You'll be surprised at how early in the meal you are satisfied. So, just stop eating at that point. Make a habit of it.
I am a 52 year old male and I am using a programmed treadmill which uses a combination walk/ 5 mph. run workout for 30 minutes a day. I am losing 2-3 pounds a week just doing that and cutting my favorite food portions back the way I mentioned before. My peak heart rate during this routine is 140. (Just telling you this in hopes that it will give you some idea of what 30 minutes a day will do for you so you can adjust your workout to suit your targeted weight loss time frame.)
Good luck! I hope this helps.
There are 2 categories of workouts and you only need to focus on one of those for weight loss. They are:
1. Resistance training - weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.
2. Cardiovascular Training � brisk walking/running, swimming, biking, jumping jacks, jumping rope, dancing to the oldies, etc.
You need only to focus on #2 for weight loss. #1 is good for muscle tone but does little for weight loss.
Cardiovascular exercises are simple and you don't need any fancy equipment. For successful weight loss, all you need to do is any body movements that get your heart rate higher than normal. That's what cardiovascular workouts are all about. They simply get your heart rate up and burn off fat.
You will need to keep your heart rate up for longer than 20 minutes per session in order to achieve a successful burn. The body takes that much time to warm up and begin the burn. Any huffy-puffy activity will work such as walking, running, going up and down stairs, vigorous dancing, jumping rope, just anything that makes you huff and puff. That's the key - huff and puff for over 20 minutes a session. This is how your body burns off fat.
Don't get discouraged!
Contrary to popular TV, there is no such thing as "targeting" an area of your body for weight loss. The reality is that you will see the fattest part of your body lose weight last! You will notice it first in your face. The thickest fat is the last to go so don't lose heart if you don't see your �targeted area� going anywhere at first.
Simply create a huffy-puffy workout for yourself that lasts over 20 minutes per session and stick to a daily routine for best results.
Another tip is don't rely on what the scales say everyday. That will discourage you. The better way to monitor your progress is to observe your clothes getting looser. The scales can be misleading because as you lose weight, typically you are also building muscle mass. This dual change may look like you are not losing fat when you actually are.
Checking your heart rate - Take your fingers of your left hand and place them about an inch to the right of the center of your right hand wrist as it faces palm up. This should be at your right-hand wrist below your thumb. You should feel a pulse there. Now count the number of beats in a 6 second period. Multiply that number by 10 and that's your heart rate. A reasonably safe and effective heart rate during an exercise burn is about 120 for most people 30�50 years old.
A bland diet will speed the weight loss up for sure. But if you're like me, starting a daily exercise program plus starting a bland diet is just too emotionally stressful (wink, wink). So, I say, for those of us who want some type of reward for working out everyday, continue enjoying your favorite foods - just cut your portions down. Train yourself to learn when you are satisfied as you eat a meal and stop eating at that point rather than eating until you feel full. You'll be surprised at how early in the meal you are satisfied. So, just stop eating at that point. Make a habit of it.
I am a 52 year old male and I am using a programmed treadmill which uses a combination walk/ 5 mph. run workout for 30 minutes a day. I am losing 2-3 pounds a week just doing that and cutting my favorite food portions back the way I mentioned before. My peak heart rate during this routine is 140. (Just telling you this in hopes that it will give you some idea of what 30 minutes a day will do for you so you can adjust your workout to suit your targeted weight loss time frame.)
Good luck! I hope this helps.
Should we require testing for having kids in the USA?
Q. I'm on the fence with this one. I believe that no one has the right to say who can and cannot have kids, but at the same time I believe that there's too many people having kids that do not want them, are not good parents, are not responsible enough and so on. Would the test be before or after the child is born? Who would administer the test? Who would ensure people are taking it? What kinds of questions would be on it? What are your thoughts - is it unethical to require such testing?
A. No... BUT... We should start a MANDATORY class on Sexual Education, Child Development, & Child Psychology starting at the same age we give start the "Health Classes", which I believe is Grade 5.
There should be a MANDATORY AlaTeen Meeting at EVERY HIGH SCHOOL to help deal with the pandemic of abuse, addiction, molestation, mental illness, etc. (& no, just because it is based on the 12-Step Program doesn't make it a bible-thumping christian recruitment center. That's a myth spread by people that don't want to seek help for their addictions/mental illness to justify their refusal to seek treatment.)
Children that are being abused, be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, raised by addicts, abandoned by a parent, raised by mentally ill parent/s, etc. should be provided with MANDATORY mental health treatment so they don't grow up to repeat the cycle of chaos & abuse that jacked up their parents...
Children of sexual abuse should have a note put in some sort of permanent record that they need extra therapy & to be monitored because 60% of abused children commit either Peer on Peer sexual abuse or Adult on Child sexual abuse. Sexual molestation is the only crime that exponentially increases the numbers of victimizers. (Not to mention that we now KNOW how abuse in Childhood alters UR epigenome & dramatically increases UR risk for obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, mental illness, & severe addiction.)
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� Childhood Abuse May Increase Risk For Heart Attack, Stroke
� NOVA Science Now - Topic: The Epigenome: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3411/02.html
Streaming - BBC Horizon "The Ghost In UR Genes":
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Children born to Teenage Mothers should be given extra therapy & attention to make goddamned sure they don't make their half-tard baby-mamma's 35 year old grandmas... The pattern of behavior & family of origin is CLEAR CUT. The generational transmission of trauma causes children to grow up & repeat the same unhealthy behaviors of their parents.
The Government should subsidize Long Term Contraception starting at Puberty. The use of the Depo 3-Month Birth Control Shot has been documented to have drastically reduced the number of abortions & unwanted pregnancies in this country as well as in other areas of the world where women are 2nd class citizens & can be beaten for just asking her man to use a condom. Rwanda, Africa has a more advanced Female Reproductive Health Care System than the US does.
The patch, the shot, the ring, the implant... Just the fact that these girls won't be sh*tting out unwanted kids will pay the government back in full in a single generation because not only would welfare numbers go down, but CRIME would reduce because there won't be half as many abused kids acting out by going out & joining gangs, vandalizing property, stealing, mugging, etc. because when a Boy gets abused, they turn to crime & when a girl gets abused, she ends up pregnant at 14 & on the poll by 18. Just the long term reductions in prison population will repay ALL MONEY spent on therapy, education, & contraception.
Today, everyone believes that they are a special little snowflake... Utterly different than EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH. They believe that with a short background history, no 1 could EVER predict their behavior because "I'm Special".
Yet what do we do with animals? How many polar bears must be studied before we can predict the behavior of almost all polar bears? 200? With humans, we might have to study 400 but the results are the same... We can predict a person's behavior based upon their past, specifically their family of origin.
Addict mom or dad? U have a 50% chance of having inherited the genetics for addiction. An intoxicated parent is an abusive parent which sets U up to be attracted to victimizers, chaos, & addicts as partners in adult life & U'll have a hard time maintaining healthy intimate relationships because of how UR brain was hardwired as a child.
There should be a MANDATORY AlaTeen Meeting at EVERY HIGH SCHOOL to help deal with the pandemic of abuse, addiction, molestation, mental illness, etc. (& no, just because it is based on the 12-Step Program doesn't make it a bible-thumping christian recruitment center. That's a myth spread by people that don't want to seek help for their addictions/mental illness to justify their refusal to seek treatment.)
Children that are being abused, be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, raised by addicts, abandoned by a parent, raised by mentally ill parent/s, etc. should be provided with MANDATORY mental health treatment so they don't grow up to repeat the cycle of chaos & abuse that jacked up their parents...
Children of sexual abuse should have a note put in some sort of permanent record that they need extra therapy & to be monitored because 60% of abused children commit either Peer on Peer sexual abuse or Adult on Child sexual abuse. Sexual molestation is the only crime that exponentially increases the numbers of victimizers. (Not to mention that we now KNOW how abuse in Childhood alters UR epigenome & dramatically increases UR risk for obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, mental illness, & severe addiction.)
- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
� Childhood Abuse May Increase Risk For Heart Attack, Stroke
� NOVA Science Now - Topic: The Epigenome: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3411/02.html
Streaming - BBC Horizon "The Ghost In UR Genes":
- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
Children born to Teenage Mothers should be given extra therapy & attention to make goddamned sure they don't make their half-tard baby-mamma's 35 year old grandmas... The pattern of behavior & family of origin is CLEAR CUT. The generational transmission of trauma causes children to grow up & repeat the same unhealthy behaviors of their parents.
The Government should subsidize Long Term Contraception starting at Puberty. The use of the Depo 3-Month Birth Control Shot has been documented to have drastically reduced the number of abortions & unwanted pregnancies in this country as well as in other areas of the world where women are 2nd class citizens & can be beaten for just asking her man to use a condom. Rwanda, Africa has a more advanced Female Reproductive Health Care System than the US does.
The patch, the shot, the ring, the implant... Just the fact that these girls won't be sh*tting out unwanted kids will pay the government back in full in a single generation because not only would welfare numbers go down, but CRIME would reduce because there won't be half as many abused kids acting out by going out & joining gangs, vandalizing property, stealing, mugging, etc. because when a Boy gets abused, they turn to crime & when a girl gets abused, she ends up pregnant at 14 & on the poll by 18. Just the long term reductions in prison population will repay ALL MONEY spent on therapy, education, & contraception.
Today, everyone believes that they are a special little snowflake... Utterly different than EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH. They believe that with a short background history, no 1 could EVER predict their behavior because "I'm Special".
Yet what do we do with animals? How many polar bears must be studied before we can predict the behavior of almost all polar bears? 200? With humans, we might have to study 400 but the results are the same... We can predict a person's behavior based upon their past, specifically their family of origin.
Addict mom or dad? U have a 50% chance of having inherited the genetics for addiction. An intoxicated parent is an abusive parent which sets U up to be attracted to victimizers, chaos, & addicts as partners in adult life & U'll have a hard time maintaining healthy intimate relationships because of how UR brain was hardwired as a child.
What is the best baby monitor?
Q. I would like sound & video... Please provide links with product info... Thanks !
A. you can get a cheap black & white camera with sound at walmart for 29.99.it plugs into any tv with AV phono jacks. you can even record. i have several and they work very well.
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