A. Depends if you include the set up costs. If you include things like a crib, stroller, bathtub, towels, cloth diapers (should you use them), wetbags (for cloth diapers), change table, ....etc.. then it can be quite $$ If you don't then it's not too bad as long as you breastfeed.
Here is what we paid for things (and we did NOT go expensive!!)
Crib (plain - is not convertible) - $200
Organic mattress - $120
Stroller (given to us as a gift from family) - $600
Car seat (convertible rear-facing to front facing) - $300
Change table (second hand) - $30
Cloth diapers (all brand new but you can find used on various sites) - $400
wetbags for diapers - $20
Throw rug for nursery - $20 (Ikea has good cheap stuff!)
Crib sheets (3 sheets) - $30
**I did not buy a crib set as it's a waste of money - can't use the blanket anyway since it's a suffocation hazard and they recommend that you not use the bumper pads).
Change pad for change table (gift from family) - $50
Change pad covers (x2) - $30
Face cloths (Ikea) - $10
Hooded baby towels (second hand) - $5
Breast pump (manual) - $90
bottles and nipples - $20 (We don't have many since I almost only breastfed but sometimes my husband gave him a bottle of breastmilk)
Baby bathtub (gift from family) - $15
Large receiving blankets (shower gifts) - $50
Bassinet and sheets (bought off a friend) - $10
Swing - free from friend (these can cost a lot!!)
Playmat with dangling toys - free from friend
Highchair - free from friend (although these can cost up to $200)
Clothing - I bought all second hand except a few items - $150 for the whole year, including winter jumpers and toques, mitts..etc. I also got a lot of hand-me-downs from friends and new items at the baby shower
Moby wrap (shower gift) - but they usually cost $40
Boba 3G carrier - $120
Suze's kindercoat - $150 (so I could carry my son on my back during the winter)
Burt's bees soap - $9.00/bottle (about 6 bottles/year, if that)
bum cream - $10/year (although my little guy didn't get rashes really)
wipes - $80/year
Baby food - this starts at 6 months old and it can be about $50-70 a month because you're trying new foods that they may or may not take LOL
Rattles and teethers - $30
Sippy cups - $25/year
baby cutlery/bowls - $20
bibs - I only bought kushies nylon ones so I could wash them in the sink after each meal - $20
Big toys (like the fisher price kitchen, piano, story chair..etc - I got used) - $120
Books (used and new) - $100 (we started to read to him very early)
playpen (I bought used) - $40
Blankets - free from baby shower
rocking chair for the nursery - second hand - $5
Tylenol/gripe water/steamer...etc - $50
monitor - $40 (I didn't get the video monitor)
Crib mobile - $35
small stereo for nursery (to play nursery rhymes) - $30
I can't think of anything else but I am sure there were other things! It can be REALLY expensive if you choose to make it so or it can be quite cheap! Don't forget that a lot of stuff you get from your baby shower (as long as you have one). Buying second hand stuff is often the best way to go, except car seats - never buy used carseats since you don't know if they've been in an accident or not (once they are in an accident they must be thrown away). There have also been recalls on cribs, toys, stroller..etc so you have to check to see if there are recalls on anything before purchasing from people.
Here is what we paid for things (and we did NOT go expensive!!)
Crib (plain - is not convertible) - $200
Organic mattress - $120
Stroller (given to us as a gift from family) - $600
Car seat (convertible rear-facing to front facing) - $300
Change table (second hand) - $30
Cloth diapers (all brand new but you can find used on various sites) - $400
wetbags for diapers - $20
Throw rug for nursery - $20 (Ikea has good cheap stuff!)
Crib sheets (3 sheets) - $30
**I did not buy a crib set as it's a waste of money - can't use the blanket anyway since it's a suffocation hazard and they recommend that you not use the bumper pads).
Change pad for change table (gift from family) - $50
Change pad covers (x2) - $30
Face cloths (Ikea) - $10
Hooded baby towels (second hand) - $5
Breast pump (manual) - $90
bottles and nipples - $20 (We don't have many since I almost only breastfed but sometimes my husband gave him a bottle of breastmilk)
Baby bathtub (gift from family) - $15
Large receiving blankets (shower gifts) - $50
Bassinet and sheets (bought off a friend) - $10
Swing - free from friend (these can cost a lot!!)
Playmat with dangling toys - free from friend
Highchair - free from friend (although these can cost up to $200)
Clothing - I bought all second hand except a few items - $150 for the whole year, including winter jumpers and toques, mitts..etc. I also got a lot of hand-me-downs from friends and new items at the baby shower
Moby wrap (shower gift) - but they usually cost $40
Boba 3G carrier - $120
Suze's kindercoat - $150 (so I could carry my son on my back during the winter)
Burt's bees soap - $9.00/bottle (about 6 bottles/year, if that)
bum cream - $10/year (although my little guy didn't get rashes really)
wipes - $80/year
Baby food - this starts at 6 months old and it can be about $50-70 a month because you're trying new foods that they may or may not take LOL
Rattles and teethers - $30
Sippy cups - $25/year
baby cutlery/bowls - $20
bibs - I only bought kushies nylon ones so I could wash them in the sink after each meal - $20
Big toys (like the fisher price kitchen, piano, story chair..etc - I got used) - $120
Books (used and new) - $100 (we started to read to him very early)
playpen (I bought used) - $40
Blankets - free from baby shower
rocking chair for the nursery - second hand - $5
Tylenol/gripe water/steamer...etc - $50
monitor - $40 (I didn't get the video monitor)
Crib mobile - $35
small stereo for nursery (to play nursery rhymes) - $30
I can't think of anything else but I am sure there were other things! It can be REALLY expensive if you choose to make it so or it can be quite cheap! Don't forget that a lot of stuff you get from your baby shower (as long as you have one). Buying second hand stuff is often the best way to go, except car seats - never buy used carseats since you don't know if they've been in an accident or not (once they are in an accident they must be thrown away). There have also been recalls on cribs, toys, stroller..etc so you have to check to see if there are recalls on anything before purchasing from people.
which of the following is not an example of radio technology? answer choices below!?
Q. a.baby monitors b. cellular phones c. internet d. both b and c e.all of the above.
A. Dear Andrea M.,
Answer is a. baby monitors. Baby could be monitored by CCTV (Close Circuit TV). While cellular phones and internet are examples of radio tech utilization. Cellular phones works use radio wave in frequency around 800, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz, while several internet connections use radio wave as well, eg. through satellite, or through cellphones (EDGE, GPRS, 3G, 3.5G).
Thank you very much Andrea M.
Answer is a. baby monitors. Baby could be monitored by CCTV (Close Circuit TV). While cellular phones and internet are examples of radio tech utilization. Cellular phones works use radio wave in frequency around 800, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz, while several internet connections use radio wave as well, eg. through satellite, or through cellphones (EDGE, GPRS, 3G, 3.5G).
Thank you very much Andrea M.
im 36 weeks pregnant and my baby has missed beats :/.... ?
Q. Im 36 weeks pregnant and my baby has missed heartbeats audible on the monitor :/ This means that his heart is skipping a beat now and then. The hospital midwife says theres nothing they can do yet but What does this mean? Is it bad? what can it be? any help would be appreciated thank you x
I have had a midwife hear the heartbeat skipping but they cannot tell what it will be when my baby is born :/ what could it be? :/
I have had a midwife hear the heartbeat skipping but they cannot tell what it will be when my baby is born :/ what could it be? :/
A. That doesn't mean that it is a sign for an unborn baby. I would go to a Dr and let them do an ultrasound on the baby or possibly a 3G ultrasound where they can see more just to make sure the baby does not have any type of heart problem. You would want to know this and be able to prepare for that if baby were to be born with a heart condition more than not, and waiting to see.
Good luck
Good luck
How can I hook up my PC to a wireless 3G network?
Q. My area supposedly has excellent 3G coverage but I bought a Sierra Mercury USB device and could not get it to transfer at more than 14 kbps. The indicator found the 3G network but the signal was only 1-2 bars. Yet 1/4 mile down the road on Dad's PC it transferred extremely fast. Needless to say I returned it. Is the problem the device? Reception? The satellite service I have is only 256 service and even it transfers up to 70 kbps at times so I know it's not my computer.
A. Wow there are a number of reasons for this issue, and without having the actual laptop and device in front of me, and at the location in question, I can only be general in my answer.
I assume you have AT&T as this is the USB device that Sierra Wireless is making for them with the new name of Mercury. You may want to check your providers website for the zip code you are in, and how many transmitters/receivers there are for your type of 3G connection.
The most likely cause of the 3G problems is between the antenna and an amplifier that captures very weak signals from the antenna. This could lead to poor 3G connectivity and slower data speeds as witnessed by the weak signal of only 1 or 2 bars. The amp can only amplify so much before too much data is lost.
The Mercury is compatible with Windows7 Mobile Broadband, Vista, XP, 2000, Mac OS X 10.4 or later. A Firmware update may help, just go to the www.sierrawireless.com website for the update for the Sierra Wireless Compass 885 as that is the model the Mercury is.
Make sure that any software that came with the device is configured for optimum performance based on the data plan you have with your provider. Also be aware there may be fine print in your contract limiting your speed, data usage, or when you try to connect on other providers networks. Also make sure the Laptop you are using is optimally configured for wireless connections and networking settings are tweaked.
The computer case itself can be a significant barrier to the Wi-Fi signal - try positioning the case so it doesn't come between the the device the possible direction of any antennas. Also there my be environmental impacting issues. RFI (Electromagnetic interference or EMI, also called Radio Frequency Interference) can be caused by any number of things such as High Power Lines, Broadcast transmitters, two-way radio transmitters, paging transmitters, and cable TV are potential sources of RFI and EMI. Other possible sources of interference include a wide variety of devices, such as doorbell transformers, toaster ovens, electric blankets, ultrasonic pest control devices, electric bug zappers, heating pads, and touch controlled lamps. Multiple CRT computer monitors or televisions sitting too close to one another can sometimes cause a "shimmy" effect in each other, due to the electromagnetic nature of their picture tubes, especially when one of their de-gaussing coils is activated.
Electromagnetic interference at 2.4 GHz can be caused by 802.11b and 802.11g wireless devices, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors and cordless telephones, video senders, and microwave ovens.
3G uses HARQ(Hybrid automatic repeat-request) a incremental redundancy, where user data is transmitted multiple times using different codings. When a corrupted packet is received, the user device saves it and later combines it with the retransmissions, to recover the error-free packet as efficiently as possible. Even if the retransmitted packets are corrupted, their combination can yield an error-free packet. The weaker a signal the more opportunities there are for packet corruption. More packets re-sent slows down speed.
I assume you have AT&T as this is the USB device that Sierra Wireless is making for them with the new name of Mercury. You may want to check your providers website for the zip code you are in, and how many transmitters/receivers there are for your type of 3G connection.
The most likely cause of the 3G problems is between the antenna and an amplifier that captures very weak signals from the antenna. This could lead to poor 3G connectivity and slower data speeds as witnessed by the weak signal of only 1 or 2 bars. The amp can only amplify so much before too much data is lost.
The Mercury is compatible with Windows7 Mobile Broadband, Vista, XP, 2000, Mac OS X 10.4 or later. A Firmware update may help, just go to the www.sierrawireless.com website for the update for the Sierra Wireless Compass 885 as that is the model the Mercury is.
Make sure that any software that came with the device is configured for optimum performance based on the data plan you have with your provider. Also be aware there may be fine print in your contract limiting your speed, data usage, or when you try to connect on other providers networks. Also make sure the Laptop you are using is optimally configured for wireless connections and networking settings are tweaked.
The computer case itself can be a significant barrier to the Wi-Fi signal - try positioning the case so it doesn't come between the the device the possible direction of any antennas. Also there my be environmental impacting issues. RFI (Electromagnetic interference or EMI, also called Radio Frequency Interference) can be caused by any number of things such as High Power Lines, Broadcast transmitters, two-way radio transmitters, paging transmitters, and cable TV are potential sources of RFI and EMI. Other possible sources of interference include a wide variety of devices, such as doorbell transformers, toaster ovens, electric blankets, ultrasonic pest control devices, electric bug zappers, heating pads, and touch controlled lamps. Multiple CRT computer monitors or televisions sitting too close to one another can sometimes cause a "shimmy" effect in each other, due to the electromagnetic nature of their picture tubes, especially when one of their de-gaussing coils is activated.
Electromagnetic interference at 2.4 GHz can be caused by 802.11b and 802.11g wireless devices, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors and cordless telephones, video senders, and microwave ovens.
3G uses HARQ(Hybrid automatic repeat-request) a incremental redundancy, where user data is transmitted multiple times using different codings. When a corrupted packet is received, the user device saves it and later combines it with the retransmissions, to recover the error-free packet as efficiently as possible. Even if the retransmitted packets are corrupted, their combination can yield an error-free packet. The weaker a signal the more opportunities there are for packet corruption. More packets re-sent slows down speed.
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Title Post: usually how much does a baby cost during the first year?
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