Q. about to buy the fisher price baby monitor ... need to hear reviews on it :) (holding baby ... sorry bout lower case.
A. I would try Amazon. They usually have more reviews and more detailed reviews.
What should I ask for on my baby shower registry?
Q. I'm going to be a new mom and I'm going to register for baby supplies but have no idea what I need. What supplies are essential for a new mom? Anything you wish someone had told you about when you were expecting?
A. that depends on what you want to do -- are you co-sleeping or do you want your baby in the room with you? are you breast feeding? do you want to wear your baby?
for me, I found that my sling for carrying my fussy newborn around in was a lifesaver (I recommend the moby wrap). I like my good, compact stroller (inglesina swift) and my convertible car seat. I liked our playmat/play gym thing and we used that for a good 7-8 months. I was happy to have my breast pump when I needed it in the first few weeks but then we got back to him breast feeding full time so all the bottles I got were unnecessary. we had a co-sleeper which was good for naps until he outgrew it, but he was in bed with us from the beginning. my son hates baths so I have to shower with him so we never used a baby bathtub, haha. we cloth diaper too so I didn't need too many diapers.
I'd register for a baby monitor, a music box/white noise machine, plenty of onesies in all sizes, burp cloths, a bumbo, a high chair (we have a hook-on one) and a mobile too. they grow so quickly out of that newborn stage too, so some toys will be nice. forget the wipes warmer (when you're away from the house, the wipes will be cold so it's best to get your baby used to that!) and the diaper genie (a regular trash can with a lid works fine). we didn't use uncomfortable carriers (the baby bjorn, the snuggli) because they put the baby's weight in the wrong place. we have a convertible crib that we never used but would have when he went into a toddler bed -- but it got recalled so yadda yadda. he hated his bouncer but loved his swing. I had a little swing contraption that allowed the car seat to be attached to it and I thought that was pretty cool and we used it until he outgrew his infant seat:
so I guess all in all, hind sight is 20-20 and I really didn't know what would work with my son and what wouldn't. some people love their baby bath tubs and bouncers and they didn't work with us. think about your style of parenting that you want to happen and try to go off of that, if that makes sense. sorry this is so long, I've been long winded tonight! keep reciepts!
for me, I found that my sling for carrying my fussy newborn around in was a lifesaver (I recommend the moby wrap). I like my good, compact stroller (inglesina swift) and my convertible car seat. I liked our playmat/play gym thing and we used that for a good 7-8 months. I was happy to have my breast pump when I needed it in the first few weeks but then we got back to him breast feeding full time so all the bottles I got were unnecessary. we had a co-sleeper which was good for naps until he outgrew it, but he was in bed with us from the beginning. my son hates baths so I have to shower with him so we never used a baby bathtub, haha. we cloth diaper too so I didn't need too many diapers.
I'd register for a baby monitor, a music box/white noise machine, plenty of onesies in all sizes, burp cloths, a bumbo, a high chair (we have a hook-on one) and a mobile too. they grow so quickly out of that newborn stage too, so some toys will be nice. forget the wipes warmer (when you're away from the house, the wipes will be cold so it's best to get your baby used to that!) and the diaper genie (a regular trash can with a lid works fine). we didn't use uncomfortable carriers (the baby bjorn, the snuggli) because they put the baby's weight in the wrong place. we have a convertible crib that we never used but would have when he went into a toddler bed -- but it got recalled so yadda yadda. he hated his bouncer but loved his swing. I had a little swing contraption that allowed the car seat to be attached to it and I thought that was pretty cool and we used it until he outgrew his infant seat:
so I guess all in all, hind sight is 20-20 and I really didn't know what would work with my son and what wouldn't. some people love their baby bath tubs and bouncers and they didn't work with us. think about your style of parenting that you want to happen and try to go off of that, if that makes sense. sorry this is so long, I've been long winded tonight! keep reciepts!
Where to buy at home Fertility Monitoring Sticks in stores? Do ovulation sticks do the same thing?
Q. Does anyone know which stores sell the Fertility Monitors? I have already been to Walmart and Kmart and neither had them, only ovulation monitoring kits. If I can't find the fertility sticks, should I just purchase the ovulation monitors? Has anyone used these? I am just curious to see when the best time to try to get pregnant will be because it has been not easyTTC!
A. I have been using the clear blue fertility monitor for over a year and I swear by it, and highly recommend it to everyone ttc. It takes all the guess work out of this ttc business, and it helped me to learn everything I needed to know about my cycle. We got our monitor at Walgreen's, it was the only place that sold it, and it is also the only store that sells the tests strips for it in my area. You can also check ebay or amazon, they can sometimes be found on there cheaper, as well as the test strips. You need to purchase the strips in order to use the monitor.
It really is worth it, especially if your ovulation pattern is unpredictable. It will tell you when you are fertile prior to ovulation, as well as when you ovulate, so there is no reading test strip lines, and no guessing at all. It gives you a heads up on when to try, basically. It pretty much puts your mind at ease, as there is no guessing, and you will know you've tried on the right days. They are a bit pricey, so I would recommend looking on ebay or amazon first for a brand new one. You can buy them used, but I have no experience with that, I just hear it is not recommended. Beware the 1st month you use it, you may or may not get a peak reading, as it can take a cycle to become familiar with your hormone levels and cycle. This is very common, but rest assured that many, many women are able to get a peak reading and detect ovulation in the 1st month of use. Out of all the women I know that use it, I was the only one that was not able to get a peak reading my 1st month. So check Walgreen's, or online. I promise you will be very happy with it:)
Good luck to you and lots of baby dust coming your way!!!
It really is worth it, especially if your ovulation pattern is unpredictable. It will tell you when you are fertile prior to ovulation, as well as when you ovulate, so there is no reading test strip lines, and no guessing at all. It gives you a heads up on when to try, basically. It pretty much puts your mind at ease, as there is no guessing, and you will know you've tried on the right days. They are a bit pricey, so I would recommend looking on ebay or amazon first for a brand new one. You can buy them used, but I have no experience with that, I just hear it is not recommended. Beware the 1st month you use it, you may or may not get a peak reading, as it can take a cycle to become familiar with your hormone levels and cycle. This is very common, but rest assured that many, many women are able to get a peak reading and detect ovulation in the 1st month of use. Out of all the women I know that use it, I was the only one that was not able to get a peak reading my 1st month. So check Walgreen's, or online. I promise you will be very happy with it:)
Good luck to you and lots of baby dust coming your way!!!
How do you use Clearblue Fertility Monitor? Is it worth it?
Q. So I've been researching Clearblue Fertility Monitor, and am considering buying it. Has anyone had success with it? How exactly do you use it? Do you have to pee on a stick every day, or only certain days? Was anyone able to conceive with the help of it? I have heard OPK tests can sometimes be unreliable, or difficult to determine if they're positive or not. I have heard that the monitor gives a clear answer to when your fertile days are.
Thanks, and good luck to all TTC!
Thanks, and good luck to all TTC!
A. Hi! I have used Clear Blue Fertility Monitor and had success within the second month. I actually got my BFP two days ago at 8dpo!! The monitor is very picky and you must follow all the instructions carefully, but it is well worth the money!! I still can't believe I got pregnant using it! I told myself that if I got pregnant, I would answer some yahoo questions about the monitor to help others see the value and give them hope.
Sorry this is long:) but here's how it works:
You must buy a pack of ClearBlue easy Fertility sticks made for the monitor. No other sticks works with the monitor, and unless you buy a package that includes the sticks and the monitor (amazon sells them together) you must buy the sticks separately. They usually come in a three month supply assuming that each month the monitor only asks your for 10 sticks. However, if your cycle is long and you don't ovulate until later, the monitor will ask you for 20 sticks a cycle. When you buy the monitor you will set a little "m" button on the side, which means menses. You must start it within cycle day 5 of your cycle. Meaning if you buy the monitor and you are on cycle day three, you can still set the monitor, but you will have to wait for the next cycle if you are past cycle day 5.
Also, you must set it within a time frame that is reasonable for you to take pee samples everyday. When you set your monitor using the "m" button, you only have a three hour window each way to dip your stick in pee and let your monitor interpret the stick when it starts asking you for samples (usually on cycle day 6). For example, if you set the m button at 6 am in the morning on cycle day 4, cycle day 6 the monitor will flash the stick sign when you turn it on from 3am until 9am. This is the only time the monitor can read the sticks.
You can either pee in a cup or dip the stick a urine stream. I find that dipping it in a cup is much much more accurate, because again, the monitor is very sensitive about how long the stick is dipped in the pee. If you use a cup, you can only dip the test stick in it for 15 seconds.
When you are done dipping the stick, you turn the monitor on and it will flash a pee stick symbol to you. You will then put the stick in the monitor and it will flash for 5 minutes. When you take it out, it will give you a reading via bars on the screen. You will be either low fertility (one bar), high fertility (two bars), or peak fertility (three bars with an egg symbol). The days of high fertility vary between cycles and people.
The monitor does get to know your body for the first three months, so give it time, and don't get discouraged. Not everyone gets pregnant right away with the monitor because ttc is very sensitive even with perfect timing.
The first cycle I used it, I got high fertility from days 15-18. I peaked on day 19 and 20 and it followed with another high day. I did not get pregnant that cycle.
The next month I used the monitor, it showed only ONE day of high fertility and I peaked on day 17 and 18. I did get pregnant that cycle.
Each cycle, my monitor asked for 20 sticks because I have very long cycles. The hardest part some people say is remembering to put the test stick within the time window. For me, it was A LOT of fun. I would wake up every day and remember because I wanted to know what my "fertility status" was.
Most of all, it gives you peace of mind. I must say, I was disappointed I did not get pregnant in the first month, but knew that without the monitor it would have taken much longer. We tried for 5 months prior to using the monitor and I already have a baby so was disappointed when it didn't happen quickly.
The only thing that I can say is not to get your hopes up, and give the monitor a shot. There are hundreds of reviews on amazon and other websites and I would frequently read them to get hope and encouragement.
I hope this helps and I hope you get your baby:)
Oh, I also used preseed which I think was very helpful in me getting pregnant. Its a sperm friendly lubricant! If you try the monitor for 3 months and no luck, try using preseed, it helps with your cervical mucous needed to have a baby.
Sorry this is long:) but here's how it works:
You must buy a pack of ClearBlue easy Fertility sticks made for the monitor. No other sticks works with the monitor, and unless you buy a package that includes the sticks and the monitor (amazon sells them together) you must buy the sticks separately. They usually come in a three month supply assuming that each month the monitor only asks your for 10 sticks. However, if your cycle is long and you don't ovulate until later, the monitor will ask you for 20 sticks a cycle. When you buy the monitor you will set a little "m" button on the side, which means menses. You must start it within cycle day 5 of your cycle. Meaning if you buy the monitor and you are on cycle day three, you can still set the monitor, but you will have to wait for the next cycle if you are past cycle day 5.
Also, you must set it within a time frame that is reasonable for you to take pee samples everyday. When you set your monitor using the "m" button, you only have a three hour window each way to dip your stick in pee and let your monitor interpret the stick when it starts asking you for samples (usually on cycle day 6). For example, if you set the m button at 6 am in the morning on cycle day 4, cycle day 6 the monitor will flash the stick sign when you turn it on from 3am until 9am. This is the only time the monitor can read the sticks.
You can either pee in a cup or dip the stick a urine stream. I find that dipping it in a cup is much much more accurate, because again, the monitor is very sensitive about how long the stick is dipped in the pee. If you use a cup, you can only dip the test stick in it for 15 seconds.
When you are done dipping the stick, you turn the monitor on and it will flash a pee stick symbol to you. You will then put the stick in the monitor and it will flash for 5 minutes. When you take it out, it will give you a reading via bars on the screen. You will be either low fertility (one bar), high fertility (two bars), or peak fertility (three bars with an egg symbol). The days of high fertility vary between cycles and people.
The monitor does get to know your body for the first three months, so give it time, and don't get discouraged. Not everyone gets pregnant right away with the monitor because ttc is very sensitive even with perfect timing.
The first cycle I used it, I got high fertility from days 15-18. I peaked on day 19 and 20 and it followed with another high day. I did not get pregnant that cycle.
The next month I used the monitor, it showed only ONE day of high fertility and I peaked on day 17 and 18. I did get pregnant that cycle.
Each cycle, my monitor asked for 20 sticks because I have very long cycles. The hardest part some people say is remembering to put the test stick within the time window. For me, it was A LOT of fun. I would wake up every day and remember because I wanted to know what my "fertility status" was.
Most of all, it gives you peace of mind. I must say, I was disappointed I did not get pregnant in the first month, but knew that without the monitor it would have taken much longer. We tried for 5 months prior to using the monitor and I already have a baby so was disappointed when it didn't happen quickly.
The only thing that I can say is not to get your hopes up, and give the monitor a shot. There are hundreds of reviews on amazon and other websites and I would frequently read them to get hope and encouragement.
I hope this helps and I hope you get your baby:)
Oh, I also used preseed which I think was very helpful in me getting pregnant. Its a sperm friendly lubricant! If you try the monitor for 3 months and no luck, try using preseed, it helps with your cervical mucous needed to have a baby.
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