A. They all use 802.11.
The difference is that some have 802.11 a, 802.11 b, 802.11 g or 802.11a/b or 802.11 a/b/g.
802.11b and 802.11g standards use the 2.4 GHz (gigahertz) band, operating (in the United States) under Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Because of this choice of frequency band, 802.11b and 802.11g equipment will suffer interference from microwave ovens, cordless telephones, Bluetooth devices, baby and security monitors, amateur radio and other appliances using this same band. The 802.11a standard uses a different 5 GHz band, which is clean by comparison. 802.11a devices are not affected by products operating on the 2.4 GHz band.
802.11a is best at home but not all public access point transmits in 802.11a.
The difference is that some have 802.11 a, 802.11 b, 802.11 g or 802.11a/b or 802.11 a/b/g.
802.11b and 802.11g standards use the 2.4 GHz (gigahertz) band, operating (in the United States) under Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Because of this choice of frequency band, 802.11b and 802.11g equipment will suffer interference from microwave ovens, cordless telephones, Bluetooth devices, baby and security monitors, amateur radio and other appliances using this same band. The 802.11a standard uses a different 5 GHz band, which is clean by comparison. 802.11a devices are not affected by products operating on the 2.4 GHz band.
802.11a is best at home but not all public access point transmits in 802.11a.
we found some baby cotton tails and we know the mom but she wiln't go back the are only 1 day old?
Q. we know what they eat but will they sevive
A. i'll give you the same answer i give everyone who calls me to take their bunnies.
chances are, mom is still caring for them. unless you have a confirmed dead body, assume she's still around. the momma only comes twice a day to feed them (after dark & right before dawn), and you aren't likely to notice it when she does. the rest of the time, she leaves them where they are.
it doesn't matter if you have touched them or disturbed the nest - she will not abandon them for smelling you on them. your scent pales in comparison to the babies' scents. theirs overpowers yours to her nose, so she will in all likelihood come back to feed them just as she did before. just leave them where they are (or put them back if you have moved them) so she can keep caring for them.
caring for wild baby bunnies is not as simple as giving them clover and grasses or warm milk formula. babies do NOT respond well to the shock of different food and being handled by humans. even if you do everything right, more than likely they die. the trauma that the change brings is simply too great for them to survive. even i have a difficult time keeping more than a handful alive, and i've been doing it for years with training and close vet monitoring.
their BEST chance at survival is to leave them for mom and keep an eye on them & keep kids & pets away from the nest. give them a few days to see if they are still looking good. if you see a dead mom somewhere near, then call your state's DNR/Wildlife Services they'll get a hold of a rehabber to care for them.
otherwise, the chances of them surviving (especially if they are only a day old) are very close to zero. leave them be. the mom will be back.
chances are, mom is still caring for them. unless you have a confirmed dead body, assume she's still around. the momma only comes twice a day to feed them (after dark & right before dawn), and you aren't likely to notice it when she does. the rest of the time, she leaves them where they are.
it doesn't matter if you have touched them or disturbed the nest - she will not abandon them for smelling you on them. your scent pales in comparison to the babies' scents. theirs overpowers yours to her nose, so she will in all likelihood come back to feed them just as she did before. just leave them where they are (or put them back if you have moved them) so she can keep caring for them.
caring for wild baby bunnies is not as simple as giving them clover and grasses or warm milk formula. babies do NOT respond well to the shock of different food and being handled by humans. even if you do everything right, more than likely they die. the trauma that the change brings is simply too great for them to survive. even i have a difficult time keeping more than a handful alive, and i've been doing it for years with training and close vet monitoring.
their BEST chance at survival is to leave them for mom and keep an eye on them & keep kids & pets away from the nest. give them a few days to see if they are still looking good. if you see a dead mom somewhere near, then call your state's DNR/Wildlife Services they'll get a hold of a rehabber to care for them.
otherwise, the chances of them surviving (especially if they are only a day old) are very close to zero. leave them be. the mom will be back.
My 4-year-old has been displaying behavior issues. Is this normal?
Q. Sorry in advance for the long description!
My 4-year-old daughter has always been a very high energy, high maintenance child. She is very intelligent and highly imaginative, but she needs constant stimulation and demands a lot of attention, which is difficult, because my husband and I both work full time. Recently, she's been displaying some behavior that concerns us. Every time I turn my back, she does something to make her 1-year-old brother cry, whether it means taking a toy he's playing with or restraining him somehow (including picking him up, blocking him in with pillows, etc). She gets frustrated easily and cries over everything that upsets her (which may very well be normal 4-year-old behavior).
My daughter is usually pretty good about letting me leave her at day care in the morning. (She and her brother attend the same day care center.) However, the past two times I have tried to leave her with her grandmother (whom she adores, and who adores her), my daughter gets hysterical. This morning, when I tried to leave, she began crying and clinging to me and asked me, "What happens if Mee-ma turns off all the lights and I get scared?" Mee-ma has never done that before! My daughter's imagination seems to be running away with her. She often poses frightening scenarios like this to me. More than once, she has expressed concern that a member of her family is going to die.
My daughter has also recently been giving me a lot of trouble going to bed at night. We have a well established routine, but even after I get her into bed, it takes 30-60 minutes or more to get her to go to sleep. She comes up with every excuse in the book to come out of her room or get me to come in. She and her brother share a room, so her behavior sometimes results in her waking the baby. Her newest "surefire" method to get me into her room is saying plaintively (so I can hear it over the baby monitor), "Nobody likes me. Nobody wants me around." Of course, I can't sit there and let her say these things to herself; I have to go in and comfort her.
My mother-in-law says this is the same behavior my husband displayed when he was young (especially tormenting the baby, which he did to his sister). However, when he was my daughter's age, his father had a stroke, and their family was thrown into turmoil. His mother was diagnosed bipolar, and he and sister were also diagnosed with the disorder. My husband had a very difficult childhood and was even sent off to boarding school as a teenager due to his behavior. Our family life is stable in comparison. I am loathe to consider the idea that there could be something "wrong" with my little girl, but it concerns me that she is displaying this kind of behavior and I am looking for some advice. I'm trying my very best to be patient with her, because she is a very special, intelligent, sensitive girl who needs stability, patience, and understanding in her life.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
My 4-year-old daughter has always been a very high energy, high maintenance child. She is very intelligent and highly imaginative, but she needs constant stimulation and demands a lot of attention, which is difficult, because my husband and I both work full time. Recently, she's been displaying some behavior that concerns us. Every time I turn my back, she does something to make her 1-year-old brother cry, whether it means taking a toy he's playing with or restraining him somehow (including picking him up, blocking him in with pillows, etc). She gets frustrated easily and cries over everything that upsets her (which may very well be normal 4-year-old behavior).
My daughter is usually pretty good about letting me leave her at day care in the morning. (She and her brother attend the same day care center.) However, the past two times I have tried to leave her with her grandmother (whom she adores, and who adores her), my daughter gets hysterical. This morning, when I tried to leave, she began crying and clinging to me and asked me, "What happens if Mee-ma turns off all the lights and I get scared?" Mee-ma has never done that before! My daughter's imagination seems to be running away with her. She often poses frightening scenarios like this to me. More than once, she has expressed concern that a member of her family is going to die.
My daughter has also recently been giving me a lot of trouble going to bed at night. We have a well established routine, but even after I get her into bed, it takes 30-60 minutes or more to get her to go to sleep. She comes up with every excuse in the book to come out of her room or get me to come in. She and her brother share a room, so her behavior sometimes results in her waking the baby. Her newest "surefire" method to get me into her room is saying plaintively (so I can hear it over the baby monitor), "Nobody likes me. Nobody wants me around." Of course, I can't sit there and let her say these things to herself; I have to go in and comfort her.
My mother-in-law says this is the same behavior my husband displayed when he was young (especially tormenting the baby, which he did to his sister). However, when he was my daughter's age, his father had a stroke, and their family was thrown into turmoil. His mother was diagnosed bipolar, and he and sister were also diagnosed with the disorder. My husband had a very difficult childhood and was even sent off to boarding school as a teenager due to his behavior. Our family life is stable in comparison. I am loathe to consider the idea that there could be something "wrong" with my little girl, but it concerns me that she is displaying this kind of behavior and I am looking for some advice. I'm trying my very best to be patient with her, because she is a very special, intelligent, sensitive girl who needs stability, patience, and understanding in her life.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
A. I don't have any kids but i would try just spending some time with your daughter. take her to a movie or something 4 yr olds like. maybe just bond and talk to her... the behavior does not sound that bad though... good luck..
Fair Settlement for Car Accident?
Q. My wife & unborn child were in a car accident 5 weeks ago. The girl at fault swirved into oncoming traffic due to self admitted driver inattention(swirved to miss a line of stopped cars)and struck the drivers side of my wife's car as she was turning left onto our street. My wife was rushed to the hospital & spent an hour in the ER and 5 hours hooked to a fetal monitor. My wife's left wrist was injured(X-ray taken at hospital showed no breaks but sprained). The baby had a steady heartbeat, but they could not say with certainty if she was uninjured. Our baby was born 9-8-07 and seems to have no injuries from the accident.
The girl at fault never notified her insurance company of the accident. We had to notify them after getting the police report. All our calls to her insurance company went unreturned for 3 weeks, when they finally gave us a rental car. They wrote us a check for our car(totalled). I'd rather not involve a lawyer so I want to know what an acceptable offer would be.
They offered a reasonable amount for the car. $4,250 for a 1996 Toyota Camry with 250,000 miles. We took the check, but have not signed a release. They have not made an offer for pain and suffering, or injuries as they were waiting for the baby to be born. Our insurance paid for medical bills which we need restitution ($2000). BTW, the girl at fault has still not contacted her insurance company, and all contact numbrs they have for her are disconnected.
The girl at fault never notified her insurance company of the accident. We had to notify them after getting the police report. All our calls to her insurance company went unreturned for 3 weeks, when they finally gave us a rental car. They wrote us a check for our car(totalled). I'd rather not involve a lawyer so I want to know what an acceptable offer would be.
They offered a reasonable amount for the car. $4,250 for a 1996 Toyota Camry with 250,000 miles. We took the check, but have not signed a release. They have not made an offer for pain and suffering, or injuries as they were waiting for the baby to be born. Our insurance paid for medical bills which we need restitution ($2000). BTW, the girl at fault has still not contacted her insurance company, and all contact numbrs they have for her are disconnected.
A. wow, i sure like coastcowboy, he is on the money with his answers.
as for the value of your camry sounds pretty good for the year and number of miles; you can go to NADA and Edmunds site and put in your auto for the value of your auto. there is a "misnomer" that insurance companies use kelly blue book. they dont, since blue book is for retail or pristine autos, not the normal car we all drive. the insurance company should have provided you with the details of how they came to value your auto;
ie; options, miles, wear/tear etc;
it should also note they did a comparison of other vehicles like yours in your area;
as for signing the release, it should only be for the auto only.
as for your wife injuries, congrats to your new baby. the insurance company wanted to verify that the baby was ok before any injury settlement would be offered. the emergency room did what they were supposed to do to verify your baby was not in harms way and your wife had a wrist sprain that was probably fine after a week; so they will offer a settlement to repay the medical bills your insurance paid and a "little" to your wife for her pain/suffering; but dont expect to take a vacation on this offer or you will be paying your credit card bills 6 months from now;
i have worked for 4 different insurance companies; 3 of them were "non standard", which means the people are high risk;
it is not uncommon for these insureds to not report an accident; their premiums are usually 2 to 3 times more than a "standard" policy would charge for the same coverage. it is not uncommon for these people to have 2 or 3 accidents w/in the 6 month policy.
the insurance company has a contract with the insured; they must 1st verify with the insured the details of the accident to verify she was at fault. since this girl did not report the accident, nor did she cooperate, they had at one point to make a decision to accept liabilty and pay for your damages and rental car. you are lucky that they did; since the policy states that the insured must cooperate in the investigation of any claim; they could have denied your claim for non-cooperation and i have worked in companies that have done this; at that point, your insurance company would have stepped in, subrogated her insurance company or gone after the girl individually.
be thankfull, they are trying to settle.
as for the value of your camry sounds pretty good for the year and number of miles; you can go to NADA and Edmunds site and put in your auto for the value of your auto. there is a "misnomer" that insurance companies use kelly blue book. they dont, since blue book is for retail or pristine autos, not the normal car we all drive. the insurance company should have provided you with the details of how they came to value your auto;
ie; options, miles, wear/tear etc;
it should also note they did a comparison of other vehicles like yours in your area;
as for signing the release, it should only be for the auto only.
as for your wife injuries, congrats to your new baby. the insurance company wanted to verify that the baby was ok before any injury settlement would be offered. the emergency room did what they were supposed to do to verify your baby was not in harms way and your wife had a wrist sprain that was probably fine after a week; so they will offer a settlement to repay the medical bills your insurance paid and a "little" to your wife for her pain/suffering; but dont expect to take a vacation on this offer or you will be paying your credit card bills 6 months from now;
i have worked for 4 different insurance companies; 3 of them were "non standard", which means the people are high risk;
it is not uncommon for these insureds to not report an accident; their premiums are usually 2 to 3 times more than a "standard" policy would charge for the same coverage. it is not uncommon for these people to have 2 or 3 accidents w/in the 6 month policy.
the insurance company has a contract with the insured; they must 1st verify with the insured the details of the accident to verify she was at fault. since this girl did not report the accident, nor did she cooperate, they had at one point to make a decision to accept liabilty and pay for your damages and rental car. you are lucky that they did; since the policy states that the insured must cooperate in the investigation of any claim; they could have denied your claim for non-cooperation and i have worked in companies that have done this; at that point, your insurance company would have stepped in, subrogated her insurance company or gone after the girl individually.
be thankfull, they are trying to settle.
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