Q. i know i need
baby food.
what else do i need i think i must have missed somthing
im just found out im 28 weeks preg onley 20yrs.
and dont have anyone to ask for advice
the father ran away 6mths ago.
please any advice
u can email me at Leilani77peru@yahoo.com
baby food.
what else do i need i think i must have missed somthing
im just found out im 28 weeks preg onley 20yrs.
and dont have anyone to ask for advice
the father ran away 6mths ago.
please any advice
u can email me at Leilani77peru@yahoo.com
A. You actually "NEED" very few things but here's some other very common things that most people have:
wipes (we like Kirkland {Costco} brand
changing table
dresser (our baby dresser doubles as changing table)
diaper pail (Diaper Genie~only really good until they start solids)
clothes hamper
Dreft (infant laundry detergent)
swing (I like the Graco open top)
bouncer (I like Fisher Price Ocean Wonders)
mobile (ours is by Sassy, definitely get the one with remote)
baby nail clippers
diaper rash ointment (A&D)
bottle of Febreze (some of the diapers STINK!)
board books
classical CDs to play in baby's room
toy box
mini hamper to carry tos from room to room
tummy time mat
boppy pillow
baby wash (I like the milk bath lavendar)
baby lotion
hooded towel
2 crib sheets and waterprood crib pads
swaddling blankets
car seat cover (I love ours by Kiddapotomus)
baby monitor (get one with 2 channels so you don't get interference)
wipes (we like Kirkland {Costco} brand
changing table
dresser (our baby dresser doubles as changing table)
diaper pail (Diaper Genie~only really good until they start solids)
clothes hamper
Dreft (infant laundry detergent)
swing (I like the Graco open top)
bouncer (I like Fisher Price Ocean Wonders)
mobile (ours is by Sassy, definitely get the one with remote)
baby nail clippers
diaper rash ointment (A&D)
bottle of Febreze (some of the diapers STINK!)
board books
classical CDs to play in baby's room
toy box
mini hamper to carry tos from room to room
tummy time mat
boppy pillow
baby wash (I like the milk bath lavendar)
baby lotion
hooded towel
2 crib sheets and waterprood crib pads
swaddling blankets
car seat cover (I love ours by Kiddapotomus)
baby monitor (get one with 2 channels so you don't get interference)
Baby registry out of control...totally not affordable, what do I do?
Q. For my baby shower, my sister in law got us a small package of Wal-Mart brand diapers that did not even cost five bucks. She said that they were saving for a house. I thought okay, they are broke, not a biggie a gift is a gift. Fast forward to now, she is having twins at the end of next month and her shower is in two weeks. Her mother e mailed the family with a list of what she needs. I checked the prices on the items� This list had nothing for under $100! Car seats that were one fifty each., a double pack and play for two hundred. A double stroller for two fifty. Baby monitor that was one fifty. A breast pump for three hundred. I was like WHAT? I would never have the nerve! So I am thinking that this is just what the mother sent out and she has no clue what peoples budgets are for showers. So I go online to look at her registry, that she registered for herself. THE SAME. Not one single thing on her registry was under $75.
Not that I am cheap, but c�mon. How do you ask people for your second baby shower to spend this kind of money and not give the option to buy less expensive , more affordable things. I just find this totally rude. My other sister in law is like, she is just on drugs if she thinks that we can afford to buy these expensive things for twins, it would be at least two hundred dollars for everyone attending!
So do I just ignore her and buy what I want within my budget�it is $75for each child. So $150 all together, witch I think is more than generous considering her gift to me. Or do I let her in on the fact that everyone is saying how her requests are just not affordable and let her know she needs to register for more affordable things.
I just cannot believe that she expects people to purchase these things. I knew my parents would buy a gift that was on the more expensive side, but friends and so on. An outfit or a package of bottles and I was happy. We are not in beverly hills and most of our friends are struggling like the rest of the country. I guess it is just embarrassing to me because we have a bunch of mututal friends. Should I tell her to check herself?
Not that I am cheap, but c�mon. How do you ask people for your second baby shower to spend this kind of money and not give the option to buy less expensive , more affordable things. I just find this totally rude. My other sister in law is like, she is just on drugs if she thinks that we can afford to buy these expensive things for twins, it would be at least two hundred dollars for everyone attending!
So do I just ignore her and buy what I want within my budget�it is $75for each child. So $150 all together, witch I think is more than generous considering her gift to me. Or do I let her in on the fact that everyone is saying how her requests are just not affordable and let her know she needs to register for more affordable things.
I just cannot believe that she expects people to purchase these things. I knew my parents would buy a gift that was on the more expensive side, but friends and so on. An outfit or a package of bottles and I was happy. We are not in beverly hills and most of our friends are struggling like the rest of the country. I guess it is just embarrassing to me because we have a bunch of mututal friends. Should I tell her to check herself?
A. When I was pregnant, I registered at Target and Baby's R Us. I personally wouldn't get much at Baby's R Us because of the prices, but some people don't mind spending the money. They feel that the quality is better if you spend more. On the registry welcome page, I put a note that said that the things on the list were ideas of things that I would like. I didn't mind if they bought the actual item, or if they got something similar for cheaper.
Don't bring up the fact that you think she's asking too much; that would only cause problems. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger," Proverbs 15:1. It's true, trust me!
If it were me, I would pick out a few items on the list that seemed different or unusual. The stroller, car seat, breast pump, are things that more than one person will likely get. Thus, she will have to exchange them. Pick out a few odd things, such as if she listed an outfit, look at the design, and find something similar at a cheaper store, or even a garage sale (Some of my favorite gifts I gave people I got from Thrift Stores or garage sales). Bibs are pretty useful. A pack of size 1 or 2 diapers would actually be a good idea, or even a big box of wipes from Sam's Club or Costco. They usually go for about $20, and there's 200 something wipes, if not more. They last!!
I hope everything works out. Don't allow tension to get to you; it's won't make anything better. Good luck with your shopping! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do the right thing!
Don't bring up the fact that you think she's asking too much; that would only cause problems. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger," Proverbs 15:1. It's true, trust me!
If it were me, I would pick out a few items on the list that seemed different or unusual. The stroller, car seat, breast pump, are things that more than one person will likely get. Thus, she will have to exchange them. Pick out a few odd things, such as if she listed an outfit, look at the design, and find something similar at a cheaper store, or even a garage sale (Some of my favorite gifts I gave people I got from Thrift Stores or garage sales). Bibs are pretty useful. A pack of size 1 or 2 diapers would actually be a good idea, or even a big box of wipes from Sam's Club or Costco. They usually go for about $20, and there's 200 something wipes, if not more. They last!!
I hope everything works out. Don't allow tension to get to you; it's won't make anything better. Good luck with your shopping! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do the right thing!
Suggested brands for baby items?
Q. Hey, just wondering what brands you all have as your favorites? I am 22 weeks pregnant and ready to start buying some of the early necessities. I am especially interested in what diapers everyone likes. What brand do you use and why do you use it? If you did use any other brands in the past, what made you switch? Also, what items did you find to be absolute life savers? Any advice on ANY baby products will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
I can't believe you would think I meant for style. I mean safety, reliability, and just generally people's experiences. The one thing I don't care at all about are the clothes, as long as they fit, keep him warm and are clean I really don't care.
I can't believe you would think I meant for style. I mean safety, reliability, and just generally people's experiences. The one thing I don't care at all about are the clothes, as long as they fit, keep him warm and are clean I really don't care.
A. We use Huggies diapers because we can buy them in huge cases at Costco (sometimes we buy Pampers on amazon.com when they have a sale that makes them cheaper than the Huggies). I've used Luvs, but don't like that they don't have stretchy sides. Also, I personally found that when we used generic we had to change them more often so any savings was wiped out.
For wipes we use the Kirkland (Costco) brand. However, the next best are the Paren't Choice at Walmart. After that are Huggies, and then Pampers. Dollar store are the worst because they are so thin.
One of my little "secrets": Rather than buying the travel size wipes, just put a few from your large tub into a ziplock bag and put that into the diaper bag.
The Huggies disposable changing pads are great for the diaper bag for those times you have to change your baby on the floor of a restaurant or store restroom (and then learn to avoid those stores in the future).
Get the mobile that takes batteries and comes with a remote control.
Don't waste money on a wipes warmer or bottle warmer.
Get the regular size swing if you have room (and don't be wooed by the ones that have a zillion speeds, you only end up using 2)
A trash can outside your front door is the best place to put diapers, I've yet to hear of an indoor diaper disposal that can handle the stench once they start solids (and it only gets worse when they switch to regular milk).
A bottle of Febreze is a must next to the changing table.
Avoid the outfits that come with accessories (hats, shoes, booties, etc) because they cost more and the accessories NEVER fit.
A monitor is great if you're going to be outdoors while the baby is sleeping, but if you are in the house you will hear every sound your child makes without a monitor (its some type of special mommy hearing, LOL)
A bassinet is a wast of money.
If you're going to save coupons for baby items, make sure you put them in your purse (I can't tell you how many times I've gotten to the checkout line and have been able to tell the clerk exactly where the coupon is sitting on my computer desk AT HOME).
For wipes we use the Kirkland (Costco) brand. However, the next best are the Paren't Choice at Walmart. After that are Huggies, and then Pampers. Dollar store are the worst because they are so thin.
One of my little "secrets": Rather than buying the travel size wipes, just put a few from your large tub into a ziplock bag and put that into the diaper bag.
The Huggies disposable changing pads are great for the diaper bag for those times you have to change your baby on the floor of a restaurant or store restroom (and then learn to avoid those stores in the future).
Get the mobile that takes batteries and comes with a remote control.
Don't waste money on a wipes warmer or bottle warmer.
Get the regular size swing if you have room (and don't be wooed by the ones that have a zillion speeds, you only end up using 2)
A trash can outside your front door is the best place to put diapers, I've yet to hear of an indoor diaper disposal that can handle the stench once they start solids (and it only gets worse when they switch to regular milk).
A bottle of Febreze is a must next to the changing table.
Avoid the outfits that come with accessories (hats, shoes, booties, etc) because they cost more and the accessories NEVER fit.
A monitor is great if you're going to be outdoors while the baby is sleeping, but if you are in the house you will hear every sound your child makes without a monitor (its some type of special mommy hearing, LOL)
A bassinet is a wast of money.
If you're going to save coupons for baby items, make sure you put them in your purse (I can't tell you how many times I've gotten to the checkout line and have been able to tell the clerk exactly where the coupon is sitting on my computer desk AT HOME).
Napping Safety - Need Ideas and Help?
Q. My daughter has recently become mobile, and with it came another thing�sneakiness. Today I had the baby monitor on, and as soon as I heard a peep I went in to check on her. She was already up and getting into things. I'm concerned she's going to take a dive off the side of the bed, and I won't even know until it's too late.
Are there safe things I can use to keep her up there? She's past the stage of the wall of pillows (she thinks pillows are fun to climb), and I'm a little leery of using guard rails as they are made for older children (worried she'll fall just right and get her neck or limbs caught).
Also, I remember there being bells for baby shoes. Are there anklets like that which can make noise? I'd love it, because I would know if she was moving.
Are there safe things I can use to keep her up there? She's past the stage of the wall of pillows (she thinks pillows are fun to climb), and I'm a little leery of using guard rails as they are made for older children (worried she'll fall just right and get her neck or limbs caught).
Also, I remember there being bells for baby shoes. Are there anklets like that which can make noise? I'd love it, because I would know if she was moving.
A. Ideally if she is only just becoming mobile I would still have her in a crib or pack n play. How old is she? Beds are usually best used from around age 2, until then a crib of some sort is safest. You can pick up second hand ones dirt cheap from ebay or yard sales.
If thats not an option I would get a bed rail like this one to keep her from rolling off the bed and put a step stool at the end of the bed so she can get down safely if the bed is high. I used both with mine and neither ever fell off the bed but they were 22-24mths when they went into a single bed. My 18mth old is not ready for a bed yet even tho he has one in his room as I know he would get up and down and generally be a pain in the butt! Pillows are useless and don't prevent any accidents. Its a false sense of security
get one of these.
I also might put an old mattress or a nest of pillows on the floor so if for some reason she does come off she has a soft landing :)
I wouldn't do the bell thing. if she rolls around in her sleep it will jingle and she might wake up.
better to just keep an ear on the monitor with the volume at full blast and keep putting her back in her bed each time she gets out
If thats not an option I would get a bed rail like this one to keep her from rolling off the bed and put a step stool at the end of the bed so she can get down safely if the bed is high. I used both with mine and neither ever fell off the bed but they were 22-24mths when they went into a single bed. My 18mth old is not ready for a bed yet even tho he has one in his room as I know he would get up and down and generally be a pain in the butt! Pillows are useless and don't prevent any accidents. Its a false sense of security
get one of these.
I also might put an old mattress or a nest of pillows on the floor so if for some reason she does come off she has a soft landing :)
I wouldn't do the bell thing. if she rolls around in her sleep it will jingle and she might wake up.
better to just keep an ear on the monitor with the volume at full blast and keep putting her back in her bed each time she gets out
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Title Post: can anyone give me a list of what i need for a newborn?
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